iWsSsPP'#®?®®* 14̂*1? t̂jiSsst«a< wiiilMiiilMiwiii)* >». Î t̂ twwib̂ r 7th# l t |A 2 S E l ® l ^ i y w 8 i Ip T 'im ir '^ C W F T O E P ^ ' iiA " Jk.ff* . < L̂ . M • ' • t h t s T i m o f Q i ^ A u r r • WABAg»O;SbK«fI'0 ^ l l «WIiIX>W-SW s m m B ^ n m m m j ^ ■ ...............$2.75 to $8.95 IIBMSTITCHBD 63*95 *> 72x95 - 81*104-- ........ ...».4m**l« 16,95' SrOKB STTfCMBO 81x96 - 81x104--Pair .......;....$6.96 51x95 I'&lr > PILLOW SLIPS Itanimed--Each ......25c. S9c» 49c llematltched--Eac|t....................49c Abo, Pair ........... a.................$1.19 S]>okci Stitch--Pair ................$1,19 Colored Borders--Pair ...........$1.19 1578 MARINE-- Between Safeway and Tite's ■ l r O e g d ' ' " W d '" I ^ j r a i ^ W lth'the '^ ffiT S ppo it cKf̂ feid'* dents df H ol^burn, Mra, H. W. Farley has aen t'?27.00 recently to the Overseas'Beagae Tobacco and Hamper Fund in Toronto f6r the men in the Canadian Navy. Id ( #i Enjoy O iir P icto rial W indow Display of C nivent E vents th e W drUt Over _ _ -- -----------^ CHANGED DAILY -- -- Ujh*: ALWAYS IN STOCKAll the Latest Popular M agaxines bo n -t o n c o n f e c t io n e r y CONVENIENTLY LOCATED, TWO DOORS FROM HCLLYBURN THEATRE . F; W. (Bill) Ellis of the Royal Canadian^ Navy, who has been spending his leave with his paiv ents ,Mr. and Mts. F. Di Elhdi 1708'Argyle Av,> is returning to Eastern Canada a t the end of the w e ^ . ̂ • A . *5, ♦ • Marking the finale o f the num erous parties which' have been planned for Miss Kathleen Bern ard, whose' w « N ^ g tO' ̂Flying officer dames Sinclair, M.P. took place Saturday. Mrs^ Alexi Suth- erlnad entertained* at" th e tea hour last Thursday afternoon a tly arte her home in the city. Bennett's BAKERY BUTTERCRU8T BREAD .KES' K. A. Harrison of the Muni cipal Hail staflf' and Mrs. Har^ rison are spending a holiday a t Beaverley, H. C. e<< e>* *' Mr. and Mrs, Jordan ahld* family, who have been occupying; a suite a t the Fortune CUp, Intt; ^have moved to Vancouver FERGUSON'S MOTOR pA N S P O R T CO. Moving - G rating - Storage PHONES: West 85 North 1371 TRin. 0429 Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, who have been'spending the summer a t Gaulfeild; have returned' tos the city for th e winter. One' foot of snow fell over th e aIjoi+a; promise' of plenty of snoW" this * * ♦ iKn . Mrs. Mary CAmeron Riddell'^ and her sister, Mrs.* George Co wan, of Caulfeild, have been spending a few days , a t Rock Bay, guests^^of. Philip Wilson. *- * ♦ ♦ *' Private James Duckworth, son of Mrs. J. Duckworth of 24th and Ottawa Ave., .has w ritten to hie uncle in Vfet'oria about, some of 1 hiS; experiences while serving overseas w ith*. the Canadian forces. One German airm an pris oner, who could speak English, told him Berlin was a mass of small fires, from our' bombing, which had done much more damage^than they could hope to do. Ih England. .Oh' ano ther' oc». casion; whilAf guarding' air a ir CREAM CAKE S' 25c a do*. Apple, Raisin, and Mince meat Pies, 15c Each Scotch Meat Pies JJc each 6 for 25c 8ll«!cd Wrapped Bread 1468 Marine Dr, Phene W. 27 Hollybiirn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTERi I.Q.D.E. >< YE VILLAGE FAlRE 2:30 p.m., TUESDAY, NOV. 19th,-in the Legion Hall Musical Programme, Tea, Bridge. For, reservations phone W.-945-M year on the Ridge. Mrs. Cole and' family, 2484- Nelson Avo., have moved into a new house a t 1524 Jeffersou AVo. explbded-on the pavement only fifty' feet away, ren d erin g ,both of. them unconscious an d ' bibw ing them through the air. Luck ily,, they escaped with a few •bruises. Bun Dance 9 p ;m ., T U E S D A Y , N O V . 