t l ilM W ow m ber 14th l a ^ If- nwmn> m m m - c tti ia o t" OOft* M il A dSfCiiilttAll Am» 1053 Fultgrn Aventw StJiulay SiHrieit: n m .m * A fM p M . Btrmtitgtrt is4 Vliltort art w«!c#m» '! 1 I Glorify Your Coiffures with A .Duart Permanentip ■ . ■ : . . BAPTIST CBUBCH WiMiY . Het. W, U McKijr. RA^ RD. ii.m.--Church School In-10:00 ------ -------------- dodlna: Adult CUum 11 a.ro. * 7:80 p4a .~ P w «hJn« Servicea. A hearty welcome to all Thorc i« no ifue«s work when we pcr- iriuncnt wave your hair. You see lo r yournulf, the condition of your hair, throuifh our microBcopo. Wo can determine the exact stcaminif time without Kuc»«lng. Then too, your hair recolvcjj extra treatm ent in our aalon, noii-alkalino shampoo reconditioning oil and correct tapering and hair «tyJing-"-H() why not give your hair a trout a t the >' Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBORl! HAU H th and Duehose Kridiiy Evening, Nov, 15th nt 7:15 Young People's Service. Sjn-nher: Mr. McKenzie. Sunday, Nov. I7th a t 9:50 a.m. .Sunday .School and Young I \'ople'B Ilib'e ClaBS. Sunday Evening nt 7:30 Cospel Addreaa. Hfioaker: Mr. R. C. Dunn. 'J'lioBday a t 8 p.ni. I'rayer and Bible Study. * , j r a s i ; - . v A N c o u y E B _ Christian Science - ^ - -- Society- ™-- d S H lE H EDIFICE 20tfa and Ewiai»**^ Hollyburn smtm aw....9..A - tSwaain^lii #kfThia Sociity la a Branch of The Mother Church ' The F in i Church of Christ, ,, jSdentlit, in Boston, • MassachuBetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. S u n d a y , N ovem ber 17 th SUBJECT: ^'Mortals and Im m ortals" ' Sunday School a t lOjOO a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ■ .a t 8:16 p.m. i . The public is cordially in> vited to attend our services and meetlnga. li'i i d m a O E I S - J P 'l iB 'i Installed and old ones of OteJrtrSvWitW-TMWJ'l'Jf HALL FUEL CO. 1447 Marine Drive. West 1091 Select N o w ! Your Ganadiaii Chiistmas Cards for 'Overseas ! 65c. m o n th ly ^ . 3c per d ay ^P^to-date itioners & U b n r y I 6T4 Marine open until 8 p.m. l i b r a r y m onthly W est Van Phone West 687 BAPtlST CHURCH Rev, W.-L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. Creatora of Exclusive Permanents, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 •< I ' t .f 1 'I DR. G, D, M. SBjADK D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ilay May Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to O'^.m. Evenings by'appointment. Phone W est 72 f, ? TJRrMcRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Denta) " ------ " ---Building---------------- Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 482 11 a.m. -- Dr. W. S. Reid will preach. There will also be a .stol'y for the boys and'kirls* 7:80 p.m,--The Youn^f People .. will have charge of the ser vice. The Church School and adult Bible Class meeets at 10 o'clock. ^ Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People s Society willmfeeet. Mrs. J. B. Thompson will speak on the subject: "The N on'-English Work-in-Western-GanadaA ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ' 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low M ass-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- . a.m, , . ' Rosary and Benediction - p.m, - Catechism and Bible Class p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a*m. . Fridays--Rosary, Benediction : '•Ll!45._ ■-!; .J.f, ■ Satiudays -- 'Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.m. **You Can SeeyThe Difference" NELSONS liAlINpRpS^^^ L^^ LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 10:15 ̂ 7:45 - 2:00 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST /Wednesday 7:45 p.m. -- Prayer meeting. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -- RevrT<VAT7R am sey ,-R ector-^ Sunday, NovembiBr 17th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. "MORTALS AND IMMOR TALS" .will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on S uS da^ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER ^ T o CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS AND OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Much damage has recently been done to roads and serious flooding caused in consequence of diiches being fllled"with debris during building and other "operations. Notice is here by given that offenders in th is regard will be presented to the full extent of the law in.any fu ture cases which may arise. