^̂fSiUh\ -:J- «| |̂gj^{ îf|g|i|? f̂»pe »*«f«»«jWtl«!#»j;̂ %!«»II«<»»*î ^ rnrnm^smm* mutmmÛ *l*l*NWWB* MktMtrtpWWiiwttew Z t S S i m rVAN NEWS gSih. 194Q A» U tarvw Sm itli UMU-WMt«io F r t i !><Uf«tt 8«rff«« > • Moutlily Ae«»|iiit SCHOOLS BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 3 PRICES GOOD FOB PRI. & SAT., NOV. Z9th & 30th M E A T S Ih'i ALL BRAN--KtU(t»fi[*«. L|f«# »liL 2le ARRICOT UALVESITaU t in __ 13« RH A Whito BARTIiRrn* RISARB-- Tall t in tt#Mt*»t**** f* »*****#•» *.»»***,J,#**«*ijB̂ Nabob RED PLDJMS-Tiill fin . ..lie Auati-alian BEEDLEHS RAISINS-^ 2 Iba 23e Auatralian CURRANTH^iceclenii^ lb« .......,..,,.,,,..,r.*',.,^.i.M *»,I8c Hump BLACK FIGH~Lb. .:..IOe California DRIED IM{ACHES-- Cholco Quality, lb........ .............. 15c COFFEE--Aunt Miiry'a, lb. .87« Red & White Brand ri/R B JAM-- Strawl>«rry. 4*lb.. (In ..........;„„;..47c Red & White TOMA'IOES-- 18-0*. (in ............. Kfo CREAM KITES--8-0*, pirtj, .....;...8c LIFEBUOY SOAR--Cake .,;...... ,..,7c A P H .K H Following are the sales , of War Savings Stamps for the two schools: High Schools .. . « Hollyhum ....... . ' Pauline Johnson .$ 35.50 . 80.70 . 188.60 *»«#••«»««« Weat 370 Total ............ Free DeUrery North Vancouver, (nine ,.$i254.70 SASH & DOORS. SHINGLES, PLYWOODS. LATH PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING/WALL^OARD, TILE tOAN ADA'^PAINTWIGIIPAN There la no •abetitnte for GnaOity WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD, 15lh & Murine Drive . Phone WM116 It IS* IP I? PORK LAMB .VEAL ' AU Grade A & Al Delicateaaen Fresh Fish Daily sohools). Total ....$354.00 Red & Rice .19c It SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICE 'rhe following is the report of the West Vancouver School Health Service Tubt*rculosis Sur vey held rec.ently in the W est Vancouver Senior and Junior High Schools. It is felt that the shown in A very admirable man ner by Mrs. E. W. Marentette, who was latAr thanked for her erouble in arranging this show ing. . . , A report on' the Provincial m eeting held ih Victoria recent ly was given by the Presidentj Mrs. Ĥ A. Hooper. Mrs, J. D. Hobden o f the Elizaboth FVy So ciety reported on the opening of the new Institution at Oakalla, a ------ ------------^ -- L-:̂,r.,-;,r:, i .x=,-., projcct whlch the various coun- cji.se.s were further examinations cils have worked for, during the reciue.sted. Reports of the X-ray past 80 years. Books to equip have been sent by the Chest the Xiibrary are needed. Clinic to the students' private Members were urged through physicians or to Dr. W. G. Saiiii- the Department of Agriculture der.s, .the School Doctor. Reports at Ottawa to give wholehearted of the results of both the tu- support to the campaign being here 111 in skin test and the X-rays launched to increase the con- 1 C LA SSIFIED A D S The rate for Clneslfled. A ^w ilaem e^ i« 2 cents per word, minimum 26 cents. Except In the caw of thoso hnvinff reguUr accoimts, all claiwi. "*̂ "RemcmbS**aa8sia^ in thô w S t Van. Newa get immediate rcaulu. White Brand Chicken and SOUi*--Tin ....10c FAMILY SODAS--Red Arrow, i.urjrt* pkt..................... . GOLDEN BEN-- PER BOX $1.25 GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 40.3. _________ ; GORDON GRAY -- Insurance' all risk|3, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or West 1005-Ll. FOB S A L E -B o y s C.C.JVi; "Redblnl'* bicycle; 22-inch frame; carrier stand; now condition, $20. Wm/ 836-M. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP., LTD. (Established 60 years) . 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271 Local Representative, - - P. Bayliss (Notary, Duhhe) 2430 Bellevue Ave. West 622-R FOR SALE--Large size copper wash ing machine, with gas fixtures vacuum cup, very cheap. Whytecliff 071. FOR SALE -- McClary's alx-hole ranger with reservoir; choaii. iieg Dueness Ave. CONVALESCENTS, a nd . guests. West 819-L. p a y in g FOR SALE -- Piano, $86.00 388-M. Gerrard Helntzmon cash. Phone West' re«id«nt8 of the Municipaliity , . i. i, a . . . . would be intereeted in knowing, have been aent to the parepto. sumption o f Canadas national AL, . , . , . . - . U w r n u m i l v t h m i i r r h t h f i i f t V f t f t l - < < n n t , „ A U r k l z , " K t r I i a i ' » i n r a r t -that there were, no active cases only through the ejiccel- fruit, / 'The Apple" by using ap 4 ROOM ' HOUSE, close in, $2300. Very easy terms. ' . , Attractive 5 room house, choice FOB SALE)--193i8 Chevrolet cc)ach, privately owned, perfect condition! Would take trade-in. West 183-L. of tuberculosis found in this loot co-operati6n of. the High pies-- and more a p p le s^ u r in g . . . ............... C L . l ..........1 O A ...A V A .t>nA . . . . . n i t M t n w i » A , 1 .L . ' _______ l ' J t ' _______ A .L . . . . £ S o T n .