- ' ! >' .>..*- I , -' I . . .<̂'•'uV,.. r'-x- 'H.'. - % * û'P«W W ^^m 9 , *a*»*-̂-»/*■--••'î «̂- ni#«i*§|! nM •ammmmrnmmm P ^ M b W 12th. 1!Mn 'Phm'Wat*l<!------ A a '- i i8 W '^ F '~ S n ii t i l -----•U U M ^W m ttn f r -- OaUrnrr Scrrlc* . MuUd/ A cem t FRtDAV and SATURDAY, DKCBMBBR 13th and 14th MEATS» #* ##»«k *»( #-* « # *s* i»>*M#15«25e ,!0c '..7c .S7c ...6e ,.20c .26c TABLE KlU8~.J*oun<i MINCBMEA IV-. ̂ tb«........... ......... IU*d & White ilraiMl TOMATO » JUICE--25.0*. tin ......... ..... COHN FLAKES--Quaker, FkL COFFEE--Aunt MaryV Found SUNLIGII THOAF--Cake .......... Kunkiat NAVEL OKANGES-- Medium aljte, dozen............... ..... Larire nlze, dozen...................... . SunkiNt JUICV I.EM0N8 -- Large aize, 6 for ...... 13c ITIKISTMAH BAKING NEEDS Wild ItoHe FA8THV FLOUR-- lOilh. Hack .......... 46c Red & White b a k in g FOWDBR-- 12-oz. tin ........................................17c Brfmfull s h o r t e n in g --Lb..........I3c NjiMib HUM or BHANDY EXTRACT | . 2.0Z. bottle ......... ,.,„..28c IV Ih ■ Glace Fineapule - Cherriea CuVrnntH - HaiHiiut - In fact, every thing you Heed (or laat-minute Baking Weal 370 BEEF PORE LAMB VEAL AllGradeA&.Ai Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily Red & WhIU? CARROTS and FEA8-- B(|iial tin ................. .............................l i e Red & White TOMATOES-- 2 large 2'/z tliiB .......... .................26c Red Si White Golden GREEN CUT MiKANS--Tall tin ............ ,..,.........9c F IB M C MEETING , ,..*..^(GWBtIiitte<i4roim PM« I).,...,.,, ance was not enaugh.̂ ^̂ ^̂ W repafurs and small additions had been made but public schools "-'"floors"would-'Sdon havo'i;o*be"fe*-*«** newed. The manual graining classes, so highly regarded H n Victoria for tneir work, needed new quarters. He thanked the I.O.D.E. for the Book. Exchange and the Lions' Club for a sChol- Free Dellrery arship. Police tJommission , i Commissioner Joy reported . th a t the police force was very efficient. They had handled 2000 cases and secured 03^1 convic tions* There had been 47 traffic •accidents, and 3 of them fatal. The patrol mileuife was 42,300 miles Councillor W. jjickirisoit (Fin ance--For the ninth time he oould present a balanced budget with all bills paid add the sink ing fund intact- Due to receipts being higher than estimated they would have a $30,000 sur SASS & POORS. sm N O tE S , FLTW 0OB0. lA f H ...... .>.«i • ' iMi V TW%lr%lt V i s t a '. ....Wit A V IT' A ir* «ml ' Af«ait«l CANADA PAINT COMPANir L m Tlt«re fa no sttbstltiite for QttidRy WEST VANCOUVER l U m p ^ C O . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClaBsified Advertiaomenta ig 2 centa per word, minimum 26 centa. Except In the case of thoao having regular account!, all dasai. fleda are payable strictly in advance! , Remember ClaaslOcds in the West Van. News get immediate resulu. GORDON ROBSON - Barriater & .Solicitor. 510 W. Hastings. Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time , by appointment. West 408._______ ___ PEMBERTON REALTY CORF. LTD. (Established 50 years), 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271 LAWSON, WALKER & PRlDfi 1704 Marine Drive West 55 Local Reprosontative, P, Bayliss (Notary Public) 243G* Bellevue Ave. West 522-R MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Pernianents; only best materialu used. Expert operators: Phone 1.Bank ®W est-304, Royal, Building. l ADIES' COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY plus to carry foi-ward so there CONVALESCENTS, a n d„ pa y i n g should .be no increase in taxes'. guests. West 819-L. Re the $103,000 Alberta Bonds LOANS Owing to the Christmas holi day Heuson, the ladies' branch of toys and books for th e local S an U Claus Fund. Toe H have , , i 'qko' 4.1, ,, jl.uaiyo orovided a room in th e D undar- ,• " . ,5 they were carried Dominion Housing Loan, Home Own- otr S.iir»ol fnr a Renair Shot) sinking fund , as er's L o a n , Builder's Loans, negotmt-ave ocnooi 101 a ivepair .onop 4.i,„ i„.., --1.. ..4 r.,ii vooi oatnio *u>r. t k r i / 'h m W 1 1 f ^ / k A I Q \ 7 A F * \ r n l l A V 1429 H. A. ROBERTS XJTD. Ck>rnplete Rdalty Service Marine Drive West 646 per the law and while only now worth 65, would be paid a t par ed immediately, full real estate ser vice -- Notary Public -- Insurance. Percy Masterman, 2440 Marine Dr., West 1077. ■ J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol- icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone •West 21. or West 658-R-l. - L or on D(^ember 24lh. There,will . ie rc y ' Jen'ner, Went 66B-L, are . (Works) Iwi tvrv . ,« 4 : t l ..t....... ... n « ; i o « , r i n f O r m a t i O U XMAS PHOTOS--Three 5 X 7 photos CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust .. burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale, North 822. ^ jc no practice,after tha t until in charge, and any information should\p lm rr ie f l i January 14th, ~ when regular may be obtained by telephoning, oinking fond nf S««PACIN«W,Sutherla»l TOY SHOP The members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I.Q.D.E, have undertaken to collect and repair oyt . b<i aiipre,dated and the commit- -tee only ask tha t donations are not left until too late for dis tribution. "Calling all Toys.'Pf ■f' ;| l | : fi 1'^ ^ ' LOTS OF PUN AND FRIZES AT THE ^AMATEUR N IG H l^ Friday, Dec. 13th , 8 p.tn, AUDrrORlUM, INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Singing,-Dancing, Stunts,-Lucky Raffles, Music and Sketches By Young and Old for Young and Old Sponsored by the Lions*. Club of West Vancouver PROCEEDS TO W^*ST VANCOUVER CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Conic and help the Lion.s* to aid those who are not so fortunate Admission--AduItH 2.'w Children under 14 10c or 'll can of fruit or vegetables value not less than 10c ' Tickets may be.obtained at McNeil & McCue Drug Store Bon 'I'on Confectionery, or at the door - ... . ■ YOU'LL BE THERE FRIDAY NIGHT in year's ., to the fund. $82,000 had been spent on roads. He gave details of his trip to Ottawa re -waterwo^dcs loan/by which he had been able to save the municipality $85,000. Any trouble in the municipality was due to growing pains. As Reeve, he promised the School Board--and_Eolice_Commission- full cooperation and a sympath-^ West 483 or North 678. FOR SALE--5 room house ŵith new ' furnace, $2650. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 66 PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West - 1022-L. ROOM AND BQARD available near bus and ferry. West 1075-L. FOR SALE OR RENT--Fine tone hand-made violin of very old wood. Phone W. 1066-Rl. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store and house- fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 740, West 443-R. FOR SALE -- Small English Doll -Prani, as - new,- $4.00.