f 1 'f, 'ĵ . .̂ "Ŵ t̂ »»?,,r̂ '̂ Wi'S"!i'ri,̂ -'"f( « /; t 4 , *. , S" '- i-̂ - , ' - V < 1 * 4̂̂*, ̂ t «*-fr*' (f<'̂*«'V ̂ Ŝ T » A ^'iS ̂ ~ ft,*- »i=i? ̂ *A ♦. , » H ? ■(> ::i-:;,:v:;;l............ _............ ............„'......:.. ..I',........ ........... ................ _............................. ........... ......................._.._....... -̂<'»i'</ '-'% tSrMVV'̂. ,!'^ * . .E s to b l to W jR lH J lJ S H ! ! J \ ' \ ^ / | S 3 k | a i | X I ^ j T < f % / %*4" 1 m-WiMilyt-wMy W»-<»<t W aw».m W. ■»(%■ 5j|®,•*»!»■ •.»»» . ' " ' 'i / (?(jl r-y.<W0/V>Establiahed ov«r 45 yMM* Circulatingin the District of West VancoUver-^Ambleside, HoUybum,Westoh\ Duudarave $1.00 per year. . . Cypress Park, Cautfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Be per copy. Vol. BOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12thi 1940 ■ ', ' ' PUBLIC tiEETING..' .'.........THE MUNICIPAL .ELECTIONS No. 35 t h e r e t i r e m e n t o f r e e v e l e y l a n o In the retirem ent from officoiOf Reeve J. B. Leylai^d, West Vniicouvcr haa lost a public servant to whom she owes a emiiev debt of gratitude than she oan ever repay. ̂ III liis eleven years as head of the Council he among many " other things successfully steered West. Vancouver through tho depths of one of the worst depressions in Canadian history ' Ind brought her out on the right side of the ledger into the beginnings of the great fu ture th a t has even now started. And thnl our Municipality has this great fu ture is due to the suc cessful Hale by the Reeve and his then Council of our upper level lands to the British Pacific Properties and his personal management of the publicity campaign in Vancouver, which resulted in the passing of the plebiscite in favor of the con- ( struction of a bridge across the First- Narrows.- ' Reeve Leyland thoroughly understands publicity, and has nivvfivs been sold on the beauties and residential possibilities 2f West Vancouver. Early and late, he has never missed an opportunity, of boosting our Municipality, and, if the name of West Vancouver is known throughout Canada and beyond the seas, it is largely due to his efforts- . ; , „ ' Of course, the Reeve has made mistakejs as well , as Oiiemies. He would have been scarcely human , had he not done so in hiS long term of office. Yet there are none who , can truthfully deny th a t he has always worked consistently and sincerely for the best interests of West. Vancouver, as there are, none .who will not wish him well in his p p se n t re tirement to private life. Reeve J. B. Leyland made his offi^al farewell * address last Monday night a t the steward ship public meeting in the In glewood Auditorium. There was only a small attendance, and the reports of the School Board Po lice Commission and Council were made in the order named, every member of which bodies eulogised the Reeve and ex pressed their regret a t his re tirement. Councillor Sears Receives .Acclamation There ^will be n o content foi* the Reeveship, Councillor 4, Ed* wal'd Sears having received *m acclamation for th a t office; And so will become reeve for 4941; . Council three candidates have been nominated, namely,^ ;G^ mmnni- Eickinson, who is-seek-i Trustee A- Harvey Smith, and fourteen years 01 office had Tq„ Martin been a real pleasure,, and that rpĵ g vacancies bn the he was haying a glorious funeral.H School-Board will be filled by M He had always loved West Van- ̂ o Porkill «nH A H Wain- couver and had been inspired ^vright, the only two candidates by the good .will 61 its; citizens. xvVm VinvA /'otnA