~A: vv ccK.iy ewspaper . .. ■■ Circulating in the d is tr ic t o f West Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollybum, Weston, Dundarave ^ : : n ■ C m lf±*lA Whytecliff, Etc. . \ . _ ^tfcperoopy .'-.- Vol. XV . HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.^ TH U RSD A Y . NOVEMBER 14th, 1940 No. 31 THE PASSING OF NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN * __'-- ....... 0 In the passing of Neville Chamberlain the British Empire has lost a public servant who a t least tried to put into force those policies, which he honestly believed would best meet the circumstances and difficulties confronting Mm. But the dangerous situation he inherited from his predecessors was too much for h i m . ' Among many uncertainties it is now very generally ad mitted that the pacifist and disarmament policies of Ramsej^ Macdonald were p rim arily . responsible fpr the present war. Moreover, as they had th e approval of the people of Britain and the whole Empire Baldwin ip his day of power had his hands tied, for i t is ̂unthinkable tha t a man as shrewd arid practical as he-- which Macdonald was certainly not--̂ ould fail to read the very plain riddle of the dictators', warlike pre .̂., parations. Indeed, it will be remembered he once said th a t in his. opinion "fascism was a th ing much more to be. feared than communism. Those were the days when Winston Church- ' ill was thundering against the foolish and suicidal course which we were steering; And all he achieved for his warnings was the reputation of a jingoist m ilitarist, unable through being a. man "of the old tie" to see th a t times had changed and th a t ■ war as a method of settling international disputes was about as out of date as duelling among private citizens. This was the mess, a world of make-believe and wishful thinking shattered regularly by broken promises apd with all hell brewing immediately ibelow the surface, whidh Chamber- lain steppî ed into as premier. And he was not the man for the time. ' " ' " ' „ The.mere fact of his being by .nature a man of peace for . ever precluded him from understanding the ' dictator mind._ ' which'only relies ori.force first last and a ll.the time. As to his acquired limitations, he was a rery clever financier, and ' finance for some-reason or-other not apparent on the sunace. tends to produce, a one t r ack mind, which cannot appreciate anything ̂outside the world of finarice."Wbrse than t h ^ , long., experience with responsible business men who kept their word as a matter of course'was the worst possible training for deal ing with two such international gangsters as H itler and Mus solini! to whom promises were, only a means of defeating those foolish enough to tru s t thein. ' , The late Preniier's name will probably be associated w ith his doctrine 6ra ]p p ^ ^ m ^ r i trS u c lF ^ ^ 6iic^!"^bf'̂ ^̂ ^ --weakness -and-is,-tKerefore,-sddom-successful^-e3{p^t-some--^ times as a stopgap. "Yet there is |olid reason fo r believing that Chamberlain m ight Have been successful-- ârid here again . his training as a financier was his nemesis--had he not delib erately gone out of his way. to ignore Russia, B ut as a financier communism was to him the cardinal danger. Had he only included Russia in his scheme there might never have been a Munich, rernembering H itler^ paramount fear' of the old empire of the Czars. BENEFIT CONCERT On the evening of November 27th the citizens of West Van couver are promised a ̂ real trea t in the form of a Benefit REV, W, L. McKAY HAS RESIGNED COMING EVENTS t) W I " T T i r A n r . ,,/l'«esday Doc. 3rd -- United Rev. W. L. McKay, BjA„ B .D . Church W.A. Annual Christmas who has been pastor of the Bap- Bazaar. RED