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Tearoe--Halstead Bstabliahed on North Shori» 25 Yoarg (Lady .Asgiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuitmi SfrECtora Hollyburn Funeral Ho|ne' 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street -Phone-N orth-134-------- Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone F a ir. 1.34 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and ■Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. The Golden Text is: "He th a t loveth his life shall lose, i t ; arid he that .hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" (John 12:25). Among the citations which The wedding was solemnized at 8 7p.m. last Thursday in -St. Stephen's Church, of Mr. . Ed ward William Tearoe, son of .3^. H. P. Tearoe, 1640 Haywood CORRESPONDENCE Editor, W est Van. News. Dear S ir: Have you ever awaited wearily a long-expected letter ? A cruel experience. You live from post to post.'W ith ' the approach of each THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue^ Sunday, November 17th 11 a.m.--Rev. 0. M. Sanford of . Union College.. . . Soloktr-Mrs--F.-X--Hodgson.-- ^ 7:30 p.m.--Rev. J. C. Brown of Union Colle"^ Ave.,. to Miss Dorothy Halstead, comprise the Lesson-Sermon is elder daughter, o f . Mr. and Mrs. the-foIIowing-from the.7Bible:--X--WaIter-^Halstead,^of-*1812Jngle-- the Lord search the heart, I try wood Ave. The E«vl F. A. Ram- ^ ^ jw e ry , hope w h n s __ j , sey officiated and the church was beautifully ■ decorated with 'mums. Given . away by • her father, the p re tty bride was gowned "in a white satin dress arid the reins, even ^.to-give every man according-to his ways, and according to the fru it of his do ings" (Jer: 17:10). The Lesson-Sermon also in- wm i ^ i" ON NV^MAKt BROWN & MUNTON 1B48 MUmNC ORiVB WEST SOS>I<>mUcrtt A.n.T. of B.C. SoioistT-Miss^Irene-Martin;----- WiH" th(5se who baYe "speciah --notices" foi*™the'-'follovving Sun^ day please phone West 1092-L ,, on Monday or Tuesday before 11 a.m.? eludes the following passage with long veil and coronet of -from-the-Chi-istian-Science-texU-^Qrange_bIoss_oms.land carried a -̂ )0(^k^^c^enee-an<^fea^th-^th^-bouqa^tr--of--white--caimtionS7 . m .™ f„r the con- only to: die away with the rebed- ing'footsteps of the mailman. If you have, a n d who has not, then don't fo rg e t your boys overseas fighting.the battle for freedom. A rm y, a ir force, navy, merchant service. 'W rite often. It means a-lot-^to-f-hem-and-give-fhanks- : if . - *Ar MkM} V 71 : 73. tmK S l i i ; r4 i-f? B i ' . L* ' < . - MB •i i ' * ■47lU VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO --_̂_ Wood, Coal, / Builders' Supplieai WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine arid 25 |h-^ t. P asto r: Robert"1ri. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9 :45. -Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. arid 7:80 p.m. . Y/ednesday--^Prayer and Fellow ship,' 7:80. -Baker-7Eddy^:^"Mortals„obtain™_Th€™,tw.o™hridesmaids.Jver€^he. the harmony of-'health only, as .. bride's sister, Miss Edith Hal- they forsake discord acknowl- stead, who wore a turquoise blue edge the supremacy of divjne taffeta-dress w ith . shoulder veil Mind and abandon their material-- of gold and carried at bouquet of beliefs."- ' -------------------- ^.-pirik-and w hite 'm um s and^Miss ----------- ------------ Joy Tearoe, sister of the.gr'oom, ' FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU who had chosen a dress of cerise taffeta with gold shoulder veil fers^wili^beTsafelyTdeliveredr™ T. I^SSELL, THE UNION JACK The regular monthly meeting and whose bouquet .was.k)f white DEATH OF J. J. JOHNSTON :-' ■ tail! li -i 1'3' '4>- SPEOAL Sawdust .............. .$3.50 per unit .Dry Slabs ........... $5.00 per cord Inside F ir:-- ■ from shed .:: .̂...$6.00 per cord from mill ..... ..$5.50 per cord "Slabs, with Biirk $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edginirs $3.