^ ,lSh, ^ */A '■ -. * ̂,■'> 7 >'*' t̂ i-̂ ̂ ̂ * * ' ^ m < ' H f f T f t n 4 - i ,^ » ^ ? "i* ^ V s .N 't ^ iv-Sj, /> <► . j C m C B A N Q U E T A N D ■ P B E S E N T A IT O N TO " S U B ^ t lE C T . T IM B R E L L Service L IIM P E E . <l<u>lity Jk Wlf^ jlwrjLM CEtfmi#ftJ*li»iii,Jfiil„.i6 »lt«tfcrW**'m F m D tU ttrr B t r r k t - MooUilr Actoiut i»RICES GOOD FCm FRI, und SAT., DEC. 6th and"7th QUICK O A T S-aiuaker Non Profliiititi. la r r # i^MkM (iUAUKNUTB-- r*kt.............. **«A»»4k ««»««» l&e 13c I, ?' »f ! 's f ]̂' HI >4 I ij 4̂'i I I ' ■r '.* 1 •! t JI 1 '. 'j ' i fc.i "'f iô :! .f l ^ f -tir.' , !"■ ?? T~r tH \ PS? %HS -̂ T'- îv;':- ,'y~' i 1 4 'J J -. '-p;'-!',! <:i .?fs;t'r; 'U>5 ■ S l i l H , : i i - ' ; - i ' ' - -Is'A ■ M ;'Sii'."'> o5 ,ij-. .a, rV̂̂s ' ! ̂ 3 f ■ % <t'> ̂.J.4| • %: fc!'f iti'fr' •>»*5 1 1-̂. ,A ' i 5|| ^ T f i m g x ; f;-i *2' " Hud ik White Brand FLOUH-- 24dh.>K«ck jfM i 49*lb, *Miek' :..,|1.S5 l»UUE I.AKD--SwIfCB Bllvcr l^eaf. I •lb. carton ...... r.................................. 8c P A ia 'LHriT I'KAItg--H.C. Pack. , In llRhl Hvru|i. Tall tin ...............10c COKNKD lllfiEF--Tirt ................. |6 c LUX FUAKEB--Uarico pkt.............22c New ScttMon'H O llANUES-- Medimni ni***, doaen .............. 22c Lar^e al t̂e. doxen ..........................27c Juicy Navclx are now In California GItAFEFIlUIT-- UarKc hI/c. 4 for ..... ..................... 17c Red & White 1'EAS-- HIcve I, tall tin ..............................lie Nabob AHFAUAGUS TIPS and E N IlS -lO j/i-oz. tin ......................10c White Flaked TUNA FIHH-- '/aa. tin .......................................;....... 17c M E A T S Weal 370 Free Uelirery , x ̂ b e e f ^ PORK LAMB y E A L All Grade A & A1 DeHeatessen I«>e«h Fish Daily ItH *V: White TOMATO CATSUP-- lt>o/,. refrigerator liottle ...... 15c IJiarh l.abel Brand PINEAPI»UE-- CiilM'd or CruHhed. Tin ....',....... 15c Rrd White PEACHES-- JialvoM ,or KliceH, tin .................15c _______I___.kkk.kk,~i.:k.;■■■■. ,:k;:--.•?n„i: ::::r B E N E F I T C O N C E R T D R A W S L A R G E C R O W D L E G IO N W .A . ___ ___ ' 'i'he meeting re rhe Benent Concert given on ̂ lort.s UHUully held soldier com- on the sec- th e Civic Banquet'given last * Satucaay~^Vchlng in the Ingle wood Auditorium in honor of Sub-Ueutenant it. W. Timbrell, D.S.C.,' R.C.N. was largely at- tended.-thek-o being present the Reeve and Mrs.. Leyland, the Councillors and their wives, the School Trustees and their wives, the Police Commissioners and their wives, Fl.ving Officer James Sinclair, M.P. for thiii riding, and a large grohp of rep resentative citi'/ens. Following the very excellent dinner, a number of tota.'̂ ls were given, Reeve Leyland acting as toast master and giving the toast to The King. That to The Empire was given by Magistrate Gordon Robson, and replied to by Major Blair M. Cleric, M.C., the toast to The Fighting Forces being in the hands of Captain Howard Walters, School Trustee, in place of School Trustee Donald Mc- Tavlsh, who wa.s too sick to at tend, with Flying Officer James SASH & HOOES. SHINGLES, PLYW O O 0S, LATH ' PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. ROOFING. WALLBOARD, TILE Thiurd U no m tliitltato for Quality WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Plume West 116 CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Clasalfled AdyertlaenjenU ia 2 cents per word, minimum 25 centa. Kacept in the catm of thouo haying regular acebunta, all clasei. flitdfl are oayable atricUy in advance. R m em l^ C lassifl^ in the West Van. N eva get immediate resulta. GORDON ROBSON Bawister & SoUcltor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey, 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by anpointment. W est 403.