West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Nov 1940, p. 3

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..................... , ̂ ̂ r ̂ ̂ j: . * , - ̂ r ^̂ "-^'.u- ....................................... . -P-IU.-P-. ------ - ------------------- ,#j|s!'i#esj|is##<»*̂|;i||ĝ|i:î lippi« . , .. ., 1 jK«,.r.»T,., ^ 4..^.I,.*-- ,-̂ «<. .M-». »̂ J,-.̂ _«W«.J(;. »yif,s.v«.,-->- B̂iisiSiiifPiiSî lfif#̂ ##p*«|ĵ '44,4, mM mAm m o . r m m m v m m m s ffliiiHiss ana CiMurcttci A G ift * * m ! * w il l a p |> f e d a t^ T i l l s C h r l s t n t s s B O N - T O i f ^ N F t i C n O N E R Y (SYP. KNOWLKS) CcwvtdwtJjrJocafcod, 2do«Bi]&roia HoJlyburn ThttUro m a i l e a r l y PO R 'O V ERSEA S A full range of MAGAZINES always in stock. 77 "S'."*..."'""".."" ...,-mmmmmm, J.----- . 4 - . . - T - « Local and Personal ^ ......................... I ........................................................................IIIIII ill- ■ ............................................... .................. ........................ , - ..... ............ ,........ , .......... ......... ....... ................,■..--------------- ,................ ...I ir I i im ill ii i i i.-- a The Rev. J . P. Dingle offlciati Mr. and Mrs. William Me­ ed a t the annual Remembrance Guire, who have been living a t Day service under the auspices West Bay, have moved Into tneir of Post 83* South Burnaby new home a t 14th and Gordon branch of the Canadian Legion, Ave. Auspices Canadion Legion Branch 60 and Legion W. A. BENEFIT CONCERT which was held ■ a t All Saints^ Ghuroh, Alta Vista on Sunday afternoon. A son was born on November 13th a t the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs family at Rad- , '■<!> « ' 4t Mrs. Robinson and have mvoed into a house a t cliflfeAve. r ■a. iit , 4> Mrs. J. Conway and bhby boy iHjturned on Tuesday to the home Bennett's BAKERY B im 'EUCUUST SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a dor. ; 3CMAS CAKES.. M ade to o rder. Scotch Meat Pics .Sc each - 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped Broad 1468 Mnrino Dr. Phono W. 27 in the Inglewood Auditorium WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th , 1940 .at8,l$p.m. Proceeds to West Vancouver Overseas Cigarette and T ic k e t s 3 5 c . Eric H usband ' (nee Mollie But- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ler) of West Vancouver, . T. Atwood, 15th and Ottawa, to * * * recuperate a fte r .^pending sev- Mr. and Mrs. A. Parson, 2523 eral weeks in the North Vancou- King's Aye., left last Saturday ver General Hosptlal. for North Vancouver, where * * ♦ they will reside in future. Mi's. Middleton* has moved from Vanicouver into a house at yj DUNDARAVE URRARY y | 2476 MARINE DRIVE English Xmas Cards & 'Calendars. Canadian Xmas Cards Gifts, Wrappings, etc. Library Subsedptions, 65c. month SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY The Oldest Established in West Vancouver -- 8 years! Mrs. W. Foster, 1345 Fulton Ave., was admitted to St. Paul's Hospital for treatm ent on- an ankle injury, received when she tripped on a curb at Alexander . and Columbia a t 11:15 a.m. Sun- throughllfne^^^^ day. if Radcliffe Ave. Mrs. R. Kinloch has taken over the business again a t 2464 Marine Drive,, a f te r an absence ' Miss M argaret Watson, Caul- feild, was among the Vancouver guests a t the R.C.A.F. ball in the Empress Hotel, Victoria, on F ri­ day evening. She also-attended POLICE COURT NOTES Peake; Vice-President,- . C. Elmsley, R.C.A.C. Stirling; Secretary, George p rif- ' * * * fin; Treasurer, Walt Teroe ;■ Sei:- couvef held November 18th, the geant a t Amis, Dave M urray; following slate of ̂ officers were Directors, Don ^Palm er' and elected for 1941: President, Bill ' Laurie W ainwright. A t the W est Vancouver Police Court on Wednesday morning of last week M agistrate R. A.'Sar- the wedding in*vfctoria'lo d ay g'ent of Nortl^ Vancouver preaid- of Miss Margot Greer and Capt. ^d, acting for" and on behalf of k in s m e n CLUB At the b i-m o n th ly m e e tin g o f the Kinsm en C lub o f W est Van- <:Sr F R E S H F R O M C A N A D A 'S W O R L D F A M O U S O R C H A R D S , Sub-Lieutenant Robert Timb- reil lost the Distinguished Ser­ vice Cross presented to him. by His M ajesty when H.M.C.S. Margaree sank in the- Atlantic. - ' As a m atter of fact all his naval k it went down with his ship ex­ cept the ' blue raincoat he was wearing when he stepped off the train. ' . ------------------------------------------------------------♦ * • , ----- These big '̂xosy apples are. ripe and delicious •-- good eating^ either hresh or cooked! Order a generous quantity Trom your fruit ,7̂ , market TO-DAYi y ? Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Soren­ son, Sinclair Ave., have had as their house guest Wing Com­ mander Charles Turner, who is j;the la tte r's cousin. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson entertainr ed .a t dinner in His honor, when covers were laid for ten. The M agistrate Gordon Robson. A local; motorist was *fined $25 , or in default one month in Oakalla for dangerous driving as a result of an acoident- a t 11th and Es^ quimalt Ave. A fine of $7.50, each wasTexacted in-the-cases-of-one-- local and one city au to is^f or ex­ ceeding the speed lim it^ n the school zone a t 22nd and Marine Driye.,.!, Another local 'motorist was fined $7,50 for exceeding the speed limit on Marine" Driver"" 7 WOMEN'S AUTO AMBULANCE CORPS Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FlUDAY AND ' SATURDAY MA'P. Nov. aiHt, 22mi and 28i'd JOE E. BROWN 'MARY CARLISLE ' Beware of Spooks' * , alHo ' ' "HERO FOR A DAY" SATURDAY EVE. AND •' MONDAY Novoinbor 28rd and 26th RONALD COLMAN WALTER HUSTON " THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" also "INFORMATION PLEASE" 4 ±fllESDAY AND WEDNliiSDAY ^November 2Gth and 27th jORETTA y o u Kg ~r a t "m il i :a n d ~ " The Doctor Takes aWife", (a t 8:15) also "THREE SONS" The_ B. C._Automobile Associa­ tion Woman!s Ambulance Corps m et a t H unter's Coffee Shop Marketing.Sertiice dominion_ DEPARTMENT OF _ jf---:--ACrRIGIJKdTIJHEi-- | OTTAWA - Hononrable, , James. G.v Gaidiner*-Minister , __,j6y guests w ere: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Monday, November 18th. Of- Sorenson, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. fleers elected were Mrs. H. A, Vass, Miss Peggy Stearnmn, -Kitchener, Chairman ; Miss Ola ̂ McLean, Treasurer, and Miss W. _____ »---♦-- 4c-- .------------- D orchestery--S ,ecretary^It-4^~ G O O D AND G O O D F O R Y O U Engagement decided to hold the next meeting The engagem ent's announced . Monday, Deeem ber-2ndT-;-It--is- of-Annersecond-daughtei^of-Mr^^-- ^hoped-t-hat--as--many--ladies--as- and Mrs. J. Swarbrick of ̂ Von- possible will attend on th a t date, bouver,--to - Mr.-Samuel-Ernest aV- more-,information will-then Turner, second son of Mr. and be available regarding uniforms Mrs. T. B. Turner, of 2690 Math- and t h e . m a n y interesting ers Ave. The wedding will take courses to be started in the new place on Saturday, December year. Anyone interested please 14th „at St. Stephen's Anglican phone W est 17-M'. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ■ AT THE The Store of Quality KAYSER SNUGGIES 15% Wool b r i e f s - PANTIES AND VESTS White and Tearose. Smttllr-mcdimnT-lnrge-- -and-oxtra--lar-g4i.-Each- j iS c ^ Church, a t 8 p.m.♦ ♦ Engagement Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gilbert of Steveston announce the engage­ m ent of their eldest daughter, Bernice Eileen, to Mr. Philip, John Farm er of St. Catharines, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Gi . SOCCER NOTES Burrard Laundry Ltd. well know n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L West Van; 0, South Van. 2. A very good game of soccer was witnessed a t Ambleside Park on Saturday when the " Thislocals played South Van. F a rm e r-2 3 0 7 ^ e lle v a e ^ e ^ o the second encwinter the tyo teams have had th is season, the E xtra Special Fir Slabs an d wedding will take place quietly -^pti have. wiTmino- hv the on December 14 in Welland Ave- ?? In side F ir, mixed I * -U y P '» ;c o rd T ^ ^ nue United Church, St. Catha­ rines; Ont. odd goal of five, in the first game, and on Saturday [they P H O N E N O R T H 8 6 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Saunders announce the engagement of their only daughter, M argaret Patricia (Peggy), to Mr. Charles Norman Phipps of Calgary, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. C. Phipps, Victoria, B.C. The wedding will take plaice quietly in C hrist Church Cathedral in early .De­ cember. SPLimNfi HEWACHES .take a severe to ll in nervous y tension**nsually. - indicate eyestrain. H ave yon cb eck ed you r ligh tin g lately? ; Adequate, correct l i f t i n g , especially for read­ ing, w ill-eliin in ate headaches caused by eye­ strain. - Cood-hye headacheS) with ^ETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT! LAWN BOWLING CLUB SOCIAL The West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club are giving th e ir Annual Social Evening a t 8. p.m, next Thursday, November 28th, ^,in the Legion Hall. Cards and dancing will be enjoyed. strengthened their position by winning by 2 to nil. 'The score in this case had no connection with the . run of play, as from the first whistle the local team took the offensive, and kept the bail in their opponents' half most of the time. The referee ' was hasty when he allowed South :Van., w hat looked like .an :..off-side goal([However the West Van. boys stiH 'kep t on trying to score, but la ter the man in charge gave a gpal to South Van. which in our opinion should never hav^ been called, "n iis seemed to break up the locals, who ju s t jogged along until the final whistle. In everyone's opin­ ion it was a good game. Next week a stronger team is being fielded. Look out for wins! For an Enjoyable Evening SKATE a t The North^Shore R oller Arena 135 W. 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings Parties arranged, for. 11-40 e x p e r t W a t c h a n d C lo c k ' r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (lorm erly w ith Buka Ltd, ' M ontreeil - 1522 Marine Drive SHOP THIS CHRISTMAS ON YOUR "HOME-SHORE"! See the sm art display of novelties , a t MILDRED'S DRESS SHOP (Next to the Imperial Bank) Boxed Hankies, Scarves, Hosiery, Purses, Blouses ^ and' Umbrellas ' WE CHALLENGE CITY PRICES!