. ............ n Vt'>' i-̂ ' ' "##1̂ 4ip#i*fii9issi>i<̂<ŝ ^ nnett's BAKERY WEM*BN1> S P aC lA L *^ BUTTERCttUSTBREAD i«ti!«fcctioW are hardly MoUccable. T f | |h l"(fw)d Sh»d<»H^iif«»-'0#ti»<*t<>H*'̂ tt«ff»;*IBOO«?<iwlltr. Pair.... l 1578 MARME«<«^iwettniSafow»3r>atid Wally €raig» 2117 Argyle Courtney Gray, son of Mr. and 'the R.C;A;F. a s Mrs, H, B. G ra rt» f ̂ 2888% ii^e: DUNCAN U^WSON CHAFTER I;O .D .a » Y E V I L L A G E F A I R E * * 2:30 p.m., TUESDAY, NOV. 19th, In the Legion Hall Musical Programme; Tea, Bridge. For reservations phone W. 046-M II ® !»•*"•• TUESDAY, NOV. 19th, a t **The Ranch.**HSril llflIlCC Telephone 'W. B97-R for reservationsAfternoon Tea 25c; Bridge 85c; Barn Dance 76c Ave., has joined . __________ _____ _ ^*^*^Technician (Leading Air- Drivo, is leaving tomorrow^ M - craftsm an) and left on Monday day) .to join th e R.O.A.F. in for Eastern Canada. Bfandon, M anitoba.' , * '. 0 * * - • O «>.4I O • B U I L D E R S ' S U P P L I E S ̂ Cement Navvy Jack Sand Crushed Rock TEAROE & SONS 1427 Marine Drive Brick Lime Drain Tiles Concrete West 84 As a. resu lt *of > the frost thei^ was'good skating over the week end on the;,lakes on Hollyburn Ridge. There were about tw o ' inches of snow a t the ski camps.•/ •■ 'n; Mrs. F. X. )Hodgson of South Pender Island is the guest of Mrs. W alter Gourlay, 2322 Bel levue rAve. O 0 >l< V V E S T ; V A N 16th a n d M a r in e P h o n e s ® " y W . 368r n o n e s j j i g j j t W . 1145 S t a n d a r d O i l P R i ^ T O N E P r o d u c t s a n h W r e c f k e r S e r v i c e ■ F R E E Z E "To Bob---from the staff and students of West Vancouver f igh iBchopl,. ,in; commemoration Dunkerque." Thus reads the inscription ; on. a ' gold cigarette oasei-to . be ̂forwarded to . Sub- Lieut.. Robert Timbrell, former pupil of this^ school. :Miss BeryLHull left l̂ y plane, fo r ' her home; in .Montreal after visiting! her.uncle and aunt, Mr. *andt M rs./Fred Hanson, 1228 Ar- gylfe (Ave. Entertaining for her small daughter Ann on her six th birthday, Mrs. • George Cowan was a hostess last t week a t her home in Caulfeild. ITie Httle guests were Blyth and Sam Rog ers, Joan and Peggy Wilson, Mary Leishman, Skippy Mc Carthy, Gay Carter, Barney Mc Donald, Alex Seager and Tdrry and, Judy- King. «Mrs. Cowan her sister, Mrs. Mary Cameron Riddell, returned home on Wed nesday after spending a few days'at Rock'Bay. Mrs: Frank Fuller of -West Bay is spending six weeks dn Toronto. '^SATURD'AV'ISPEtlltXt' CREAM CAKES J5c a doi. XMAS CAKES , Made to order. Scotch Meat Pies 5c each 6 for 25c^ BUccd Wriipped Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phone W. 27 . Stepney--McTaggart A meeting of the B.C.A.A. Women's Ambulance-Corps was held Thursday evening in Mrs. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD ,Durway--Young St; .Stephen's .< Church, West Vancouver, was the scene of the m arriage Saturday, a t 1:30 p.m. of H arriett Cathcart, daughter of-Mr. and Mrs.,. John Cathcart Young, to Mr. Charles James Durway, son of Mr. and .Mrs. CharlOs.John-Durway. Rev. F. A. Ramsey was the officiating held Thursaay evening m m rs.. . Anyone wishing to.hook seats p.ivp„ in m ar- H^grf tearsom to consider ^ for the r i a K h e r 'fa ther and. attend-Hodges' tearoom to consiaer es- lo r tn e jsyippnony ^.oiiceru w ue ; - - , fa th e r and a tten d - tablishing a unit of the Corps held November 17th please ' phone M rs..J. H. Smith. W. 99rY. by, Miss -Ethel Koberts. M r.here. CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER . COURT OF REVISION OF VOTERS^; LIST, 1 9 4 1 Benson-GhandlerwasTbestTman."