, f . m. y - . , ; ........ tm» liir****"'* THE WEST VAM NEWS 8 CiTEENS COHPJJMENmY^BANQUET TO HONOUR B r ' L 1 e n t . - ' I U i i i ^ 1 ^ l i i ^ ^ p A ^ f;l "K..w"o S ™ Saturday, Î Nov. 30th *J" ( V .n « iv « r , B.O. - • X940, at 7 p.m. Tickets $1.00. per person f" Tickets (limited to 260) will bo on sale a t the III, ' '* " '* "*'"■ 'Municipal Hall, commencing, Monday, Nov. 26th, 1940. Local and-Personal Konttie Hawkea, John Brad- Tom'a Fuel Company w ish" to state that all their saw dust is fresh cut 100% fir.; . i ley, Courtney Grey, Jim Ander- i, Charlie M" " ---------- THE STORE OF QUALITY K ayser Salk HoseJUST ARUIVED new s h ip m e n t Now Christmas Shades--Sizes 8 Vi to 10 Vi Throa'J Cluton. Pair ...........j-TSj Thrond Cluffoiu* Pair ............?1.00*t Thfofld * u i r ̂Thread Chiiron, Duro Sale. 4 n re a 'd treiic. Pair . u . ~ ft Thread Semi-Service. Pair ....7»c 1578 MARINE Between Safeway and Tito"s .7 Thread Semi-Service. Pair ..$1.00 3 Thread Sansrun Chiffon, Noh-Run. Pair ..................... $1.25 9 Thread Heavy Service . W eight Pair ............ ...........$1.35 son; Uhariie Miles, Prank Thicke and Dick Trott left last week for Brandon, Man., where they will become aircraftameu in the E.C. ,A.F............................................I# 4i )| Mrs. E. A . Robinson with her little son has returned from North Vancouver General Hos pital bo her home at 2897 Belle vue Ave. * .<■ . . . . . . . . . ^. ■ 1 _ " ■■■ ' '■ : f' i ' • • ^ .? ■■ * ! ^ ■ '■ ■ • ■ '■ ■ , j . t h e UNITED c h u r c h WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION ^ Annual Christmas Bazaar ^ CHURCH HALL, TUESDAY, DEC. 3rd a t 1^30 \ ,m . Ltirffc and small articlw suitable for Christmas gifts for sale 'Ta, what does it mean here by 'diplomatic phraseology'?" ' ■ ■ "My son, if you tell a girl that time stands still while you' gaze into her .eyes,' that's diplomacy. But if you tell her that her face would stop a clock, you'rC'in for it." SOCCER NOTES FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord - Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 Last Saturday's match was played at Cambie, before a. crowd o f some three hundred people. Both teams gave a' grand dxhibi- tion of football, and - W est Van- ^cQuver can considerJ^hemselves. unlucky in not gam ing at least one point; The locals opened the scoring, with a nice g o d by Ray Burgess .This a c a ^ of add ed fuel to ah already^blazing fire, the result being a furious strug gle, with both team s alternately attacking and defending. W est ern Monarchs „ got the breaks, and scored two quick goals. Just before half-tim e W est Vancou- Mrs. Ken Robinson, a former resident of W est Vancouver, has moved from Kelowna into "Rose (Cottage," W est Bay. , 4i H* >»> A t the W est Vancouver Police Court on Wednesday morning of last week a city and a North Vancouver motorist were each fined $7.50 for exceeding the speed limit in the school zone at 22nd and Marine Drive, Mr. and, M rs,, Hadfield and , fam ily have moved from Van couver. into a house on Church ill Ave., Sherman. .^Word has been received by - Mr; and-M rs.