m A HARVEY SMITH * Solicits your supiiort of his candidature for ~ C O U N C n L L O R , ^ l r d 4 1 - 4 X - - proprietor of Smith's Grocery (Ked and White) for past 15 years,, and knows West Vancouver's problems IF elected my policy W ill be to maintain and extend all Municipal Services Under careful m anagem ent w ithout increasing taxation. Taylor* who hfta. 3̂011 absent in the Eastern States for several pionths, will return from WashiuKlon, D.C., on December 14th.iii A )ii p e n g u i I t (0 a i r y L u n c h 163^ Marine DriveDrive Cream in Summer is Refreshment** '̂Icc Cream in Winter is a POOD*' Frozen Fresh Daily at Our Fountain Our Rich, ■ Flavorful Ice Cream Surely "Hits the Spot" Lunchî s •, Hamimrgers PHONE WEST 1057 SHOP IN COMFORT Buy your G h r i s t i f i a s G if ts AT • THE STORE OF QUALITY You I'ay No More -- Save Time, Worry and Money Kayser H osiery i 1 Thread Chiffon, I' 6 Thread Semi-Service. Pair ..i.79c ' 4 Thread C repes 7 Thread Semi-Service, 3 Thread. Chiffon. Pair ........ ;$1.00 1 3 Thread Chiffo^ Duro Sole, Pair ....................$1.15 l(l 3 Thread Sans-Run. Chiffon, , vj Non-run. Pair ...... .̂.. ............$1.25 la 9 Thread Heavy Service* Pair $1.35 All new shades. Sizes 8^2 to 10 Vz Chenille Campus ■'Hose for Girls- 0 Colors, Navy, Scarlet, Green, Wine and Royal. Sizes 8'/2 to WVz. Pair ..... .............. ...........39c Women's ' Slips--In Radiuni: Satin- ii» Suede and Lock-knit; white i and tearose. Small, med. arid large. Each ................ ...........$1.00 Rayon Slips--̂ Plain or Self Stripe. ̂ White and tearose. Each ....!...79c Loick-Knit Bloomers and Panties- ,1. White and tearose. Small, med. V. and large. Each ................ .-..v..-49c ■ I' Radium Satin Panties, lace trim- -K__medJThite, tearose. Small, med. |l and large. E ach ..........'...............79c f:li Mrs, T. A. Spencer is among those who will spend the holi day season in the East. She will leave shortly to join her son, David Spencer, in Toronto. Mrs. Mary Cameron Riddell Caulfeild, entertained Tuesday a t an after-five party in her West End home.)fi ■■■■ ♦ Id' ' Mr. and Mrs. l*oi)o have mov ed from 2372 JelTerson Aye. into a house a t 2584 Bellevue Ave.Id Id A A t the W est Vancouver Police Court on Wednesday morning of last week a local motorist was fined $5 fOr driving tlirough the stop sign a t 13th and Marine Drive while a yoiing fellow who pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy was given six months IR in Oakalla the warrant, being ft withheld to give him u chance to A Han*y Gaines, c h a i r m a n o f the committee in charge of the recently held Beneflt Concert i» Inglewood Auditorium, reports tha t as a result of i t $84 has been turned over to the West Vancouver Overseas C igarette and Tobacco Fund. This will purchase 25,200 cigarettes. Men tio n in this connection should be made of the good work of the members of the Barbarians Girls' Auxiliary, who sold home- , made candy to the audience. Bennett's BAKERY BUTl'ERCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SFECIAlr CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. XMAS CAEBS l>ark, Light, and Cherry Cukes Made to order. Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dr. Phono W, 27 tK ♦I! V i )! ♦I X i n e e r i e .. .......... K»y.er, N»h-uu". Panto, Briefs, | Municipality. Bloomers and Vests* White and. \ -nr ij: f /■>*Tearose. Sn̂ dll, med. and large, jy Mr. and Mrs. Gattie of Cy- Each.................................... 59c ;fr press" Park" have~"purchased"^a ! ' , W Pmi.qfi nt Travers Ave. and' Kayser Silk Cordials - Vests Bloomers - Panties. White and x • ■ - - tearose. Each ....iv...........,..,$1.00--ft ---posses|mn.. . ^ Kayser - Twiniside - Taffeta Slips. . J Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Van couver have mioved into their new home at 2854 Nelsbn Ave. The death occurred in Ladner last Friday of A rthur Kershaw, father of Ernest Kershaw, Who resides here. Funeral services for the deceased, who,was in his 75tih year, were held a t 2:30 p.m. Monday in New W estmin ster, the Rev. S. V. H. Redman officiating, followed by crema tion. Mrs. Philip A. Curry en ter tained informally a t luncheon last 'Friday at her residence on the_Bjtitish PtLcifio Properties. White, tearose, navy, black. Sizes 32 to 44. Bach ............ Kayseru Two Star - Satin Slips White and fearose. Sizes 32 to 44. Each ...............................$1.95 CHORAL SOCIETY ~ The t»ractices--of r the-.-W Vancouver Choral Society will be discontinued until a fter the^holi- 1 $ S S ̂ Mr. and-M rs. w. liieave yes- ^ay season. Members will be^ . I; terday celebrated duietly their ^tified of the date when they WB. it fortv-fifth weddimr-anniversary pe resumed in the New Year. ■-ft a t their home, 15th and Palm- ft erston Ave., a number of their Kayser Cordial Nightgowns. Blue, ^ friends calling - to wish them _ _ m 4 .tea ro se ,.E a ^ many more- years y of. happiness. Women's! Nightgowns, Run-proof. Mr. aUd Mrs. Gleave were Tearose and ice blue. Each ..