______ ' : .... . PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years)^ 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative, F. Bayliss (Notary Public) 2436 Bellevue Ave. West 522-R FOR RENT-- Together or separutely good stove and excentiomillv good' heated, five room suite. * ' LAWSON, j WALKER & p r id e 1704 Marino Drive ______West"65 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam • Perm anents; only host materials used. . Expert operators. Phone W est 304. Royal Bank Building, CONVALESCENTS.^ a n d . P a y i n g guests, W est 819-L^______■ H. A . ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 646 LOANS Wednesday evening of la«t week under, the aimpices of the Cana dian Legion and the Ixjgion W. A. for the We«t Vancouver Over- HcuH Cigarette and Tobacco Fpnd was very popular ,the Inglewood oiul Wednesday will be poatpon- Sinclair, M.P.,' iind Lieut. Com- Dommmn Housing Loan, Howe Dwn- mflnrlAr TTiid«An D 55 O R N or's Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiat-mander Hudson, ^ ed immediately, full real estate ser- giving the replie.se. The toast to J. EDW ARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol- icitor, 1406! Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 568-R-l. vice -- Notary Public -- Insurance.. •il till' the 18th. A good turnout the guest of honor was proposed Percy Masterman, 2446 Marine Dr., Is, reijueHted. District Council A luncheon will preceed,. the by Lieut. Ronald Jackson, R.C. W est 1077. CHIMNEY SWHHPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ' -Auditorium b«iug practically next meeting on 20th December, filled for the occasion. I t was .a . Seymour Stroeet Hall, to bang-up show throughout, and wliicdi all members.^are invited, every number wa.s fiilly enjoyed It will .start at 12:30 sharp, and by the audience as the rounds of will be followed by the election N.R., who had come oyer from PHOTOS^Three 5 x 7 photos _______________- . Esquimalt specially for the oc- folders, one colored, $3.00 Bar- FLOOR. SURFACING--J. Sutherland. d a y 's, 1618 Marine. W est 710. ■ «r , ------- **«' applause testified. The'talented artists who gave their services free, were all from the oity with the exception of Mrs. Mathews (nee M ary'Murray), who play- eel fine violin solos accompanied by Mrs'. Alf. Ellis, The program was a Varied one, including vocal and of office!i\s. All wishing to at- casion. Sub-Lieut. Timbrell replied in terse Navy style with flashes of quiet humor, in t h e course of which he gave a brief resume of his experiences hnd W est 483 or North >678. w a n t e d -- Persian Kitten,' male. Good home; reasonable. W. '686-Rl. tend luncheon please phone W. observa.tions in the present war. FOR SALE--5 room house with new furnace, $2660., LAWSON, WALKER &>^PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive We^t 55 PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estim ates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. 22-M. Acling in u drama in a small pro- vim ial theatre, the hero hud to spring from some rocks into a "river" at the back of the stage. During one per- ir is tr u m e n la l" S0l0S7' duets,-- formance the prattress--on which"he- Spanish dancing/ elocution, all of the very"be.st, a very clever magician, and a real comedian, whose songs and patter stirred th<j audience to gales of laughter, Fred Bass of CKWX, the master of ceremonies, was a host in himself, keeping the whole show going a t top sjxjed throughout the evening,. Unfortunately Ern est J. Colton, "Balladeer" of GBR, was upable to appear, ow ing to sickness. Great credit is due the committee ' in "charge. under the phairmaiiship of FVed Gaines, who were responsible for a concert which resulted in _a_sabXtaiiEisU-.wiou ut^Ji^elng-turn^ UHiuilly fell w'as missing, and he crash ed to the boards. He was equal to ' the occasion, however. Jumping up quick-: 1 y, he exclaimed. "Aha, so the river has frozen over!" N ellie H arflson A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacherr of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. W est 1056-L He stated there were six fight ing forces, tho Navy, the Army, the Air Force, the Merchant Navy, the Home (iuard, and the civilians^ each of whom were do-' ing their bit towards final vio- 4ory.