tttiim Wi$0aim&0iim0i0; 4 Ji) JukJCSi" j f 1 J ^ Wwf̂ l̂* '̂" t i r ; ! <■ H it ,̂ f 'll '4\ 'fi' I 6VM m . I vl i i t'i i'i Mm Hi 11 >-fr.>' ir rjf A t iS ®'ls::; b1'-̂ i i f ' i, i -if-\v.■ i i r f ; ififc tf;^ III'/MS ̂ i f"IV|. 74ftrye!v7̂ -:'l- I'l i / /J r'tr i,̂ 1'4't 1' ' ' •'ti m 4̂̂>', 'j; ll^ M <%■;? rf| ' 4̂ lit "%'v4 'J? «;Sam I ■ I S 'S I 1I Mmg--44|gr?|J;4 ■-'■■■,I .inV̂ SMITH'S MAFTKET ■ ' JkMt> ■.■■■'■ ■■■■ ■:■■'■ w:.iv. M ■ . ■ I*Imm3MI' W#nt 46 ^m0 mwSfWw^m^ ^ , ISsIBstw l Mcst^il^Wtwt $t0 , F r t t l>«Uf«r]r tSkrric* * M»»tlil7' Aeemmt Engagement- ^ Mr, and Mris. J»Hn Carmichm of JUynn Valley announce th e en gagement o f their youngergugeiiJicui. UA u*v.* daughter.., Evelyn Allan Herbert, .second son or HUCES'GOOD f o r FBI. & B A T , NOVEMBER 15lh &, 16th m e a t s /XlXISlXi XXtXXUtWkvf Dwvv*»^ ^ Mr. and Mra. Wm. "* West Vancouver. The wedding is to take place shortly. , ««4 & WMU> Brand F tO U It* - . 7-lb. Hack ........... JSc 24-lb. Hack....................................... 75l« 40-lb. a a c k ................................... 11.38 SWAN8 DOWN CAKE FEOUIt-- Fkt. ................. :..................... -■.......23c Bed & Wliftc Brand IMum iam -- 4-lb. t l ........................ ..........:......... 39c CUEAM OF WIIKA'I'--The new 5- Mliiuto or the kcaulur. Lge, pkt. 22c SllKEDOEO W flEA'r--I'k t............ 10c SUNUGIIT 80A F--Cake ................Sc FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING CORHBSl'ONDBNCK V . - T T l k 4 f m i ! l l . SASH & DOORS. SHINGLES. PLYWOODS, LATH PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES# ROOFING,-WALLBOARD. TILP Agents; CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. There is no aubatiiute for Quality WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I5lh & Marine Drive Fhwie West X15 Weal 370 Nabob RUM or BRANDY EX- TRACTS--2-OX. bottle ................23c BROWN s u e A lt-G olden Yellow, 3 lbs........................................... ;.... .20c ALMOND pA STli--Four X, ^i-lb, p k tT ..................................;...25c Red & WhiU' Brand BAKING POWDER------12-oje. tin ...............I7c AUSTRALIAN CURRANTS-- Redeanvd. Lb, ...................... 13c SULPHUR BLEACHED RAISINS-- Lb, ...................... ............................ 16c BEEF PORK LAMB yE A L All Grade A & Al Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily GLACE Cll ERRIES--Regal. Free Delivery To members and others in terest ed in t h e West Vancouver Horticultural Association. West Van; News. Dear S ir: Prior to my becoming a meip- ber I heard much ta lk ; ol tho in terest' everyone took in this, the oldest Assooiation m th e Municipality. In the past* two years as one of the Council, what has struck me most forcibly is the lukewarm attitude of ̂the C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for ClaBsillcd Advertiseinente la 2 cents per word, minimuto 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular aecounts, all clnMU ileda are nayable strictly in advance. **Kcmember Classifled9 in the West Van. Nows get immediateercBulti. GORDON ROBSON - Barrister & FOR SA LE-1932 Plymouth St>d*n Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, S®y* 4199 Excellent condition. Cash S3C0 W , a f West Vancouver any time by 698-R2. s>ooo. appointment, West 403. .. . --uegui. luiw w a^xu -- ffiio p k .t ............................. 18c membership and the almost hos- -Regal. tile criticism "of others. Mair I remind you: 1. That the .silnkiHt. sw4iEi"'oitA N G E^'......... clccU'd ITom and by 2 ijuz................................. ;.,.....,.49c the membership when ana H j< i««>. • #i«haKH«itav«»«f «rsv vs . • m 1.1̂ ................ u. « L _ 2.1.. . ' 1 T̂ /f/:ijQT̂ GORDON- GRAY -- Insurance,^ all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or West 1065-Ll. ■ FOR RENT -- Four room furnished ■ suite. Adults. 