■ ■ \T ' • * » '.' * i ^ , - « i r ' . ' / - ? W > s ^ « v / . - « « . ^ « ( « j i - f tMUmiaSî T N o v m b e r 2«fK *Cer« tlJKl 4i E iwu tliBaJt Aff^ Ftilton Av«na« . Fkm « ^W#it^ 244*»< Sttiulajr Strfie«f{ Ilii*i»* A 7{80|>jit* S tm n c trt •nd Vliitoiii «r« w tletiiit BAPTIST CHI7ECB Hflll̂ rt•r R«f. W. L. McKay* BJt* &B. . Siiiidajr SNwirl^ ■ ., - • id'aw' d u d im Adult CIm»$ l l a.m. A 7:80 p4»u>«*>PmdbJ^ Seme«a« A hearty welcome to all Haoinjg Trouble with your Permanent? Aflk about our 4 point treatm ent which taken all the harsh chemicals, ioft by nerniunent waving, out pf your hair. If ,iyou are ready for your ̂t.'hrlBtinns permanent bo sure to in clude this esHontinl treatment, to as sure you of a soft lasting wave. I t conditions thci most difficult hair. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permaneata, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 HOUrm HAU 14th and Duchess Friday Evening, Nov, 29th at 7:16 Young People's Service Illust rated by views, . .Speaker: Mr. Toni McLaren. Sunday, Dec. 1st a t 9:60 a.m. Sunday School and Young l̂ >opIu'H Diblo Class. Sunday-Evening a t 7:30 (iospel Service. ' Speaker; Mr. Peter McGregor, 'J'ucKday, Dec. 3rd at B p.m. Prayer and ministry of "the Scriptures by Mr. A. Morning. WEST VANCOUVEB^■ ^hrisCraB Science _____________:i,S«piely..................... ... CHUBCH EDIFICE 20tli and BMoiinalt, HoUybam This So iS ty is a Branch of The Mother Church The F lra t Chlirch of Christ, Sdentiat, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday;, December 1st SUBJECT: ^Ancient and Modern Nec romancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meotimre,' "You Can See The Diffewmee" MfXaSOMS liA tnN D lK lES"C1^^ LAUNDEREES - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. c: FINNEY. LOCArREPRESENTATIVE Phono WEST 782 BUILPEES' s u p p l i e s ' Brick Lime Drain Tiles Concrete Cement Navvy Jack Sand Crushed Rock ' TEAROE 1427 Marine Drive & SO N S . West 84 P'l .!' H* S' D R : G, D. H. SEA LE D.D.S., L.D.S. •"' n v i k i i ' f e n rBJJBiBI A JUt J l' X-Ray ' Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 DR. McRAE D E N TI S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: t̂O to 0 -- Evenings by r appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 i ' •' I : i - t ̂ - i ' i| Rstabliahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuifrral BirrctDra Hollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine • West 134 North Vancouver^ Parlors ' 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue Elast Phono Fair. 184 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon, Ave. ,, 11 a.m. -- Pastor's subject; "A Jiimited and an Enlarged . ' Vi.sion." The Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. ' . 7:30. p.m, -- Service will begin „with a bright sing song. Subject, "Wake Up! Light Up! "Get Up!" /^he Church School and Adult Bible Class meets at 10 o'clock. ' • Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's Society. „ Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m.-- Prayer meeting. The monthly, m eeting of the ; , , , Women's- .Minion .Circle w ill/ be held in the church Tuesday, December '3rd at 2.30 pim. There will be election of of ficers and all ladies are oordi- . ally invited. " ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ?astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m.., ,. „ . Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.in. Catechism and Bible-CIass--2:00 p.m. W eek-day Services jjjfass-r--8 a.m. Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.m. W EST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and'̂ 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9 ;46. Sunday Services -- 11 a.in. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday-- ^Prayer and Fellow ship, 7 :80. P h o t o g r a p h s Are Possible at L ow M odern (M ethods en a b le u s to g ive you the B est in P hotography a t O rdinary P rices. Bring This Advt. andt GET AN EXTRA P ia U R E FREE 3 LARGE $ PHOTOS 1 Passport Photos one hour , ^ 1 - l k . e - - . C a m p b d l 5 8 1 G ranville Straet 3 6 2 5 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST CORRESPONDENCE , V TIIE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Sunday, December 1st 11 a.m.