- A reception for the immediate .families- was la ter held a t Hotel •Devonshire. .On their re turn „from a short wedding trip to Victoria, Mr.^and Mrs.. Durway left Tues day. ;for their, new home in Gol- vUle/.Wash. . . - A quiet wedding took.place on Wednesday, November 6th in St. Stephen's Church, West^Van- couvei ,̂ when Rev. F . A. Brnmiey united in m arriage B arbara ' Maud, eldest daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Philip 'McTaggart, "^068 Marine Drive, and Gunner Don- „ald T .: Stepney, youngest son * of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stepney,; of North Vancouver. The . bride, given'in m arriage by .her fa ther, was attended by Miss A; Robin son and Gunner F. Stepney was best man. Following the reception a t the home of the bride's parents, the young couple le f t for a - short jwedding-Jrip. _The.: f ourd!^gmnd-_ mothers, 'Mrs. E.iM cTaggart^of Mission, Mrs. T. ^Wilkinson of North Vancouver, -grandmothers of the bride; Mrs.. 'Stepney of Vancouver: and -Mrs. sH. ,:Thom- son,' grandm others. of the groom were among the. family'members ,preseht>, a t , th e . receprion. Hollyburo Tbeatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY ANd , SATURDAY MAT. Nov. Mth. IBth nnd 10th MDWAKD G. ROBINSON ANN SOUTHERN "Brother Orchid" ulflo "BRITAIN a t BAY" SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY Novouibor ICth and 18tl\, MEKLE OBERON GEORGE BRENT "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" also "THE MAItCH OF TIME" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ■November 19th and 20tb HENRY FONDA JANE DARWELIi " Grapes of (once only at 8 p.m.) also one hour , of short subject)' NOTICE is 'hereby given th a t a Court pf Revision of the Voters' List w ilt sit a t the Municipal-Hall;i 17th and Esqui- -malt, District of W est Vancouver. B.C., on Friday, the 15th day of November, 1940; a t 10 o'clock in the-forenoon, for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters' L ist for the year 1941 and to determine any application to 's trik e .o u t the name of any person,'which has been improperly placed there- ^ -on^r-to=place'^(m~simh:iist"theTrame~:=Dfmhy=person=impr6perly= omitted-therefrom.-----,-----:---------- ------------------------------- -1-- The four m onths' old baby, girl o f'M r. and 'Mrs. George H. -Morse, 1104 Esquim alt Ave., re-, ceived the narne of "Joanna P a t ricia" a t-the hands, of Mr, N. H. <Morbeck ,of Vancouver last Sun day a t her home, which was dec orated w ith chrysanthemums, ==^he=^sponsors"^6^ing--Miss^"Edith== Gray and Mr. E. Wald Goranson. ^ r r^ u n u su a l--feature was--the nshristening'" cake^ which--^had- Shower ^ ' A miscellaneous shower for Miss Dorothy Halstead; Novem ber bride-elect of '^Mr. Edward 'Tearoe, was held a t the home of ̂ the guest-of-honor on Tuesday; / November 5th, under the con- -venershiprof::M-issr0yn:fchiadEIas^ lam. The guestrof-honor was, led to-a-chair-in-front of-which-was Announcing the Opening of the J O ' A N N S H O P 1471 M arine (next to Paterson Electric) on Wednesday, Nov. 20th Prices,.you can afford to pay xWARM THINGS for cold weather. ■Aprons, Small-Gifts/-and- ™»_=Jlated-.at4he-Munioipal-Hall-,^West-^Vancouver,-B.U.,_this. 31st day of October, 1940. ■„ R. A. HARRISON, ■ Acting.Municipal Clerk.. 