»* ; '*̂ M̂« f'<'%w& *̂■5* '■'•'¥l='l>!. October 31st, IMO. A b w e s t v a n w m m BOT :WITO CONFIDBNCB % T t h e s m iif : o f q u a l it y N B W -M JW H A N D ISB -A ^PO PU B A a'PR ieE S $2isWomen's Combiniitiimn Wool and. Kiiy«mi;.'Uii shrinkable; Short Sleeves Women's Vests ~-- Hloowi* ', 1 Wonl and Bnyon; Vn- shrinkable. Vesta have sSorl Sleeves. P«t * » i > 5 | B O mcnt.............. .................. Women'a V e s t s and 'W«KMMiW«WooIt̂ ̂ Vests' with buildup shoulders. Per narntent Children*s Vests--Wooltex t to i2 )|;"m cii ............. Children's Interlock Pant* 4«8--Warm * and • cosy* A Ojk Ages 2 to UVi, M th ..... ' 79c 4 9 c 1S78 MARINE-^Between Safeway and 1110*8 L ocal and P erson al ".1̂ ̂ ' t ■ ............ BAND AUXILIARY SALE OF W ORK and TEA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, a t 2:30 p.m. ' in the Legion Hall , r ~ Tea Cup^-Reading . ' Admission 25c PRE-SCHQOL STUDY GROUP SOCCER NO^iJES The Mothers' Pro - School Study Group meets each Thurs- ? 7 Vancouver Glrle' a"*® C*">> ""'ler Colin Mac-new home on Sinclair Ave. Lean with-̂ Mra. G. Shefflold ai A A»u* ' L V . accompanist will be heard over OKMO a t 8 p.m. next Thursday, November 7th, on the Business Crirls' Donor Program m e in aid 2234 M ailers iest week, of the Red Cross, coming out on the last boat to ♦ a ♦ leave the fa r north. Shower ' TvjT I-h/f* ^ /> .31 X ,,.M^ss M arjory O'Donnell and oft5»7 1̂1?̂ *5*'̂ 55̂ ?* Godlonton, Miss Joan Thompson were host- ? A i y®®" esses a t a misceUaneous shower terday to Chimwack, where they and tea last Saturday a t the expect to take up residence. home of the former, 2508 Hay- Mrs. Hastings, 2657 Bellevue Kathleen Bernard, the bride-; , Ave., has left here for Viotona. elect of Flying Officer Jam es A' . , , ., . , Sinclair, M.P. Autum n flowers A temWor lasting six seconds formed ih e decorations, and the was felt by several residents, in gifts were presented in a deco- West Vancouver about 2:30 p.m. rated basket by Barbara Jagger last Sunday. While apparently, and Frances Chappell, Ihere be-Tinrliirm* tiroei iv. 4<Un ..U-.. . ___j. j*.. . * ' T , . Beniitt't BAKERY BU'PrERCIUJST BREAD - . . SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Apple, Raisin, and Mince meat Pies, 15c Each Scotch Bleat Pies 6c each 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped Bread 1468 Marino Dr, Phono W. 27 Hollyburn Theatre THUllSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MA'l'. Oct, 81 Ht, Nov. la i and 2nd W estminster Saturdav «pp«i^xu*iy, -una rranees unappeil, there be-oiuuy vjwu*/ AAAV.V-VU •--*«-» K nothing was noticed m the city,', ing about fortv iruests nresont day, 2:45 p.m., a t Wendy House f^red a 5rl defeat. But the score Victoria and,Seattle were shaken - present. School, 2397 Bellevue Ave. Any- was m nd way a true reflection, a t , the s a m ^ im e '^nd the quake -- interested is welcome. of the run of play, bad luck in is thought to have caused -- -------------- --̂ m goalmouth being the big slide on the Cariboo I.O.D.E. Vancouver's downfall. Highway near Hope, B.C. Premiers won the loss, and took DON AMISClIE " ANIJREA LEEDS "Swanee River" (All In color) Also nows.-cartoon, etc. one Shower A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs, Ian E lgar a t her home, 2212 Marine Drive, when a ' number of friends w ho . had ANDSATURDAY EVE MONDAY November 2nd ami 4lh The regular monthly m eeting t h e i ^ * S ° to b S five vOa?a i t ?}!