CROSS NOTES « i. i V . , . i., rr. , Church for nearly five years] Concert to be staged m the Hi^gh has resigned his pastorate to School Auditorium, under the accept a call to the Emmanuel auspices of the Canadian Legion Baptist, Victoria. Dr. A. S. Im- Branch^eO, and th^ Legion W.A. rie has been the recent pastor The following are among the of Emmanuel; but has been talented a rtis ts who have donat- called to a Toronto pastorate, ed their s l i c e s for this event,: Mr. MbKay will begin his riew ^ Balladeer of duties ̂ n u a r y 1st. He is the CBR, Miss l^resident of the Convention of C.L., Fred Bass, CKWX, Mrs. Baptist Churches of B.C., and v-so nm iho rinv Mary Lewys, Welsh soprano, during the next two weeks w ill Sonm-boi r mooi ,d Len Sturg:ess, tenor, Mr, Dor- .visit the Baptist Churches in the the homo T Mrs I ^ l L on man, magician, ^M frjorie Mur- iTcanagan adn the Kootenay, , in Mo„ av NovomiioV iftTh ? phy, contralto^ Edith McKellar, the interest of the work. mon(ia>, iNovcmbei 18th at 1 Tho E.\eoutivo meeoting of the Canadian Red Cros.s Society, West Vancouver Branch, will be held at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, 20tli November, at Hendquart- ora. ■ . Finance Cohimittoe meetihg a t soprano, Pte. K. M. Broughton, Veterans' Guard, Miss Mary Liv ingstone,^ Spanish dancer. Miss Jean Hopper, A.T.C.L., Miss Bar bara Kelly. , The entire proceeds of this' , concert will be used to send cig arettes and tobacco to the men from W est Vancouver, serving overseas with H. M. Forces. Citizens of W e^ Vancouver are p.m. LOCAL RESIDENTS SERVING WiTH THE FORCES BRITISriilSRAEL Col. V. Pringle will speaker at the next be the regular The list of names of all West- Vancouver residents serving with "the various services, diari, imperial and M erchants Marine Has been completed a n # comprises some 215 names. are cpldially invited to^heay^p A copy of this list is a t the s <^ ŝcuss current everits. urged-to-support-this cause-and~Hollyburn~Pom" O ffi"c^nd" any"'"^"*Y®^~To**r?'̂ ^ T ? ^ ^ « ? ^ ^ ^ obtain their tickets early as residents interested are request- j ® ' ^ on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m.***seating capacity is limited. Tickets may be obtained a t -B..C.,..^Electtic„S.tore,.„from_mem_- bers of tHe Legion and Legion WlA. • . . . UNITY JVIETAPRYSICAL - - -- ■■ cW T R E ....... ■ HOLLYBURN HALL There will be a Young Peo ple's Service a t 7 ;15 p.m. to- ' morrow (Friday) -^nrHollybum * -HallH^iie-speaker-being-Mri-Me-^ kenzie. N ext Sunday, November 17th, Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held a t 9:50 a.m, and a t the 7:30 p.m. service the same day R. C. Dunn will give a Gospel address. ed to examine it and either add any missing names'or supply the information-™ t o ™ Mrs. - H ebcr Brown, 2583 Queens Ave. (W est 1090-L). ------- It is the desire of the commit- T h e U n i t y Metaphysical tee, that this list be kept com- Centre (Non-seotarian) of Van- plete - and up-to-date. couver will hold a West Vancou- operation of the public is urgent-; ver service a t "Shangri-La," ly requested. . 2435 Marine Drive a t 8:15 p.m. tom orrow (Friday), when. ̂ the -- speaker-will-be-RevrilVGoriVay- Jones and his subject "Healing." Study class commencing at 3 Pvin. next Mojiday, the 18th inst. The speaker will be Mrs. T. Con- Way Jones, and the subject of study "Temple Building." For REMEMBRA1VCE DAY SERVICE Ĵ MayJ^ ^ es iJx L :^ ace": because undoubtedly |;he cares of A large number of residents were present last Monday a t the - animal Remembrance Day Ser- rrt j I o - j vice a t the Memorial Arch'^^r- « - .. , , Tuesday a t 8 p;m. prayer and ranged by. the Duncan Lawsbn' fu rther information please phone Bible study.