Estebliflhed over 15 years. Established over 16 years. , J ' t ? ̂ ' ̂ 6 r ' ^ M • ̂ I ' , . \ ! Circulating ^ West Vancouver^ Am bkside, H ollybum ,W ism , Dundarave $1 ,0 0 ^ym;!f-& ;i:r^ ^ r Cypress Park, Caulfeild.Whytecliff, E tc .' J:, '\:"Z7i'- ' ' 6c per copy: Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C, TH URSDAY, NOVEM BER 28th, 1940 N o. 33 THE WAR Dliring the last few. weeks the self-styled ."invincibility" of totalitarian arms has been exposed to all the world for the sham it always was. Apart from their numbers the German airmen and their machines are no match for ours, and the British Navy continues to rule the seven seas, while the Italian forces have s h o ^ themselves the hopeless fighters whiph they were known to be. In the Far East Chang Kai Shek has been moving to the attack with his 6,000,000 trained and equipped meri laiid refuse^ tb listen to Japan's.pleas for peace, so forcing the . latter to a further adventure in Indo china, where the necessity of "saving her face" from her own people will embroil her almost any day now in war with the United States and Britain, unless a miracle occurs.' Although nothing definite is known; it is supposed that the reason for Mussolini's sudden attack on, Greece was his anger at Germany's recent moves to dominate the Balkans, which he regarded, like the Mediterranean, â j his own peculiar property. At any rate, h is descent on 'Greece certainly did not have Hitler's, blessing, arid today between the British Navy and Air Force, the Greek army, and his fellow dictator's lack of interest in the m atter he must realise that his equity, in both is beyond" redemption, if, indeed it ever existed. ■ At the same tim e H itler's continued disregard of the grow ing debacle to Italian arms in Albania is difficult to under stand short of spite work on his part; for he and the German. High Command have never had any illusions that their Achil les' heel was Italy's vulnerability, not to mention the poor fighting quality of; her-personnel. Even should Germany at- tack-Greece_through_Bulgaria_and_utterly;-def8at--her in -sp ite i of the certain support of the' British^ and Turkish forces -- and such a defeat is m ost, unlikely-- she could never recapture the Greek Islands from which our airmen can now make a , . shanibjes of Jtaly;_.As_toJjerxecent:m uch-Jvaunted-diplom atic- successes-in-the-BalkanSr'Avithout-Turkey-they -represent-a-- CHRYSANTHEMUM ASSOCIATION CIVIC BANQUET HONORING SUB.LIEUT. TIMBRELL HOLLYBURN HALL There will be a Young People's -th e W e T v a S S ? ir A m a ? ^ . Those attending the Citizens'of the West Vancouver Amateur Tr„iivh,,ni TrnU nf 7V1K « m-'+'ixlChrysanthemum A s s o c i a t i o n . P®«^P*»fentajy Banquet n o r r o w ^ ( •took the form of u social at the 1??; S k o r w 11 be Tom IV^Li^nniftchati rooms Sneciiil fea+nre hrell, D.S.C., R.O.N., to be held ^om McLaren. w ara gJd^m sM ri^^^^^ at 7 p,m, on Saturday of t h i s - 8 * December 1st; sent by its leaves stiffening out at regular intervals. A t the Orange Hall last Tues day new officers were elected as follows: President, A. Corlan; Vice-Pres., Arthur Capon; Sec retary, R. F. Spai-e; Treasurer, McGregor being the spoukor. Tuesday,- De- or, ai*e asked to obtain their tickets at the Municipal Hall as i « early as possible as only 260 will 8 p.m. prayer and be issued, ,A musical program JJ">i«try of the Scriptures by A. Morning. UNITED CHURCH W.A. XMAS BAZAAR program has been armnged * arid l^rribrig the speakers will, be the follow ing : Flying Officer James; $in- W, S, Crawford; Executive S. $!"'