......................................... . ̂ „•.'# <r iv)».t£*<*,̂ Jŝ'4»4>irfS4«"»tft>*#*W" <-1 n ' , „piH>M'W«ir4« A* H ijm nr Sm ith jhm . Frifti DsWftfjr Ssrric* ', ■ U m iM y AecAiutt F R ID A Y a n d S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 8 th an d 0 th COMBINATION BFECIAt ' '■-' IM A Wititit Brsiid BANTAM CORN 'r-TENl)B« FKAB-TOMATOES, 'i On# tin «f ©a«h"ror*v;«..»;;v:;iv.JS '̂' Auk for yntir Qusker Oatn |94ri sitlr Htocklng cluk c#rtiHcat« U>4My wh«it ............. ................. . OATS-*.̂you get ddidous QUAKER l*kg............... ................................... ...„li5« Hwiluml's SANDWICH SFRBAB-- •/4». several varieties, 2 tins.....ISc Red & White SPAGHETn'C with Cheese and Tomato Sauce. 2 IG-o*. tins .... I7c Red & White CARRO'fS and F B A S - .. .Tall tins ....................... l ie Black l.ubel HNEAFFLE~-Snc«d » Cul>ed - Crushed. Tin ..................t6c Sunkist OitANOES--Medlum also. Dozen ...................................... 2fie Delicious AFFLE8--7 Ihs...............26c B.C. COOK INC ONIONS--Fincat quality medium size. lO-lb. sack 29c CORN FLAKES--K fllw 'H. 2 puts.................................................... 16c MEATS 'West 370- r • ^Fm' IH U m r ' BEEF FORE LAMB yEAL . . ' All Orode. A A Al . . Delicatessen Fresh Finh Daily Red & White MAHMALADI5-- Seville. 32-oz. J a r .......................... 24c COKNI5D BEEF--Tin......... .......... 16c AIMMCOT8--2 tall Una ...... ,....J25c COFFF.E--Aunt Miiry'a. Lb.........87c LUX FLAKES--Large pkt........... 22c ta » t "̂ EAtHlldlay -was'̂ 'another |M>lntIe«s day for the locals, a t Ambleafde Park. This week their opponents .-ware the li vely, an C much talked of Western" Mon- archs, who lived up to their reputation by routing the locals 4»0* In the first half play was ra ther scrappy, and it was any body's game. .Then just'before the Interval'the Monarchs bagg ed a one goal lead. At the re s ta rt of play West Vancouver swept the ball up to the oppos ing goal, and then proceeded to give an exhibition on how to do everything but score. The ball was hitting the upright, and the crossbar, and bounding off the goalkeeper, but the elusive nut was never found. Monarchs took more heart a t their opponents' failure, and decided to show them how it was clone, by scor ing three more goals and clinch ing the game. Service SASH & DOORS PLYWOODS LAT'H NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUAUtY W^LLLBOARD CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD WEST VANCOUVER l u m b e r 1 5 th & M arin e D r iv e P h o n e W e st 1 1 5 C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rote for Classiaed Advertiaemento ig 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in tlie case o f those hnviiur regular accounts, all daMl llcds are payable airicily in advance. Remember Classiflods in tho West Van. News ge t Immediate rcBulijj GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West. Vancouver any time by appointment, West 408. The cosy home of Mrs. George TOWNSWOMIBN'S GUILD Gibbons, 2365 Marino Drivfe, on ' - A U ho regularinonthly moot-. Teams: ' r. rif fK« TrtM/Mflm-nirrtttVi'ci riiiilA;' W TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE F irst Division P W L T P ts . W . V. Sizzlers .......3 3 0 0 6 D udes........................3 2 1 0 4 Maple L e a fs ........... 3 2 1 0 4 Canadiens ..... 4 1 / 3 0 2 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. F IR E HAZARD Protect your home and contents. Rates less than ^ of 1 per cent Percy T. Masterman, Real Estate' Notary, ,2440 Marine, West 1077. 1 'i ! -„vJ-- .1 T^: ing West Vancouver f f next Vancouver gav^e a fascinating (Janadiens .......... 