," - ̂ .'- r '̂,/* '̂ . <*s - ' " m ' * ^ K ^ 4 ■', ̂r 7 ' rt.. ̂. « < f - 1 >ft K -t, ̂ ft fp t -̂HJ J(S- (■ , f V 'f»- r»' '̂- V̂̂'V*iî<"=->̂̂/f p .,. * U',.>,»-»̂ rt W -.i» . .'. ,»\ •' »»P«.)iS' ' J«R4*'li*W»#«»flf>«».*»**̂ ' " s a •f̂'-ri" > > ,5 «*«»* ainww «wa)ii<t#>M<ijiitoM|ii^^ M*#M THE Q c tc ^ r 31st iV̂illWlWl̂^ WlplWliWllWt!̂ ^ f fm &#Uf«rf itffiis* >' * ' mmtMy Atmmt I LAST K m s FOR THR .BEir,a!^LLIAM-,yAHCR„ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. l«l anil 2«d UEU & WHITE SOUl* SALE AMpaarguM • Clam Chowder « Chteken ' and Si k. ̂ i, Ice » OxUn - Cream of Mtiyih< . room - Cream of Oyafc^r * Cream of Com • Veiretahle-lkscf--3 for ...,2»c 'I'omato - Celery - Veirelable . Green Pea--3 tlna 27c; dozen <v.«##«w»«A**lfiXeClND . Ked & White TENDEtt FEAB-- Sieve 4, tall t i i i ............... ......».......11c Nabob ASPAHAGUS TIPS and ENUS~-IO^^,-oz. tin ....... .......... ............l(k Ued & While BAKING POWDB1I-- l2*oz. tin ....................... ;i7c' Auatralian HEEDLESS BAISINS-- 2 Iba 23c l>I(;ED Mixii5D ..... 8*oz. cello pkt..........................;.......14c GLACE CIlEUIUES^Keirah <)*b/-. cello pkt......... ;..,................;..18c (HUCK OATS--timiker Non-Prem ium. L(H>k. Send one box top and .'ir>c to (luuker Oata Co., Baakatoon for u pair of lovely ailk atockinxa, Aak uh about It. ..Large pkt. ....17c p a n -- « . Weat 370 F fi« Dellfiry b e e f " Jl ftrJtlJlk LAMB VEAL All Grade A A A1 Delicaiesseii Fresh Fish Dally Last rites for the Rov. Wil- iiam Vance, who passed away Friday while visiting friends in Ladner, B.C., were held a t 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the United Church here, of -which th^ deceased had been minister for the past two years. The large number of floral tributes and the pre'^nce of a cfppgregatioii who overflowed intfoHhe porch and, schoolroom testified to the esn teem and affection in which he^ ̂ was held- The body lay in state in the Hollyburn Funeral Home until the time of the funeral, ar rangements for which were in (jharge of Harron Bros. Ltd. The officers o f.th e Vancouver Pres-, bytery conducted the service, the soloist being Ola'MacNiitt, SABU A D O pE S SHINGLES - PLYWOODS ^ LATH THESE NO SUBSTITUTE FOB QUAUTT iupPLiEa TOLLBOABD TILE CANADA PAINTCOMPANY LTD. ^^EST VANCOBVER lUHBER CO. LTD. 1 6 th & M arine D riv e Phone W est 116 PINEAPPLE HINGS--R egal 2 for 9c JA.M--Apple with Raifpberity or , - it. Strawberry, 4-lb. t in ..... 1 ........39c while the choir sang an anthem. MILK--3 tall tin s .................. .....25c Interm ent wa.s made in the TEA--Aunt M a p ' s . ...Masonic Section, Capilano View ™" ..,..?.....10C C.«" ®'e5 y/Messra. F. W.̂ Mcr. • ...... ...................... rick, W. R. ILunilton,- A. T. ..'"'r..•................. "' Cushing, Chas. T, Baldwin, N. Shower Gillies, John Hope, George Hay C L A S S I F I E D A D S Tho rate for Classiaed. Adywtlsemente ia 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case pf those having, regular accounts, all claasl. lieds ore payable strictly in advance. Remember Clossifleds in tho West Van: News g e t immedlato reauKa GORDON ROBSON - - B arrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 41J9 fat West Vancouver any time by appointment. 