-The-best-.-example--ofL-this_ Was given a t Dunkerque, where without the efforts and coopera tion of all these the 325,000 men could not have been saved. In the evacuation the R.A.F. de feated the whole .German Air Force, while an army -rearguard stopped the CJerman advance with a huge fire made up of army effects and equipment on which they had poured oil. The Navy, as usual, fought their way in and out and ferried them * back to England, the shores of LOST-- Black kid glove: fur-trimmed; right hand. W.* 1065-Ll. W ESTERN WOGDWORKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West'443-R. FOR SALE--Large size C.C.M. Tri- cycle, nearly new. W. '554-M. y CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, M etals, vFurniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk. Co., West 91. LOST last Friday in vicinity of Hol- lyburn, tabby kitten. Please phbne' ---Wells7-West-548--Mr--- ■ -- --------- FOR CHILDREN'S FURNITURE call . at 1243 Duchess Ave. or phorie W est 1121-R.' - CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- _try_.^-way;_-guaranteed;, brick-and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FOR SALE -- Small girl's bicycle. Good condition; cheap. W est 376-M after 6. ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 Matherk Ave. ̂ Phone W.. 116. 20 years ejoperience in radio, repairs, installations and sales. WANTED--'Housework W est 1007, evenings. by the hour. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. W ANTED -- Suite, in private resi dence. .W. 1178. W ANTED-- Girl, general houseworkv- Sleep in or out. W. 956-U. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, partS' - - W est Vancouver Machine Shbp,"1449 Marine. fd over to Uic fund. <>f--a--yacht7 ® -- o ■ which had a crew of four sailors, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. W'ard wislies to ex tend' Bincero thank.s and ap preciation' to her many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and fpr the beautiful floral oflerings, during her re cent sad bereavement in the pas.sing of her beloved husband. Also her sincere thanks to the Rev. Ramsey, Dr. Therrienrthe" tiurae.H at the North Vancouver General Hospital, members of -- the--Cauadiaji, Legion, _Post GO, md the Wo.st Vancouver ?ran Reserve, Platoon No. 110. F o r m a n S K A T E a t The North Shore R o lle r A ren a 135 W. 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings . ________ Parties arranged for. which were meanwhile protected by the Home Guard. Many civ ilians also helped in the evacua- FOR SALE -- 1938 R.C.A. Mantle Radio, A .l. condition. Phone Wv 1038 after five. PAPERHANGING, Painting. Kalso- mining; first class work, a t reason able rates. H. Gaines, W est 962-R. tion7-H^himEelf~pfayefi~arsmail-- S A L E ^ C h e a p c h i l d ^ _____fagh, 1 commode chair; gentV ^ who had only been in the N a ^ winter coat, size 40; _clubs,JV ^93-R . good^ IT bags golf -RE=ROOF|NG=GKNUINE-DDROID- Shingles; a few days, two stoker reserv ists,' who had be^n out of the service for fifteen years, and one coxswain. He lost the coxswain FOR R EN T--i-4 room cottage. Marine Drive, Dundarave, $27.50. W. 1021. attractive^ permanent. Have roof measured now; free estir m ates--R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. F indlay,.W est"494-R. FOR SALE--Singer ine,. $15. W. 686-R. Sewing Mach- and two sailors, the first day as ROOM AND BOARD available near a result of a bomb. The second bus and ferry. West 1075-L. day, besides the yacht he had f o r ' S A L E -E lectr ic Delco de Luxe had m his charge, four other car heater, or exchange for vacuum little river steamers, which had cleaner. Never used. 1339 Marine. l l J y . -across.