4 1 / 3 0 2 (lav for her new home a t Po*vSl talk ,on" her wirk in ih e munk^-^Sockeyes 3 0 3 0 0 River where she'w ill loin W cipalily. In her-rem arks Miss Last, week's scores; S a n t r X , wHl be staUoned explained that the V.O.N. . W.V. Sizzlers 10, -Maple Leafs 8 The n e ii few m S t Canadiens.6. Alimit fiffeon o-iiowta o-nthwrA ̂ that the scrvlce IS available Second Division ll'irn: Ih ^ X k S g^ ?'W l% r'- . ? softly lighted room, Mrs. -Under- ............... ? 4 0 0 8 wood Mrs Kirchner and Mias September. - Sharpshooters .......4 3 S l S s t e i ^ ^ W V Business of thW evening in- C o m ets ...................4 2 se X i r t h f - from Mesdames Grizzlies ................. 4 2 ^ the, lefu^thm ents. 3 c. Mundy for the cb-ordin- Peledins................... 4 0 I n r AI npQrnif^Mrrcs Council, E. Nightingale, J. Roamers ..................... .4 0 1.0CAL-UESIDENTS SB R V IN G -H ; Smith, F. Dollman, L. H. Hob- Last week's sco res:"------- WITH THE FORCES den, D. _McTavisli, S. McKay, Nifties 12, Comets 6. " -7m~ ------- '-- -------- -̂--------Cromar-Bruce, Miss E. M. Philip. - Sharpshooters 15, Peledins 3 ihe list of names of all West Mrs. Wallace was appointed Grizzlies 14, Roamerg 4. Viaivcower residents serving " knitting convener iof"the'sordlers ' " The Big" Seven with the various services, Cana- comfe(rts group. Mrs. Sinclair Players: * . p Deep, Luxurious Club Cliuir,^ ra d ish brow most r Mari W lD i H. A ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1129 Marine Drive .. West 640 PU|/| ijllAUriUllo v̂ lUM I itrwaaaoai , * - ■■■■■■ " ' brown leather, used very little,' al-. WAYNE ELECTRIC WASHER, ex- most new, bargain at $35. 3895 cellent condition, first class washer Marine Drive. [lAY-- Insurance, all cy, all locations. SE y. 1065-Ll. and .wringer, $22.50. 3895 Marino Drive. W. 808-L3. "TEACUP READING" at "Amble. . dene," 1368 Marine, Wednesdays, ^EMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Establishedj 50 years) 418 Howe St. , • TRin. 1271 Local Representative, P. Bayliss (Notary.Public) West 522-R Fridays. Final readings for season! 16th November/ ' 1 1 1 4 ■4 0 6 1 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 24^6 Bellevue Ave. J* EDWARD SEIARS, Barrister, Sol* ,, icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 668-R-l.^ PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL--6-5x7 Portraits ready to frame, one col ored, $2.50. Barclay's Photograph ers, 1518 Marine. W. 710. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust , burners installed; furnace repairs ,G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822., CONVALESCENTS, a,n d„ p a y i n g guests. West 819-L.1 , FLOOR SURFACING--J . Sutherland. W est 488 or N orth '578.' ---- - V. WEST VANCOUVER'S BEST handy man. Smart, quick, efficient. Phone . West ^84-R. Beautiful $585 English Oak Dining- - room set for $125,-as good as newr 3896 Marine Drive., West 308-L3. W 20 20 19 17 17 15 % 83 83 79 71 71 63- IT ii 'f . dian, Imperial arid Merchant McKay reported that the Book B. Abram (C) !......... 24 Marine has been completed and Club will meet at the home of G. Bradley (N ........ 24 comprises some 215 names. Mrs. J. Purse, 2368 Haywood/ F. Pepper (G) ......... 24 A copy of this list is a t the "L/Ind Below the Wind" ' will be J. Condon (N) .... ....24 Jlollyburn Post Office and any reviewed by Mrs. McKay. Mrs. J. Masterman (S) --.24 . . residents interested are request- W.--Kr-Woodcoek--received- ap- J; Mitchell (S) ........ 24 15_63 _cdLtp_examine-Tkand-either-add--l^^y®-®--̂ hen_she_re^rted_Jiav=._I^e]m an-(-R )-......^24--14--58 any missing names or supply the collected and distributed G., Turner (C) .......... 24 information to Mi\s. Heber the month over -1760 Brown, 2583- Queens Ave fWest magazines to the various units 1090-L)", . ivvesi o f , the soldiers and sailors. ft is the desire of the commit- ^ pleasing feature of the busi- tee that this list be kepkcom- «ess^session was Mrs H.