~ ...................................... . , . . . <4ittj^!^!imf/^a)ii^r!ai>^^'!S^'ir Ŵsi u ' S P B C lA i 0 ) 1 ^ 1 , _ I^ tru c tlo n ta individual units,. ............g^ g ^ H L . - : . ^ ^ , _____ ___________ ? ? R . ! H M > l g ^ i a i» > " B f .w i^ ^ w7*T3Zb '*' fn<»ftiiifntf "* ^ '» 7-.... ■ be«m after,the new year, and as- "Is the y n i y w ^ Conce^ment and camouflage, sistanoe and cooperation has Man. Evolved by Atomic woodcraft, making of shelters, been offered by numerous ski jje (he supjc^fc*^x-^e-^»^^^ under unfavorable" clubs " and'^'^^their Instructors in all >nurcnea m ciroumstances, and the care of throughout the country. skiis, harness and weapons form ________-_______ part of the three^Weeks' rhrw'scientistron Sunday. t o t Is: '*Thju •aith tlie Lord th a t created the £1,veils; God himself th a t form- P(1 the earth and made i t , . * . I n . t h e I^ rd : and there is none uke" (Isaiah 45. 18). « ^ Among the citations which the Lesson-Sermon is from thaTB iblelcomprise . oA ndrSold. they brought to course now being given the Canadian Arm y'a advance class of instruc- ors a t Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Troops, scout and patrol move ment in snow-covered terrain ra ther than the fine points of skiing is being concentrated on. Practical work includes long Hiere*U A lw ays fie A n E ngland JHb w w w Hs Ew S S s S S p w HtS # ' SAND. GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, " ASPHALT PREMIX. ' ftOAD MLA^IimiAU LIMITED Phone North U41 ___ or ALF ELLIS, West 823-L ...................... "Freddie.'V Skid the teacher, r'i.u 1 1 cross country patrols and a night "ffive me a sentence using the I in, B man sick of the palsy, ,ly- spent in tho field before the «'ord diadem." f< i i ig o n II bed: and J e M s .^ in g school*closes on December 2 1 s t. , Freddie out , o f h i s sub- iheir faith said unto th e slcK of jg expected to develop conscious store ol' worldly wis- the palsy: Son, be of good cheer; finished ski troops, nor is this d i w this, thy sins be forgiven thee viyiat- objective, but ra ther to teach "Drivers who liurry across .tliew 9:2). , troops to move on skiis so ,tha t railroad crossings diadem sight The hesson-bermon aiso^ in- jjjj^y fig ^fijg op^ratd and quicker than those who stop, eludes the following passage not become immobilized by snow, look and listen." froih the Christian Science tex t- ........... , book "Scienbe and H ealth w ith Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mind's control over the universe, including man, \\s no longer an open question, but is d^^monstrable Science. Jesus illustrated the divine'Prin ciple and the power of immortal^ Mind by healing sickness and sin and destroying t.he foundations of death." « "Let me kiss those tears away, sweetheart," he begged tenderly. She fell into his armp, b.ut the tears flowed on. . "Can nothing stop them ?" he asked breathlessly. "No," sho mumrumed, "It's hay fever, but go on with the iroalm ont." ------ "Thi.s cHstlo hiiH Htodti for six hun- yonrs. Not a atono has boon idui'hod, nothing nltri'od, nothing ro- |>laeo(i." "They must have llio same lami- h>rd wo liavo,*' Xmas Greetings ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH , . to . THEIR CUSTOMERS AND ,0RIENDS . ' from , •..• HALL FUEL CO. 1447 Marine Drive Phone West 1091 I (i The second sermon in the- ' Prayer Book Series pf Sermons being delivered by. the Kector; dealt with the Purpose of the Prayer Book In prpviding for the orderly reading of the Scriptures and following in sequence the life and teaching o f Our Lord Jesus Christ. This was shown in •the following of the C hris tian 'I (̂1 "Year--AlivefTt ~to"TriM ty.. The' order of the_ Prayer B^pqk was further shown in its provision' for every occasion in our earthly; pilgrimage from birth to our (de parture. a," . The construction'of alL ser vices is designed to secure inter change between Priest and Peo ple, "Togetherness" J s one, of the characteristic words _ of ' the ' Church's teaching as shown by many prayers and .phrases in the-Book.-Matins and-Evensong were considered item by item relating bhem to th e thought Jjj that these services are really an extended" way of saying the . X _i_Lord!s-Erayer.