19tH, a t "T h e R a n c h ." '------Telephone_W,_59-7-R'_for_reser-vatibns--___ _Afternoon Tea 25c; Bridge 35c; Barn Dance 75c AUTO FERRY AT CHORAL SOCIETY HORSESHOE BAY The: weekly practice of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Robinson, 2897 Bellevue Ave., are w a iv ing congratulations on th e 'b ir th of a' son Tuesday in the North Vancouver General Hospital. n. the Mrs. G. Lr-W hite-- and--Mrs.- Shower Miss* Kathleen Bernard: was guest of . honor a t the tea hour on. Wednesday-afternooh-of last week when- her fiance's mother, Mrs.l J. G. Sinclair, entertained f or-her.._-Shiaded-rose_ehrysan-. - Opening-̂ -of--Zoiie.̂ of^the.,most .^.WestJVancou ver.-Choral. Society., _ H;._White_were'j^ attractive tourist areas.in 'west- w ill be held a t 8 p.m. on Monday, esses a t 1597' Inglewood' Ave. ern Canada" by establishment of November 18th, in' Inglewood^ Sui^day evening a t • a cobk- a ferry service from Horseshoe Schooinbn account of nex t'M on-, and buffet supper p arty in Bay to Hopkins Landing,, was day . being Armistice Day. honor of Miss H attie Young, urged in the Legislature . Wed- Last M o n d a y th e Society whose, wedding takes place' on; . , , . Manfred McGeer, under , the direction of the new Saturday. The rooms of th e very ' ̂ t d m em ber' conductor, - Leonard W iT s o n r attractive rustic home w ere Miss B etty Sinclair. the.mums' centred the tea table, a t ' 7 which, th e bride' - elect's motheri.Mrs. T! K, Bernard,JMfs- Alex.. Sutherland,* Mrs. F red erick Stratton and. Mrs. A. S\ Goard. presided. Serving, the * Nov. 7th, 8th and 0th "The Edge of the W orld" ,, (Filmed ontiroly In Iho Shetiunda) also "MILLIONAIRE PLAYBOY" '/iifr SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY November 0th and 11th BABY SANDY SHIRLBYl ROSS -'{'44The Unexpected Father" ■ also ' "HURDLE HOPPERS" "STREAMLINED" nes'day by newly-elected leiilb 1*̂1 for Mackenzie. • \ ■ organist "arid chofr'm^ o ra te i -throughout with Mr. MefSeer made his maiden Michael's-Chui^h,-had -a satis-- santhemuma in-different shades; yellow and^ white predominating.speech in the House by second- factory practice with'several.old ing the address-in-reply, to the - members returning and some speech from the throne.' new members recently -joined. Anyone in terested in choral'sing- ing" wiil~be~ver3r '"welcomej--as-Biirrard Laundry Ltd. w ell k n o w n FABHLY4AUNDRY- Phone North 1310 or 'West7691L. _there. _is -room_ in all sections, es- pecially for tOnors. andMr. and Mrs. Beamer "family~have movedr"ffoHT and Duchess Ave. into their; new horne a t 1809 Duchess .Avej,--- ^ A*̂ very enjoyable evening was^ Sinclairj--Bernard, spent, as all' the guests were At! a , quiet* wedding a t ,4' radio' artists with' whom. Miss . o'clock Saturday afternoon . in -Young--had-been--associated in St. Stephen^s^Churchy;Y^st Van- Vancouver,. and; who . had come couver,^ Ke'v. P . . Ar"R;jHnsoy"of=- to wish her well.---------- "-- :: -- ficiated a t the marriage of K ath -. * leenj. younger, daughter of Mr. Powell Allen and i Mfsl T. K.; Bernard of 2632, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY November 12th nnd 18th 1 ALBERT DEKKER 1 ' *" J ANICE ■ 'L0G:AN " D R . C Y C L O P S "' (at 8:15). , .............. also 7 . 1 "GUR FIGHTING NAVY" ' M a l V e m C a f e , L_, , . 