-iOs- . plete and up-to-date. T7i^ on. the "Country "p P C T g n o n m h -^ b lir is urgent- MODEL A, 1929, FORD TUDOR CAR^ good running order, well kept. $125. West 308-L3. PAINTING AND DECORATING - -Estim ates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. TO RENT--Nice location Dundarave, near bus. 4 roomed modern biuir . galow, range, $20.00. West 461-R. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, .grlazing. W est 740, West 443-R. ,14 58 4 ROOM HOUSE, close in, l$2300. -- Veiy-easy-terms;-------^ -Ai;tractive---5~room"̂ house7~ieh"oice CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, T ox)Isj7etCif?: nbthing^too^'bi g'nsr' tw ly reiiuested. O ver,$230 wasthelier^m ouTi^^ turned over to the Guild for War N ellie H arrison location, near waterfropt, - $2500. I small. B urrard-Junk Co., West 91. All cash. ' ' ■ LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive W est 55 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- 6td Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and - stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, N orth 811-R-2.-A-T.C.M, Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. 'W e^ros'e'i:-- --̂ JAPANESE "LADY wants housework, cleaning, washing, etc. by the hour. West 104tY3 a fte r ,6 p.m. FOR RENT--4 roomed house, fur- -mgHed. 23^6'MjtBnelJkivfilj&hojie^ BAy. 6132-Y. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- i W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 ^--M^rine._,__________________________ ________________________ ■w I 'I C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E 'rhe monthly meeting of West Vuncouver Chninber of Com- merc^AVjir -v' u ■ifi tiV /> I •'If -'■?'i T)c"lield a t "The Hunch" on Wednesday, Novem ber 13, at 7 p.m. when ^il] mem bers are requested to attend. A business session will be held following dinner, after which thanks -was tended Mrs. Ostrom, who in turn thanked the mem bers of her committee for their generous co-operation. . ^Mrs;^A. T. Cushing: was in the chair and Mrs. T. B. Turner in charge of the music. Book Club meets on November 18th. . --V * ---r-f --*'vx-- m spare - time. 'West ^ DAINTY. TEAS, including "Teacup " Reading." 25 cents:' "The"'Amble-' dene," 1368 Marine, Wednesday, Friday afternoons. "U E S ^ G , Belling Miscellaneous -Household ̂ Goods a t bargain-prices,- 3895 Marine Drive. --d u s t-b u rn e r,* rd o u ^ --b ^ 7 "^ '^ ^ fT ^ * ^ '^ '̂ "-^49;'*^DR^Mantle-Radio for sale^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- jmm®g» first class work, at reason- heater. 1473 Marine, West 1 ^ reasonable. Phone West 354-Y able rates. H, Gaines, West 962-E. ra 'J'fv , , , , - .............. . L ast Sunday the Rev. J. P. .me social committee has pre- Single visited his.foitner parish, pared an Interesting programme S ain^, Alta Vista, and was nr . ROOM COTTAGE Water, light good road, cleared lot. Price $750 on terms. Subject to special allowance for repairs C. J. ARCHER LTD. West 225 FOR SALE--Large Monarch Range, " old style, excellent.. oven., $10.00. Phone West 591-L. , . * ■ RANGE with Oil Burner, $35. Phone West 417-L. " . > . RE-ROOPING=^GENUINE DUROID Shingles, , attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now;.free esti mates.'. R.,B. Cripps, West 88-R. P. V. Findlay,; W est 494-R. 1,4 V Ki- •i'i 111 "t --Jt ̂- .. f \o J ! l(y entertain the members. Members with m atters of business community generally are invit ed to pi-esent them a t - these S consideration of .the Chamber of Commei'ce. the special preacher a t.th e pat- ronal festival of the cHurch. He waa assisted in the service by the . Rev. Canon d'Basum who is aIscr"aT orm er - rector ^of--the parish. FOR RENT---Comfortable bedroom in private hoir^e. Single working man. Box 51, West Van. News. GfUITAR. new strings. ■ instrument, with $18. West 308-L8. ' case, Large Tapestry Chesterfield. d n 1 y , highest class manufacture' excel lent condition, $48. 