fftnwn.rrl ■ while NOtiCE We shall be greatly ob liged If any householder hot receiving the West Van. News will kindly notify us, in order that the omission may be correcteil. It is our desire and endeavor to place a copy of oiir issue weekly In every house lti>the municipality regardless of whether a subscription is paid or not. The attention of our readers to the above request will be appreciated, .as it is the only way open to us of checking up on our deliveries. --EDITOR. Regarding the Albe^'l^a'bonds, he Had fa ith th a t they would be paid a t m aturity in 1952, but, even if w ritten down to their who have come forward, while for tlhe one vacancy on the Police Commission, jPolice Gommisaiorii e,r G. B. Joy 'ia offering himself for re-elebt'ion And Frank W. HOLLYBURN HALL AIR RAIDS ■ The! recent terrible "area bombinig"' of Coventry and other English cities has resulted" in a widespread demand throughout the Em pire fo r repirisals in kind a t the hands of th e Royal-AiFForcer So far"the7British""authorities"have-held to their-policy of bombing only military objectives, which, - considered in cold blood, is the quickest way not only of bring ing Germany to her knees but of preventing an invasion of thl Old Land. .' ■. , ' , , , u -i 04. Moreover, however much our bl-ood may boil- a t the wanton and useless destruotion of life involved in th is kmd Of bombing, we m ust rem em ber,\as the B ^tish G o v ^ m e n t 1 - - ___ i. -jyv m .Germ an There will be a Young People's ovcu IX wxittcix uvwii Lu ni«u re-elebt'ion- And Frank.W . 'Service a t 7:15 p.rii. tomorrmv market value of 65 for the pur- g j j^e fex-Chief of Police (Friday) irf.Hollyburn Hall'(Sfe poses of the sinking fund, th a t l rpHred ' nnbn auneramiua- : ^ v , fiind. would be still intact due to,. h ts Sso f f i n ^ h k S e r i ' speakeHbemg William Rae and the municipal surplus this year, . ' ______ ^ ^ , his subject "Ships of .the Sea. which could be placed in the BRITISH-ISRAEL Sunday, December 15th, Sunday School and Young Peo-fund. He hoped th a t future councils would continue the policy of looking a fte r the roads and pay- Jng for same out of revenue. Mrs. Brereton will continue pie's Bible Class will be held at her talk bn "Remember th e ; 9;5o a.m., and a t 7:30 p.m. themg tor same out ot revenue. mV . 4. j,» T Zi,„ .x.uu d.iu., unu uu «.ou p.m, tntj.WMe_glvJng_JleeKfceleCt_SearB_ '̂j*"| ^ V l d at every -credit for his good workUr, x"u,. iber 16th, a t 25th and Marine At tlii.ci sprvicp tVip R;G. Gosnel has and must do,-the num ber pfi^riH8B ,pri80ners m . .G ^ M hands. How hard their lot is we do hot know, but th a t it will be as uncomfortable a t least as the Germans can make i t we can be sure, knowing the H un fo r the beast he is. And any "area bombing" of Berlm and o t t o cities would certainly be_ firM visitecTon B ritish prisoners. - , , One thing, however, m ight possibly be done, namely, to notify Hitler et alia tha t, for. every British city bombed as was Coventry, a similar straffing would be given a like German city in"the not fa r d istant future, when we shall have attained ~HrtIer~kn^ws the -gam e484bat,-or^eiiwouidijro t^o^se^ ^ ^ o p U c l I V U l W U I D C A l I U ^ X X U |^ |S « in O ttaw a he 'regi'etted th a t the J®**V service the B.C. Gospel perfectiy legitim ate application Messengers will amg. Tuesday, ■ for the w ater loan turned down ***? *®™> * SP®*®* *"* Decembeir 17th, a t 8 p.m. prayer in 1938 during peace should be citation is extended to all mem- ministry of the Scriptures, accepted in w ar time for