-- *-- ••------- ------------- C hapter LO.ferE. alid the 332-M. -offiee-shorteneditis-yeaTsy;attd-it^isrhardixrdie^nowing-that- th e jhing yomiiave. given your best™to™was^-only™after™alLa„ dream. If there is blame to him, then we of the British Empire must share it equally, who .with .only a few individual excep tions preserved, th e same ostrich like attitude to all th a t the -dictators were-so-openly-and obviouisly preparingnfor usr------: r'̂ iB==yTM rAGEHFAHM S«^A-ND- '3BARNJOANCE1 Branch 60. th e - Just -West- Mrs. E. W. Hamber will be an. honored guest of the niembers dian Legion, "Wf^re T(n3ir~ann: -Vancouver-Platoony erans,' Reserve Company, Irish Fusiliers of Canada, marched =NO®GE= "l'10th-~Vet--^' The opening of the Jo-Ann Shop next Wednesday, Novem- tip to take their position, look- her 20th, a t 1471 Marine Drive ing.very mnart, and headed b y i n the store next to the Paterson TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE f First Division T e a m s . " P W L T P ts W. V. Sizzlers........4 4 0-0 8 3 Maple Leafs............4 '3 1 0 6 Dudes ............. .......A 2 2 0 4 a vCanadiens....... 3.......4 1 3 0 2 s . Sockeyes .3........... „..4 0 4 0 0 K Lastjveek's scores: cW.V^iz?lers-T0, D u d k 8.. - f> Maple Leafs 1,2 Sockeyes 6. The Big Seven Tlayers: .P ' -W L. Lefeaux (ML) ....24 23 4 m -:--:3.24 19 V 24 18 f Wells (WVS) ,...24 -17 LidsteL(_W:vS) ....24 16' } Fulcher (D) ........24 -. 15 ■ h. MaeVean (C) ...:..24 13 H. Smith (WVS)' ....,24 13 Second Divisfioii . y . - P W L T P t s . ................... 5 5 0 0 10 5 .5 3 - 1 1 7 ' wpshooters ........5 3 2 0-6 ' .................. 5 2 2 1 5 -; ■ .5 1 4 0 2 ............................................ 13. Grizzlies 6. Roam!? 11» Sriarpshootrs 7. «oamer ̂10. Peletins 8. \ tableI t e n n is ^ TOURNAMENT BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY DANCE _ 'IHe Aiinual Hallowe'en Dance -given by the Barbarians' Gifls' Auxiliary, attracted quite a large ' num ber'of guests tp The Ranch, ̂which, decorated' in the Hallow e'en motif, formed a fit setting . fo r this popular social event. ; LIONS' CLUB NOTES November 19th, a t the ir 17th annual affair a t the Canadian Legion Hall. The committee in charge have completed their plans and feel they have some thing new and entertaining to offer. : A programme, w ith Mrs. F. X. Hodgson as guest soloist, dancing by pupils of B etty Cav- the West Vancouver Boys' Band, membjsrs of the Legion Branch •and other ex-seryice men follow ing them. The Rev. F. A. Ram- sey ̂was in charge of the service, and assisting^ him were the Rev. Canon d'Easum^ who recited t h e l invocation, the Rey. Dr. W- S. Reid, who read a portion of the Electric, is announced in this issue. They will stock warm things for cold weather a t prices within the range of every purse, also aprons, small gifts and notions__- - - -- DEATH OF MRS. C. L. M. MITCHELL % 96 79 75 71 67 63 54 54 a e n tw T k T oum a- J J " be M d by th e W est *» which T ennis L eague p layers o f W est P w w w aited to ,e n te r ; ooimced be an- en trie s W est, 548^M ; es close November 2Ist. - : .The^ Lions' Club of West Va;n- . couver are out to raise money for >the Christmas Cheer Fund through the medium" of "an A m ateur N ight" to be held some time betweeen now and Christ- mas, in -the Inglewood Auditor ium; Amateurs of all ages are. eligible,' and any such wishing to feke part are asked to sendv in the ir names, ages, -and what they wish to do to "Lions' Club Am ateur N ight," c/o the West Van. News, Hollyburm B.C. it. was decided to held an open meeting in Dundarave Hall a t 8 p;m; T u ^ a y r t h e - 1 9 t h - m s L H : o - enable as many people as pos sible to hear Dr. Norwood, whose sujbjwt.will be "Forging B ntish Character." Miss Eileen Johnson 2206 Marine DnveT^gave-a-Grade 8 ' - swing party Friday evening m aid 'Xif the Red Cross. A happy > tini^ was spent in dancing and Vgames, after which dainty Treshirients were, seiwed. The srini-. of - $5-.