?•' 0k• ^ r r ^ - * 1 ̂ ^::tS • "i M -9 k .. t f t '; ' ' 1 " I ' i 1̂ r . -1 . ' 1 1 ' 1 ̂ * . J , Bm'linii VAN NEWS f»iMNi« w««t 4« ' Jk«'iitel^€^ S m ltil m*uû 'Wrntm& Wrm XhM fmf Sirrie* . « MoxitJil)' Aceotmt MOTHEHS* AUXILIARY ST. STEPHEN'S SCOUTS PRICES FOR FRI. & SAT., NOVEMBER 22nd & 23rd M E A T Slt«a & WhiU> COFFEE->lrrii4taUHl.I»lb. Un ..............*„.4#e Hav« th<̂ Cou(M)iiiJ!i for Valuable Frettilume lUd & White llrand 80UFS~~Your Choke of Tomato. Vegetable, Cel ery, Green I*ea* 3 tlna ................27c Dozen ;...................... ............. ,....$1.(10 B. C. TUNA FlHIi--White Flakea. ' No. '/i Un ...... ;..............................17c Bed & White Brand BOKK & BEANS. 2 I8-OZ. Una ..................................IBc Bed & White Brand GBEEN CUT BKANS-Tall tin ......................... Oc Bed ,& White WHOLE KEBNEL • COBN--Tall tin ............. '............. l ie Nabob , ASPABAGUS TIPS and ENDS--lO^i-oz. tin ....................lOc PUFFED WHEAT--fluaker. 2 pktH...............................................IGc <;OBN FLAKES--Kellogg'a/ Big 12-oz. |ikt, ;...... 11c We«t 370 ■ .Free Dclimy ' ' lll!iiJnl: . PORK LAMB " yEA L All Grade A & A1 Deiicatesgen PVesh Fish Daily The attmiBl mcfcting' of the Mothers* Auxiliary to the 1st W est Vancouver (St. Stephen's) Cub,s and Scouts was held on November 14th at the home of Mrs. Jones, Mathers Ave. The following officejs were e le c ts for the ensuing year--Mrs. C. W, Addison, President; Mrs. J. D. Thompson, Treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Fletcher, Refreshment Convener; Mrs. W. Jones, Press Reporter. The present secretary, Mrs. J. R. Lidster, and Vice-President, Mrs. D. A. Jay, were re-elected for a second term of office. vNovember 14th i . , . s a s h ' & "d o o r s . M I ^ M I 7 > B s r W o o D S , l a t h PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, HOOFING, WALLBOARD -m v Agents; CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ' There la no auKwititnte for . Quality WEM VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive Phone West 115 25 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classified A J ^ e m e i i t e ig 2 cents per word, lainimum cents. Except in the case of thosa having regular accounts, all dasS. fieds are payablo strictly in f ^ v iu ^f tirv UajUtUlV DldiavaaiJ mnmw wmmmmtmfm Remember Classifieds in Ute Weat Van. News get immediato reaulu. CHRISTMAS l»JNEAPPIiE--Singapore Slked 'I'iii .......................................... 1 ^ HABDINJiS--Canadian. Tin ......... 6c PRUNES--K.D. Brimd. 2-Ib. ctn. 16c RINSO--Large packet ................... 22c, SEAL CAMPAIGN GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. SUITE FOR R E N T -2 or 3 toon, furnished or ̂ unfurnished., gS location, , near ferry and bus. Phonl W est 738-L. f'j", 1> i\ .1 ry.i). t' t. __ -1 ' t ; ;k '•> 'yi,'i - S i ■■■; >'V m -,v n>!i . ■ -l\r hi n :h:l% 'pi'i: i i « i On Sunday, November 17th a t YE VILLAGE FM RE Si. Stephen'H Church the Rev. AND BARN DAMTCE F, A. Rumney officiated a t the On a lypical village street, chriatening of Vera Irene and miiny Weat Vancouver residents ■Baby William Bryoe; children amrvi.sitors shopped., a t the 17th of Flying Officer and, Mrs. B. R. annual event of the DUncan Cozena: Codpa.rents^ were Mr, j,aw.son Chapter, I.O.D.E. Gay and Mrs. S. Taylor, Mrs,/I. D. El- awriinga decorated shop fronts, , gar, and Mr. and Mrs. H. S... wh(.'re homo cooking and Christ- , nia.s novelties were offered for Following the ceremony tea ^ale. J.ovely gardens, the setting was served at the home of Mrs. Uu' ilowers and candy, a jewelry ,S. Taylor, 3246 Marine Drive. .s),oi, selling raffle tickets, and a -----^ J ' o s t Office for the,sale of War I*OPI*Y DAY COMMITTEE ' Savings Stamps."Also an inter- --------- esling display_of.,the many typ_es THe P O p p y ^ 'ay- Committee of knitted garments, leather lin- wi.sh to ixpress their apprecia- ed. coats which the members of turn to all those who so kindly the chapter are making for helped to make their campaign Soldiers' Comforts and clothing so sucoesaful thiM year. Particu-- fpt- overaeas.