E sta b lish e d o v e r 1 6 y e i r s . W»,*» iy Established over 16 years. Ctrculattng m tie D istrict of West Van^uver-^Amhkside, MoHybum, Westotty Dundarave Bark, CdulfeUl Whytediffy Etc. • 5c t r o»py. V ol. X V V A N C O U V E R , B .C . , T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 7 t b . 1 9 4 0 • N o . 3 0 *<LEST W E FORGET « t U N IT Y M E T A P H Y S IC A L (Non-Sectarian). t PATRIOTIC SERVICES A PPEA l THE ROOSEVELT VICTORY We of the B ritish Empire feel safer for the re-election of President Roosevelt and are correspondingly thankful. The President is a tried and true friend, whereas Mr. Willkie has yet to prove himself* and this stage of bur lone fight fo r ' democracy we need a continuance of all the* help th a t has been triven us. Not th a t there was any doubt about Mr. Willkie's personal friendship, but some of his supporters and' ' some aspects of ,his party 's campaign did not inspire the sam e,. confidence, apart from the disruption and delay in govern ment activities , which must inevitably accompany any change in the presidency. One could not help feeling, for instance, that in sW e underground .way tlje Nazi influence was being directed against the President, while both big business and the Communists, surely very strange bedfellows, were out for Mr. Willkie, not taking into consideration the support given the latter by "the isolationists. ' It is a severe blow for. the Axis powers: For the rebuke administered to them by the American public is bound to have an adverse effect on their present.struggles for position in the Mediterranean and the F ar East. But more than th a t , . i t . i s .. a warning of which they will dp well to take notice.- COMING EVENTS Wednesday, November 27th* C oncert under the auspices of With over 54% of the ir $8600 t he (Canadian Legio an I t h e writing, U>gion W.A. h, thu Iiigllwwd the West Vancouver .campaign auditorium in aid'of ihn o t the Patriotic Services Appeal Vancouver Ovorsous OigareWo IS onitiS way tp success. . . . and Tobacco Pund. ' ^ Headed by chairman E. W. I. Keenleyside, the organissatlon of the drive has put every effort into making history In the com m unity's largest money-making campaign ever to be launched in West Vancouver. Co-vice chair men ,Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. Don McDonald and Jack Richardson, together with women's ig^oup leaders, Mrs." Wilfred Muntoh and Mrs. Harold Ostrom, and men's, Jack Gilmore, have to- LEGION NOTES The annual Remembrancp Day Bimdcast w ill, be hearcf from Townto, a t 8 to 8:55 p.m. Bast-' tailed a num ber of o w r C T f s * Z e n S m h '^ ' Thi^" scribera who have donated to foilowe^by" v special b i ld c a a t Rev. T. Conway Jones of Unity Metaphysical Centre. H o t e l LINDBERGH -There is-soarcely-a city of-any-size-but-has some individual■ » • n ' X. •"' T..' ' U X." ' "X* 1 X.1 '* •i1 ' t;who continually pesters the inhabitants to death with preach ings about this or th a t local issue, Usually such persons bring nothing to their self appointed task except th e assumption that they h a ^ th e very qualifications for it which nature and experience have denied them. ̂ . Occasionally.this is extended to the national field" as is now evidenced among our neighbors to the south in the m atter of one Lindbergh. The latter in the not too d istant past flew' from obscurity to France and ihtem ationaLfam e in one jump. Whereupon his compatriots fell down and worshipped him, making him a hero and calling him "thedone eagle." ', He was and is a great airm an, .'and , has ,einpe^.d£>ne considerable, long ,, distance flying, in which he 'w as lucTder than some other masters of that craft.* In the coursd of these journeyings he once visited Gjermany, where for reasons known only to him self and Gpdli'̂ w as apparently trW endously impressed with "all that he'saw. \ • And so to-day he lectures the people of the United States, -nt)t~on-flymg7-rbut--on-"the-inta¥nation'al-GOur-se--they--should-- steer, to their g rea t wrath, and"* indignation. For apart from the bombings of London the' descendants of the Mayflower are^ scarcely' likely to look kindly on those who subscribe to all itheionc^s±oi!s-crbssexlJ;he-Ailanticito_ay_oid,_and_that_ra_lse_d_ this cause. Tthey enthusiasm shown by the pub lic." ; ^ ^ ------- ---------- The shelveisN)t the R ed C r o s s ver is as G w r g ia /V a n c o u v e r , w m a d ^ S B ' g r a m m e s an d t im e s in m in d . . ■ F, asks all ex-service men to meet sen t^overseas-o r-to -the-P roy in -^rtK eL eg ionT im ^^ from the Troops, in England at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. The public of West Vancou ver is . asked to keep these pro- . Marine Driye, a t 8 p.m., M d a y , November-8th. All who are interested in the study of T ruth and in its ap plication. are.Jn3rited_t0-attend.__ REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE nioi • "tT ---- * riujgmn nan ai jlu a.m. on fnr Vancouver Monday the 11th to parade to the Memorial. -- -~Nextr-^m-e-e-t-i-n-g--to - n ig h t- ous typs of . garments ^and (Thursday) a t 8 p.m. All mem- «?• ^ p l e a s e o n hand. Import- ^ this branch of the an t business. - Teh annaul Remembrance Day The West Vancouver Platoon, N .^urse'^ S I p a S & M l a i A T hn o th VptprnTi»« Ppaprvm P«ri-iini€ s<^iai the Women's Auxiliary will be pamr Irish F ^ ilie ra S ^ ^ f welfare held in the Legion Hall a t 6:30 iro rid e tti? S Hon ^ ^ * Vancouver fam P , p.m. sharp on Monday November or a t t t e " A- . . , . ■ ' H th . Invitation will be by ticket M ^ , , » ! « « » S S S S l t f f i J j f S be^irf cha?ee'o f ' t t t n?pW I j e ^ l v e s of a y e VILLAGE FAIBE AND 'De in . charge oi the Key. F. A. picture show on Saturday night RARN DA NPF fiamsey assisted by the Rev, and on Monday morning con- S v ' ^ '̂ j R e f T h e seventeenth 'annual affair ^ d ^ e Rev W S ^ l^ id Thp s t o n m M ^ i s of the Duncan Lawson Chapterand the Rev. W. b. Reid., The that^portray_the suppo^ a I^ge I.Q.D.E. will be held pn Tuesday, to the nth degree. W ith ithe story in mind of the mule who broke his hoofs on an armour plate, one cannot help thinking that C^onel' Lindbergh, is liable to become a very lone indeed unless he m endshis ways. musio will be Iby comrtesy of the number of W est Vaneduver citi- W est-V ancouver ~Boys'" Bafld. zens, as well as G reatsV ancou- The service is being arranged ver are putting behind their an- _Njov-em!her-19th^ by the Duncan Lawson Chapter nual campaign. of the I.O.D.E. and the Canadian ___is:::::.:_______ Legion Branch No. 60. • ' HOLLYBURN HALL CHRYSANTHEMUM ' . ' . exhibits could be displayed to . E X H IB ^ O N the. very best advantage. -------^ The full list of prize winners Hollyburn Pavilion was a ŵ ill ^ppear in our next issue. The citizens of West Vancou ver are cordially invited to' take part in. this service* and as in The Upper Hall of the - Caina- dian Legion will be the scene of- a typical village, with a Market Pliabe, a Gairden of Swepts, the Village Puinp,__"Come buy my ; V ^ a t 8 p.m. William ---- --------V. «A«A »*o AAA will speak in , evening az "m e form er years, immediately fol- ™ 'y b u rn . Hall upon Some of Ranch," Marine Drive; a "Barn lowing the service individuals Me Lefts m the epistle to the Dance" is-planiied. The tickets Posies" and a Post Office for the sale of W ar Savings Stamps. In the evening a t "The iawer of beauty on Wednesday and Thursday o f last week on ' WOMEN'S KEEP FIT CLASS the occasion" of the second an- . '" i --------- nual exhibition of the W est VafllX Th^ insistent demands of are invited to place their "pop pies" a t the base of the Arch and so form, a Garden of Poppies for "Remembrance." couver Chrysanthemum Assoma- score$ of West Vancouver women tion.'lt was a larger and a better are rewarded this week with the a 200 per cent . gain in quality, Tuesday, November -12th, a while the 404 plants exhibited , weekly,_Tuesday afternoon Keep between 1400 and ;^it session will be conducted in hpr exceeded the nuni- the Canadian Legion Hall, on cenf ■ 18th St., with Instructress Marj- ODpnpri Leyland officially orie Rivers in charge, from 2 to to sp ^ ia l- tr ib u te Miss River§, who is also in of the regular Friday of .the two evening Pro-Rec classes for his '^P ori' for women a t the Legion Hall, will The on7o present one. give tables of Keep F it work be- the ^hnlr > bloom in ing stressed by the Recreation Sinclair Centr^es this winter: Attendance inffham"T̂ Â. 5 ^ ^^oom "Birm- . .a t classes in this community has plant been :so encouraging th a t- i t is for bio P. -Skeet -expected th a t an assistant will " A bloom i*T)aily also " be required to assist with . )̂ 9̂ Pon captured the the work on Tuesday afternoons. for th is dance are limited ao„ (rr id ay ) there will be a Young . make your reservations early." People s Serviw illustrated by Mrs. W. S. I^ake is general con- views, the g)eaker being William vener, assisted by Mrs. C. L. Hillbom and Mrs. W. B. Small, d a ^ the 10th inst., the usual Home cooking: Mr.s. Gordon$100,000 WATERWORKS q ' 'Vj --i '--V'-v"**" . xAvmt; cuuitiiig; ivir.s. uoraon - LOAN ERQMiQTTAWA „T®ung Peo- Gray, JVIrsv_H._B._Stevens Mrs. ■-- " ' W. Froud/M rs. Henry Brad- Councillor Sears reported to and a t 7:30 p.m. a Jey ,-M rs. Peter W ait and Mrs. e Council following his re tu rn . ^1^! Service^ the subject be- A. H. Swanson. Gandy: Mrs. K:the Council following his re tu rn .