' X ;, •<■ '?- < » ' 1 . < , f, ,vr J 1T1 V -J-Nk-̂a «/ ,' , p, ̂ - i J, ̂ .̂v ,r'-̂t * . tf̂.tjvip̂ I Wg«T VAK. tTNlTBO CBI/fiOl ^̂cwr# k̂ k#8̂ ulEiiwlt 10(̂ 3 Fultoa Av«nu«' Pbon« Weilt 244'B Bundiy. &mwkmtM,M*^Mf%^Sim. Btm ngum and Vliitori Are wtleonui i ^I "" '* S' '̂. -" i' ! t r i !X *■ i I S t l i t 'I ? '4;̂*}i- 5̂ v1 . 1' I p ?r"tv L 4; 4 •-•̂ '•■' -J-. r ' v';4mm U ?;1L iV ' 1 i i &i : l L •k,j'* S. '-' ' i- 4 f - l t l ' -J '- l l>"!»■« 1 ;̂ :'̂ ^̂!"■̂'f■:'J•)*f.'>1 h -vm i f I S S t ;-f ' l̂ -j ';r<i45V- >r- ,f, r,%M , J 'SS f-" Akf Sĵ -.'4r 'V 'i ivSJ" BAPTIST CH17BCB IfliikiliRr •'il#f»'" Wi"L» '•MtKiiy#'»BA-k**BJB*«»i «"f Simdaf S«»tle«i . . IOjOO A.m.--Cbujwb School in- t»i Ow i IIJl ■ 11 MM. A 1'M p m --PwMicWii# 8onricei." A hearty welcome to All 0ff ' ',,.i m t Yomaelf at Christ mao You'viJ been thinkinir about gifts for everyone! elso--nov/, how about treat- Iruf yourHolf to a lovely hairdo. Wo, HUggliat" a "Treatment Permanent,"' This iiow permanent treats your hoir UH It ifives you the loveliest of waves, G wendolyn's . B eauty Shoppe CrealOrs of Exclusive PermanentA, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 ^ HOLLIBOM HALL 14th and Ducbesa Friday Evening, Dec. 13th at 7:16 Young PeopieV Service, Subject: "Ships of the Hen." Speaker: Mr. William Rae. Sunday, Dec. 15ih, at 9:50 a.m, Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Everdng at 7:30 Cospel Service. Speaker: Mr. Andy Ilogg. The B.C. Gospel Messengers will sing. y; Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the Herlptures. « , Subject: "iThe Ark of the ('ovenant." . . . . Wednesday, Dec. 18th, at 7:30 Young People's Service con ducted by Mr. Jack Anderson. WEST VANCOUVER "C h r if tia a Science Society -EDIFICE- 20th and Baquimalt. Hollybum Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massacbusctts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. , Sunday, December 15th SUBJECT: t "God th e Pre.'^erver of Man" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m.^ The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meotimrs.. ' - J C f l l E S G ifts i 1̂: I )»an.4#f-.i| w. -iv-ief ■ Dresses, Hosiery, Lingerie H n t i o i i s , - E t c . '-- Elmo, D ress Shop ,Axf(' "You Can See The Difference" N E L S O N S L A U N D R I E S L T D . LAUNDEBEKS - DRY CLEANERS - -DYERS e. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phoiie WEST 782 --------------------------7-- TUB UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue DR. G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Uay Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to: 0 p.m. Elvenings by appointment. Phono West 72 DR. McBAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Donta) Building Hours: 0 to 6 Evenirkgs by appointment. 18(10 Marine Drive West 432 Etablishcd on North Shore 25 Years (L ady AsBiatant) IIARRON BROS. LTD, S ^uaerai B ir c c to r s Hollybum Funeral Home ISth'-̂ and. Marine West' 134" ̂ ' North Vancouver Parlors 122 West-Sixth-Street-- Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue EasC- Phone Fair. .184 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ' CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Fathr^r Van ?a8tor s Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:16 a,m, ; High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 - a.m; Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 , .p.m., ' "v' „ '■ . Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. -Saturdays----- Gonfessions-^-7-;30- Sunday, Dec. 15lh 11 a.m.--Rev. Dr. A. M. Sanford. Soloist, Mrs. J.. D. Donovan. 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. J. D. Hobden. Soloist, Miss Ruth McLean. Monday a t ',8:15 -- The Young People will meet, the Citizen ship Group in charge. Topic 'for discussion; "Citizenship," led by Duncan Colquhoun. Wednesday a t 8 p.m. -r- Prayer and Bible Study. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary So ciety will be held on Tuesday, 17th inst., a t 2:15 p.m., when the guest speaker will be .Mrs. C. E, Batzold, an^ a most inter esting talk is asSuPM, All mem bers and friends in . the congre gation are cordially invited to attend. . T H A N K S ! 1 sincerely thank th^ electors for the confidence they expressed in me by electing me by acclamation. During my term of office ! will do my best to justify the ooniidence reposed in me. The Compliments of the Season to Everybody. J. EDWARD SEARS. R E - E L E C T . . '^Councillor D ick in son For Transportation' on Election Day .. Phone West 484 • " -KEEP-FIIL-GLASS to 8:30 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St.