--_- - jar.s of receiptsanci^^ Mrs. E. w'. Ham her,ythe h on- up to dale ar^ as follows; ̂ . orod guest during the afternoon, House to house canvass ,..$306.47 was profuse in her praises of the ........................... 103.38 efrcctive and novel scene. The §^09? West Vancouver.String Group as J.^uhne John village "lassies and lad" was a J" 8h School :...... 6.61 real treat and played all during Hollyburn ........... 6.25 , the afternoon. Mrs. F. X, Hodg- -------- 28.61 son entertained with stirring Wreaths ......... :.............. 86.25 patriotic songs, accompanied by -- --̂ M a r g a r e t McIntyre. It was .$524.71 a privilege to hear and see ,these ̂ , ----------two "old timers" again. Dancing - total Expenses: by pupils of Betty Cavendish Wreaths and Poppies $141.95 completed a very enjoyable pro- Other expenses (trans- gramme. " poriation, window dis- The tea table set in the lower pluy,;-arlvei'tTsring;-post= ̂ K a ll jw a T o e n tfe rw t^ ^ -- 4ige, (vtx:...............■ a 3 .50^intim3j-tok^d--db3^H^R-yelIow-- r -;7 tapers. Mrs. W. Hi Green, Mrs. , ------------------------r $155;45 ; J. R. Mitchell, Mi's. T. B. Turner," -------- -- Mrs.*A.'T. Cushing, Mrs. Robert . Total proceeds-to date ....$369.26 Weir and Miss Maycock presid- * ------------------------ ed during the tea hour. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE The "Barn Dance" a t "The First Division Ranch" concluded a very suc- Teams: P W L T P ts . cessful day. The patrons and W.V. Sizzlers ....... 5 5 0 010 patronesses for the occasion Maple l ie a fs ............ 5 3 2 0 6 were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. M aren-' Dudes .............. 4 2 2 0 4 tette, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mac- Canadiens ..............5 2 3 0 4 donald, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dono- Sockeyes......... ........5 0 5 0 0 van, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. H. Wain- Last week's scores: >vright, Dr. and Mrs. E. Ther-^ W.V. Sizzlers 12, Sockeyes 6. Tien, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- C anadiens'll, Maple Leafs 7. Mahan and Mr. and Mrs. J A _ Second Division ̂ Don McDonald; Teams: PWirtrT^Pts;^ Lucky numbers drawn were, Nifties .............. 6 6 0 012 Diamond and Platinum Dinner Comets .................... 5 3 1 1 7 Ring, No. 3253, Miss Peggy Ost- Grizzlies .................. 6 3 2 1 7 rom ; Needlepoint Stool, No. 128 ^ Sharpvshootera ........6 8 3 0 6 Mrs. Len Kyle; Rock Garden' Roamers ..................5 1 4 0 2 No. 9, Mrs. J. H. McNeil; In- Peledins .............. .6 0 6 0 0 gredients for Christmas Cake Last week's scores,; No. 6, Miss J. Crutohlow. The Nifties 10, Shai-pshooters 8. \ Christmas Cake drawing will be Grizzlies 16, Peledins 8. "^announced later. The West V ancou^r Kinsmen Club wish to give out the fol lowing information, re tuber culosis in B.C. in connectiomwith their annual seal campaign: 1. While impoving, thi*'death GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SB y, 4991 or West 1065-Ll. teLDERLY BUSINESS WOMAN wishes to contact lady to share a small house; divide rooms. W est 897-R3. ' ■ MARCEL SHOP -- Thormique SUrm Permanents; only best materul used. Expert operators. , phon* W est 804. Roydl Bank Building * H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marin0 Drive ̂West 646 rate in B.C. is still higher than p e m b e r t o n REALTY COUP. LTD the average in Canada, there being 563 deaths in 1939 from the disease or nearly 11 deaths a* week. The mortality rate among the Indians is appalling, and high also among the Orie- entals. 