-- 'ir: xi. owanson. vanay : ivirs. a . from Ottawa, where he"hadriii=--m g^A ^irst-C en tu r^-S erm on ,--^BuriJonritostei^M rs: James Mc- terviewed the Hon. Ian-M ac- Tuesday a r 8 p.m. prayer and In ty re and Miss Marjorie Mur- m im stiy of the Scriptures and- ray. Flowers: Mrs. Harold a t 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Young Mahon. Novelties: Mrs. R. A. Peoples Senace to be addressed Thompson, Mrs. Percy Jennet* ____________ . , ____ by John Wilson. Mrs. G. E. Griffin, Mrs. A. J. Municipal Imprbvemerifs' A s- VsriT i?rn> a /rwrk n r a xTrom x m J Gleam and Mra. F. W. Harring- «i.qfjiTirp Art A.<? p r^snlf "fb Pflh_ LELEBKAIED W ton. Fortune te lling : Mrsj'W. S. THE. BAPTIST CHURCH Peaks. Tea: Mrs. A. E. Young, Mra. Bobt. Piddes, ■ Mrs. R. P. kenzie and the Hon. J. Rsley re the municipal application f o r $150,000 a t 2 per Cent f o r waterworks, pu^.osqs under the sistance Act. As a result t h Cab inet had approved . a. loan' of $100,000 on the basis applied for. , .-The Council passed a vote of thanks to Councillor Sears fo r first ten ' Any woman over the age of 16 can register for the classes • *ae winner in' thA .<mAAip1 r.ŝ af fAtiAreiplf plthnncrhi; tOn ■ 1--• J-V». c a l l ' X A I S l/ÂX X\AX WXi\; las« fn,. special without cost to W se lf , .although t'hich ™ possible th a t a small lao competed was voluntary charge may be made !ud wno M ^ i h to defray operating expenses, presented to -h im byIrs t ! . to .Him by -- ------------------ urinv^o 4 . Refresliinents, EVANGELICAL SERVICES "fpi 1 days of the show - ' . " ' -- . . be M d Robert Harlmess, one of the Allan, Miss J. Crutchlow, Mrs. best known pianists of sacred X Glover, Mrs. G. R. Metcalfe tnanKs to ^uuiicmux' ot«irs lo r ™ .w orld , wiir give a and Mrs. Donald McTavish. ^ his successful efforts and order- evening, entitleib The Mrs. E. W. Hamber will be ed sent to the Hon. Ian Mac- u **T»r j guest of honor during the Kenzie a letter of sincere thanks ,Volu^ x o » afternoon and the members of and appreciation for his valu- " TSth, a t 8 o clock. He will be ac- the chapter cordially extend an vv ^ x_.._ .... xi-. __.xx... .-.epmpam^ by Mrs. Harkness, invitation to all th e women in who will. sing. Mr. Harkness the community to attend and ex- was associated with Dr R. A. -tend t o . Mrs. Hamber a real Tprtfcy: M.: Alex- W est Vancouver welcome ander, and later with Dr. J. W. «Ye Village Faire," Tuesday Chapman, and Charles M. A lex -* afternoon, 2:30 p,m., Canadiah ander. He has made several = Legion H^ll, musical programme, journeys around the world. The afternoon tea. Telenhone Mrs able assistance in the^matter.- BRITISH-ISRAEL ere iD ^ the show - '. ' rilK the Hollybiirnl / Evangelical Services will le chitc^ ' to see', held a t 8 p.m. every TOesday £ ^rd 'W 'ere , a t 3 p.m.^Sunday m the hall a t ■rived the tim e had 25th and Marine Drive. The e .liall in sp ^ k e r will be Missionary Alex- w m ic ip a h ty , , - w h e r e such a id e r S c o t t . Mrs. Brereton will be the speaker a t the regular meeting of the DundaraverBitanc^^^^^^ _____ ws 25th and Marine Drive on Mon- citizens Q? W est Vancouver are Wm. Wilsom**̂ W eS^945"M day, November 11, a t H e r cordially invited to heir Mr. bridge table rseiratiOTS ' subject, "Eemember the ■niings and Mrs. Harkness; ; B ara Dance L e sd a v eveninir of Old" is a continuation of her ___ _̂____________ . , 9 p.m a t "oSe R w h last address.' You ^ e cordially ̂ BriiSsh (Jilumbia takes f i r s t , Drive.'Telephone Mrs. d EiGriT* invited to come and h e ^ Sfos. , place among the provinces m , fin. W est 597-E for reservations Brereton. She is an eimeptionally order of marketeed value of fish- Afternoon 25e Bridae 25c good speaker.*** , . . ery products. ; Barn Dance 76c7 ' t. V