«; |!!i ~r'?̂ ,>̂>'̂ , f%«'i|J«-̂ 'WtW#)* r - n v v / . ^ c i A L l i b r a RY I « . . / I - . f V « . Ol , . n ^ • * \ - W / * ^ fP J ^-». . v̂4- • ' < <: f B)sttblisti«d ov«r lH ,y««r8. EstebllBhed over 16 years* Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver^Ambleside, Hb/fyhum, Westoh, Dundarave $1.00 per, y e a r ,- , - - - Cypress Park, Gaulfeild, Whyteeliff^ Etc. 6c per copy. Vol* XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21et, 1940 No. 32 END OF AN ERA HOLLYBURN HALL MBMaHai This era is drawing to a dose with tha t worldwide war, which under the circumstances could not be otherwise than inevitable. And w hether civilization will crash into chaos when the cease-fire sounds or be saved by souhd thinking translated into sane action not even the wisest amongst us can foretell with any degree of likelihood, n o t.to say accuracy, That a highly developed, civilization oan pass, away suddenly is entirely possible, as the ruins of g reat cities in the jungles of Central America and Asia dumbly tell us w ithout reveal ing the cause or causes. Ours might have been one of the greatest eras of all time, had the progress made by humanity beemmore general instead of almost wholly and solely along the lines of the material. The Elizabethan period, for instance, produced great state- men, writers, poets, as .well as a m aterial growth due to the coterie of bold navigators who established Britain as a sea power. But this era is dying because science with its fip- plication in various ways , has been its only contribution of any importance t6 hum an progress. Science has been a t once its chief crown and its most evil genius. And such a lopsided growth was bound to end in disaster. ; , Science and its wonderful discoveries wrecked the old religious beliefs w ithout offering anything in their place while opening up the whole world to development. Enormous natural resources were rendered available due to the improvements ; in. U'ansportation and the machinery to develop them. Great fortunes were made overnight,'life becarhe more extravagant in its general use of luxuries and the mad scranlble for wealth T. Mcfiareh will be the speak er a t the speoial Young People's Service to bo held at 7 :15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Holly burn Hall. N ext Sunday, Noyembcr 24th, there w i l l be Sun day School and Young Peo ple's Bible Class at 9:50 a.m., and a t 7 :30 p.m. a Gospel Ser vice, when the speaker will be Maurice Campbell of New West minster. Tuesday,, 26th, at 8 p.m. prayer, and ministry of the Scriptures by Peter McCJregor, and a t 7 ;30 p.m. next day', Wed nesday, a special service for ad vanced scholars.' , SUB-LIEUT. TIMBEBLL WELCOMED HOME CIVIC BANQUET HONORING SUB-LIEUT. TIMBRELL CIGARETTES & TOBACCO SHIPMENTS OVERSEAS l)egan, wHiclThas resu ItM loday in the wealthiest sitting in the seats of the m ighty because of their riches, while knowl- The first shipment of cigai]- ettes and tobacco to West Van̂ * couver residents serving over seas went forward early in No vember comprising 43 paircels. These should reach the boys in tim e for Christmas. -The-committee-wishes-to-eX" edge, integrity, ability, and all those th ings which really make for greatness have a place by the door. In th is connection we believe Professor Leapook once, ^ o t e that^his holding the chair of economics a t McGill enabled" him to mix" with the. press their appreciation to, the citizens for their co-operation in furnishing names and addresses, which has been of great assist ance in^oompleting the-list. The A Citizens' Complimentary Banquet to honor Sub-Lieuten ant Robert Timbrell, D.S.C., H.C.N. will be held a t 7 p.ni. Sat urday, November 30th, in the H i g h S c h o o l Auditorium* 'rickets, which arc limited to 250, can be obtained at the Muni cipal Hall, commencing Monday, November 25t;h. UNITED CHtJRCH W.A. TO HOLD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The annual Christmas Bazaar of the United Church Women's Association will be held in' the Church Hall " on Tuesday De cember 3rd a t 2:30 p'.m. A tempting array of articles, large and small, suitable for Christ mas gifts will be, offered for sale. Those in charge of the various stalls will be: Fancy work, Mrs. E, Scott, Mrs. W.'Blair, Mrs. N. -T.-Shirlaw-and-Mrs.