*"* *>appy dnya on th e of the Duncan Lawson Chapter . .. sun Windeif W ^ f H o s p i t r i to Ridge assembled to do honor to I.O.D.B. will be held on Monday, Lieutenant J. C. Barbour, R.C. Miss .Kathleen Bernard, whose ■November 4 at 1:45 p.m. a t the r « t "" ;» i w " a ™a ? e .to Flying Officer place con- L naied^^the ball r a t i t Sball only three .West Bay, is in Ottawa on b u si-, mauve and white 'mums with times. But the*ifwward lii^ fin- ness and will return home by white predominating. Mrs^ plane a t the^nd..of the w^ek. D* E lgar poui^d te a ^ n d M r s ^ A llan-served-Thi" gae|ft"|i f t^ l CHARLES LA U G im jN , VIVIEN LEKiH Sidewalks of , London" also , ■ .'INFORMA'riON PLEASE" POLICE COURT NOTES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ' November 5th and (5th ■■. ■ r r .T O .1:. " . , I J r ^ O -" At-the:^West"Vancouver*Police---l3elLand-Horne~were outstanding Court on Wednesday morning of ^be W est Vancouver eleven, last week a local autoist' was fined $7.50 for' exceeding the speed limit in the school zone at 22nd and M arm e^D river~a H ipH SCHOOL NOTES ^Mra. Temple W right and Mrs. ed:Miss Kathleen Bernard, "Mes- Wilham Dolmage, who travelled dames J. G. Sinclair, T. K. Bern- E ast w ith their husbands^when ard, J. D. E lg a r,- W. S tratton, T 1. the la tte r left for England with JKPearcjy^ Dais}̂ ̂ Johnst̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ -- In-ec^operation with the hb- ~ the R.e;N;:;-have-returned to th e ' Allan,~^Mufier " HbjffihahT th ¥ city motorist being alfeo fined $25 ,ra.ry a t the West Vancouver city. Mrs. Dolmage is visiting Misses Betty Sinclair, D o r^ n and having his license suspend- High School, students will par- W right a t her home in Bernard, M argaret Gale, Marion ed for six months for dangerous ticipate in a book-drive next ' Steele. r n . i l o n letters appealing for books Will Girls' Association met in the The marriage was'solemnized be given to ^ c h pupil. One let- new school in Capilano recently, o n , O c te ^ r 28th a t W^ te r 4^to- be taken'hom e and the when a tour of inspection was couver Baptist Church of Marj- others are to be given to house- followed by a business meeting ory Lorraine, eldest daughter of holders who may nci^-have child- and refreshm ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holden ren enrolled in the school. Both - ------- :---------- -̂----- 14th and Mathers Ave., . to Mr! fiction and non-fiction books will Stemson--McCallem John Sidney Conroy, son of Mr. be accepted. The greater the A t the Canadian , Memorial J. C. Conroy, o f North Vancou TYRONE POWER LINDA~irARNELl7 i t Day Timp Wife" (a t 8i80""p.'nT.) -- . -J -a lso .-' 'SOMKIHING TO SING ABOUT" Lions'. Gate Bridge- WEST VANCOUVER' Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Ranae Repairs, ' Sawdust Bnmeni Phone West 39 Esetra Special Fir Slabs Inside Fir, mixedand cord, C.O.D. .0 0 P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 Burrard Laundry Ltd. -w«H-kttownr-^--r FAMlLYIAUNDRr Phone North 1310 or W est 691L wv tirc A I, i/iic lymiuuian , meiziux iai «i . v^onroy, Ol iNOrin Vancou- variety of matefPial, the greater Chapel" iprthe,_citylon_the_Jl7th__ver,_and-the-late-M rs--Cour^y^ _w-ilL-be-ihe-irange-oT-entertain-- instry-the-wedding-was-celebrat^--The ceremony was performed~bv^ merit for the boys and igirls dur- ed of Gordon Stemson, onlyrsop ^he Rev: W..L. MacKay. ing th6 long w in t^ evenings. of Mr. E, R. Stemson of 2636 . Entering the beautifully dec- ' As an added, aw action in the Marine Drive, and the late Mrs. e rate>l church nn the arm of-her book-drive a "hot-ddg" Teed has Stemson, to Allisen, younger fa ther' to the strains of the been arranged^as a-reward t64;he~daughter-of--M rsr-D ella"'M o^l=^Bridal - Chorus,- played by "Mrs. school division bringing in the lem, 3498 Osier Aye. and the late Loucks, the bride looked lovely greatest number of books per Alec McCallem, The Rev. George in a gown of crushed kraw'berry Pringle, D-D. officiated.' pink,-w ith shoulder length veil and white accessories. She car-' F o r a n Enjoyable Evenings ^ A T E a i t - pupil. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheas- ried a bouquet of pink carha- -green, 2323 Bellevue Ave., have ^tions and white and pink chry- • re tu rned'to their home here santhemums. Miss Gloria Hol- a fte r an extended motor trip on den, her sister's only attendant, ̂ Vancouver Island. was attired in pale blue crepe' * * * ■ w*|th m atching turban and car- Word has been received by ried a bouquet of red and white Mr. and Mrs. H; H. Harper, 1251 chrysanthemums. The groom's . M athers Ave,, tha t; their" son, . brother-in-law, Mr. Percy Jar- John H., escaped' unhurt when vey of Victoria, was. best man. his ship was torpedoed and sunk The ushers wereJMr^AlberfJJng-_ off northern Ireland. - gins and Mr. Ted Col. During the signing of the register a solo T h e N o r t h S h o r e R oller A rena 135 W. 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings Parties arranged for. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE was- beautiful rendered by Mr. BenSh.ort. 7 ^ ' A reception followed in the church w h e r e the bride's F irst Division Teams: P W L T P ts . Maple L e a fs .............2 2 .0 0°4 W .V .'Sizzlers...... ...2 2 0 0 .4 Dudes ......................2 1 1 0 2 C anadiens................. 3 1 2 0 2 Sockeyes.......... -......3 0 3 0 0, Last week's scores: , Maple Leafs 10,. Dudes 8. mother^ wearing a Queen Eliza beth -blue, knife pleated Wool frock, assisted in' receiving the guests. M!r. David Willington was a capable m aster of oerer monies. The bride's*'table was tastefully decorated with two W.V. Sizzlers 10, Canadiens 8. silver baske ts of pink and whiteJ* *1 f7 0 _A.a7m.MM.. A .. "S ' _ 1 ' if •« m : •.'* V Every night, every nut on every massive wheel of 3'̂ fry >hi the Pacific Stage fleet gets an checkup. Mechanics seldom find a loose whm nut, but there is always a remote chance, so mght after night they keep checking, that Pacific ®tage passengers can know they mre riding in the safest, surest bus^, on the road. • Pf many safety checks performed ^ J 1̂ ' ^ well, each bus is thoroughly washed and cl^iied. When Pacific Stage buses go back into ..service nert morning, patrons are.̂ assured that evay mechanical_ safety device, every feature ^ i^ e d for pa^nger comfort, is operating at effideniy. It costs no more to ride the f̂ aofic Stage way. A ^ Canadiens 17, Sockeyes 1. ' Second Division Teams: P W L T P ts. N ifties ................... r-*3 3 0 0 6 Comets ............ :-.-..3 2 0 1 6 Sharpshooters .... 3 2 1 0 4 . Grizzlies '......... --....3 1 Jl 1 3 Peledins ............--3 0 3 0 0 Roamers ............... 3 0 3 0 0 Last week's scores:. Nifties 13, Peledins.5. ' Comets 9, Grizzlies" 9- Sharpshooters 11, Roamers 7. chrysanthemums and the bride, assisted by the groom, cut the' three-tier . wedding cake. Dainty i refreshm ents were served by the ladies of the church and enjoy ed by ,all. The happy couple left byr m otor for mainland points. They' will reside in North Van^couver, M I L D R E D 'S -- D R i S S S H O P 166^ .Marine Drive Presents the D r e s s o f t h e W e e k The very latest styles and shades ranging from $2.95 to $10.00 -Also sweaters, skirts, blouses, handbags, and hosiery Hosiery Special--Penman's 4 - th re ^ chiffon, Reg. $1.00 f o r .................. ..................79c WILLIAM W. HAY PASSES William Hay, late of West Vancouver, passed away last Saturday in the bity, aged 41 years. Be'sides his wife, he is survived by one sem, N o rm ^ ; brie daughter^ June; his father. M e i n t S I l t E S P S.-IO : ,^pPERT W a t c h a n d ; d o c f c EEPAIRINO T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with .Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 M arine D rive WOMEN'S AMBULANCE CORPS The B. C. Automobile Associa- ___ mo xamcx, tion Wojhen's Ambulance Corps George Hay;*^ and one brother! -Will hold a meeting a t H u n te r 'sC h a r le s ,, r e t o n t here. Funeral CJoffee Shop a t 8 p.m. 'Thursday, services were held a t 11 a.m. on . November 7th, All ladies inter- Tuesday from the Vancouver - ested in forming a. West Van- chapel of Harron Bros. Ltd. the couver uriit are asked to attend. Rev. E. L, Best officiating, fol- F u rth er particulars may be oh- lowed by intermerit in the tainbd by phoning Mrs. H. A. family plot, Mountain View Kitchener^ West 17-M. - Cemetery. *