1868 Clyde Avo. " I)l( El) MIXED PEEl H-dz. rellp pJit....... ..................... ..15c SunkiHl JUICY LEMONS--6 for 14c Califoniia GRAPEFRUIT--Each 6c ANNUAL LEGION W.A. Ba n q u e t CHKYSANTHEMUM SHOW I'lUZE WINNERS they come to t h e General Meet ing, usually held in November each year. 2. Such a b(^y can function adequately only if there is a strong, active and truly in terested membership willing to PEMBERTON REALTY COUP, LTD. (Established 50 years) ' 4i8 Howe St. TRm. 1271 Local Representative. , F. Bayliss (Notary Public) 2486 Bellevue Ave. West 522-R SUITE FOR RENT- 2 or 3 roomi furnished or , unfurnished. Good West^SS^L^^ CONVALESCENTS, a n d.. p a y 1 n g guests. West 819-L.________ *". .. W A N TED -W ell built 4 or 5 roomed modern bungalow, good' location th a t about, $2600 all cash will buv' • Full particulars. Box GO, West Van News. T"' Theumiuul.UemembranMDay (Winners of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th w S T oir^herT o 'furt^^^^^ liaiiquct given by the ladies ol and Gth prizes in each class are , unread the knowledge and the the,.Legion W.A. -las t Monday- given in the orde,r.named.) ------ p leasure--to^be-^erived" from evening to the members of Yollow--1 blppm,' S. MacKay, gardening -- be it vegetable pr A. J , Capon, Capt. H. P. Sheet, A. floral. 37 Criticism, though ad^ C. Dewar, T. K. Lightly. 2 . verse, can7b^^ m a d e , helpful and blourn, H. Martin, H. Smith, W. encouraging; i . " K. .Crawford, S. Pritchard, Capt. The November, 1939 General' , . . ,, . . . 11, P. Skeet. 3 to 5 blooms, Capt. meeting was attended by nine ers and colored candies, and therq II. F. SkeeCA.'Chilton, R. Hold- people, five of , whom were Coiin- were lots ol good things to on, . ' ' oil members. .This necessitated wh ch" L o n f S L d^^X -k^had ^Vhite--1 bloom,' H. Smith, S. another meetingrcalled-in March- b itu g h l^h ark ^ iv o ^ « h L /in ^ MacKay, F. K. Lightly, A. S.' last. Only thirteen persons were trio^(jim rade Huntingford, S. MacKay. 2 present, again., chiefly Council whUe " "r i S - W - ?• eraw- membera WEST VANCOUVER'S BEST l ^ d y - man. Smart, quick, efficient. Phone West 384-R. ' local branch of the Canadian Legion was, as usual, a most sucxxiSsfui and enjoyable social event, 'riie tables were artistical ly decora tea with autum n flow- TO- RENT--Nijcfe Jocation Dundarave,* near bus. 4̂ roomed modern bun-' ' gajow, range,, $20.00. West 461-R.' 4 ROOM HOUSE, close in,'l$2300. SCENIC DELIGHT ' O N LY '$3000. A ttractive and cosy 4 room'bunea- low ^overlooking the most gorgeous view imaginable. A home with every comfort and convenience. Large liv. ing. room, cheerful open fireplace! Plate glass ' view windows. ClonI yenient cove for boat or yacht moor- Very easy terms. > . -Attractive 5 room house, choice location, near waterfront, $2500. ing. Can give immediate posses-' sion. Act quickly. Call Mr. Tatlow J....-_*... - Am I All cash. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive , West 55 •,MArine 2431,' or evenings ALma A. E. AUSTIN-& CO. LTD. ,■ 838 West Hasings St. ^ ______ Vancouver. B.C. "^^OR RENT---4f roomed house, fur-| MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steaa nished. 2366 Marine Drive. Phone Permanents; only best materials BAy. 6132-Y. • ' used. Expert operators. Phone -------------------------------------------------- West 304, Royal Bank Building. banquet the following toasts were given; The King, ,by Com- lUX tl v../iipL* XX• X • U c ip t . , DXlUll. UU U • Xfc> VUClL L\J u v Al^DAX CvA H. P. Skeet, S. Pritchard. in a community such as this? We ™de s ; O ■ w " t h r aien'; bloom, H. Smith, S.MVvoo) K,, i> ^^1' i> Priffhnrd S MaeKnv A rh il as forwa'rd-looking and progres; le a s t by Rev. F. A. Ramsey; f ??: "^^cKay, a . Lhii- wiion Timrlor . rimvimi . toii. A. Chilton. 