'West 408. _______ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam . Permanents; only best moterlnlB used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Rnval Bank Building. « F IR E HAZARD Protect your home and contents Rates less than % of 1 per cent Perpy T. Masterman, Real Estate Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077. ' Shower Mih. F. M. Wallace and her and W. Herrin^acting as honor- GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all '• * . ii jj... risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or West 1066-Ll. ' H. A ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 646 daughter Pat, 2522 Bellevue aiW Pan bear^Ts, and A VO., entertained Monday night Mi.s.s Lorraine Holden was the - jjt a linen shower honoring Miss reeinient of manv useful irifts .Stott, Rev. L. Best, Rev. H. at a miHcclIanooua ahower given f H » 'on, and Kev. J. B, Hob; by co-hoatesHOs Mrs. A. E. Cole dJng to Jly ing Offlcfi'James Sm- dem and Mrs. N. Cole at the home of '̂ l"V the latter, 2920 Mathers. Ave. November. The gifts Ladner United Church, where The table looked lovely covered displayed on a,table, over he had labored for three years, with a hand-made Madeira and which was suspended a water-, previous to which he had held lace cloth', and centred with a decorated with flowers, pastorates in , Revelstoke, Na PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD* (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative,;' » P, Bayliss (Notary-Public) . . 2436 BellevUe Ave. West 622-R J. INW ARD SEARS, BarHster, Sol- icitpr, 1405 Marine -Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 658-R-l. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawduut , burners installed; furnace repairs G. Meldrum,. 11()B Lonsdale. North 822. . PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL--6-5x7 Portraits ready to frame, one col- PLOOR SURFACING-J.SutherlawL West 488 o r North 578. crystal bowl of pink and white . strips from it giving, naimo and Kitsilano Methodist sTROMBERG-CARLSON io-ti 'mums flanked by tall pink ^ ^ ^ - wave console, perfect tone, tapers. The color scheme was deconitions were bronze, yellow He was born in Mount Forest, tifui cabinet, new tubes. Cos ored, $2.50. Barclay s Photograph- PAINTING AND DECORATING- ers, 1618 Marine. W. 710._______ Estimates free. J . H. Wedley. West 1022-L.tube all beau- -further carrried^out w ith-pink -nnd-pink-autumn-flowers,-After--_ Ont__SurvlvJng--are__his_wife-;__ _Bargain,^$85.. W. 436-Y. n *. SEASHORE SPECIAL Cost $246. f o r r e n t --Cosy 4 room well fur- ^nished.>modern^ bungalow. -Fireplace. _aud white Btreamors. The gifts « guessing contest the evening two daughters, Helen and Mary convalescents, a n d . p a y i n g $35.00. Sharpe Realty, W. 719, ^uraiTge^lon a tea-wagon were w as sp en t in knitting, and dainty a t . honie; th ree-sons, Lloyd at guests, W est 819-L, ^ WESTERN WOODWORKERS--store • w h e e l e d > 1 « ^ £ e t t ^ J a i ^ ^ ^ ™ h m e n t B ^ s _ ^ « in E n ro 5 F ^ io iT lv h b p re s i^ t rd ^ '̂ ^^^^^® ^^'9^^^*d"Mi6s"Moira™Goi^- them to the guest of honor ' Wallace acting as serviteurs. tersi, Mrs. / Robert Allan, On- The iruests included MesdameH Those-present w ereM iss-K ath -- tario, M rs.