West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Nov 1940, p. 2

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tj ,- . ts -1 ' K̂"lHf c-/«̂Ĉ■l̂f*;»̂V'l r ■̂̂!*-̂̂if'-s.Wopx?̂ WWWWW f̂ rn̂miiimmmim Heyemfeer 7tii w j w %'AH. m m m c m v m m mmf' f-vH Iil*! LA. 1 m" i '- >';f I ','i 'j l ; l hv H rt •;/i : f -i s, :-& k- f5 L 'V f f 4 ; i - i i1','-iff "'■y"ii ' f* - f- /. j/ Ijps Hii; tM lil mI ? 'Â IMi i-SifttSiS'ifS m m m i s 'fSI 4h'i IpMS® 4 » ■ / ' i ' "̂1- . -Pis .V ■4̂=3 p |- .*:.v̂!-.- ;*l -̂ 'k p 'l - c ;4 :'l f.1 -f.. 4 "iiiikp i I lfe•^^l■«&l, ■m,'s ) k? ' 1J :■ i\", ,;i4;:-f,4 ;a . ri3' I S l i S l 'g f -I 4jis5| A \ v p i I v i ' - '̂V.%tiS|5|^®Sv®P Jf: "■̂ i ki'»_v., Cor. s ;u t & E«4 ulnAlt Av«. 1063 Fulton Avotioo Phono Wa»t 244*B , Stttulny i t m i t t ll«.in« 4tilif|Ni»#> ̂ Str*n*trt nn4 VI*ltor§ «f» wile<n»« SAimaT € H 0 l ^ '.' jKJf 3j||g|3jM|Au0teA' '.'-"f-"'_;̂T""--Ig '̂-̂r-̂ iSRIMUMMIPlIllir il«v. w» 1* lfeE»|r*^BJlu« S«iiis75!rirl*w 10:00 n «.m. A 7:80 pjn^Pmchiitfir 8«nie«s. A hetrty wtleomf to nil iWPFi G hrifv Your Coiffarea With A Duart P erm om nt Thort! !h no «ruca« work when we per- rnomjiit wave your hair. You see for youraolf, thu condition of your hair* through our microacope. Wo can (ioiortninu the exact aUmming time without guoHHing. Then too, your h a ir . rocoivoa extra treatment in our oalon, nomalkaline ahanipoo reconditioning oil ^and correct tapering and hair Htyling--fio why not give your hair a treat a t tho Gwendolyn's -i.; Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBURR HALL 14th and DueheBa Ihuraday, Nov. 7th at 8 p.m. Mr William Wilaon of Alberta kvill Hiieak upon "Some of the t ../♦„»! in the Epistle to thoI.eflH lIobrewB. Friday, Nov, 8th at 7:15 p.m. Young People's Service Illust­ rated by views. Speaker, Mr. William Wilson of Edmonton. Sunday, Nov. 10th D:00 a.m., Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. 7.10 p.nii, Gospel Service. Sub­ ject: "A First Century Sermon." Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of tho Scriptures.^ Wednesday, Nov. 13th at 7:30 p.m. Young People's Service to.be addressed by . Mr. John WilBon. W E S T V A N C O U V E K * '• Science CH01tCl{ KDIFICB 20th ajid ISmiuimsIt. HoUybum Hiia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientlat, in Boston, Massaohuse^ ' Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, November 10th SUBJEC1'; ' 'ADAM AND FALLEN . MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. Tho pablic is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and ' meetings.. Do you need a new one or your present one repaired? If so, call the HALL FUEL CO. ........W m 1091 "Y ou C an S e e T h « D iflPerenoe" ^ NELSONS LAUNDRlESr 1 L A U N D B E E B S - D f f r C L E A N E R S - D Y E R S C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE P h o n e W E S T 7 8 2 Creators of Exclusive, Permanente, . 1646 Marine Drive ■■* • West, 117 . "L '! T U B U N IT E D C H U R C H 2 U t a n d E s q u im a u A v e n u e DR. G. B. H: SEALE D.D.S., i-;d .s. " ■ DENTIST X-IIay. Uay Block, 14th ond. Marine. Dr. OiTice Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. he .......... ..Phono West 72 Sunday, November 10th Remembrance Day Captain the Rev. George Tur- »*pin will be in charge of both, morning and evening services. Soloi.s,t.s for the day will be> morning, R. W. Frond; evening, ,, A. J„ Addy. , ' ■; ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Itoglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van '?astor- Sunday Services Low M ass-- 8:16 a.m. . High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction 7 ;45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Maas -- Sa.in. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to. 8:30 p.m. ' C O R P O R A T IO N O F T H l^ D IS T R IC T OP W E S T V A N C O U V E R 1 0 C O N T R A C T O R S , B U I L D E R S A N D OTHERS W H O M IT M A Y C O N C E R N . Much damage has recently , been, done, to roads and serious flooding caused in consequence of .ditchea being filled with debHs during building and otlier operations. Notice is here- by given that offenders in th is regard' will "be prosecuted "to the full extent of the law in any fu ture cases which may arise. ̂ . . W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk, NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUN- CIL OF WOMEN DR. McRAE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKAy 1344 Gordon Ave. CHURCHES -OF CHURCH SCIENTIST D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building . Houra: 9 to 6 Evenings by appointment.. 