-ErButterworth of- 810 East 29th Street, North Vancouver, that their son Blake,, who was w ith them when they resided here, has' managed to secure his release from an im portant'civil post in England and has jo ined ,th e Seaforth High landers of Canada in the Old --Countryr- A daughter was born on N o vember 24th a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, James Michael Macaulay of Cy press Park. • Mrs. Graham Watson and Mrs, Alice Redpath, accompanied by Miss Margaret Watson of Caul- feild/ loft Friday for y ic to r ia w hetc.they will reside,* Reeve ley la h d left for Vic toria Monday night, when he accompanied the delegation of the Vancouver City Council, which went there to' interview Premier Pattullo in respect to the proposed First Narrows Bridge legislation. * ♦ ■ Ik ' ' BenneU's. JAILEilY. BUTTERCRUST, BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL -CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Made to order* Scotch Alcat Pics 5c each 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dr. Phono W. 27 Shower Miss Ann Swarbrick, 'hride- elect of Mr. Sam Turner of 2690 Mathers Ave., was the incipient of many useful g ifts at a m iscel laneous shower given at the home of Mrs. S. Pritchard» 2680 Mraine Drive. Co-hostesses were '̂iMrs. T, Turner, M iss Flo /Pattersbm 'a ̂ Janey Prit chard. The decorations carried Out throughout the rooms were o f pink and white chrysanthe mums and the same , color scheme was further carried out with pink and white streamers from a large wedding bell, under \vhich the bride-elect sat t o open CLEARANCE SALE 1 of • CHAIRS, STO O LS, Odd C hesterfields and S u i t e s . .■ -1 . BurgeiSs again thi^ tim e, w ith a quick header. In the second half, Moharohs secured a one goal lead and held on by the skin of their teeth, until the final whistle. Marino, Roach and Harris are newcomers to the team, ani^^are really worth -- Watehing. A lf W Holmes. 150 1fith ~must go . J j a t K 8 1516 Marine Drive ^ S treet moved . oh. Tuesday to V ancouverr-^---^-- Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Henry entertained informally at their ^-home-inJW est V ancouver at an after-five party Monday in hon or o f Mrs. Lucille McRae Paul. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Boys' Band is sending Christmas presents to former bandsmen who have joined up. The list includes the follow ing: Sub-Lieut. "Bob" Tinibrell, D.S.C., R .N .; Lieut. Wilfred Thompson, R.A. (first big-drum mer of the b and ); Chief Wire- ' less Officer Wilber Phillips, R.N. R.; Jim McDonald, Canadian Scottish R egim ent; Dick Lester, 1 R.C.A. ;_Alb_ertJ^LeM, JR.CA,,l D ick Timbrell- R.C.A.F. (brother of "Bob") ; Tom Timbrell, Irish her g ifts. Guests enjoyed a guessing contest, after which "dainty refreshm ents were serv ed, with Mrs.'T. Turner Sr., pour ing-tea; The guests included Mesdames G. MeVean, ,D. Ballantine, A. Gleam, J. Glover, L. Freeman, M. Phillips, J. Parker, A. Irwin, M. W right, h ; Huggins* ~W. Green, D. Courtney, T. Jack, and the Misses M. Dawkin,& F. Pat terson,.. N. Harrison," A. Swar brick, A. F lm iing . ♦ * ♦ In the report o f - "Ye Village Faire" in our last issue it was stated that the W est Vancouver String Group played. This should have read "the student group of -M iss__Mclnty_re!s__pupils__w ith . Hollyburn Theatre SATURDAY and MONDAY Nov. IlOlli mul Doo. 2nd. "L ondon Can T ake (The Short of the Hour) and CLAIRE TREVOR JOHN WAYNE i i O a r k . Command t f also " N EW S and OTHER SHORTS Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L , , . , M ■ . . . ■ " . . 