^ r ' w T ie^onJ; »2500; ^ A L l^ R a c ln * ^ A« cash. ....... .............., , 'I! T I I r - « '? 'll •'I- school survey which was spon sored by the Board of School TruBtees and they feel most grutilled wjth the response from t ĵo parents of the High School children. The parents o f 473 chilclren requested the tubercu lin test and if necessary an X- ray. There were 20 children who had previously been tested. These figures represent about 85% of the West Vancouver High School student body. The tuberculin skin testu were given and read by Dr. W. G. Saunders Sohpol Staff that such a large the next few months, inidertaking' could be accomp lished in the limited time. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive W^at, 66 NORTH SHORE LOqAL COUNCIL, OF WOMEN Dr. A. Y. McNair, Chairman of the Board of Directors Can adian Society for the CJontrol of Cancer, B. C. Branch, addressed the Council at the m.onthly meet ing held' Monday afternoon in St. Stephen's Church Hall. He NeUie Harrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L LOANS Dominion Housing Loan, Home Own- a f ' a T.nntt 'RnilrlAp.'f) T.onTTR. nROTltiat- FOR SALE--Boots size 7Vi, with tube skates, size 11, and small electric heater. Phone West 1009-Rj er!s Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiat- . ed immediately, full real estate ser vice -- Notary Public -- Insurance. Percy Masterman, 2446 Marine Dr., Weat 1077. FOR SALE -- Two boys' overcoats, one. leather,, for ages 10-12, reason- , able.' West 768. . stated that the control o f Cancer aH.sisted^by Miss N, Armstrong was now at the stage that the of the North Vancouver Health control of Tuberculosis was 20 Unit aqd Miss E. Cppeland, the West Vancouver school nurse. The pupils having a positive re action tx) the tuberculin skin years ago, and. that it was one of the biggest national challenges they had to face. Cancer ranks second among the causes o f NEW & Reconditioned Bicycles -- Repairs -- Sporting Goods;^;tFred Jones, 1439 Marine. W. 712-M. FOR SALE tone and 1052-L. -- .$100 Piano, excellent ; condition. Phone W. FOR RENT--Dundarave; comfortable 4 roomed bungalow. Range. Near - bus, $20.00. W. 461-R. MARCEL SHOP -^.Thermique Steam Perm anents; only,, best materials used. E xpert operators. Phone West 304,- Royal Bank Building. WANTED--Five roomed unfurnished; bungalow; garage. W. 167-M. ___ , I, H. A. ROBERTS LTD. . Complete Realty Servico-' 1429 Marine Drive, ; West 646 test were X-rayed «t the school death and 50,000 needless deaths H "..-r by the Travelling Chest Clinic of the Provincial Government con ducted by"Dr. Kincjiid and Miss Erickson. In the age group lT-15 years, 24% of the children show ed a i>ositive reaction while in the older age group, ^om 16-20 3T_a_rs,' 34 %r of the children had occur annually. Much is being done tow ards. the control of Cancer he" continued British Columbia has, the fin est organization-in Educational, work iii Canada aiid merhbers were urged to apply to .Mrs. W. T. Davies, West 690 for member-" ship,. A membership of 50,000. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER' PUBLIC NOTICE Applications will be received by the Municipality o f West Vancouver for the following positions: Accountant with Transportation ex perience for Ferry Department. Accountant, preferably with' Muni- mpal experienc.e, for Municipal Applications which should: reach , the office by noon of December 2nd, mus"t be addressed in writing to the SEARS. Barrister. Sol- > l/4u5. Marine Drive; Phone J. EDW .iertor West 21, or West 553-R-l. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - - Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. 6 . Meldrum. 1108 Lonsdale. North 822. . Is hereby given to the Electors . of the Municipality of the Corp- 3̂ «n^cipal Hall, Hdlyburn, B.C.. giv-. FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. West 483 o r N orth 678. oration of the D istrict o f W est Vancouver, B.C., th a t I require the presence of the said Electors at the Coundil Chamber, Muni-a positive reaction. I t is inter- ____ ________ v,.. . v tt n . esting to note that thes^ figures in this Society would cover the . . Hal l , W est Vancouver, B.C. ing age, qualifications and experience. R eference^m ust also be furnished. Local residents giyen- preference, qualifications j etc.7 being equal! Duties to commence December 16th, 1940; . PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estim ates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. ^ ___________I__________ WANTED TO RENT--Garage, vicin- Jity 21st- and r. Mathers.