s R e e v r J z ~ B : r h e v l a n d Definitely announces th a t he will not be seeking re-election, j. ^ He wishes to thank his many friends who have ■ ............................................... 'o i y l 4supported him so loyally and consistently fo iy l4 years in the offices of School Trustee^ Councillor and Eeeve ' i ' To tlie citizens generally he 'wishes to say tha t it has been an honour and a privilege to liave served the Municipality of West .Vancouver. Local, and Personal A (V1 l y | y ,^ ^ ... |p ||| , i^ .« n U m l m . T 4Si A . l 9 J r a A A n Solicits your support of his candidature for COUNCILLOR, 1 9 4 1 -4 2 Proprietor of Smithes Grocery (Red and W hite) for past 15 years,, and knows West Vancouver's problems Ex-School Trustee, Late Chairman of a B.|Cl Rural District Commission A t the West Vancouver Police Cbuii Oil Wednesday of last week a local and a city motorist were each fined $7.50 for driving a t excessive speed through the school zone a t 22nd and Marine Drive, another local motorist be ing fined the same amount for going over twenty-five miles an hour on the Mountain Highway. A fine of $6 was exacted from a West Vancouver driver i^r oper ating a motor vehicle without a current driver's license^ -♦ * * ^ Miss Janet Thirkell 2690 Belle vue Ave*, was one of the brides maids a t the Wedding last Sat urday 1 afternooni, in] Christ Church Cathedral of her cousin Elvie, daughter of Mrs. Florence Thirkell, , to , Mr. Robert Walter Gambling, son of Mr. ahd Mrs. W alter Gambling, of Vancouver.4i « -. Lady .JjJaton of .„Tomito, wh^ is paying a brief visit to the coast, dined informally w ith Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Friday even ing a t her home a t 20th and Mathers Ave., leaving later for Winnipeg en ixmte to Toronto. Mrs. Spencer returned to the city from Victoria Friday morning. * • * Mr. and Mrs. George Jack 11th and Esquimalt Ave., have moved into a suite in the Mes- singer Block, 16th and Marine « « « Bennett's BAKERY mriTEKCRUBT BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL 'c r e a m CAKp a s r . dô^̂^ .. 'V 'lk'iir A jp ,.||i.| n||.|||j||[i| Made to order. Scotch Meat Pies 6c each 6 for 2 5 c , Sliced Wrapped Bread 14G8 Marine Dr. Phono W, 27 A daughter was born last Monday at the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Britton (nee M arguerite Smithson), of 2667 Lawson Ave. • THE STORE OF QUALITY • Mrs. E. W. Weedon, Radcliffc Ave., gave a dinner party at her home on Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Sub-Lieut, enant R. W. Timbrell, D.S.C., R.C.N. e e n< . ' • -- A I tRadium Satin, , embroider and 'eheer trim, also S P E C I A L - J Lock-Knit, Lace Trim, Built-up shoulders, IN B L IP S l W hite, Tearose. All S izes.i............. . EACH Mrs..W. Kitching, , 14th and Argyle Ave., has returned home after being a ' patient in the North Vancouver General Hos- V 1578 M ARINE (3 doors below B. C. Electric) pital. h- Penguin Dairy Lunch 1533 'Marine Drive "Ice Cream in Summer is Refreshment" , "Ice Cream in Winter is a FOOD" Frozen Fresh Daily at Our, Fountain Our Rich, Flavorful Ice Cream Surely "H its the Spot" Lunches " ' Afternoon Teas HaRiburgers ..-----------------........ . ■■■ :B H 0N E -W E S T -1067---------- ----------------------- v"I take off my hat to no one." "How do.you get your hair cu t? " CLEARANCE SALE of CHAIRS, STOOLS. Odd Chesterfields and Suites. --m ust go Jack's .1516 Marine Drive The finals, of the W est Vancou ver Table Tennis Handicap Tour nament will be held in the Legion Hall next Wednesday, December 11th, a t 8 p.m. FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 -r-4- Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. S tuart, 2076 Argyle Avev, celebrated theii:t"golden wedding on Wednes day ro f "last week, November 27th, when they were "a t homfe'* to their friends from 3 to 6 p.m. Among the guests were the: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Mrs. E. H! Jupp (niece), Sub-Lieut. Bob Tim- brelh (great-nephew) 7 Mrs. J . P. Dingle, , Rev. J. P. Dingle, of whose congregation, St. Barn abas, Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. S tuart were members 25 years ago; Mrs; E. Smallwood, Mrs. F. H. Warren; Mrs. A. Gibson, Mrs. Hugh Mangin, Mrsr G. Carter, Mrs. N. Grimmett, Mrs. Wally Hammond, Mrs. Robert Birch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Birch, and Mrs; J. Penpington Walker, who pre sided at the tea table. ^ The Rev. J. P- Dingle, . in felicitous terms, toasted the con tinued good health , of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, making reference to__the_ fact that Mr. S tuart's father, -the late Lt^-Col. R. C. W. Ronald P latt ,who is overseas with the 2nd Div. Anti-Tank Baty., in writing to his m other recently, wishes to be remem bered to all his friends in W est Vanoouver. In his lettoi^ he asks th a t his mother include some cigarettes in her parcels sta ting that, . although ̂he does not smoke himself, he has some pals th a t do. He ,says tha t cigarettes are very high in price and there fore h a rd . to get. He also asks socks, stating th a t they are- badly needed. This is not in any way an appeal to the public for these things, but having heard the same request is constantly being made to their people by other overseas men, Ron's fa th e r asks the question tha t others are thinking: "Who is. getting the cigarettes socks and com forts for the troops for which the people of Canadaihave donat ed hundreds of thousands 9 ̂ dollars.?" Are the troops in Can- " ada getting more than-their fair- share ? i¥ <¥ Stuart, was Canada's first ad- ■jatant-general7'aTriYingin~Mont;. real in 1866i Gwing to a change in the tim e /of"i^epart'Ure of the Trans-Can ada plane for the east, all a ir mail in fu ture must be received in Hollyburii Post Office before 2 p.m. th is ruling does no t ap ply to U.S.-^ir mail. ' , aji . ♦ ♦ ̂ A Mrs. W. R* Mosher and Mi's. E. T. Carnegie were c^-hostesses Thursday, November 21, when they entertained a t the home *f the latter, 413 E ast Third Street, North Vancouver, a t a miscel laneous shower in compliment to Miss Evelyn^ Carmichael, whose ...... . V :T~m- r y T • T t o r . • k .■ T ' " 7 ^ 4 ^ Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. Doe. 5lh, (Rh and 7th TONY MARTIN im'A HAYWORTH "Music in My Heart" .also • "THE DAY THE HOOKIES WERT""DUUIMS OF FU MANCHU" SATURDAY E.VE. AND MONDAY Dec. 7th and i)th "REMEMBER THE NIGHT " ■ {ilsciHAWAIIAN RHYTHM" "FLY CASTING" rUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY . Dec. 10th and Mth JEAN lIERSIjlOLT DOROTHY LOVE'IT "The Cdurageous . - Dr. Christian" (onec only at 8:15) also ':MA._HE'S MAKING EYES , A t ME" Burrard Laundry Ltd. Well k n o w n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or W est 691L M alv erii Cafe m arriage to Mr. A. D m in so rm r Engagement The engagement is announc- ,ed of Mona Eileeen, only da:ugh- iter of Mrs. S. Olsen of Taylor •Way, West'Vancouver, and the • late Simon Olsen,, to Mr. Paul Werner Billwiller, eldest son of _ Mr. and Mrs.