$1.25 x m arried on 11th December, 1895, ft ■ ■ - ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Suede Nightgowns^, lace trim. Tea- ^ rose, ice blue. Each .......... $1.49 Satin Nightgowns, lace trim. Tea- ^ rose. E ach.... ........... ,..............$1.95 t]! Pyjamas Lock-knit, two-piece. Ice | j 'blue and tearose. Each....... $1.95 * k^ . - - <rk Satin Pyjamas--Plain and self ^ Stripe. Lace trim or. plain tailor- 1578 MARINE (Between Safeway" and Tite's) -- a t Davenham, Cheshire, Eng land and came to Ontario* in 1908. They have been residents of W est Vancouver since 1922. * * f . ' -The attention of our readers is drawn to the advertisem ent in this issue of the Store of Qual ity,. where Christmas gifts in ed. Blue and tearose. Each $2.50 hosiery , lin gerie , household linen, ---- --------towels,l_etcy^" can be selected, where shopping can be~"done-in comfort a t no ex tra cost and in cidentally a t a great saving of time and worry.* * ' ♦ lievTWrXTTVIckay; On Sunday evenings during 'A dvent the Rector is giving a' series of addresses on The P ray er Book. Resume of Sermon No. 1 on The Prayer Book: The Churchman has two books which he treasures .above all o thers: The Bible, "The most precious thing this world af fords"--as the King ie remind- ' ed~at his" CoTonation4H;and;-The_ Book of Common Prayer--'which is his hpdbook of worship and instruction'. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FIUPAY AND SATURDAY MAT. 1)00. 12lh, 13th and 14th "$now White and the Seven D w arfs" uIbo "THE DRUMS OF FU MANCHU" -- No. 2. SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY Doc. Mth and 10th WILFRED LAWSON NOVA PILBBAN iTASTDR HALL'l alfto •'Sl'OILS OF CONQUEST" "ARABIAN BAZAAR" rURSDAY AND WEDNESDAY Doc. 17th and 18th JEAN ARTHUR MBLVYN DOUGLAS " Too'Many Husbands" . (once only at 8:15) also "THE MAN WHO WOULD NOT TALK * N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory j 1955 Inglewood Ave. f - ____West 1056-L' ------The-Rectoi^iracerLthfLojugin^ ^ p a t i e n t . îh North --VancM Yer_ General Hospital, has been re moved to St. Paul's Hospital. ♦ * . * of the Bbok to the Old' Testament w orship""^^use dpim ^urH^essed-- Luttin--Williamson - The wedding took place No- '"̂ ̂vember 20th of >Alice, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson, 31st S ^ ee t and John Luttin, son of Mr- and Mrs. J. Luttin, of Victoria a t St. An thony's Church Rectory, Rev. Father Van officiating. , Phipps--Saunders -White-chrysant-hemums-deco-- rated Christ Church (Cathedral Thursday afternoon a t 4 o'clock, when th e Very Rev. Dean Cecil S w ^ so n united in m arriage M argaret Patricia , .(Peggy) Saunders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Saunders, 843 22nd Streeet, and Mr. Charles Nor man Phipps of Calgary, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Phipps of Victoria. T^e bride given in m arriage by "her father wore a su it of gieen French velour with m atch ing accessories and wine-toned 'alligator shoes and . bag; w ith a fu r stole of mink and orchids en Lord and'H is Apostles, and how these-services were adapted to Christian use as told by the writ ers of the first three centuries of our Era. A fter a review of th^ services in Continental Europe special reference was m ade-to the Church of England seryioes-. These owed much to the "East-'^ ern" forms, until the coming of Augustine (597) with "We.stem" materials. There were five "Uses" in England those of Lincoln, York, Hereford, Bang or--and--SalisbTiry--(Harum_)--the-- la tte r "JJse" being the founda- Burrard Laundry Ltd. -WfiJLknmvn- FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L corsage. Following the ceremony, a, re ception was held a t Hotel Geor- tion -of the first complete Prayer Book in England (1549). -- During the Middle Ages, the ^services were chiefly in Latin, there were many';'each day, and each required several books. The urge for tho Bible in English, and the introduction of the print- ign Press led to the Bible being printed in English in 1539; The Litany 1544, the Holy Commun ion 1548, and the F irst Book of Common Prayer in 1549. Refer ence, to the Prefatory material in the Prayer Book shows tha t in issuing the Services^ in Eng lish there was to be no break "with "the godly and decent order of the ancient Fathers." For an Enjoyable Evening SKATE at The N orth Shore R o H e F A r e n a 135 W. 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings Parties arranged for. gia. For her wedding trip to CJal- gary, where Mr. and Mrs. Phipps will reside, the bride donned a m uskrat ooat over her wedding ensemble. CLOHNG SALE Saturday Hdu8edresse$ $1.00, . Everything less than cost. M iladys Lingerie Shoppe 1474 Marine Drive. EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ̂Montreal) • 1522 Marine Drive LEGION NOTES CLEARANCE SALE of CHAIRS, STOOLS, Odd Chesterfields and Suites. --must go Jack's 1516 Marine Drive N ext meeting will be held on • Thursday, December 19th. A full attendance of members is ne^d-, ed for nomination and election o f a strong and progressive ex ecutive fo r the ensuing year. For MILL WOOD anUKINDLlNG C o^ , F ill, Top Soil S. LOWRIE - ^ P h o n e West 256^Y------ f- 'V-';