other to come, and bring a friend, subject, "The A rk o f the Coven- S n s H e X n k S ^ t̂ ^̂ ̂ C hristm as. carols will be sung ant" and next day. Wednesday, . bers.of the municipAV staffs a n d , T h u S a v those of them whq.had retired, conducted by Jack Ander- membejrs of the > e ise n i and ^ 5 f ; past councils, board's and ' or- pvp ganizations with which he had ® -to n -connected rs^ ing -a lsbh -o -w -'^^ '^y -^® ^^^^ ---------- son. glad he was th a t Municipal Clerk '■Herrin was back .after his sick ness and how much he appreci ated his extremely valuable ser vices. School Board LIONS' CLUB AMATEUR NUGHT TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Lions' Club are again to the 'fore in .arranging an Amat eur Night on Friday 13th of De cember a t Inglewood High School. The proceeds are for a. very -worthy cau^"~the Christ- A good audience of Guild naeinbers oh with interest the address of;: ing feelers*; The (i.of fi,vw, .vw™ . w» ..»nTmt, afford to take any chances of - (^ ""^h RMms, Home l ^ o n ^ Mrs..E. E. B u c M e ld regarding^, munily. There are those who are ih l mnah W^^o O^^n the Junior Symphony Concert less fortunate, and a t least the 1st N o t m ^ r t r E a s T r ? ' 7 ^ *o be hdd= in Vancouver. ' . festive season must Be bright- mg out peace leeiers.' m e vvuvxc ^ - that time arrives, we cannot ̂ afford _̂tq take any chances oi making life harder for our poor fellows iP German hands. SANTA CLAUS FUND The headquarters of the fund are at the B.C. Electric Show Rooms, 1588 Marine Drive, P.O. Box 35, Hollyburn, B. C .. As thoughtful and ,.. careful planning in providing Christmas Cheer is essential, a Santa Claus Fund Committee is appointed 4n „„„ __________ West Vancouver each year. Monday with the W.A.C. - Councillor John--Richardsonyy--broadcast--"In-- t̂hê Spotligh_t._ Mrs. C. B. Greenwood and Mrs* T h is programme, with Mrs- Jes- W. B. Small have been appointed sie Clegg, is broadcast over this year and they .are respons- CKiMO, 10 p.m. Mondays, lO^oO ibie for the collection apd dis- ̂p.m, Fridays. It features Wbution of the local Sapta Claus varied activities of the W.A.O. Fund. Donatiops of cash will, members. B .C . WOMEN'S average attendance being 300. Mrs. Rae was followed by can- ened for them, by supplying AMBULANCE CORPS Home^ economics classes^ were didates for civic office for West ^ -- ;----- ^ s%r attended by 200 students with 2 Vancouver and who gave short and clothing. I ^ t s turn out and A, meeting, of the B.C. W(^ full time and Ip a r t tim e 'toach- addresses, these being Council- support these business men and men's A m b u la n c e Corps was hold __ ,rii__ o A rre Iav rupifinHAn M fiss rs . H a rv e v local am ateurs who are giving of a: very interesting they must thank the book drive her::^ex^riences in En^^^^^^ of the LO.D.E. an Ambulance driver. Mias Me- chairm an D. McTavish -r- Lean~was--also~heard-on-the-air_i-g iv/rAv«/iovT wiT.n t.he w .a .kj, a . « r.__ __ __chairman' of finance, who was Councillor Sears very ably des cribed how he spent a strenuous week negotiating with the Do- m inion""^vernm ent" officials- i n Ottawa and was s uccessful in ob- Unavoidably ab ^ n t, stated th a t taining a loan bf-$I00,000 for 25 the estimate was $61,300, and years a t 2 % . 'The total saving to they had spent so fa r on con- 'the Municipality which Council- 'troi, $1,151; teacheirs^ salaries lor Sears effected arriounts to ap- and supplies, $51,171; operation, proximately $85,000. $8,656; maintenance, $1,629; co- During the business session n * J _ £ » A * l • • • 1.