3895 Marine Drive. ■ ■ > COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All form s of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P . BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones:,.^West.21, 2Q4;M, 913-L "I '*'hY , r 'ff 1 I portation uM'irK 7 * 'r "'" *̂;**̂ ®' 'Tickets for the* Benefit Con- usual tV o m iS th cert,on Nevember 27th, can-^be D rive c ^ l l i n v l obtained a t the B.C. Electric a t6 ;4 6 n m Store^ from membei's of t h e * Legion-and. of the Legion W.A. WANTED--Girl for housework, part time. W. 183-Y. »- * '• ' WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work,'prompt service. West 700. . Form No. 16 (Section 87) , l a n d ACT 9-TUBE SPARTON RADIO console --------- :---- :---------------------- condition, ^ D R p m ROBSON -- Barrister & $lo. o895 Marine Drive ' Snlimfni- m./i va Vaat-iTx-̂ c <2av 4199 f'J i m c Y Y ̂ .Itfe' 'IV' 'JI 'Vf >1 Jt'*'ii'H 'i CORPORATION O F T H E D IS T R IC T OP WEST V A N C O U V E R I i, I COURT OF REVISION OF VOTERSM.IST, 1 9 4 1 *4 'll -*'1 |. v|,' is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the m a i r n k f r L " ' ' f w Municipal Hadl, 17th and Esqui- ^ ̂ ^ Friday, the 15th DurnoL^rtf o'clock in th e forenoon, for the revising the Voters' List for the, determine any application to strike out the' person, which has bben improperly placed there- omittei°therefro^^^^ p e r a o n j n p r o p ^ . -X 3 ? ls t d a y ® o f " o K " l 9 T »«"■ W «4>ancouy«r, B.C., th is \ R . A . H A R R IS O N , A c t in g M unicin al Clerk Notice of Intention to-Apply to I^ase Land Marine, east of 25th.-small 4 or 5 roomed, house for ^duuo. Down payment and month- Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 •at W est; Vancouver any i time by appointment. W est 403. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc cô spraying, first class worl', ®at- erials g u a ra n te e . Terms arranged. Land Recording-Dis- D ktrSf <^roup One New Westminster ' a n ? hpri on the foreshore Parcel 1 of ' ! ! of District Lot guaranteed. - - F. Gaipes, :W. '974-L. T HOLLYBURN RIDGE ' " DUchess. W^ 451-l ' School to Log Cabins,to ren t or purchase. New ---- _______ ski* arrouhds. Phone 5?Evmour 7949. a plan deposited inr> - r ** uepositedi in Vancou- Ptan No. ISM, " '™ " Reference Thomas Garrow of occupation S m a n i" to apply io t i lease of the following described lands: f o r PLAIN SEWING, makeovers alterations, phone "Rut»i " W. 195-L' __Charges m o d e ra te . . a w u ;F()R SALE^Heavy marble clock $6- ® warm coats, size 4o' size 36, Pink rug 4x8. W 1088-R2: g e n e r a l . HAULING--Manure, sep tic tanks and^rockpits installed ana cleaned. Dumn truck work." West I87 :̂r : 77^ ? Post'planiid atthe ft - ^ ^ post planted a tine south west corner of said Parcel lion o 7 ttT '® "'! P « x i» £09a .M . south boundary thereof o rM . 'la*"™® '■Prtl' M0.feet mwe ITO feeF m ore or north, w est corner o f said ^kR ^heT if desired or Young man pre. f o r SALE--Stov© Oil Burner, cheap. 1160 Duchess Ave. f o r r e n t 181-L2. Large garage. West y o u r s u p e r f l u o u s china, glass, brass and antiques ni^y e x ch a n g e ' a t Q uaint Gifts, 2435 M arine, Drive. . less to Parcel ! .'VVI" corner o f said GarroV RnV. f .""y.^'ong shore went. S ?on teiS ^ otcommence- more or less. ^ ®ores, ^ Cahl panel bedstead foH mattress, double HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- . Toys, Ankle Sox, -Wool, Embroidery . Supplies, Baby^ Garments. Notions. ' China ware: ̂Hardware. ___ t h o s ia s g a r r o w , Dated, Novem bir^lS; f m ' *^^tue®^Sl'w. with itore S2^7K- fn 'iu ' crosscut saw ^ ^ d g e s , mauPick.- wheelbarrow. W. 308^1^. - , TO R E N T r^ roomied .bungalow, com* - fortable, near bus and sea, $20.0U* Wst 461-R:-. SMALL. OFFICE TABLE-DESK, 28« 42. solid dak, $8.50. Wst 308-L3, \