1- been .the top .layer of her" par en ts ' ̂wedding cake. ?Miss P a t ricia; Morse ppured tea from, a . table covered with a , brown lace cloth, -bronze 'mums form ing^he centrepiece. The guests were: <,the- grandparents, 'Mr. And/Mrs. H. W, Morse and ̂ Mr. and IMrs. i F. Goranson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul i Goranson, Mrs. Gray, M iss Alice (Gray. Miss M argaret Humble, ;Mr. Thomas Payne, Mrs. N. H. iMorbeck. Shower Miss H attie Young, whose • wedding , took place Ja s t S a tu r - , • day, was the guest" of honor a t a miscellaneous shower given by Miss June Culbertson, a t her home, 4659 West 8 th A ve.,. in the city. The m any -pretty g ifts were presented jn an umbrella decorated in pink and blue, and Mrs. R. Bloxham poured tea from a lace cloth covered table, re^ freshments being-aerved ^biilfet style. Yellow and "pink 'mums formed the table decorations and were used throughout the rooms. ""a™tastefuHy=decorated'"box™coit=' , taining the many lovely and use ful gifts. When these had been opened and -admired, the re- .smainder of -the ;evening was 'Eflpent. in games---a drawing oom- potition causing a .great deal oT merriment. The serving o f dainty refreshments'sbrougbt .to a close -a:-,very enjoyabler'evening. ( The in v it^ guests were: Mes- dames.Halstead,,©. -Tearoe-and V. Bracewell; ;.and the Misses Dorothy ^Halstead, >Edith ;?Halr / stead, P e g g y Barker, Kay Davies, Virginia Dudfield,. Sheila Edwards, Cynthia Haslam, Isa bel »and Pat.; Hodgson, /Audrey Lowe,; Marian. Prebble, Gertrude Rippon, Dorothy and Joan Shar- man, Lucy; Smith, Joy Tearoe, and Muriel Vigar. Notions" WEST VANCOUVER Sheet ;Metal Works Fnmaca and Ran«re Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone ̂ West 39 -Extra Special --H M Fir Slabs and T n s id e FirV mixed ^ Q 0 0 c o r d , C .O .D . y J l -- P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 CHRYSANTHEMUM ASSOCIATION For an 19*6; - - - ^ e 'w>' ' V f l C 5 1 » " UNITED CHUBCH WiMS. .The-regular m onthly,m eeting of the Women's Missionary So ciety of the United IGhurch will be held on Tuesday, '19th inst., a t 2:15 p .m .' The study chapter -will be-taken by .Mrs. Rush,and ^Mrs. 'Hobden vdll . speak on^, /Christian Stewardship. A cardial invitatibn is extended to a lls friends in the congregation; "West Vancouver !Mum As sociation were rig h t to the front again a t the massive show held in ,the Exhibition Garden Build ing last week. Not only did the Club obtain a.prize for 15 plants in a group bu t many, of the members also obtained prizes. Judges were from- .Victoria and o ther outside districts. Owing to the growing of 'mumg /being.now 'in fashion any information neede^ will be given freely: by members of the Local Club to those-desiring same. Ad dress inquiries to R. F. Spare, 26th7and" Nelson. » 'Eajqyable Evanui, m A T E a t f ;'Ttae N orth 'Shore -iRoller Arena L 185lW.-Ist'St., North Vancouver Fhono North 1735 it •Open Afternoons and Evenings l\ Parlies arranged for. -EXPERT W k t e h a h a C l O d c BEPAIBINO - T. CHRISTENSON . (iormerly .witir BIrks Ltd., Montreal) • 1S22 MariBayD rive ' p.8.-ir B t u ^ Laundry Lt4. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY PhoBa North 1810 or W est 691L FOR BUSH AND MSJLh W O O D © B Y KINDLING and TOPSOIL S. LOWRIE Phone West 266-Y