^ fort. The time is 8 o'clock sharp. The place Inglewood High School Auditorium. The price is small, 25c_fqr adults, and and 10c fo r ' children~uhder"14, or a can of fru it or vegetables will be ao- c e p to as the foras the admission children under 14 years. Come and have a good laugh and also you will be surprised to hear the splendid talent we have in our own community. There, -- .w yyx €̂ %/ ' t/A&W ff 'W'Wl/ \„;O H w 0 A J. J J Van. News office. ladies interested^ will attend Any further information may . register for the St. be 1- __r.lQad/i« in be he- .------mawoii ma> in fKAobtained b y telephoning, bulance c l a ^ s ha a fibers of the committee, s * 'The oo-operation of all citizens agement)--He said his duties were not onordus owing to the school inspector. He paid tribute to the work of thd staffs, result- pcfit ijLum lYxxo. x/uxnix«xi. McKay reported for the Book Club having herself reviewed "Land Below the Wind,", and further announced th a t "Mem ory Holds the Door" bŷ John ,E. W. Richardson, the newly appointed Engineer, being pre sent, the Reeve introduced him, : : s ' S f : E * £ S s « j U ' s » r »n.ishingthe,„amesQffamili4 for ta •"«■ TN total attendance was .....® faanta Claus visit t h e ; very, near future ^ d dnll '̂"^gjee H. N. - W a l t e r s^ould be tim b^. Please make- contributions early and head- will acknowledge. ■ St. Stephen's W.A. $5.00. porting were Mrs. Page, Mrs. Brooks, Miss Philipps, Mrs; L. tne very, ncdx xuv«x.. - I 'rusiee « . ' n a 11, e r »i will.be held after each m epm g. --He said health costs On D e c e m b e r 16th a very inter- 310, as follows: sub- estjiig display of stretcher dn 1 to North Shore Health Barber (finishing the lathering of f '̂ ostomer): No, sir, there's no care kssn employer. ry time we cu t a custom er's face .weans a fine of tw en ty -fiv e 'c ra fs ." Then, he added, b rand ish ing h is I r^ ir I don't ca re a ra p . ̂ ■'>'4nning Adrse yesterday and drew $25." ' ' , ' • - estilig display ot strepener ui ggriptiem to North Shore Health cellent work with her "Cancer and first aid work will be he a ^n it; ^ 0 0 ; nurse $710; tonsil film." Mrs. Wallace reported for so a good a tte n d e e . | ^ • clinic grant, $100. 'Ihe n u p e M^g ̂ Smith on soldiers' comforts ed. Anyone wishing iniormiatioii capable and interested ^irork. Mrs- H. Ostrom was ap- please phone. West t/-M . children, and was giving pointexi liason officer for Guild ' ' -'T l " about" ^ W ar Services in place of Mrs. . .Teacher AjidVe^ also referred to the T.B. clinic C r o m a r Bruce who has resigned the rhinoceros family): Now,cftiiar^ and the Tonsil clinic. ■ ' from that office. The evening Chairman D. McTavish He closed with the' National An- stated $1,500 spent on .mainten- them. Mrs. A. T. Cushing was. in (Continued on page 4) the chair. x > ru u K » , m i s s 4GXXXXXHPO, x,xxo. . .There Wag presept Oapt. KaHC Hobden for refugee work, and m regard to s id ^ a lk on north Local Counoil. Mrs. Hobden re- side of Marine Drive betv̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ferred to Mrs. M arentette's ex -, I'^th Streets D.L. 237, 'The m atter was referred to the Engineer for a report. work. Mrs- H. Ostrom was ap- th e 'rh in o ce ro s----- . . - j nam e som ething th a t has horns a is dan g ero u s, to be near. .. "M otor cars," prom ptly answered six children. Engineer's Reports were dealt w ith by the Council as follows: (a) W. Tiriney's application, December 2nd, 1940. (jpen ditch west side of 17th Street: That the work be done cost not to exceed $255.00.