-H.-Norris--of -Aus- R. Holden, A. Skerton, W. L . , traiia and Mrs: A. F, Carlaw, ^ q t -- Have the back yard ard, and the "Misses Doreen Vancouver; two brothers, Aroh- cleaned up? Have that woo'd split? Bernard, Doreen Elgar, Peggy ie of "Georgetown, Ont., and Good workman; good re su lts ;,low Barker, Josephine Allen, Bar- Fred of Portland, Ore., and hk . price. Phone West 384-R. . . ~gla2ingrWesr740;"West~443 :̂Fireworks, Ankle Sox, Wool, Em broidery-Supplies,-Baby Garments,... . r asm i?ni> 'tiT-Mzr Notions, Chinaware. Hardware. - J U N K _ - Bottles, rags, fi McKay, HalL_W , Loucks, B. Short, D. Willington, L. Willing- ton, A. Brown, < W. Smith, B, Cave, L. McLashan, S. Davey, J. Davey, J. Vernon, F. Huggins, L. Hill, C. Stephenson, Lash- bi'ook, J. Gibson, Blandford, Hib- berd and the Misses I. Brealey, W. Brealey; A. Skirton, A / Humphrey.s, D. Lashbrook, H. Colpitts,. L. Smith. ' > * 4> Sacks, 'Metals, Furniture, Stoves, ToolSi . etc.; nothing too big or too small. B urrard Junk Co., West 91. bara McIntyre M arjoiy O'Don- mother, Mrs, R. A. Vance of b ic y c l e s & r e p a ir s Guaranteed nell, Joan Marentette, Moira Vancouver. Wallace, Jean Hill, Marguerite ---------- -̂------------- Behan. , ̂ 6th B. C. SEA SCOUTS & at Fred Jones Bicycle & Sport Shop. 1439 Marine. Res. phone W. 7l2-M. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coon- ■ J;ry way; giiaranteed; brick and stone . repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 8U-R-2. UNITED CHURCH W.A. CUBSAUXILIARY The regular monthly meetingThe regular monthly meeting „ , "r • • of the. Women's Association will Auxiliary to the $2,350 'Well situated, attractive 4 room bungalow on 50-ft. lot. > Fire place , garage, developed garden. Terms can be arranged. C.. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special - machine; repairs, parts- . West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at reason- __^able_rates*..H_Gaines,-West-962-I {' ■)C fi n i Mir-arrd--M rsT ^iley , r3348 be held in the Church Hail Marine Driwe, have moved to ̂ Tuesday, November 5th a t 2.15 ^ 8 3 6 ^ " BE-K00F1NG-^BNUINE DUEOID Vancouver. 5 I NOTICE j).m. Hostesses for the aftenioon j4 th Street^ a t 2 ;30^"p!m' "̂ on f ir e p l a c e HEATER, $5 will be Mrs,-AT-J.-Addy7-Mrs.-L.--Thursday" November 7th. ' ^-----^our^uperfluous china^-glassy-bras p f I' '4' ______ Ajello and Mrs. W. Blair, At this . The officers elected for the New m em ber; are w a '^ tS n S r " " " " f will coming y ^ r are'̂ follows: Mrs. Badminton Club at Dunciarave for th e forthcoming *[• X f ^ "r x T v R e s i d e n t ; Mrs. and antique^ may be exchanged a t Quaint Gifts, 2435: Marine Drive. Shingles,' attractive, permanent. Have roof imeasured now; free esti mates. B. B. Cripps, West 88-R. FrV . Findlay. West 494TO. Hall, Thursday evenings. En- snBual Christmas bazaar and it 9^%®' Vi'ce-^^esident quire Handy Ann Shop, 2442 =. is hoped'^there will be a lifrge p q Marjnc,**** - ■ attendVnee. • S* Mrs. R. f o r SALE-- 2 pairs of :b .C. RoUer Club Pidgeons. W. 770-Rl. H. Mayer, Social