-1051--Marine- CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. Drive. s^'lrSSS?|iwfiip! B f iS l i ■ l i l K l I H M liisSSi is*s)5WiaiiP® H i R I I I Mm .swV' # s p p ^ p f l ....- ' f t e * l i f l i i * i T v S l M t cH - vi: I > ! ' "I f - 1 1 1 p i / •• 'I-J*; ?"'3 's', t:/,. ; • 15;;̂ V > I !' ■ f l i f f e i J f h - IIV f I SlIfPSiM etic hearing to any approaching him on municipal problems. CouBcillor J. Richardson (W ater.'and L ight)--The prob lem of water was liot yet solv ed, because steel was now diffi cult to obtain. The purchase of water this year from the (5.V. W-B, had doubled due to drought. T hey had put in 195 services and now'"had 2851 connections, .also' were putting in a dam at Eagle Lake to be used for west end supply. They had now 249 street lights. , Councillor K. A. Ray~ (Trans- WANTED--Child's used ̂car in good condition for boy 6 years. W. 24^-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. , Palmer, Capilanoi North 811-R-2. , FOR SALEP-Lyton Clothes Wringer, good condition. W. 320-L. ONLY $250 for close in lot with- southerly slope, near Amble^ide.' Terms if required. ,C. J. Archer'Ltd; West 225. ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 Mathers Ave. Phone, W. 116. 20 years experience in radio, repairs, instaillations and sales. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, aU risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 49.91 or West 1065-Ll. ^ p o r ta tip n ) -^ They had reducSi transpprtatrp2prpsg" by:: '̂n^^^ n y \ w i v \ o > i- FOR SALE--English walnut furniture --Buffet. Hall Stand, 2 carpet back chairs, serving table, 4 occasional end" tables, electric washing mach ine, adjustable pedestal bed tray, etc. 121 28th ,SL " ------------ l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop; 1449 __ Marine. ^ FOR-SALE--GirPs-Hiking-Boots,-size- 5iA;Tp„air"" girl's;boots and tubJ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Ealso- mining; first class w ork/at reason- able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R. prtnmflrAH writh 4?.. o-/2 ; .p ju r g in s boots and tube fgi:----- ska.tas,-.size-Vmew-c<mdi4â ny-$2v5Q-̂ 711139, due to cooperation o f staff. each, W.«i044-L -The-loss~on~the™ ferrieS"for "n in e ' RE-ROOPING--GENUINE DUROID -ShIngleSj-- attractive/-- p̂ermanent- months was only $7,991.06, and the Council would decide if they were to be continued in the future. The new city bus seiwice should be very profitable, but the extent would depend oii the loyalty of the public. At the conclusion of the meet ing a vote of thanks and ap preciation for Reeve Leyland.was sponsored by F.' A. Beddard, sec onded by S. Cross, and carried -unanimously-.---____ __________ FOR SALE -- Child's electric train set extra track and switches, cheap. Call evenings W. 34-L. - » , ■ ■ • . • .-w :v'. ■, ■ • .■• X" ̂*» Have roof measured now; free esti- ' mates. R. B. "Grids','vWest' 8̂8=̂ Br F. V". Findlay. West 494-R; RELIABLE GIRL would mind.child ren day Or evenings. - Phonb W. 411-M. .. ^ LOST Sunday, Dec. 8th, from car between 25th and 29th, boy's sweat er, North Shore College, gray 'with red and green trimmings. W. 436-Y3. . ~ COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed.. ' " Real _ E^tate,__Insurance, Rentals' R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD 1405 Marine .Dr., West Vancouver Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L