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 John James Johnston, 2372 Bellevue Ave., passed away last ̂ Thursday in his 56th year, leav ing to mourn his loss his wife and one son, Ian a t home; also two sisters and three brothers, Mrs. J. MacDujff, Mrs. H. Stew art, George -and HaiTy, all in Scotland; and Bert -ip Vancou- y ^ . ^ n e r a l services were held At 1:80 p.m. ^Saturday from the l^ lly b u rn Funeral Home of Har- Ton Bros^ Ltd., the Rev. J. J. Smlthscrii officiating, followed by interm ent in Capilario View Cemetery. of the West Vancouver Commit tee of the Faniily Welfai'e Bureau was held a t the office, 1̂ 7th Street arid 'Marine Drive, on Friday, November 8, at 3 p.in. with Mrs. Wilfred Munton as chairman. % ' , The monthly work report' was mums. Mr. F rank Tearoe, bro ther of the groom,': was>be^t man, and Messrs. Chas..,Etohell, Jun ior and -John Tearoe .acted as ushers. * .^Following the ceremoriy a largely attended "reception was held at the Clachan. when the given by Miss Bessie Snider, the young couple received, assisted District Visitor for West Van- by the bride's mother, in a mid- couver. 'This .showed a total of night blue velvet dress with thtrty-one (31^ cases for West matching blue turban and cor- Vancouyer. A questionaire o n . sage of pink carnations, ;and by Community Resources available Mrs. H. P. Tearoe in an aqua- to Social Workers 'on the North marine crepe dress w ith black Shore was discussed.' The next hat and accessories. The bride's meeting will be held on Friday, table was covered with a lace In the first Union Flag made "in 1606, the red cross of St. George w ith itsw h ite border was simply- placed upon the white saltire^of St. Andrew's on its blue-ground. If in 1801 the red sa tire .of 4St... Patrick with its white '-border had been placed upon th e cross of St. Andrew the la tte r would have been lost omy appearing a s the border of the St. -Patrick-crose. The difficulty was overcome by w hite' broader on one side oLtne red tharirthe other. The Scottish saltire on -its blue ground is u^ ' perm ostdn th e .inner half of the .flag,, an d the Irish saltire in tn o u t^ , neither being given pn- . ority :in the arrangem ent. December 6,-at 3 p.m. Very often one THE NORTH SHORE LADY -LAURIER CLUB cloth, in the centre a -c ry sta l h" sted distress W of >mun,s flanked by,pink * V iS S■.VLdSFf ■ l iiMt:. M -:|PI* l-'U'-y W e y f Van N^ws- Pttbikihed Every Thursday B m M i - 7 ., Publisher .- P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bttiiiness and £ditoiial-:Office; 1704 Marine, Drive Phone., West ̂ 5 North Vancouver' Office: - 123 Lonsdale Ave. m m M Am; « p v M j ' -.00-a|-^«ardriM a»i«p:-$2,00-a^ € a r- by nudl tapers in-ci'yatal holders, while the three^tier wedding cake-was on a separate table. The toast to the bridewas given by Mr. Frank Linington. ignorance . o r carelessness Do V UNITY aiETAPHYSICAL CENTRE i . . (Non-Sectarian) of Vancouver,. B. C iVest Vancouver Service, Friday evening a t 8:16 o'clock \ -To be:'hdd a t Shanjari-La . 2436 Marine Drive Speaker: -Rev^-T.' Convray Jones' ' ;Subject: "Healing." Study Class commencing Mon day afternoon, Nov. 18th * ' a t 3 p.m. Spi^ker^, -Mrs. -T. Conway Jones ,, Subject fo r study: 'Temple Building 'For. fu rther infomiation phone ------------ V̂Vest"332-M not fo rget .that the fimbria on neither side of the cross should be to the credited with The next meeting will be. held on Wednesday, . November-20th, rm.-i a t the home ofrlVfosrfcAHftay;----- TheJiappy^Gou 2141 Argyle Ave., West Vancou- ^ trip, the-bride ̂ wearing . . . ver, , A telk on ; the Miniirium , ^ .«f^ss o f hunter's greeny velvet John Cabot is „ -nj Wage will be,.given by . Mrs, E, m ^ching turban and*acces- being the-disoovereer 01 Brown. A representative of the On their return-they will banks o f Newfoundland m . Welfare Field, Service will also tajee up residence in WestW an- when he^fiist sighted the give a talk, during:the afternoon. ^®tiver. land of N o rth America As a full p r o ^ m has been arrangedrlhe-m eeting-w illstart a t 2:30. Tea will be served. Come and bring a friend. TOC H MEETING In future Toe H meetings will -be, held on the first and third Tuesdays - starting-- ^November- 19th. SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT TREMIX. Phone .North 1141 ROAD M A W atlA ia IZMITEP 'dL. or'