Convener. WANTED AT ONCEJ--Experienced girl for housework and plain cook ing. W. 378'. _ , COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All formis of documents drawn and executed. Real " Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones:. W est 21, 204-M, 913-L J. h ■!M'l I p 4 ■Tr: Wmi xi'i l iMs i i i M I j 'U&]f L£Jn|W '•'fm A 0 ■■s i iiiiMimmm pj ' .ijH', • afciifV 5!'SI i(f£ f "'-'rl ̂ J FOR SALE}~E. F lat Alto Saxophone, good condition, cheap, or swap for barrelled shotgun. WEST VANCQtJ-YER MESSENGER SERVlCEr-ParcelS, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . ^ TO RENT--Nice location Duhdarave, near bus. 4 roomed modern bun- galow, range. $20.00. West 461-R. 4 ROOM h o u s e ;, close in, l$2300. very easy terms. Attractive 5 room house, choice Jocation, near waterfront, All cash. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & 'Solicitor, 510 W, Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time hy ' appointment. W est 403. $2500. PAli^TING. PAPERHANGING, stuc --co-sprayingr4ir8t-class wor!:i-mat WALKER & PRIDE 1 <04 Marine Drive West 55 erials guaranteed. Terms arranged. P. Gaines; W. 974-L. HOLLYBURN RIDGE-- Log (Rabins .to ren t or purchase. New ski grounds. Phone SE ymour 7949. DAINTY TEAS, including "TeaMP Reading." 25 cents. "The Amble- ' dene," 1368 Marine, Wednesday, Friday afternoons. ___ _ f o r RENT--Furnished room, suU- able business lady or gentleman. Board optional. West 521-L. Definitions Socialism--If you have 'two cows, you give your neighbor one. ̂ ^ Communism--If you own two cows, you give, them to the Gov- ,^nment, and the (loverjiment ( 0 give you some milk. Fascism _=r- If you own two ____________ S^ve't h e ^ ' m i l k ^ ^ f R O O M ' AND'BOARD for one or two \ I, Govern- ladies; quiet home. Mrs. Urquhart, ment, who sell you, some milk. West 633-L.- New Deal"--If you own f twn . " T cows, you shoot onp' an/l -min RENT--i roomed house, fuf' the ith e r Ynh t W ' ^ "«'>«<• 2366" Marine Drive, Pto® milk do^n tl?d rata _____ ■ Nazism -- I f you own two RENT--Bright, furnished room COWS, the Government shoots you, and keeps the oows. ̂ Bellevue. _ C ap ita lism -- If you own, tw o HELP WANTED--Capable, neat coô VVS, you .sell one. and hiVy q' general, .3 in family, good wages. W. 789-Rl . evenings. cows bull. ^ 3 ^ ' W.5B. S ^ L L , MRS. ANGUS McAUSTER, DON McDONAU), MRsrvTB. T '14 "i® ..AppealS a v ^ ^ l lr v L o i^ \ opened throughout Greater Vancouda>s s e rv i^ a joint cause as the ver last T u^day . . ": , ' C e w s serving a joint cause as the W central reporting office' o f this com- fcA T 'J M mumty's army of canvassers working- ,1 - Here,. Mrs. W. B. Small, convener of the W est Vancouver Red Cross l ^ L n ^ c c?m- F O R B U S H A N D m i l l w o o d d r y KINDLING and , TOPSOIL S. LOWRIE Phone W est 256-Y WANTEJ)"i-G irl for mother's help- general housework. Sleep in. Co®' fortable, pleasant home, $lo montfl-- Box' 4i; W est Van. News^_____ W IDOW . with : comfortable would ' like to meet with ladv w • share 'it. Box 40, 'W est Van. N e^ JA PA N J^B LADY wants housework,' cleaning,, washing, etc. by the hour. W est lD4rY3 a fte f 6 p.m. I 1 I s c i J C di G: ti h( ar th . ."i '