- Pastor: Robert "Hi Birch Services: ' ' Sunday School, 9 ;46.. ! Sunday ̂ rv ic e s -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. -Wednesday--Prayer-and Fellow ship, 7:30. V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of Alb Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies BAPTIST CHURCH Rev.W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Aye. Feature of the regular wo- * men's Pro-Rec class a t the Can adian Legion Hall on Friday night will be a half-hour film showing according to Miss'Marj orie Rivers, instructress,. Film shorts+pf recent Pro-Rec activity in its different aspects will be on display, among them . Mass Displays a t the-Exhibition- Forum in Vancouver, Youth Hostelling, and a Pro-Rec pag-,: eant held this summer a t Brock ton Point. V O T E F O R JOE M ARTIN FOR COUNCILLOR, 1941-1942 Taxpayer for 20 years, and resident, in West .Vancouver for 7 years. Favors bus extension to Horseshoe Bay, abundant water supply, neW roads and sidewalks where needed, new bridge at Keith Road, inquiry into cost of sewage disposal on lower levels, and anything for the good of the Municipality within the limits of our present taxation. ______ Health Inspector wrote the / 7:30 p .m .- - Young People_ in Gables, West Bay. -- eh^geiT-- ^ ̂ ■--:----^-A-^opy-of-the-Health-Inspec- Re-elect POLICE C O M M IS S IO I^ G . B . J O Y ; f o r 1 9 4 1 - 1 9 4 2 10 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class. Monday, 8 p.m.^--Young People's » Society. , Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m.-- Prayer meeting. , , ' Cordial welcome to all. or's letter was forwarded to Wl J. Clifford. J , " S P E U A L ■ - Sawdust ...L..........$8.60 per unit% ", Dry Slabs ........... $5.00 per cord Inside Fir:-- from' shed-;:;.....$6,00 per cordr*"! 4.4. \ from mill ....... $5.60 per cord -1 'ii' '•'H. ' ̂ 4 ^'1 -sii " Slabi^witlr-Bark-$4.00-perT:o"rd-- si*' Slabs- A Edgings $3i75 per cord% ft, : Y PRITAM'S FUEL^i! ̂ J t ̂ .r ' 11 . -- Phone North 620 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector I Sunday, Dec. 15th ' E x t r a S p e ^ a f Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, e o QO cord, C.O.D.^v -- PHONE N o r t h 8 6 W e s t V a n , N e w s Publkihed Every Thursday Publisher F. F . LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 8 a.m-- ^Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser mon. jQji-Suiiday-^vening--th e ^ e c to r- is giving a course of addresses on the Prayer Book: Its Back ground, Contents, and Use. ' Questiona^jjvill be answered." St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfjeild 3 p.m.---'Evensong and Sermon, For best values in Shoes, Slippers and , ̂^ Rubber F ootw ear COME TO , E llio t t 's S h o e S to r e 1462 Marine Drive T o t h e ^ J ^ l e c t o r s ~ : " ' At the request o f a num ber o f the ratepayers, I am offering myself as a candidate for the vacancy on the Board o f Police Commissioners. ̂ . i upvv'aFds o f 20 years, and, if y ou . I"®®'..! should again have the honor o f serving you as a 'mem- ber or the above Board, I respectfully solicit your support and vote on Saturday next. E rank W. Siguires Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News "MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT" Form 4, SecUoi. 45. N O T I C E of the District of W^est • V sneonvet W est Vancouver Chamber of Commerce wrote the Council re proposed changes licensing sys tem. Laid over awaiting report of Municipal Solicitor. TO WIT:. .5̂. -. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by- mail UNITY METAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vanconver, B. G. ' - (Vest Vancouver Service, Friday . , evening a t 8:15 o'clock To be held at Shangri-La 2435 Marine Drive •: Speaker; Rev. T. Conway Jones. Subject: "The. Answer to Some Questions that Perplex" Literaturefor sale at Quaint Gift Shop every day. ' ' ̂ : 'w"v------------------------ -- SURNAME OTHER NAMES . For Councillor, or Police. Commissioner. ABODE Rank, Profession, ' Occupation DICKINSON^ William MARTIN, Joi^ph SMITH, Alfred Harvey Councillor 4< 44 780 14th Street, West Vancouver • 2836 Marine Drive, West Vancouver 259 15th Street, W^t^Yancouver Retired Alerchant JVIerchant 1 \ '-- "----- "" r' 2650 Bellevue ̂ Ye., West Vancouver nth Street and Gordon Ave*. West Vancouver . -- r~------- JOY, Geoffrey Beeston ■» • ■ SQUIRES, Frank Walter\ r ' -- ---------- - ' Po|ice Com missionef '44 ■ Retired Retire Hollyburn, B.C. c L r i* " ' ^ " 4 - t< .e» 4 .9 .^ e« .r d l= g ly .. G .v« umier m , hand at West yanennver. B.C, this- 5th d a , . f Deeember. 1940. ' ' , R . A. HARRISON, Returning Officer-V