__P. W. BillwiHer of Hanna, Alberta. The .wedding will take place quietly December 23 in the chapel of Christ Church Cathedral a t 8 p.m. Make il an RECTRlCliilFT Mr., and Mrs. T. Celle, Miss Ruth' Nelles, all of Vancou ver, and Sub-Lieut. R. W. Tim brell, were among the guests a t the Russell-Jukes wedding in Victoria yesterday. * f * Flight - Lieutenant Howard Blatchford, son of-M rs. K. A. Blatchford, and the late K. A. Blatchford, M.P., for E ast Ed monton, has been decorated with the D.F.C. He joined the R.A.F. in 1937 and is a nephew of F- A. Walker 2337 Lawson Ave. M a k e i t an The short man was dancing w ith a statuesque blonde and not' making much of a job of it. Presently he said. "Pm afraid I'm . not- dancing well. - I'm a little stiff from polo." And the statuesque one replied: "It's a m atter of indifference to me where you were bom ." _ . W e s rV a h ^ ^ r t 'o lJ k - p la c e "on- the 25th ult. A color s c h ^ e Qt --pink-and-wiiite_was__.c.hosen7tp_ decorate the rooms and the giits were in a pink and white basket, presented to the honor guest by M aster Ronald Carnegie. Contest winners of the evening were Mrs. W. Dickinson Mrs. 0. Witton, Mrs.'G. Jack, and Mrs. A. Prov- - incal.-Latei^a^.uiTet supper was served. The invited guests were, be ̂ sides Miss Carmichael and her mother, Mrs. J. Carmichael, Mrs. William Dickinson, of West .Van- coiwei^lhbther~of" th€r-bride-- groom-elect, Mrs. A, Carnegie, Mrs. W. E. Carnegie, M p. M. CJalhoun, Mrs. H. • Chisholm, ot Britannia Beach, Mrs. C. Clem ents, Vancouver, Mrs. B. Dennis, , Mrs. D. Dooris, Mrs. G. Jack, W est. Vanoouver, .Mrs. J* son, Vancouver, Mrs. G. Mott, Vancouver, Mrs. A. Provincah Lulu .Island, Mrs. S. Roach, M p. A. Russell, Vancouver,. Mrs. H. Thorpe, , Mrs. 0. Witton, Miss M argaret Dickinson, Miss Anne,^ Brookes, Miss Mary Eadie, Miss Irene McCrum, all of West. Van couver, Miss Mary Carmichael, Miss Lily Ward, .Master Ronaid Carnegie,' a n d Master Billy Mosher, of Toba Inlet. 1512 Marine Drive Breakfasts, .Dinners, Lunches, Teas ■Catering ior Private Parlies "Wt'N ichi>lBon~Prep'fc Tel. W. (»16 Your telephone serves you well Arfaithlul servantIs your telephone. For on good days or wintry, days it is always ready, to ' "run" your er rands. A call.to the bukher . to-order-the m eat---- a-call • to a neighbor to tell the children to come home. Many times a day your teleph'bhe saves you time and trouble. But have you ever thought how valuable ̂ your telephone become.s in a case of emergency? A fire--burglary--sickness in the night--^then your tele phone is most, important, fo r in an emergency the telephone is the quickest way to get help in a hurry. e x p e r t W atch and Clock r e p a i r i n g T - CHRISTENSON (formerly with, ̂Birk® Ltd.,! Montreal)' 1522 Marine DiiTe KEEP FIT CLASS _ Patrons of the Friday night Keep F it Class a f the Canadian " L e ^ '^ H alir and' their friends, have 'a trea t in store for them on" Friday, December 13th, a t 7:30, it is announced by Miss • M arjorie Rivers, instructress. ' Films depicting outstanding features of Pro-Reo work will be shown as part of the (Centre pro- ^ a m m e for the evening., ' . BRITISH COLUMBIA Sophomore: "Vl êre you ever both ered w ith athlote'.s fo o t? " . Freshm an: "Yes, once when the captain o f the football team caught me w ith -h is girl." ■iiii'iiiinrirrifTtirrrnunMim