2 bloom. Cant. sive. wny not ler us eacn ao ou. 4 ROOM COTTAGE Water, light, good road, cleared lot. Price $750 on terms. Subject to special allowance for repairs; C. J. ARCHER LTD. West 225 H. A. ROBERTS LTD._ _ ICpmhlete Realty Service 142flnWarine Drive West 646 WARD SEARS, ..Barrister, Sol icitor; 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, of,W est 553-R-l. when B b g le r Goi-dS; S l e y ' l-"», A. Chilton: 2 bloom. Capt. sivft Why not let us each do our H. P. S k e e t. L. G. J o h n o o i A. S. bit to make it so, building on thesounded the Last Post and the KoveiJie; the guests, by Mrs. Rivers,-President of the Legion W.A.; the Canadian Legion, by Mrs. PhiJiips, Secretai'y of the -Legion W.A.; to which Comrade H. P, Skeet, L. G, Johnoox, A. S. liuntfns'ford, Wa Halstead. 3 to 5 bloom,. A. J. Capon, S. Pritch- aui, A. J. Cappn, A. J. Capon, W. R. Crawford. sound work done by those who preceded us in this endeavor? Another thinJgi<o think about before the next General Meet ing. As you all know, the Horti- culturaf Association owns three FOR SALE -- Three q u a r t s size, square tubing cream Simmon's bed, spring and mattress. W. 746-L. CHIMNEY SWiSEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. . G. Meldruxn, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. R ed-- 1 bloom S'. M acK ay, T. VV„ M cK instry^ P ro v in c ia l P resi-^ ? * ^ 'ro ts 'o n \v h lS '^ * o ^ ^ dent oP th o J^o-ion re^nonrlprl • PiK^^hard. 2 bloom , S. M ac- ' j ; 1 - ' • Ka v T K L rg h tlv H S m ith A R h a d hoped to e re c t a ha ll.-W hy ih e L egion W .A.. byjQ am n u ie jL .-- ,7 I ^ ;Y ' V ice r ic s iu u i i Ol in e uiQ^m S M acK av W R C raw - v a lu a tio n ,(o r m o re i f a p a tr io t ic L eg ion,_. re p ie d to by .M rs. Mcr FOR SALE--Skiis. New 7-ft. Nor wegian Protectors, harness, poles, $30. Sell $15. Skates and boots, new. size 11, Spalding Speed.: $9.50, sell $5.00. W. 905-Ll. FLOOR SURFACING--rJ. Sutherland. West 483 or North 578. PAINTING AND DECORATING - ■ Estim ates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. FOR SALE--Violin. Cost $100.00, for ::$gp;0prPhjgle7Wi^ ̂ -- WESTERNUWOODWORKERS--store a nd " ■ Legion reniod to bv M rs Me- . hioom, d . iviaciuiy, w . K. Lraw- , " luuic ix a Lenm rrov^nciul nmBi,iBnrnf Ar Vy- Fgatlie irA- J ^̂ Capoii, bu j^ T O lfru m e ^ rw a fd j- r -a n d r Bronze--1 bloom, H; Smith, H. Smith, B. F. Abram, A. Chilton. Arniy._and Air Force, by Com-. fire Fund ? The R.A.F. and R!C. A.F. are fighting our battles. We WANTED----Carpenter for - cupboards "ill spare tim er W7 1089-L. glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. ^ A ^ H -F O R ^ U N K -- Bottles, rage, LOST--Pair of horn-rimmed glasses in case. W. 68. Reward. Sacks. Metals. Furniture, Stoves. TTooIsi etc.; nothing' too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 9L Greer; and tlie MunicipaUty of A' Huntingford, A. S. West Vancouver, by Reeve Ley- Huntingford, H. Smith, A. W. land. Rev. F. A. Ramsey also recited a prayer for the British Any other color--1 boom, W. lilmpiro. ilegeiit Mrs. W. B. R- Crawford, S. MacKay, A. Chil- Small brought greetings from_Y®^> A. Chilton, tile Duncan Lawson Chapter 1. Joseph Bradford--1 bloom, H. O.D.E., and l^resident J. 'r . Smith, S. MacKay^, P. H. Mitchell from the local Red Cross" Jenkent,- Capt. H. P, Skeet, Branch. Many tributes were paid A, Corlan. 2 bloom, A. - W. during the evening to the good Feather, A. W. Feather, W. R. the Legion and Legion W.A., and CrawfdrdrT." K. L i g h t l y S . Jack's Sn ap s • FOR RENT -- Almost new 4 room stucco bungalow, full basement and furnace, $30.00. SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive " W, 719 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Com- try -way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, N orth 811-R-2. . _Ghesteriiieid S u ite $50 Chairs - $5 up :$10. FOR RENT; 'Cottage near ferry, i w a rm , comfortably , furnished. Phone West 398-R. - LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parte- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. WOULD THE PERSON who took bicycle from 14th liear ferry please return same. Urgently needed. FOR ^SALE--Large circulating heater with oil burner, $25,00. 2331 Jeffer- son Ave. . ' Repairing_j?