5 MaI860 Marine Drive West 432 Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady' Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. IF u itr ra l i i r r c l n r a Holly burn Funeral Home ^8th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North-134-- :-- ® Vancouver Î arlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair, 184 . 11 a.m.--Rev. R.. McIntyre, of the B. C. Temperance League, will preach. JJj, 30- p.m .-~- Pastor !s-,- sub j ect,- "What are we fighting for?" 10 a.m, --r Church-School and adult Bible class.' Monday, 8 p.m.--Young Peo­ ple's Society. There will be an illustrated lecture on Scotland. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -s- Robert Harkness) the celebrated pi­ anist, will give an evening en­ titled "The Gospel in Music." He will be, accompanied- by . Mrs. Harkness, who will sing. S T ; S T E P H E N 'S C H U R C H "Rev--FrArRamseyTiRectorT ON ^NY MAKE R R O W N -& -M U N T G N -- 1B4X MARINB DfliVK WXBT BBSA.It.T. nf Sunday, November 10th 8. a.m,--Holy Communion. -- li-rajm,--Matins-and-SermonT "ADAM AND F A L L E N MAN" ,will be the subject of the . Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ,, Scientist, on Sunday. - The'̂ GoIden.-Text is : ~ 'Unto {hee will I bry, 0 Lord my rock . . . Save thy* people, and bless thine inheritance; feed them also/ and lift them up for ever" (Psalms 28: 1,9). Among the citations which comprise the 'Lesson-Sermon is the following from the .Bible: "Then said he. • to the man. S tretch forth tMpe hand: And he stretched i t I fo r th ; and' it was restored whole, like as the o ther" (M atthew 12:13). The^ Lesson-Serinon.--also--in>- cluded--th e _ following- - passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to^the Scriptures" by Mary The Rev. J. Dinnage Hobden was the guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting -of the No^th Shoire Local Council,, ol- Wbmen on Monday afternoon, when he depicted, the various ty pes"ot ■'delinq uents" he"came" Ih" contact with daily, Jn view of the Fiftieth An­ niversary falling, due, an Archiv- ™ ist. Committee-,was- appointed- to- compile a history of the Local ersCouncil to be filed a t Head - Office June, 1942. A Canadians Dorothy Spitfire Fund, has been- started by the National Council with the idea tha t a .fighter plane could be bought for the defence of Britain if "every Dorothy in. Canada would make a contribu- * tion, however small. The fund _satrted in Montreal, where the "active group is completely repre­ sentative comprising a- graduate Jlurse;,_a_achoolJ:eaeher~,-a"-book--- keeper,, a _ Bell: Telephone Com-- pany employee, ^two housewives, etc. None is wealthy, but they are carrying -all . the- cost of . Miss Madge Speck, who has been a patient in the North Van. couver * General Hospital, has re- covered sufficiently to return to her hornet a t 25th and Bellevue Ave. ' CARD OP THANKS - - Mr.-"and--Mrs.-- Jas. de ' Pas -Murray, wish to thank all who so thoughtfully called and offer- ed-sympathy in the-trial through which/they are passing. I L I F E and S P A R K L E "Banr SA IT" ■ iWHOIHT' - t r . I i I . t i z i 5 3 * - 2 9 * - 3 p.m.---Remembrance Day . ^ r - vice. Breacher, the Ven.. Sir F. HeathcotCi D.D. ' 7.30 p.m.--Evensoi^ and Ser- mon.- Monday -- ̂ Holy Communion, Baker Eddy: "Jesus beheld in-, postage, e tc ./ so that V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, C(jal. Builders* Supplies 9:3Q a.m. Tuesday, 2:30r--W.A. meeting, St. Fmnci^-in-tiie-^Wood; Gaulfeild 9 i4 6 . a.m .--^Matins, anU Sermon. Science the perfect man who ap- jp ^ re d to him ~where_ ^sinning m ortal.m an appears-to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour -saw-GodVowH-likenessyrand-this correct view of man, healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught tha t the kingdom of God is intact, uni­ versal, and th a t man is -^pure and holy." W E S T V A N C O U V E R T A B E R N A C L E M a rin e and: 2 6 th S t . R a a to r k R o b e r t H . B ir c h S e r v ic e s : THE RHODA FAULKNER "Y" ^ U ip a y - S c h o o l , 9 :4^. Sund^Yi Services.-- 11 a.m: and 7,:3Q,p.m., a . Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow­ ship / 7:30. i.;--:------- - SPECIAL Sawdust ...............$3«6() per unit rDry. Slabs ...........36.00, per cordInsido Fir:-- from shed.......$0.00 per cord -from mill ....$5.50 per-cord- Slaba Aî ith Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs, A Edgitufs $3.76 . per cord PRITAM'S; FUEL Phone. North 620 W .C .T .U . The monthly m eeting of the -W;G.'T,U."Will be -held" 'im~the vestry of the United Church on Thursdfy,r.the Jl4th instant, a t 2;15.p.ih'., Mrs; A. Main, Super­ intendent: of Sailors' ,Work, will be,,the gpeat speaker. The ditty bags,?Ior the sailors^^ should, be h a a d ^ . in either a t . the meeting or.toJHrs. D. Chapman'1329 Ful- Members of the "Y" will meet a t the home of Mrs. W. L. Mc­ Kay, 1344 Goixion Ave., for their "mext";raeetingrdnrTuesday even- ing, November, 12th. All mem- j bers are requested to be pre- ' sent; and to bring a, friend, if possible. An item of interest will be a talk given by Dr. E, L. Garner of Vancouver,, his sub­ ject dealing with "Health." ^eyery cent contributed may go direct to_the .'purchase o f the Spitfire. Miss Dorothy Thomp­ son has given her autograph for -Sale t_Q_lieJp_the-f-und.--A-n-ap- assistance to the British Sailors' Society was received from'. Rev. Gfeo; M. bpeedie, Toronto: A collection was taken and' the m atter left after next meeting. Jhe Council was asked to give every assistance to the' National Refugee CJommittee who is undertakiing -a. nation-wide' Ex­ hibit of the two French dolls graciously-Ioaned-by-Her-Maj^ M cKillL & McCUE 14th:; and- Marine W ^ t Vancouver esty the Queen. Proceeds in aid or European, Refugees. James. Chapman ^ d H .V. Collins .were ap­ pointed delegates to . attend-the,---w .rtl/LCUa- LIU PiGvincial meeting being held in W. H. BRAGEWELL PASSES tt; . . ......wciUK ntsm .in w w " n °" a November.. 14th, -PiPvintiar William Hartley Bracewell, 2652 Haywood Ave., pp.ssed away last Saturday in his 91st year. He is survived, by one daughter, Susie,;\ London, Eng­ land;; two sons; S. B. Bracewell;- -- ____ here, and. W. Bracewell, New V n t l ton>,qh.§aturdaYthe,16thanstant. Westminster. Funeral services r tfo f - r CAri A , t u r n o u t of,members and. were held - at 3 p.m. Tuesday J '̂ kn's Church, Maple Rigde the Rev. E rn est: W. S. Gilbert officiating, followed by mterment in Maple Ridge Ceme- ^ y , Haney. The Hollybum Funeral Home o f Harron Bros. Ltd. wage in charge of funeral arr^gem ents.s _ - Director of H earth:Se^vi^" „ ? ,r |P rak on Local Health Sewices. fore >>«- ? t t h f f ; K " ' " " '" ' Legislature. a> tthe forthcoming, session; • They decided 44" to. call' home h y l o D i k d i s t a n c e " Sittinĝ ip front of their firc" pl̂ e,L My.'- and 1Mrs. Rande 'were taIking>ahout mother and dadc who Jive? in. Alberta. The last letter from' them was re- ceived*oyer. as weelTago and Mother wasn't'feeling any too well, - "Wbuldn^ itibe* wonderful if wej couldi'^'drop.in' on them for . a- visit tonight/' said Mrs. Rander\ „ : ^ " TTHat's.â great idea," said Mr: Randeth" We'll call them by Ic^ig'distkhbe telephone riĝ now." ; O.E..S FALL TEA Pabliohed Every Thursday ̂ friends Will be. made welcome. PublishVr F. P. LOVEGROYE Phone West 363 huainoBs and Editorial OiTice: 1704, Marine Drive y Phoi^e West 55 N o r th V a n c o u v e r O ffice : 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year ' by mail I U N IT Y , m e t a p h y s ic a l CENTRE <NonTSectarian).. ef.Vanyeuver, B.C, {Vesbryancouver .Servicê Friday evening at S.Q,'dock To be held at Shan|frl-La Drive ̂ . 2486*'Marine Drive Spei^er: Rev: T.' Conway Jones' SubjMt..: FnndamentaL Truth Prittciplee.- For further informaHonv phone West 832-M Chapter No.. 26s Fall home cooking S ^®<l"esday, Navem- ^ I 7 ? v J *« ,^so n ic ;T em p le 7th> and Bellfevue Ave:. and wifi, be^offici^y opened: a t 2:30 te S e d to" aU."^ invitation, is ex- WhW hot call your home tO" nightiand̂ êxperience' the thrill of'.'tf.visit by/'long-distance?' ' S R iT J S H C O L U M e iA . lEIfEEHONE CO. evanoelical services Every Tuesday, evening at 8-«o!dlock., . ' bu^ay afternoon, at 3 o'clock Ma^ne Drive-and 25th Ave. „ Speaker: Alexander Scott, Missionary Sa^ID, G ^ y E L , NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT BR&MIX. »one M A i B R i i i a t s i y i i f r c E D lih 1141 ----- ALP B tU S , West 82S-I.