--Rev. E. Leslie Best. 7 ;30"p.m.-- Rev. Dr. J. G. Brown. On Monday at 8:15 p.m., the Young People meet. Christian ^.Culture Group will be in ^Charge. Leader, Miss Ellen _J^ance.__Su_bj_e_ct,_'lBLb_le-J3ase^ Ancient and Modem Necro mancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounced" will be the subject' of the Lesson-Ser mon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. »/- I The Golden Text i s : ' "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the The Editor, W est Van. News. Sir: ' ̂ - A fter reading Miss .Barrow's le tter, published in your la st is sue, m ight I suggest that when membership in your society be- '.gins to fall otf, and th e public becomes apathetic, there is usually some reason other than lack of interest in horticulture, think is largely responsible for much of th e friction amongst, members o f any society where awards are made. SINCLAIR MacKAY, West Vancouver. ■ i i i r 'V , BROWN O N z^ NY HAKE MUNTON 1642 MARINC DHIVC WtST 300 A4rinl)Cni A.R.T, nf B.CV ball." Wednesday Evening a t _ 8- "Prayer and Bible Study Ser vice. -------- ------------------ -- ends of th e earth:, for I am God, • u • -x i , -and-thereJs n one-e lse^ (Isa iah__gg^Pggglly m ^ 45*22) " West Vancouver, where prao- -- Among the .^itattons -whio.h^MggUy--every person is deeply in- Teacher: Tom, what is the differ- ence-between vision and sight?" Tom: "W hen,Ethel goes out in the evening, she's a vision; when she gets up in the morning, she's s sight." ® i VERNON I ' 1/ i -H X ----I . . 5 ' ; V I 'V. ',1 ' ic,4 H .-f#i ^ FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Phono West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds^. _ ADCO i f ? K-Cf' -----Wood, C o n ir ^ Builders* Supplies fV / ^ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCĤ̂^̂^̂^̂^̂^̂^̂ ' Rev. F. A . Ramsey, Rector Saturday, St. Andrew's Day, . 10:15---Holy Commuijion. Sunday, December 1st Sunday, 8 a.m. - r Holy Com munion. * IT comprise the Lesson-Sermon the following froni the Bible: . "Stand-therefore, . having your -tra est in horticulture, b u t-a de terested in his, or Her garden.^ Therefore, there is no labk of in loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate . of righteousness" (Eph. 6:14). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- t o k , "Science ?and Health with Holy Communion, and Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "When the final Evensong and Ser- physical and moral effects of Christian "Science are fully ap preciated, the conflict l^tween a.m. Sermon. 7:30 p.m mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caiilfeiid finite lack of - interest-- in-- the.-- Horticultural Association itself. Now, I have never been a member of the local society, but I have belonged to sim ilar so cieties elsewhere, and I . have al ways found, that after a few y ^ i 'sr-any^-ccm iperit-w e--so c ie tir Form No. 16 (Section 87) LAND ACT Notice of In tration to Apply to Lease Land ; fV'\'3?'if I ? i 'itv? Irm C l K f i ,4 " ' vS , I " ' 1 ? i f V> 1 X* ' ' . \ ' .1 I f ' I SPEOAL Sawdust ............... $3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ...... $6.00 per cord Inside F ir;-- ___ from shed .......,$G.0O per cord froip mill ........$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord' Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S F U E L ' Phone North 620 i * Wednesday, ' 2 :30 pnn. " wood W.A. A nnual Meeting^ The annual m eeting of the W. A. will take place Thursday, De cember 5th, Celebration of Holy Communion 10 a.m. Afteraoon session commences at 1:15 when Miss Hilliai^ begins tO"fall off in membership. . in Vancouver Land Recording Dis- The last one I belonged to grad- of Group One New Westminster ually became so bad that it~final- - '̂®*" '=V . , - ........., .................................. ly passed out of existence nlto- l ^ e e l l W truth and error, understanding in en several of us got 430 as shown on a plan'deposited u rmofr, and belief. Science and material fo^^tber again, and made a fresh- the Land Registry Office at 'Vancou- ^ sense, foreshadowed by the pro- start, ^but this time, w e com- v ^ a n d , there. known__as R_efe^ Ingle- phets and inaugurated by Jesus, Pj^tely eliminated prizes in any ̂ , r«rrowof will ce^ e , and S>irituai harmony ajsp. made it reign.' 