EgtabHshed ov«r 16 ydam. Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver--Amh/eside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave ..... : :$1.00 per year. 5c per oopy« Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER* B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1940 No. 34 PROGRESS THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS According to history all the great nations of the past seem to have gone through four stages. T jjf t o t was when o7 ji family they led a nomadic existence with their flocks and SnrHq such as for example Abram, or wandered up and down « /^nnliiient or section of a con tinen t as the v/ild game and wild fruits, on which they lived, and the changes of the climate dictatedi , . v *, ^ . Their natural grolyth to the numbers of a tribe formed the second stage, m aking no material o h ^ g e in. the lives of inch as were herdsmen, bu t usually resulting in those, who fSlowed the wild game and depended on wild fru its for the remainder of their sustenance, settling down m communities in some sections of^the country and to a limited extent culti vating the ground. . " . .. u • The third stage was the feudal, when the tribe, having arown strong and lusty, proceeded to a ttack its lieighbprs^in ft desire for expansion- and conquest. Here the necessity for more adequate weapons caused many, improvements to be made over the crude clubs and spears and arrows of the past, while the ever present possibility of attack'^from enemies pro duced the Trailed town aiid castle. A t th is stage, even among those whose chief wealth lay in flocks and herdg, towns sPTung UD as places of barter and strong points again it attack. The new static conditions "iriade for a more cultivated life, and with time the a rts began to flourish, gradually reaching the greatest heights of which the nation was capable. This was because the param ount chiefs and nobles were usually anxious to make as fine a display as possible and so were ready to support and encourage .th e a rts and crafts and those who were expert in them. Large buildings, palaces, castles and places of worship were erected, all greatly designed and greatly executed, because tim e was no object and there was no mach inery worth speaking of to dull the pride of craftsm anship. If the people 'as a .whole were poorly housed and roughly fed, personal safety demanded of the ruler th a t the ruled have a t least sufficient food and clothing to keep them in good fight ing trim; A period fo r strong, virile men, when life was-, for the most part short and comfort, as we reckon comfort, an unknown quantity. ' The fourth and last stage was th a t of the cornmercial, when the fru its of conquest had given opportunities Tor trad- ift ̂a t often huge*^^iifdfiti; :#ealth acpumulated ̂ and, as a l w spoilt character; th e ,a r ts , and..even business itself, until a more virile race,'usually in the-feudal stage of development, appeared and wiped, the corrupted 'nation out of existence. Such ̂ in brief appears to have been the history of the great civilizations of th e .past. ' 'Today the B ritish Em pire in common with the rest of the ii(Ra:lle~d~civilized~ w o r ld "has "^reached-the-com m ercial-stage.. Reeve Leyland To Retire Councillor J . Edward Sears will become Reeve for 1941 by acclamation, unless another can didate comes forward between now and nomination next Mon day. The announcement yester day, morning by Reeve Ley- land th a t he would not be a can didate for re-election occasioned some surprise, and cdnsiderable re g re t ' has- been expressed by his many , friends and support ers in W est Vancouver. At present . Councillor , W. Dickinson, ex-School Trustee A. Harvey Smith, ex-Reeve S. Gis- by, and Joe Martin are the four candidates who have up to date expressed to us their intention of running for the two vacancies in the Council. . School Trustee D. McTavish has reconsidered his decision and win be a candidate for re- election, while 'M. 0. Corkill of Whytecliff is thinking of offer ing himself for one of the two vacancies in the School Board, but has not yet definitely made up his mind. . ' So fa r as the Police Commis sion is' concerned,' Commissioner I J6y~has signifiedhis. intention of. coming forward for re-election. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION The annual general meeting, of the W est Vancouver .Rate payers'-Associatibn. will J ie held a t 8 p.m .. tormorrow (Friday), December 6th, a t H unter's Cof fee Shop, 2423 Marine. Drive. A full attendance of the members is requested. ̂ ^ So far, however, our love of sport and The wars we have had tp.fight these last fo rty years, to 'm aintain bur existenoe have ------- _̂th.a t decadenoe ̂which g reat wealth and the in crea^ GHAIMIBER 0E-(30MMERCEjr0 HOLD CHRlSTMAB PROLIG preventeddhatidecadence,jyjaicJaLj:reat. w aim titg . in luxury during those years would otherwise almost certaimy have'̂ produced;--̂ -̂ Vnd'™the"^ im p le r--^life-™into™wluch™-xhe™-- vast post-war changes in the economic structure will force us, may be the one th ing needful to keep us from following other great empires into oblivion.. For it is not ease but hardship and struggle which produce the best in man. ^ _ A V ednesd ay -jM em b erlljw B TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD At the regular monthly meet ing at the Clachan, Friday, De cember 6th, the