2r Wherever large groups of individuals are living in close quarters, many cai^es of active tubeculosis^ may b(i discovered. Tuberculosis is more prevalent among laboring groups than in the cases of,those with higher (Established BO years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative, F. Bayliss (Notary Public) 2436 Bellevue Ave. , West 522-;R J. INW ARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- icitor, 1405 Marino Drive; phont W est 21t or West BB3rR-l. CONVALESCENTS, a n d . p a y i n g guests. West 819-L.. - CHIMNEY s w e e p in g - Sawdost burners installed; furnace repain. G. Meldrutn,^ 1108 Lonsdale. North :,.822. $2300,,4 ROOM HOUSE, close in, Very , easy teyms. Attractive 5 room house, choice location, near waterfront, $2600. All cash. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West. 55 FLOOR SURFAGING-J. Sutherlaai W est 488 or North 578. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L.- ;$10r-FOR~RENT--Cottage"near:ferryr w,a r m, comfortably furnished. Phone West 398-R. "incomes. ' 3. A large proportion of pat ients admitted to 'Tranquille have the disease in an advanced form, . j*'LOANS showing the necesrity for earlier. ̂ I^ommion Housing Loan, Home Own- WESTERN WOODWORKEUS-Store and house fixtures, turning, gl -- glazing._Weat-740,-W-est-448-R. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ran Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too smaU. Burrard Junk Co.; West 9L discovery and prompt sanat orium isolation.-^^ , 4. The B.C. Tuberculosis So ciety works in collaboration with the Division of Tuberculosis Control of the Provincial Board of Health in their fight against the disease • activities including health education paying the salary and expenses of_a public health nurse in the F raser Val ley and contributing to the cost of the . new addition to Tran quille Sanatorium. And a con- vaescent horne. is badly needed. Its income is lar^Iy ,, derived from the sale of Xmas . p's"Loans,"neg^5Ert^ ed immediately, full real estate ser- i vice --r Notary Public --̂ Insurance. Percy Masterman, 2446 Marine Dr., • West 1077. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn, try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. NEW & Reconditioned Bicycles -- R e p a irs ---- Sporting Goods. Fred Jones, 1439 Marine. W. 7 1 2 -M .' LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts • W est Vancouver Machine.Shop, 1449 .Marine. GOATS' MILK--Can supply onc» quart daily, price delivered 20 cents. C. Bruce Clegg, Phone West 241-L. PAPERHANGING, Painting, KalMl mining; first class work, at reason* able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-B. WANTED--;6irl for housework. Sleep out. W. 1191-L, WA.NTEDrr-Girl; for < generail - house- vvork, over 20; one child. W* 747-Y. RE-ROOFIN(j--GENUINE DUROB Shingles, attractive, permanent , Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B, (hripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay, West 494-R. N ellie H arrison - A.T.C.Mi -Special Diploma Teacher of P i a ^ and Theory. ~ 1955 Inglewood Ave. ' " ̂ , West 1056-L r e l d e r l y BUSINESS WOMAN ' wants unfurn ish^ attic, care for child or company e v e n ii^ , part ^OMPLETELNOTARLAL-SERVieBS- 'rentr-Or two rooms or cabin. West ' 897-R3 evenings. _ All forms of documents .drawn and ^executed;: SALE -- Rei^nditioned Beatty Kectric Washer $10, oiL^axchange- for Cinderella. W. 332-M. Real- Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER- & CO. LTD. - 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver̂ Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L FOR REiNT--Modern six .room fur-, nished house; garage. W. 627-L. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West - 700. , Jack's Snaps Chesterfield S u ite $50 C hairs - $5 up R epairing - Polish ing 1516'Marine Drive' ROOM AND BOARD for one'bir two ladies; quiet home. M rs.'Urquhart, West 6S3-L. / F<)R SALE--Quaker Oil Circulating Heater, like new. Phoiie W. 347-M. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor. 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t. West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. FOR: RENT-r-rDundarave; comfortable 4 roomed bungalow. Range; Near bus, $20.00. W. 461-R. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stac CO spraying, first class wor!:, lnâ erials guaranteed. Terms arranged. , F. Gaines; W. 974-L. _EO,R .SALE -Quantity-secohd-hand- windows and frames suitable for greenhouse, or verandah;-also sec- ond hand doors and .casings; quan tity 1-in. square fir flooring, suit able for boat planking. West : 159-R2. YOUR SUPERFLUOUS CHINA - -glass,T:brass-and" antiques-may4e exchanged a t Quaint Gifts, 2435 Marine D rive.. FOR RENT--Dec. 15th, 4 rooms, fire place, basement, .furnace, laundry tubs. Apply_ Mr. Blower. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- Toys, Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Supplies, Baby Garments, Notions, Chinaware, Hardware. Form No. 16 (Section 87). LAND ACT WANTED-r-Pive roomed unfurnished bungalow; garage. W. 167-M. XMAS PHOTOS^Three 5 x 7 inch in folders, one colored, $3. Barclays, 1518 Marine. West 7 1 0 . _____ #1 ' 'IIP'. tf) M I w I ' 1- "V m i Sit§ .5 yi i- I' m m 'I ' f R anges t»m $33ZS to $7980 Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land RENT -- W aterfront; 5 rooms, D ^ l s t or sooner,-$30. W. 1006-L. GENERAL HAULING--Manure, sep tic tenks and rockpits installei^M cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-S. ' . ' ___; 4T* r 'll •f' i l i ' i : LARGE DISPLAY . of all th e la te s t model ranges jd g h t here in W est Vancouver f > r you to choose from . HALL FUEL CO. f - ' 1447 Marine Dr. West 1091 In Vaincouver Land Recording Dis- Uroup One,New Westminster District and situate bn the foreshore .and b6d of Garrow Bay in front of Parcel 1 of B16ck B of District Lot 4d0 as„ shown on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office a t Vancou- w l as ReferencePlan No. 1809, *^at 'iliomas Garrow of ^occupation boatman intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: . Commencing-at a post planted a t we south west corner of said Parcel south boundary thereof or less; thence east 110 feet more ot corner, of said of commence- CLEARED CORNER LOT Snap Price $350.00 F irst Deposit Takes It. _C. J. Archer Ltd.. W est 225 JW LL THE PERSON who took 8 dresser scarf from the Clachan on November 7th kindly return same by mail. " WANTED--Garage, vicinity 19th and Marine. West 205. LOST--Qarved ̂jadet pendmit 'with loop of seed pearls attached. Re ward. West 118. FOR SALE -- 1938 Chevrolet coach, ' excellent, condition, radio, hea^> consider trade-in. West .183-L. J - -- V* commence- ■U' THOMAS GARROW, riuf/,.? XT ?* Elliott, Agent. Dated, November 1st, 1940. will be received by the Municipality of West Vancouver for the following positions: ■ /Accountant with'Transportation ex perience for Perry Department. Accountant, preferably' with Muni- HaflV Municipal fV which should ' reach must be' s t re s s e d in writing to the Municipal Hall, Hollyburn, B7C ..:^ v! mg age, qualifications and experience. References must also be- furnished. ^siden ts given preference, qualifications, etc., being eqnaL Duties -tlLcommencfi- DecemhAr-̂ i n------ FOR S A L E -^ood Wringer ' . . head), rolls in first class conditio West 2W B . : - _______ -- FOR SALE-^Hamilton - Beach Motor with foot attachment, Hoosiei* Kitchen Cabinet. Fho - W. 684-R. ^ $2650.00 , . f o r SALE fully furnished, modem, ,6 room house, cementiuyiiCrjlj';O"X0Oin ■: ment; 6 years old; close in One suite can be rented. A j home"with-an income. Sharpe ty, W. 719:. ■ _____- FOR .--RENT--4 room modern hong; .'j low; furnace, ■ for $25.00 ® „ also ^small ^ c o t ta j^ ,- J J 0 .0 ^