-Ehone-i-West- 1009-R. W ESTJ^N WOODWORKERS-Store ahd house fixtures, turning. Of the 130 X-rays only in seven fa tes the aim of the society was I' XET'S~GHI SKATING At the Hard Tim es - R o l le r S k a t i in g P a r t y North Van R bller Arena >' fii ' i i i l l TUESDAYrPECT^Srd, at 8 > l - Prize of a Monthly Pass will be given for Best Hard Times Costum e.. Regular Admission for the purpose of electing per sons to represent them as Reeve and Two (Councillors,and electing two persons to represent them as School"Trustees and one per- WANTEIp^GIrr™for generaPTiouse- work, small family; sleep out. W. 747-Y. jCASH„JFOR„>,UNK..^=1BoW^^ Sac&. Metals, ̂ Furniture. Stoves, son to represent them as a Com missioner of Police. The Mode o f Nomination of CandidatesvShall Be as follows: candidates shall be nom inated in writing; th e writing WANTEDr--Modern ;5 to 7 room home in good location up to .$6000.00. Can - pay cash if required. PleaseJm aiL particulars to Box 70, West Van. News. Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. B urrard J c ^ Co!, West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- try- way; guaranteed; brick and --stone--repairs '̂- Palmer," Capilano,- North 811-R-2; STRAYED from Persian kitten. 546-L. Reward. 1091 Clyde--Black Scar on side. W. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special ; machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Mairine. ' . FOR RENT-- roomed modem suite, -with-^eiplaeef-fuHHshed-or-Jinfur=_ W ̂ /T'~ / \ I- t ' t ' ^ '3" ^ /'IjS w a ^ « I't I , t i r f f l l r . shall be subscribed by two dec- tors of the Municipidity as pro- ^serand_seconder,, antLshall be delivered to the Returning Of ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. l l i e sajd writing may be in th e form num bered 3 in the Schedule of^ the 'Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence and- occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to iden tify such candidate; and in the nished. Box 72, W est Van. News. HANDY ANN SHOP--2442 Marine. 'iTOYS" ----- PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- -- miamgfifirRt--gl^M-'" »yk, at reason- able rates., H Gaines, West 962-R. "Xmas' ■ Cards,: Seals,. Tags, Wraps, Children's Books. Fancy GOOD RETURN ON -- $1600 For a safe investment of $1600.00 you can have a $1900 agreement of . sale, repayable by responsible party a t $20 per ihonth including 6% interest. For particulars C. J. Archer L td.rW est 225. . RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, a ttrac tiv e ,- permanent. . Have roof ̂ measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Gripps, W est 88-R. P. V T ^ndlay, W est 494-R. ^ COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES ' All forms* of documents drawn and executed. . Real Estate,* Insurance, Rentals R. P . BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., W est Vancouver Phones: W est .21, 204-M, 913-L WANTED--Man to saw second growth fir on share basis. W. 151-L2. event of a Poll being necessiarv, w anted--^Housework by the hour, such Poll shall be opened on --W. 31J.-L2._________ _̂___________ WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SER'VICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer worl^ prompt service. West 700. SATURDAY, 'THE 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1940, between the hours of-^ o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. o f said day at the Ambleside HaU, cor- n er of 14th S tr ^ t and Marihe. ^ p ve, West Vancouver, B.C., of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov ern , hiniself accordingly. " G iy ^ under m y hknd at the Municipal Hall, D istrict o f W ^ t Vancouver, th is l 28th day o f November, 1940. ' H. A. HABRISON, Returning Officer. Hollyburn, B.C;, : ^ 28th November, 1940. > FOR RENT -- Furnished bed-sitting room, or with bedroom, in new house, _ convenient ferry, or:- bus. Splendid - view. Breakfast optional. Phone West 1055-L. - TRIMMING and Topping iSreraj! fair prices..Phone West 56-Rl. between 6 and 7. . Go r d o n RO'BSON--- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 ~Wv Hastings, Sey. 4199 a ^ 'W est V an^uver any time by appointm ent, W est 403. j __. YOUR SUPERFLUOUS CHINA glass, brass and antiques may be exchanged a t Quaint Gifts, ~ 2435 Marine Drive. , . f o r SALE - counter 6-ft. Drive. 5-ft. 6-in. showcase Apply 1474 Marine XMAS PHOTOS--Three 5 x 7 photos _ ipI<lers,_one.colored,-:$3.00._Bar- l_clay's,. 1518 Marinp- Wpsf l7in. . FOR RENT--4 room modern bunga low; furnace, for $25.00 .month; also small cottage, $10,00 montn. -Both-famished. Phone West 607- :̂ ^^ACH Junior High or High School subjects. Uui- versity training. West-311-Ml. FOR SALB)-Child's Joycycle for sale in , excellent condition, moderate price. 2312 Marine Drive. _ FOR RENT--Nicely furnished 4 room a i d ; FOR SALE^SmaU"roiiiid^osk table, three; 'g ir r s / coats, ' size 36, skating boots, size 5. West 1088-K*- f o r SALE-^New .Shave Master Elec tric Razor, W. 673-Y.it- ̂ tr< 1 _____ i