1512 Marine Drive Breakfasts, Dinners, • , . • Lunches,' Teas --Catering-for Private-P arties----- ^ W. Nicholson, Proii'r. Tel. W. 616 -------------- SIZE D R E S S E S ^ ^H'oiy-Trinity-- Ottawa,L;A-vev--to-Fly4ng^0ffiGer7 Church, Margaret~Joan, daugh- James* Sinclair, M.P., .R.C.A.F., _t€riof..Mr,^and_MmiiH^F-A^^^^ ®l̂ ®̂ *;:sonj of. Mr. and Mrs.. J. G; 1204 Keiths Road, was united in Sinclair; of Vancouver, marriage to Rifleman Gbrdbn .The*! oh'urch was beautifully -Powell,^D.C.O.R.,-Nanaimo,--son^^A<^f^®^Y-f^leii^ds_ofJ;he_bri_de_ LATEST COLORS YOUTHFUL LINES AT MILDRED'S QRESS SHOP 1660 Marine Drive of Mrs. Powell,. 2145 West. F ifth , and the late John A; PowelL Rev. N. D. B. Larmonth officiated. Miss Marion Powell, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and Rfmt Neil McDonald. ofcNanaimo was best mam LEGION W/A. with autumm ifeaves'iand bronze, yelTOwr and white ' chrysanthe- mumsi/ . The groom, j elected* last spring as a? m em ber^of th e 'House of Commons- fof North Vancouver, is a form er Rhodes Scholar from' th e University of B. C., and a lso . didv post.*gradiiate work at PhiricetOn. E xtra Special F i r ' S l a b s a n d . I t l B i d e F i r , mixed « iQ H fl c o r d , C . O . D . P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 The Women's Auxiliary ex- tends-an- invitatiomto-ther mena- <5 <*?* •* ■" P ' r * « l Givent in m arriage; by her. _fa_ther^__the ̂prettyiJirideJiookedli b e iro t 'B ra n c h e'd,7W:'a7 'i^^ charming.,in a. m ist blue wool, bers husbands and': a. "few dis- d rb ssm k er suit trimmed with- tinguished guests to their an- Steji PerMan ■ laiiib, her acces- nual Remembrance Day Supper sones being of navy blue, with to be held in the Letdon Hall a t a corsage .of camejhas and bour. 6:30 p.m. sharp. Admission by Samvillias and maidenhair fern, invitation only. and she* carried; a white prayer Will members ^nvaSsing with • 5®** • PeppY-box€s^retuni'dh€m -F ri- s is te r and bHJesmaid, Miss D(k F o r a n Enjoyable Evening at day afternoon to ; the Legion rdea.BetSard;. wofe;a 13.' Shore Arena Hall, so tha t they.,, can T'be. pre pared for Saturdayi'; H eadquarters^ for Saturday will be- a t 1̂ 620 Miarme^*Driver Will volunt^rs pKbne' Mrs. Rivers, ,W. 703-M?; GUARD^ AGAWST EYESkBAlNI Make sure you have adequate ligh t for the job in hahd« Correct ihdirect lig h t protects your eyes from harshfglare, avoids headaches, eyestrain^ bad temper. Cheer up w ith BETTER LIGHT JFOR b e t t e r SIGHT! FIRST WEST VAN€OW (EH SCOUT TROOP (Sfe Stephens)^ The regular monthly^ meeting; of the Mothers' Auxiliary will be held a t the homfeJof 'Mrs. W. C. Jones, 2086 Math^eFs' Ave.,, on Thursday, November, 14th,. a t 2::30 o'clock. w;oordressmaker suit with brown; accessories, her corsage being of' burnt . orange Talisman roses arid fem . Mr: Alex. Sinclair, . brother of the groom, acted as i te s t man. Following :a reception* a t the? home of the bride's parentia, the happy coupleidftf for Ottawa the* same evening, the bride donning a navy wooLcoat with fur collar. 185 W. Isfc St,, North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and ̂ Evenings 0 ' ' Parties arranged for. DteATH OF r : s . SILLS^ EXPERT' EEPAittmer T. CHRISTBNSON: (formerly with'-Bizios Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Mariacu'DHve Thei death occurrerd lastly Thursday in his 7Sth y e a r of BubenSredwint^Sills, <2291< Marine^ Drive#. Survivign. are two- spns,i, John ,S. and Harry G.; one daughter, Mrs. S: F. Armstrong of Ottawa. LasV rites were held" a t 1 :30 p.ni. in the city with in term ent in (3icean> View Burial ^ FOR BUSH AND MILL WOOD DRY KINDLING and ' TOPSOIL S. LOWRIE - :-- Phone W est 266-y REFUGEE COMMITTEiS. Anyone wishing to Iteate evacuated children a t the . P ort Park:' TKov ReVv Cahon Harold of E n try are asked to phone King-officiated.' » Mrs; F. A. Walker, W. 487-L.