FOR SALE--Doll's house, and child's sulky, W; 422-R. • WEST Va n c o u v e r m essen g er SERVICE^--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. FOR SAL£f--Berried holly trees, - to 4 feet high. West 159-R2:------ T LOST -- Red CoCker Spaniel, male, Dundarave district. W. -- Black male cocker spaniel, Pwnce," license No. 87806; Return to Father Van. West 540. WANTED -- Modern home in' good location. If suitable will pay up to $7,500 cash. Particulars to ,Bo»vJ?0 West Van. News. ^ ^ ' GORDOljr ROBSON'----Barrister^ir^l . Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. FOR RENT--Four rooms, two bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, full size _ basement. Apply .1373 Ravwood. RECONDITIONED and guaranted bi cycles and wheel goods. F. Jones Bicycle Shop, '1439 Marine, West 712-M. BICYCLE--C.C.M. 20-in. drop lframe io AA painte^>^ith $8.00 new parts,-snap, at » Also Regal open face heater, $5.00. 1430 Argyle Ave. h a n d y ANN SHOP. 2442 Marine. "TOYS and GAMES" Xmas Cards.. Seals, Tags, Fancy Wraps, Children's Booksr TRIMMING and Topping Tre^, fair prices. Phone West 56-Rl. between 6 and 7. CHILD'S TABLE AND CHAIR SETS Chests of Drawers, Bureaus, Doll's I î'opside Cribs, etc. Scott. 1243 Duchess. West 1121-R.FOR SALEJ---Fuli-gize English pram,complete storm cover, good condi- ___________ tion, cost $45.007new, $15.00. Also C.C.M. BICYCLES, Wheel Goods. anH baby's convertible auto lammock ■ 'I c e -S k a te s at F re? J o ^ ; B ^ FOR SALEt--5 room, house close in> attractive, good view. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 65 comptee^vuh ™ «ress,?2.00. Pho/o . 1̂ S9 MariSk f f p h o t WANTEID -- Little boy's motorcar with peddle arrangement. Phone W. 154-M. ITIHE iriaadly tpeorUe omid iiudkw* wholaioma good* X aoM oi those two 8yqp«d> boon will moko your Chiistmooi gothetlnqs comj^to.7 .fiotdt heoi a diafinctivo doUdous flavor -- both wiU load on oidhUoraflag tong to youif holtdoy, fosttvides. . ORDER EARLY! P8<^ Hilda* $474 TOR (BEB PEUyCRY TWODUCTS OF A SSOCtA TED B Ft,C w em R tt O r . CANADA LtM ITEO C A P I L A W O B R E W I N G C O . LTD ; :0 fHi «Qvvn[iiffiiffif r If - noc ■poblisKpd or dimlayed by'-' Goiwrilment of BriHsh Oal< tf̂ Uquer Control Board or by the FOR SALE -- Thor EJlectric Ironer; first class condition, $20 cash. W. 326-M. S ee p u r X M A S STO CK SELECT^ FOR, LOCAL SERVICE AT CITY PRICES - Your Support of a Home Store is Appre^ated ^ Parker Pens. Pencils, StaUdnery, Bill .rolds. Playing Cards, Games, etc. 1 r ki*S £1 up* BOOKS -r- Fiction and Non-Fiction. Children's Books. X » U S De r a t i o n s for the T ree/T able and Home, Candles, 'Dable^ cloths, Napldns, Crackers, G ift Wraps. ' W e s t y s m S t a t i o i i e r s & L i b r a r Y 1644' IVf A PVXrrî rbT>T'«rî r\ ^1644 Ma r i n e JJRIVE Open unUl g p.m. « Phone WEST 687 WANTED--Girl, general housework* jSIeep in or put. W. 956-L after 7 ,p.m. WANTED --A'Small house, 4 to 6 rooms, not over $3000. Please mail particulars to Box; 90, West Van._ News. 7; fo r r e n t --2 cottages, 1 on Watei front, l*on" Marine .-Drive;-unf^j liished,, furnish^* or semi-furni f̂i ed. W. 1021. fo r RENT-:l5 rooms, Waterfr Verandah, halconyl lovely view, 1 W. 10Q6-L .' , fo r REJNT--rNicely furnished 2, 3 or 4 room suite,.one block from ferry; _adults. 1358 Clyde Ave^________ FOR RENT-- 6 rooms. $18. „Ph® after six. W. 10'64-L.