^___ :__ _̂____ i__ ------ V--- H i i 4 Vi, ■ . . .. ' 5? J u n f! n I IIIi Buck and Bud had not soon each other for sovorol years when they mot at n Logjon convention. "Hullo, Bud, old Bcouti Howsa "Sho's In heaven," repHod Bud sor- sow fully .' "Is that so? I'm sorry," Then re alizing that this did not sound quite right, Buck . added. "I--'L mean I'ni glad-- no, that is to say, I-- I'm sur prised." VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SBAULB Phono West 9 Fortillz()r8 of All Kinds, . APCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies li t Say Merry Xmas WITH FLO W ERS Carefully handled,;. carefully delivered anywhere in West or North. Vancouver ; , . , -------HOLLY'WREATHS------=-------- MISTLETOE^------ W E ST V A N FLORIST 18th and Marine West 305 fj ♦)! i fS_0 i T H i | | | | | | | | | | H olly burn Grill extends7its b«st w^ ̂ ' MERRY XMAS and a .PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We also wish to express our appreciation of the Jean will enjoy ■ t l » e '" ? ^ 8 ) ® n ; i s . ?Sg* ' Jean is one girl who wijl fully enjoy the holiday sea son, "With its happy whirl of parties, dances and in formal get-togethers. Near ly every ring of her fele- phone-will-give-promise of some -new pleasure. And she'll appreciate it all the more because a while ago. her family wias w ithout a telephone and she found she missed so many affairs just because i t was so hard to get in touch with her. SPEOAL Sawdust ............. Dry Slabs ....... ....$6.00 per cord Inside Pir:-- from sh e d ........$0.00 per cord * "from mill ...;....$5.te per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord -Slabs &J)dKing8.$3.76 per cord PIUTAM'S FUEL Phono North 620 Form No. L6 (Section .87) LAND ACT Notice o f Intlention to Apply to Lease Land . KING TO SPEAK patronage accorded us during thb past year -CHRISTMASJDAY™;-,^ His Majesty will address Em-" pire in special CBC broadcast. His Majesty, JCing (teorge VI, will speak to 'h is people during a special programme on C hrist mas Day to be released oyer the national network of* , th e Cana- ian Broadcasting Corporation from 5 to 6:10 a.m. .The pro gramme will be rebroiadcast a t 5 p.m. PST. -His-Majesty--will--open--this^ u hour-long broadcast presented by the BBC " to^reflect-Christm as - Day in a land a t war. The radio spotlight will flash from scene to scene throughout war-time Britain. pSx>m the mu- ^̂10 of a hymn in one English Cathedral, the bro^ciast "w ill . swteh to the voices of evacuat ed children in a country home. . then messages from t h d r fa thers and brothers' oh active ser^ ; vice will̂ be hep,rd. . Also listed for the programme will be members of the Polish; Air Force,' the Czech Arm y in . Britain, Allied troops in the Near Jî ast as well as those in Eng land. The hroiadcast w ill close with a, description rof a 'C h ris t- / , 7 ' ^as dinner in an air ra id shelter. ' J . Seed's Motor Service II ----- Îii--V ancou ver-Land-Kocording =Dis--- -trict. of Group One_New .Westminster Di.strict. and situate on the "^foreshore and bed of' Garrow Bay in front of Parcel 1 o f Block B of D istiict Lot 430 as shown on a plan doposited in the Land Registry " Office at Vancou ver and there known as Reforenco Plan No. 1809, *■ Take notice that Thomas Garrow of ̂ i W est Vancouver, occupation boatman, intends to apply for a lease of tho following described lands: Commencing a t a post planted at the south west corner of said Parcel 1; . thence . w esterly along, the. produc- ,. tion of the"south boundary thereof '̂ 25 feet; thence north 610 feet more or less; thence east 110 fee t more or less to north rwest corner of said Pateel 1; tlmpco southerly along shore t)f-Garrow~Bay^^o^'ornf^ofrcommei^ ' containing three acres, .. THOMAS ̂ GARROW. H. McL, Elliott, AgFhtr Dated, November 1st, 1940. (R. J. SEEDS) 15th and Marine Drive Extend 40 their customers and friends THE SEASON'S GREETINGS Then there was the Scotsm an Who ® Ways worked his cross'word puzzles' 'ertically so he wouldn't have to'com e * across. • ' ' FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per,cord' Phone ̂ day o r n ig h t This advertisement is not.publi'shed or Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Plaee Your Job Printing with T b .W ..ly New.