-A. Chilton j smaller business men of Montreal. Men have always desired wealth but it-is the modern worship of riches and those who possess them th a t is th e root of the evil, especially when the old belief in a H ereafter has been largely shattered and men live for this world alone. For in such circumstances all the rules of decency and fa ir play-tend to become swept away, and the really honest' manyfaa'in our-^^yilization today-pays-fo r his honesty with lack of success, - ,4 ^ a t is not a pleasant thought^ but it is enlightening as showing the precipice which aw aits us a t the end of the path we are treading, since credit is fundamentally based on honest dealing, and without credit there would be. littlq business. War is a great leveller. In it we learn th a t i t ii^ not what a man has but what* he is th a t counts in the day of battle. A common danger and a common cause welded us together to present an unbroken front-to^tli^iiemyinAdTe~GreatAVarrbut^ West Vancouver went over to the" C. Nt R.'-^Station ~ Sunday morning and with the , help of novelties, Mrs. A. Addy, Mr$. W. Crawford and Mrs. I. Hous ton; candy, Mrs. M. Rush and Mrs. M. Milne; babies' wear, Mrs. George - Bell-and Mrs. - H,~ Ostrom; afternoon tea. Miss I. Philip r aprohs, t h e Vespfer . total number of names in all ser- " * vices has been increased from « i. t • a., ........t'* vc»ucl 215 to 231 and now includes one Vancouver gave ^ub-Lieutenant Group. There will also be a home girl, Barbara W yatt, with the Robert Tirnbrell, D.S.C., R.C.N., cooking stall. R^A.F. Signals. ' a royal welcome home. Repve --------- I t is hoped to continue these ,ijeyland and the members of ' shipments and to . average a t with their w ives -least too cigarettes a m onth 'to 1 ^ 'L o u n m L y ^ lL .^ tm , .......... each man. To do this funds are members of the School. Board!, , necessary and the public is re- with their wives, Capt. the Hon. minded of the concert, a t Ingle- C. S. Leary, M in ister'o f Public wood Auditorium on Wednesday, Works, representing the Prov- " I i n c i a ' G o v L m en t, Mayor TeU of which go to this fund.I _____________ " ford and Alderman Bennett to- LE610N NOTES JBENEEIT-CONCERT- unfortunately, ^ t e r the Arm istice we returned to our flesh peteTTergetting-tlie-lessGns-we^had-IearnLr^-Dnee-m ore-we-aFe There w ill be a meeting to gether with many others from ^ i n s t . , "W ^rV ancouver and the city7^1 8 prm. It-is~hoped-^o-hav^ assembled a t the station, and, members in attendance at war w ith victory assured to us in end because of the same unbroken front. And, a s 'i t is that~"w hichw ill make us win the war^so it is, as we see it , 'th e only thing which will enable us to w m ^ e w ar's afterm ath. COUNCIL NOTES ELECTION RUMORS - A,, wonderful .-evening s enter---:^^hen-the-tFain-cameUnT^arted--at this nm^ing as at ^upper • tainment agaits all those who ^ pjatform to And the hero .the ^ Ith r-D on 't let the -attend^he ^nefit-GoncerW o-be-^|:th^^rrHe-was-finallyiocat^«®athet-deter_yoa,_-we hâ ^̂ ^̂ foT ed in a sleeper A the end of the " ®«,; ^arm- -and -- comfortable day, November 27tt, m tte High train, not very anxious to come M®®tmg place, so come along. School Auditorium under the out. knd who shall blame him? Haportant business-to be trans- auspices of the Canadian Legion, acted. Mr. Johnston was present a t the CDuncil meeting in reference to small portion of Jane approxi- ? mately 50 feet in the 2300 Block between Bellevue ' Marine Drive which he would likfe dpen- or alternately a tu iii out provided. Resolvedyth a t an ,am ount hot to exceed $15.00 be expended for the opening of .this lane. ^ 1^. Johnston also called a t tention to, the stree t lighting bie- tween 2300 and 2400 Block on Bellevue. ' Resolved tha t th is be referred to the Light File. Council instructed the Clerk to write the P^G.E. in eterence to dangerous condition Of bridge a t ^ e s t Bay. ' \ inw yancouver City Clerk has panted permission fo r the West as be- ^ further period of three y ths as from the 12th inst. There has been little heard on the street so fa r as to possible carididates for municipal office, although t h e elections are scarcely more than three weeks awhy. Reeve Leyland is away in Victoria, and we have been un able to learn his intentions, but- Councillor Sears, whose term ex pires th is year, will offer himself- fo r the Reeveship, while Coun cillor Dickinson has jio t yet made u p 'h is mind as to w hat he will do.' School, Trustees McTavish and I 'aylor, both of vWhom will have served diit the ir terms, have neither of them decided as to ̂ whether or no they will seek re-olection. Police Commissioner