6th B. C. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF PACK AUXILIARY compulsory, that-half the direct- intends to appljr for a lease ors or council had to r e s l^ each fo flo^ng ' described4ands: 'of the- year, and could not seek re-elec tion for a period of three years^ nor could any member holding Commencing a t a post planted at . the south west corner of said Paja®' 1; thence westerly along the produc-_ tion of the south boundary thereol| iv iissn iin ara will address the meeeting. All women are cofdi- Sixth B. C. Sea Scouts and Wolf ally invited. Cub Pack ..will be held at the --. -- ^ home of Mr& E. J. Alton, 2485 Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have Nelson Ave., at 2:30 p.m. on moved from Dunbar Heights Thursday, D ecem fo 5th. m, . . . ------ " oi m e soum uouiiuaij' The regular monthly meeting exinbit at any show while . 225 feet; thence north 610 feet mor® • f'.H'A •> A ̂ w ill nr'MVT' 4*i« -s. S^rvmcr in rtv* Iaoo •. 4'YtATt/»A ^Aoĉ 11 n niorB orof the Mothers'. A uxiliary of the s^i'ving in that capacity, perhaps or, less; thence *east 110 feet more A, V. ^ " I should say at any o f their own i®ss" to "north w*>st. corner o f* West Van News Publiahed Every Thursday into a suite W est Bay. at "The Gables," S l i p sr i, ̂ i '§Mt'k£t '-:4lf2£.L *7 "IiQ. 'A 'J"h \ V ' ,* Hi' I, ■ imm ' m "■;f f 'If- I li&l * f t I - - j ' - f s u i: ' i i a ' i « Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 . • ^ Business and Editorial Office: _ 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vimcouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. • ♦i.OO a year by carrier: by mall $2.00 a year UNITY METAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vanconver, B.C. __ West Vancouver Service, Friday evening a t 8:15 o'clock - To be held a t Shangri-La ̂ 2436 Marine Drive Speaker: Rev. T^-Conway Jones.. Subject: "The Master^sJtfethod" F o r fu rther information phone W est 832-M Monday. Dec. 2nd. Study Class. ̂S u b jec t:, "TempJe Building" Unity L iterature for sale every day a t "Quaint Gifts Shop" . anyfOT cneir^ own shows. ̂ The*result was most gratify ing, membership increased to _ _ _______ . an extent that we had to u^e Auxiliary wish to express j a lim it on the membership, their appreciation to those who after all these years I am contributed to their Christmas say that society is-still Parcel and General Funds. Fomg strong. ~ r - - ----------- ^ ~ Porhaps, if some change were TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD ^ »n g these lines in West -- -̂---- -- Vancouver, , m ore-interest would Mr^ Douglas Roe, late of Lon- ^ association. You don, England; will be the guest then get people who were speaker at the regular monthly interested ih. horticulture fo be held in The ^^e prizes; which I CJachan, December 6th at 7:45 p.m.^WilI members please come prepared to pay membership fees? War Savings Stamps on sale as usual at th e meeting. Customer: "Give me-, four pork- sandwiche^ to take out." Counter Man (calling to . cook): Dress up four grunts to go walking." 7 ' 1̂ ■' ' - . '7 ' . •' " . ----- ... ____ w est corner ParceLl;* thence; southerly along show of Garrow Bay to point of commence ment. and containing three acres, more or less. THOMAS-GARROW, H. McL. Elliott, Agent. Dated, Novendher 1st, 1940. FOR BUSHAND m il e , w o o d -DKY KINDLING and TOPSOIL S. LOWRIE Phone W e s t 256-Y B u i l d e r s ! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT. Rr e MIX. Phone North 1141aOAO m a t e r ia l s u m i i e d