_P_olishing- " phone PA PI»H A N G IN G , Painting, Kalso- w. d54-y. mining;, first class ■work, at reason able rates. JS.-Gaines,- West̂ 962--R.-̂ 1516-Marine Drive Form No. 16 (Section 87) LAND ACT y f I P * 'I (1* I " work dono throughout the years . Huntingford. 3 to 5 bloom, Blair ' by Comrade Frank Rivera for Clerk. 6 to 10 bloom, A. (dorian, corsages were presented t o Mrs. 'yi.d up, A. J. Capon. ■ Rivers,^ Poppy Day Convener, to A, X^Capoh, A. Chilton. Mrs. T. E . Batchelor, convener Three plant class-^A. Chilton of the banquet, and. to Mrs. Me- A. Chilton. Lennmi, XVovincial'President of Incurves-^1 bloom, _S-Mac-- Uje U gion W.A. Cqmrade R. KaV, L. G. Johncox, BlaV Clerk ' 1̂ ; "T h i l W i " " A. J.,Capon; H.'Sm ith. 2 bloom K Lightly, A. Chilton. J. G. land, with Mi's. C. F. Deering Brander, Blair cierk, S. Pritch- I while ard. 8 to 6 bloom^ W. R. Craw l s , r . r , Loyegrove was heard ford, A. Corlan, A. Corlan A 'J n ^h's. Capon, A. Chilton. liS™ "Tr'C , ream ed from the Poppy Day - td ^ A ^ - rCampaign would-be about^^396." L hilton .^-- -------- . l«'e» Thomas FOR RENT _______ 18th and " Marine7" December 1st! West 347-M. Four rooriii^ ^ttage,_ LOANS Dominmn Housing Loan, HomenOwn- er s Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiat- ed im m ^iately. full reah estate ser- Public -- Insurance. Percy M aste^an , 2446 Marine Dr., West 1077. - RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent Have roof measured now; free esti m ates.- R.--Bi-Grippsr'West-88-R. F . V. Findlay, West 494-R. Notice of Intention to Apply to " Lease Land GARDENING, Digging, a ea rin g ; wTst'^384 r"^ ' worker. Phone COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES ' All forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. -P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones: .W est 21-, 204-M, 913-L Vancouver Land Recording Dis- n/cH-w Westminster situate on the foreshore and bed. of Garrow Bay in front of District Lot ® deposited in VAr Vancou^er and there known ------ n e w Reconditioned B icycle ~ Repairs Sporting Goods. . Fred 1439 Marine. W. 712-M. GOATS MILK--Can supply dne~quart daily, price delivered 20 cents. C. Bruce Clegg, Phone W est 241-L. -WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West j 700. : ̂^ ' ----- JAPANESE LADY wants housework as Refsreace ^ e T tT o 4™ |"S 6 , t ' p t . " ' - GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at .West Vancouver any time W appointment. W est 403. L y r i s t ~ I - i l l l ' i ' i l i i l i i , c^ved a vmjL-hearty ',velcon^ ^8 bloom. A. Chiiton. tte soutt' ^ngiug several numbers and th e -----Best^bloom jn-the^ show-- }•' "theiwe^esteriy along the produc Dundarave G irls'D ram atic Club ^Jooms,. S. MacKay. boundary, thereof putting on a humorous sketch, Best plant (Daily Mail)--Capt or less; then?e'̂ eas?no^fL^^ which c a ^ e d consideraSle merl .,H. P. Skeet. ' - W ao«h "eS T L S I I S ? " ' ' remainder of .the Cascades (other than cascad- ofGarilJ^n"'® soatherly along shore evening'was spent-in dancing jfor ed)--A Corlan A Chiif/\n ■-nipnf- ^Ruy to point of commence-' Falker (Martin Cup), Ted Allen, Ted Al- Th o m a s GARRo w provided the music. ,e„. H. J e n k in s ^ Jen J^ s ." Dated. Novemh^V^S: N ellie Harrisbii: A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. ^ West I056-L PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc co spraying, first class worJ:, mate ©rials guaranteed. Terms arrangea- P. Gaines,: W. 974-L. ____ YOUR SUPERFLUOUS CHINA1)6 ,glap, brass ai^ • e x c h a 'n g ^ a t Quaint Gifts M arine Drive. h a n d y ANN SHOP, 2442 M a ri^ (5 Toys;; Ankle Sox. Wool. EmbroweJ7; ̂ ' "You nu^an ' T , Supplies, Baby Garments. Notioiu. j hand your .hus- Chinaware; Hardware. ___ >uana got concussion of the h ra iv -- -------------------- ---'in-tllP ar>n-i/7ev..d. . . .'̂ ue Drain . w __ Jffest "No -of_de " lean s conclusion PH O tO S--Three 5 x 7 incRjjbrain~HeV'daid'*̂ --"̂ ------- - "-folders; ibne "colored. $3. BarcIuyA ' ^ 1518 Marine.. West 710.