Joy expects to be in the field again for re-election. There have he^n rumors as to other possible candidates, but the only definite aimouncement made to our kifowledge is th a t of Harvey S i^ th , who will- 1» running a g ^ n for the Council. out, and w ho shall blame him? Branch 60, and th^ I ^ i o n W--^ borne him, followed by members Legion undoubtedly ex- All the proceeds of the concert fo L iiv an d th e n Reeve PJ^^sses the sentiments of all ex- will go to the fund to send c ^ a r- X f p r o v S ^ service men in the Municipality ettes and tobacco, to the West, riiVnitarieq exfended when it says to Lieut. Timbrell, V ^couv® men who are serving X i S T r « ? w h i l e t o e " "We ex-service men are mighty -With the forces over^as. lu this Vancouver Boys' Band, of which P̂ '̂ ^ud of you and glad tha t you connection it should be said .that v,..i.ad heen fimb a mem- been spared the fate of so priMs for these are considerably . ^er, played him back in real style " ""y "f your Right higher than_in Canada. ^ amidrfhe cheers of all those as- are you upholding the tradi- Included among the. talented gembled "tlons.. handed down to you artists, alLof them from the ci^^ ̂ Escorted to the station en- through the years,, and we feel who;have donated gieir services, .trance, he took his seat in an ^^at so long as we have lads the following. E r ^ ^ J . Col- ^^to between his step- th® final outoonie ton, Balladeer of CBR, Miss fa ther and m other and headed a th is war will never be in Madys B r b ^ , A.T^ Fred --long--process ion-of--cars-w hich-- Bass, CKWX, Mrs. Mary Lewys,. proceeded by way of the Georgia . will enjoy your "Welsh soprano, . Len ^ tu rg ess , Viaduct and Georgia Street tenor, Mr. Dorman, magician, Stanley Park and the bridge to V ^couver, and th a t you ifiay Marjorie Murphy, contralto, West Vancouver the band nlav- th ie v e even greater fame and Edito Mcltollar ayirano^ We. K., a t the head ' S the p i4 e s- to return home, along M. Broughton. Veterans' Guard, gjon a s thev marbhed allomr with other lads from this dis- Miss Mary, L iy ingstoe, S p a n i^ Georgia Street. The band were victorious to your fami- . dancer Miss Jean H ^ j^ r , A.T. transported ahead of the pro- C.L., Miss Barbara Kelly. cession here, and were waiting Tick^s a t 35 cents, which again to p lay it through '^he early owing business section of the muhici- to the limited seating cap ^ ity , pality a t Ambleside and Hollyr can be obtained ^at the . B. C. burn, both sides of Marine Drive BRITISH-ISRAEL Mr. Brereton of North Van CITIZENS complimentary BANQUET TO HONOUR Sub'Ueut. R obert Tfini|we^ D.S.C., R S atu S iy , Nov. 30* west-Vancouver, B.C. ̂ ̂ ' : 1940, a t 7 p.m. Tickets $1.(X) ;^ef person (limited to 250)y will be on sale at the Municipal Hailincommeiidng, I^nday, Nov: 26to, 1»40,^ ' ■CM A • OA u X. ------? ----------- - _____ _____ r ®ouver will speak for the Dun-, Electric Store irom membera of being filled with local residents darave Bfanoh on Monday, No- ' the legion and ^ g io n W.A. Re- ■ qjj and in cars, who with vember 25th a t 25th and Marine member every ticket purchased cheers and their aitto horns gave Drive. His subject :"Reflections means over 100 cigarettes for "Bob" a really h ea^y West Van- on Ireland." In the light of pre- some local boy overseas. couver welcome, s i^ ify in g their sen t day events, th is should be The girls 01 the Barbarians pride in his achievements and/ a m ost interesting study. You ivTiiarv will" sell home-madA* their gladness th a t he had r ^ are cordially invited to attend.; turned safe and sound again O ther meetings as usuafif""* Auxiliary will" sell home-made candy during the intervals, all proceeds going to the fund. NEW MUNICIPAL i ENGINEER APPOINTED home. The procession continuedii up 20th S treet to the Jupp resi dence, a t 2015 Inglewood Ave'„ where another large.crowd had assembled, and where, a fte r more cheers and many expres sions _of welcome Lieutenant 'T im brel and his family were fin- PUEL ' The Council on Monday night ap ^ in ted E. W. Richardson of Wells, B.C. as muniepial engin- _____________ ______ ̂ ______ _____________ eef, the appo in tm ^t to take ef- ally alfowed to en te r jh e privacy - re fe r t a tlre^advertisem ent in feet as from 2nd December. ̂ of their home, th is issue. 5. \ ' Tom's Fuel Co. of North Van couver announce in this issue th a t they have a fu ll stock of ' sawdust, woodr inside fire and slabs. For full, particulars kindly 'if ■A (