*', representing the G, Braiider, Sinclair MacKay^R. " OJ-al Canadian Air Force; Cap- Martin G Pritchard Harvev • Ronnie Jackson, represent- 'smith,' Chairman of'member, "«» «/«; Boyal; Canadian Navy, ship, Sinclair MacKay. W. Major Blair M. Clerk, M.C., to olficra-te at the opening of the 2^4-Y2. Secretary, Phone R. F. J'̂ P**esentmg the Canadian Mil- Spare, W: 439-M2. , , A few memibers of the 'Mum ~ ~ Mrs. John Finch of North Club have joined His Majesty's Forces and their plaeos can be filled by, applying to the Mem bership Committee-Chairmanf or. ,___r v r in iu information. This is necessary n ^ ^ owing to only a limited number NOTES of club members being received ' -by-the-rules-of-the-AssociationT-- ---------- United Church yt .̂A. Bazaar next Tuesday, in the Church Hall. The Hall . and booths will be artistically decorated and a capable committee has arranged an attractive ; a,s^rtm ent , of fancy work, quilts, novelties, aprons, babies' wear and candies. Mrs. E. Bell Mrs. J. Bissett and Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, conveners for-the-home cooking; are'asking for donations., for _.thia__stalL- xw change in name only, since those B a ik a l'sta tes which have 'joined the axis were .Already under German control. First the Battle of B ritain and now the Italian defeats on sea and land, with a lf that they portend for the future. The deeply laid plan to attaclc and defeat Britain^at both ends o f the Mediterranean has badly missed-fire, whatever the future, for Franco is hardly , likely^^ move until the atmosphere Olear^ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE The first annual inspection of W est Vancouver. Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade, took Members are reminded . that Afternoon tea will be served for next general m eeting wiU be held which a charge of 25 cents will Thursday, December 5th a t , 8 made. p.m. A short business session place last the annex of w held followed by a pleM.- the Pauline Johnson School, ant. and interesting, surprise to when the 72nd ;(W est Vancou- our members, and any ex-serwice V»T TVlian-wVirt LIONS CLUB People of the United States dictator powers is shown by^the F i ^ French sei^ti- ment in the French "colonial empire /and in France itself.. Unless all signs fail, th e key to the immediate future-- the long future belongs,to us-- în both the Near and the Far. .East lies in Moscow." There Stalin,^ the Oriental sphinx, works in utter silence. That he. is no friend of ours we realise, and that he and thA_Russian-peopld-hate-4he-Uni-ted-Btates-for-their- - . * . 1 ^ #• /»' • " l* _ Of •«/-«»'/ • ' : IhSr^mAterial riso'urce?®fo Can*' . : Cigarette Fi^d ^ _ ' a d a ^ S ^ a n S Supt. A. T. Morrison, Corps-Of ficer H. E. Stanley, Lady Corps T!*r nVenrhmnied* bv D istrict , . aaa ana ine JBritisn^L Snnt" A T Morrison ^Corps-Of- Acknowledgment of . receipt of stamping oiit the "monster V. 'sfoniAv f.«Hv nnm s our Order for forty-three parcels shames and wrongs" o f HitlerT official and unoffioial scoldings .of the. Soviets is known, as that he has some kind of working afrangement^with-Germany toand Japan is also obvious. B ut ju st how far he is prepared - go-with-or against the axis pow ers'is-the efux of the present .-international problem. So far he. has played both ends.against the middle very successfully, usirigVhis weight wherever and , whenever he could to '^ ta iiT to n ce 'ss i^ ^ w ith o u r tg h tin g r iA t Supt. Miss E. M. Southcott and Lady Corps Officer Miss I. White. 