0 . . . . . . • E xtra Special Fusiliers (another brotheir): Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove and Alan McIntyre assisting." Fir andSlabs Id e JE iiv jn ix e i Jack Howdle, R .C .A.F.; Jack 'M cEeodrRT:i"A TFr;" 7Dave™ Blox- ham, R.C.E.; Bob McCartney, R. C .A .F .; Corp. Bud Parker, R.C. -A:Fr; Corp. -Instructor--JHarr_y_ Parker, R.C.A.F.; Ronald Platt, R.C.A.; Alex Bell,-R .C .N .; Don McKenzie army bandsman; John Jackson, R.C.A.F.; Stan Green, Arthur Chapmam RnC.A.F. , Jef f -Adjello, .R .C.A,R; Earl Engagement ~Mfrand"Mrs7"J7~M7"Edington7 cord , G.O.Dt$3€ ▲ T A A # « , 4 * a A V 4 : * * * * • N / • W • , A ? . * . * ^ w - » j 1618 Duchess Ave., West Van couver, announce the engage- -men t̂-__ ôf JjJieirieidest daughter, Mary Millar, to H a r r ^ e e d , only ' son of Mr. and Mrs. J.^B. Seed, 2755 Bast 2nd Aye., Vancouver, B. C. The wedding will take place quietly in December. P h o n e n o r t h 8 6 Howells, Canadian Scottish; Don Cox, R .C.E.; Bob Sheffield, bandsman in the R'.,C.A.S.C.; John _W right, R.N.; Malcolm DouetrH.C.A.S.CL;-Mikee-OsteJLo,_ R.C.N.; Jim Turner, R.C.N.; Walter Parker bandsman in. the ̂ R.C.M.P., and George Down, bandsman of the-RreCdM.P. BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY „ '■"'■•fle s . , ■ ■" *'■* " CL ^^IVers' do ^hppejtr j5~_ ®®* ^®" Pled with Staae is^S ! »cI»eduJe«, tJho I . n H t n If .8^1* "xJ -V t f 'ITie regular m eeting of the ̂W est Vancouver ' Boys' Band Auxiliary will be held a t the home of Mrs. Smith, Cypress Park, on Wednesday, December 4th at 2:80 p.m; Stage leaves Ambleside at 2:15 p.m. The members of the A uxiliary ap preciate the generous support mven to the recent Bazaar. The winners in the raffle were: I^ -p ,-M r s:"Hadwin;--pyjam as,- Mrs. C. Dunlap; Theatre Pass, Mrs Crbmar Bruce; . Pumpkin guessing, Mrs. Doherty; Candle Lighting,' Mrs. Doherty. LEGION W.A. The W.A. "wish to express their appreciation to all the ladies and youthful taggers who ^-helped_to_.make Poppy Day a --reaTRemembrance-Day7-in-ever-y_ home and on the street. They are: very happy indeed The day has,, come when money can oot^. "buy^a poppy, the demand being ' so great that ribbon had to be' substituted. <. They also wish to express, their appreciation to the artists who gave so willingly of their talent at the Remembrance Day Banquet, also. Mrs. Fernside (Taxies) whose car was at tbeir^ disposal on that dlay. T \Mrs. T. Turner wishes to ex- i press her appreciation to all the ladies who have worked so earnestly in the Home Comforts Group w ith sw ^ ters , sooks,,,ptc. B Group It was decided to hold a lunch-^ eon at 12 noon on the 30th De cember in th e Club Room, to be followed by the regular meeting a t 2 , o'clock. _WBBT VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works 'Furnace and RanRo Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE First Division T eam s: . P W L T Pts. W* V_,_Sizzlers 5 1 0 1 0 JD u d es .^ ------------------- 6. 4- 2 _0__8__ C anadiens...................6 3 3 0 6 Maple I^'afs ............6 3 3 0 6 S o ck ey es ................... 6 0 6 0 0 Last week^s scores:, -- Diides 15, Sockeyes 3. Dudes 13, Maple Leafs 5. Canadiens 10 , W.V.- Sizzlers 8 . Second Division Team s: P W L T P ts . N ifties .................... 7 7 0 0 14 C om ets......:....... ........ 6 4 1 1 9 Grizzlies .......... 6 3 2 1 7 Sharpshooters ........ 6 3 3 0 6 Roamers ................... 7 1 6 0 2 P eled in s.....................6 0 6 0 0 Last week's, scores: N ifties 16, Roamers 2 . Comets 14, Roamers 4. Judge: "Well, Sambo, I see you're back~for~ fight(ing~witlx your wif ̂ Liquor again?" - ^ambo^ "No sah, Judge, she licked me this time." EXPERT -- W atch and Gldck r e p a ir in g ,, T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with' Bhks Ltd., Montreal) 1622.Marine IHrlye SALE- -o^I;ingeric*~House~bresses;~Etc. Going out of business Dec. 15th. M iladys Lingerie - 1474 . Narine Drive i- t.