-was ̂ c ^ ec te d a i^ Handed over to Principal J»f K. ' Mitchell, chairman of the local Red Cross. endish, ^ d the West Vancouver Scriptures, the Rev. W. L.' Mc- S tongs Groujp has been arrang-. Kay, who recited the prayer, and _ ------- ed; .Bridge--tables -may--be re- the^ Rev. Fathei^Van, who~pro;; ^̂ Mrs; Cassie L̂t-----M-a-rstersy- s e rv ^ in the (31ub Room by nounced the benediction. Trum-, widow of the late W alter Mitch- telephoning Mrs. William Wilson peter (lordon Bradley sounded passed away on the 6th W ^ t 622-M. the Last T ost and the Reveille, T Dance a t ^ o u ts Mayer 'and Kerley col- Ranch. It is expected th a t lapsed during the service, but Elsw the cow wfil arrive ̂ a quickly recovered on being given the F irst Narrows Bridge.- The first aid fun will commence a t 9 p.m. and W reaths were placed by the reserva;tio iism u^bem a(teinad- following on the Arch: Munioi- vance as t ^ e t s are limited, .p^l Council and School Board, Telephone Mrs. G. E. Gnffin, West Vancouver Veterans' Pla West 597-R. Tuesday, 19th, is the date. Come one, oome all and don't be late. Wear your old clothes and dam edst socks. The fun s ta rts sharp a t 9 o'clock. Afternoon tea 25c, bridge and- - te a ^ 6<v-Barn Dancej 75c_._ . instant a t the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Lavell, 1260 Fulton-Ave., aged 77 years. She leaves to mourn her loss four daughters, Mrs. John Gei- dart, Sudbury, Ont., Mrs. Kath^ leen Berry, West Summerland, B. C., Mrs. W. H. Lavell, here, Mrs. J. Lundgren, Bambridge toon, lio th 'R g 't. Irish^Fusiliers, Island, W ash.; also eight grand- Oanadian Legion, Canadian Le- children. Funeral services were gion W.A., Disabled Veterans' .Held; a t 1:30 p.m. Friday in the Association, Toe H, I.O^D.E., . city Rev. J . P. Gordon and Rev. Girl Guide Association, 1st and L* McKay officiating fpllow- 2nd Troops Boy * Scouts, Sea ^ by interm ent in Mountain BUILDING PERMITS, $80,593 Last month the Municipal Hall issued 34 permits of a total value of $80,593, inade up as fol lows : 24 dwellings, $78,343; 6 garages,_$_550;, 4 altem tions, $_!,- Scouts, 6th B. C., Band Auxil-; iary, Bqys' Hi-Y, .Girls!. St. Stephen's W.A., St. Stephen's S.S., United Church W.A., Ladies of St, Anthony, Baptist Churc3h» View Cemetery. BOYS' m b l R PROPOSED, A movement is on foot to or̂ . W.C.T.U., St. Stephen's Ingle^' ganize a W est Vancouver Boys' wockl W. A., Townswomen's Choir along the lines of the- El- Guild. K ingDavid Lodge A.F. &. g a r Junior Choir of .Vancouver. _ _ . A.M.,_Naomi Chapter- O.E.S., . A_ com petent' well-known in- 700. This is an in c r^ se over th^ Chamber of Comnrefee, L.O.L;; structor has been interviewed, figures for. September of th is No. 2990, Lions' Club Kinsmen . We have quite a nifmber 'of boys year vidiich amounted to $725,- Club, Im^ividuals. in. this municipality with fine 627, and for October, 1939, wh^n A t the'conclusion, of .the voices. It is felt th a t a choir of the tota:l stood at $34,199. Up to vice - many placed poppies' and th is sort, would be A welcome ad- the end of last month the value crosses in the grass plots a t the dition to the cultural life . of of the permits for this, year was base of the Memorial Arch in ac- West Vancouver. Parents inter- $721,140 as compared with $587,- - cordance with the time honored csted may obtain information by 989 for the same period in 1939.3 custom. . phbning W. 181-L2 or W. 49-R.