'rile Men's Ambulance section, W s s e d '^ h ^ n p r6 s c r ib e d ~ te s ts 7 ,in ^ drill and first aid and tl)e ladies' nursing section in~first~aid"and ; of cigarettes to the men overseas has been received from Imperial Tobacco Company, Montreal. -This4^rpade-possibleJ)xa_don^ wrongs ism, District Governor Daniel Hunt of Seattle told more than 250 members of the Lions Inter- natjpina.LaJiJdie_annuaLzegiQnal: present he y?;ould 'like to see Japan fight the United States, while he gives* China ju st sufficient'support to gradually over come Japan but not to decisively, defeat her^ thus hoping that these three powers will eyenCually. be so weakened by war that he will be able to dominate the Far East. He appears to be pursuing the sam e policy in Europe, although there his in actions are iriofe difficult to read, f In spite of the ultimate object of both their policies calling for th e destruction of each by the other, he has shown hiriisejfisince war started to be at least a passive ally of H itler, arid the latter m ight force him in view of the ~ impending'collafP^ of Ita ly to take an active part against us> as he forced Mussojini in the case of France. -That-is-the-real-dangerTof-the-preserit-situation-as well as the best of reasons, w hy we should not halloo too soon or too. much over our own succeisseri and those off Greece in th e Near East. other tests to the satisfaction of the visiting officers. The division has only been in operation a few weeks and--the--pi^gress made toward efficiency in so short a tion of $ 100.00 from the treas- dinner m eeting in Hotel Georgia, ury-of th is branch. . It is hoped Saturday evening. to-coptinueH:o:send-t-hese-pareels---- More■Hhah'TO delegates from with "the-generous help.. of_the public. -V-'- tim e is a source of great sa tis- - faction to all concerned.. Both the men's and ladies' sections would "'welcome an increase in membership, and persons inter ested are requested, to get in WOMEN'S AMBULANCE CORPS eight W ashington clubs attend- .ed_ the ;m eeting,-at-w hich-W est- ■Vancouver Lions Club was host. Guest of honor was Sub-Lieut. Bob Timbrell, D.S.C., survivor of the Margaree dixsaster and naval The next m eeting of the B.C. hero o f Dunkirk. A.A.. Women's Ambulance Corps Also speaking were Deputy will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, Distrirt Governor Wim Wal- esiea art; rtjqucol'pu- tv/ m , o .,j .,4. rnfCan Jace, Vancouver. C../,nairman-3was^ touch with any of th e fallowing Deoember^2nd at Hu Jam es Mitchell, president of the officers: I>iv. Supt; L. C. Reid,^ Shop, 2423 M arineD nve. A good W est Vancouver Club. Leading San dy Cove; Amb. Officer H. C. attendance is requested. All the community siriging.was "Ed" Osborne, 1304^ Gordon A ve.; ladies having application forms Byers. Vancouver Central Club, TO SAVE $17,500 A delegation " composed o f K^ve Leyland and Councillors Hickinson and Sears obtained permission from the Provincial Government to purchase ft*6m me West Vancouver Sinking Eund $50,000 for. the balknice. erf me water by-law at 4 per cent., mus saving $17,500 in reduced interest rate arid depreciation. u n it y METAPHYSICAL CENTRE The Ujnity. Metaphysical Gentre (Non-Sectarian) fof Van- couver will hold a West . Vancou- , y®*" service at 8:15 p.m. tomor- P40C (Friday) at ' Shan^i-La, Marine Drive, ■ when the 2>eaker yti]\ be the Rev. T. Con- W J<mes and h0*subject "The' ' s Method."̂ Fbr, further ̂ ; qoft please phone' - West <, 5,4.,7?̂ - Monday,. December: 2nd, RiiiiJ* subject 't'Temple " ding." Unity literatures ̂& r-- day at 'I'Quaint Gifts L mm ' Dickinson-- Carmichael A ,q u ie t wedding was solem nized in the United Church in N o t o Vancouver a t 8 p.m. last Moriday, when the Rev. W. Stott united in marriage Evelyn Marj orie, younger daughter of Mi\ and' Mrs. John Carmichael of Lynn Valley, to Allan Herbert, second son of Ctmncilloi: and Mrs. William Dickinson of 780 14th Street, W est Vancouver.