Guild:, .will be fortunate in having Mrs. Doug- 'is-Roe_a«a_ giieat speaker. Mrs. Roe lived at Canada House, Lon don, representing B. C. fo r th e past-five years. H er subject wilP be, "Before arid a fte r war. began in Britain." All candidates for civic office are invited to speak at 9:30 p.m. W ar Savings Stamps can be purchased as ■usual. J, E. SEARS TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING •Councillor J. Edward Sears, candidate for the Reeveship, will address a public meeting a t 8:15 ~p.m. next Thursday, December 12th, in Hollyburn Theatre Can- didates for-the-Council, School. Board and Pohee ̂Commission are invited to address the meet- ing.f For full particulars of Coun- .cillori Sears' policy, kindly refer to th e , advertisement in this issue. be a festive occasion fo r the m em bers""and'^their™ =friends--o f the West Vancouver , Chamber of Commerce when a special Turkey Supper will be followed by an evening of f^ > dancing m d cards, etc., a t The Ranch. Numerous attendance and other prizes will be-given away in cluding two turkeys. Favors^ and novelties ;in abundance and a bang up orchestra for dancing. All attending are requested to take with them one small ten iient toy or suitable article for distribution aiterw ards to the W elfare organization for child- ren's Christmas hampers. CORPORATION OF ™ E DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER A Meetmg: of the West Vancpuvw Police Commii^ioners and ^Municipal Council Will be held a t the Ing lew <^ High Sohool Auditorium Monday, December 0th, Ĵ 9̂40, a t 8 p.m. K' The purpose of the m eeting is to r e ^ r t on the general affairs " ' of theTMunicipalitjf for 1940 siiii I W; HERRIN, ̂ jtunicipal Clerk. Supper served sharp a t 7 p.m. Transportation ■will leave 15th and Marine 6:40 p.m. Come and bring your friends. A d v i^ Mrs. Sharpe. West 719, not la ter than Tuesday previous of number in your party. Supper includes everything. A grand time assur- , ed for all. HOLLYBURN HALL There will be a Young Peo ple's Service a t 7:15 p.m. to morrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, when Wm. Rae will speak on "Ships of the Seven Seas." Next Sunday, December 8th, Sunday School and Young Peo ple's Service will be held a t 9 :50 a.m. and-at 7:30 p.m. a Gospel Service the speaker being. A; . Beaumont. Tuesday December 10th a t 8-p.m. prayer and min istry of the Scriptures and a t ' 7 :30' o'clock'the-fqllowing even ing, Wednesday, a Young Peo ple's ' Service, illustrated by views, when the speaker will be ̂ W. Woods and. his subject '*A sheet let. down from Heaven," (Acts 10 and U)-. ; - PUBLIC MEETINC A public meeting of the West Viinoouver School Board, Police Omimissioners, and Municipal Council will be held at 8 p.m. next Monday, December 9th, in Inj,dewood Higli School Audit orium. At this meeting reports will be made on the general af fairs of the Municipality for 1940. ' * REEVE J. B. LEYLAND kETIRING BRITISH-ISRAEL Mi's. T. W. Hamilton wili bo HPVnker a t t h e Dundarave Branch, 25th and'M arine D rive,' on Monday, December 9ih, a t 8 o'clock, Mrs. Hamilton has ju st returned from a conference a t racoma, and will be able to tell of her visit to tha t city. You are cordially invited to come and hear Mrs. Hamilton; Her dresses are always interesting , i and very instructive. Prayer WHO ISj e T e n t s .* " CANDIDATES LEGION NOTES. Next meeting Thursday! De- 'oember 5th, a t 8 p.m. ■ To the Citizens of West Van- ■■ ..eouver:-;' Oh behalf of this branch of the Canadian Legion a n d t h e , .4 Wo ^oppbrtrihity d my ap preciation to one and all fo r their generous help in m^^king our cbh- c ^ t in aid of our Cigarette Fun such a fine success; I particular ly appreciate the work= of the members of - the "B arb arian s'- __ ______________ who made candy and sold it __ 1 _amohgst the audience, thereby to the Fund. The e tte Fund had a good -s ta r t off with a donation o f $100. from the" Legion's branch treasury. This i« being continually augmented by donations as low as 25 oahts per month by members of the branch. Several weeks ago orders were placed with the Imperial Tobacco Coy. for ■ forty-three, parcels o f 300 smokes each to . men overseas trom,it-he Munici pality. As one can see, the abov^ donation in itself will only take care of one more order to the -5;$ame amount, and, as we would A. HARVEY SMITH like to continue to .send cigar ettes and tobacco to • West Van- couver overseas members of the forces, we ask the continued sup port of the public, in this good cause. Cigarettes in England are - twenty for 48 cents, whereas we' ban send three hundred for one dollar. As an ex-service man I know how these parcels will be appreciated by those who receive them. I would ask you as in- •dividuals or as clubs to get be- , hind this Cigarette Fund. 25 cents each month will provide seventy-five smokes fo r 'o n e 'o f the boys over there. Committee in charge of th is fund are: Mr. Ostrom, Royal Bank, Rev. Ramsey and Mrs. Heber.Brown. Donations will be gratefully received, by either one of the above mentioned commit- - tee. Complete returns on the concert not having been receiv ed a t this time would advise th a t a full report will appear in this paper a fn e x t issued ' C. F . SMITH, Pres., Post No. 60. S. GISBY - Sybil: "I couldn't think of tying m yself down tp one man.'? Bill; "'What you want td- marry is a syndicate?' '