-- JA P A N K ^ l a d y wants housework, ana one of which became unsea- cleaning, washing, etc. by the hour worthy and had to be sunk. They W est 104-Y3 after 6 p.m. - -w ere-T n ef-b -y^ G erm an E ' COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES A ll form s, o f documents drawn and executed. ^ Real E state, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD 1405 Marine Dr., W est Vancouver - Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L JYEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. which they drove off by the use -of--a_£e-w--Bren--guns-and--a n tt S^O U R W INDOW D IS P L A Y S of MAGAZINES - CONFECTIONERY - BOXED CHOCOLATES and FANCY WRAPPED CIGARETTES, TOBACOOS, etc.- Will suggest the solution for many of your choicest gifts AT CHRISTMAS BON-TON CONFECTIONERY (SY'D. KNOWLES) Conveniently located, 2doors from. Holly bum Theatre tank guns he had managed to pick up. The third day a trawler just ahead of them struck a C.C.M. BICYCLES and wheel goods made in Canada at standard prices. -- ^Fred-r J ones-- Bicycle-- Shop;-- W^9~ Marine Drive. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister Solicitor, 510 W. H astings, Sey. 4199 at W est W^ncouver any time by __ ^appointment,JWest-403_________ fine wrist watch in appreciation .magnetic mine and was bloWn to s e r v iL ta d \ r o u a W * '? r ^ * f f i l f e f t h e X t^ r m ^ k in f a6rt of its Clow* H o roforrod to briof todIv of tli5mlrQ the action at St. Valerie and the m o tW E H Lmn w l fa GENERAL HAULING-- Manure, sep tic tanks and rockpits installed and cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-R. EXPERIENCED Carpenter's- Helper wants work. Phone West 452-Y. FOR SALE!--^Kitchen Stove suitable for sm all , restaurant- or large fam ily. W est 625-Y. _____ seen of the German air raids over London and elsewhercTh^ It was impossible to. break the Twyman b ia S L » S a l ' nerves of the British people. p ian7seleSn^® w S i Ree\! ̂ Leyland on behalf nf ^ besides being the Municipality then p re sw t^ P rinc toa"f Sub-Lieuteiiaiit Ttaibrell with a the rem Junay s ^ HANDY A N N SHOP. 2442 Marine. "TOYS and GAMES" Xmas Cards. Seals, Tags, Wraps, Children's Books. .Fancy SHOP THIS CHRISTMAS ON YOUR "HOME-SHORE", See the smart display. novelties MILDRED'S DRESS SU pP _ ,-_(Ne.xt-to...thc Im perial-Bank) Boxed Hankies, Scarves, Hosiery, Purses, Blouses and Umbrellas WE CHALLENGE CUTY PRICES, FOR REiNT -- Attractive 4 roomed house. 'Modern. Fireplace, range, seafront. Adults only: Phone West 785-R. ■ ■i A A t te n t io n B u ild ie rs ! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS UM ITED Phone N b l^ 1141 or A L F ELLIS, W est 82S-L I ; . ; VOTE FOR J O E M A R T m , FOR COtJNCILLOR, 19«-1942 ' "rax^ycr inJWest'.Vancouyw for 20 yeara. Suworter of the Municiprifgpr and bus system and of a progressive and businesliike adm inistreti^ ;^-';he S S ? s " affaiiis, Vl'̂ FOR REINT--L arge -furnished room, near ferry. Meals optional; mod erate price. 1147 Keith Rd. Pbone W est 153.-L.' •, - FOR RENTr--Upper part of house; five rooms, $18, Phone West 1064-L. •F()R .SALE5-~5 room, house, close in* a ttra d iv e ,' good view. ' „„ LAWSCiN, WALKER , & PRID^ 1704-: Marinp Drive - West w W ANTED -- Mothers for tea and bazaar a t St. Stephen's parish ham Saturday, Dec: 7th, 2:30 p.m. AO- mission, ^ c ; '•"J' t r i m m i n g and Topping Tyrees, fak prices. Phone W est 56-Rl. between 6 and 7. - ,