- The bride, who was giveri away b y her father, wore a turquoise ffiblue dress with wine acce^ on es andfa corsage of pink sw ^ th eart roses while her bridesmaid and sister. Miss Mary Carmichael,, had: chosen a dusky pmk dress, and navy blue'accessories with a c o ib g e o t yellow talisman roses Mr J Tom Dickinson, brother of the ̂groom, was best man and Mr.̂ Allan Carmichael, brother of f i e bride, played the wedding march. , ̂ 1V ^ ; Following the ceremony _the happy couple left for a to V ictoria and on their return, w ill take up residence in Van couver. Sergit. F. Stedman, 2650 Math ers ; Secretary, Neil Peacock, 650 11th Streeet;. -L ad ies- Nursing D ivision: Lady Div., Supt. Mrs. MacAulay, 1618 -Esquim alt; Lady Amb. Officer Miss C. Page; Secretary, Miss Cook; Store keeper; Mrs. Freemantlc. are asked to bring them in. COUNCIL NOTES W. 'V. Chamber of Commerce wrote the Council re Fire Pro tection, W est Vancouver. while on the program of enter tainm ent were ■ Miss Dorothy Murrell, Miss Margaret Richard son and dance pupils of Miss B etty Cavendish. Music was supplied by_Mrs,_ Laidlaw and orchestra from West BRITISH-ISRAEL The meeting as usual will be held on Monday, at 8 p.m. Speaker, Miss Janet Lamdowne of Vancouver. Miss Larisdowne Resolved that this be referred Vancouver for the dance im- to the Chairman of the Fire De- m ediately following dinner. Much partment for investigation and ....... .. ............ that the writer be thanked for his communication. H. A. Roberts Ltd., November re Lot 1, Block A, has a very vital message, Come and hear this interesting young, speaker.*** - • fun and enjoyment was supplied by the two guest Tail Twisters -- Jimmie Nichols from Kitsilano Club and Boise "'Brown from Mount Pleasant Club. , Don't pass up the opportunity get your application in now for Resolved that this be referred , the Lions Amateur N ight, De to the Engineer for a report. vHIGH SCHOOL TO H6NOR SUB-LIEUT. TIMBRELL Official tribute will be paid, to Sub-Lieut. Robert "Bob" Tim.- . brell. West Vancouver High ' cipal garage thereon. School's own war hero,..on iPri- . , ' ; day afternoon, November 29th, Louis Minet wrote the Loun when 570 students will cheer cil re condition of Gordon Ave. The'Council instructed the En gineer 'to arrange for the clear-: ing of Lot 3, Block 25, D.L. 237 , . . for purpose of building a Muni- tion has been sent in by an ap^ . -, -------- ) plicant w ho states he is 75 yeark youngr--so send them along now cember 13th, 1940, proceeds for the Christmas Cheer Fund. Have a lot o f fun and help a worthy oaute. Believe it or not, an applica- the tim e is running short; Bob on bis visit to his old school., between 11th and 12th Streets Robin Martin, Student A s- and dangerous tr ^ s . I.O.D.E.. sociation presiderit, will present Bob with a silver cigarette case, a present from the students. "To Bob, frorii .the staff and students of W e sf'Vancouver H igh SchobI, in commemoration o f Dun kerque, 1940." : 'Trie regular monthly meetingResolved that the applicant be -- advised his request has been re- ' o f the Duncan Lawson Chapter ferred to the Chairman of the I.O.D.E. will be held at the home Board of.,. 'Works (Councillor, o f Mrs. J. P. J a c k in , 2258 Math- Sears) and .the Engineer and ers A ve., on Monday, Deceriiber that m atter of danigerous trees '2 at 1 :45 p.m. Upper levels bus was already ih hand. , from w harf at 1:30 p.m. -- s>