- * V ' " ■ ¥'- ^ t •i'*! .'; „;■. .*' iivtv" 4̂ 1 , -n i.i i (A ? , J. J K. ̂ « ji.'ifti I I V ' 4/6 *-l«<fib. j2' 4S,vti| /(,ffliVf fW ' %-' «£ f- H -B̂f •V'i W ̂ ft + <r A tr < •̂ A t,<!5.»*Kw*f :!#Mfjf|i«PPg tiMMMaiiWPWW#^ ^ if I «, *F «• f4 # . A .<t'i J ' • >v f-'̂ . ,V' ,.1.̂ j;. ,1 >1 '? • <« ' I '\ ' ■' 'L J ■ p r k ' ;A .li- F T RW r I . TRapv i '1 "H4'. ■̂ SP ̂ i % T«iK €er« s ill A Ewteiwlt Affi, ̂ 1963 Fulton AvuiiOu ' Sinuljiy i«iTk«i{ Un4H« A 1M]^m » B^ t̂mgWB ntul Vlillort Aft wtymt': iAFTliT CHlIIICn W. l ^ ^ S y * EA* E H .': iij:oa » Bvaim Mmtvkm - ,1a;=MCliiiitli»8cliool: G hrifu Your C oiffu res w ith A Duart Peirfhonent diidii^ Adi^t 0AMI 11 « .» . A 7 ! ^ ^ j ^ F m d i i i i g . Swftois* A hearty weleome to *U Tht'rc Ih no kucsn work when wo per. monent wave your hair. You eee for youreelf, the condition of your hair, through our mlcroHcope. Wo can determine the exact atoamln^ time without guoHBing. Then too, your hair recolvcH extra treatment in our aulon/ non-aikulino nhumpod reconditioning' oil and correct tapering and hair «tyling~»o . why not give your hair a treat ut the Gtuendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOliirilDRII HALL 14th and PttcliMM Triday Evening, Nov. 1st a t 7:15 Young People's Service il- loBtrated by lantern views. ... . Sunday, Nov, SW, a t ,10 a.in. Sunday School /and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 Cospel Service. .Speaker: tevangoHst William Wilson of Alberta. Tuesday at 8 p.m.i, Prayer meeting and m lni^ry of the Scriptures by Mr llam Wilson. WEST VANCOUVER ChristiaD ^ience Society C0UBCH EDIFICE 20th and Ew|u««*>t. Holjybura This Society Is a Branch of - a e Mother p u r c h The F irs t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ; Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, November 3rd S U B JE C T :' "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENF' Sunday School at 10:00 o.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ' . , a t 8:16 p.m. The public is teoordially in vited to attend our services and meetliura. . ' Do you need a new ouo or your present one repaired? H A L L F U i X . C O . 1447 Marine Drive. Wcet 1091 "You Can S e e Th« Dlffewnce" N E L S O N S L A U N D R i i s L T D . LAUNOERERS - oav CtEANERS - DYERS C . C. F IN N E Y , L O C A L R E P R E S E N T A T IV EPhone WEST 782 TUB UNITED CHURCH 21st and Enquimnlt Avenue Creators of Exclusive Perttianenta, 1640 M arine D rive W est 117 D U , G, D ..H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. .M M ^rg ig c in n'IF IiijOI A19A I*. - ::...... .............X 4lay---------- Hay Block, 14th ond Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment, lono West 72 Sunday, November 3rd Morning, 11 a.m, ~ Rev. J. D. Hobden. Soloist, Mrs. J. D. Donovan. Evening,;. 7:30 ~ r Rev. J. G. Jirown,! principal of Union Col- jyĵ gg lege. Soloist, Mrs. Colin Mac- Lean. Sr. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van . ?astor • Sunday Services Lowr Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mfass and Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction - I ■ ■ Pettis.. ■ Catechism and Bible Class ■p. m. Week-day Services 8 a.m. NfXXIE HARRISON U r * . , PIANO AND THEORY 1940 Successes--B.C. Muiscal; 1. First. 2 Seconds, 1 Third Toronto Conservotory--First in B.C. Silver. Medal, Grade 6: Vancouvpv First in Grade 8, Second Grade 1, Third in Grade 7. ' Studio: 1955 Inglewood Aye. . . . West 1056-L 10:15 7:45 -2:00 • B U I L D E R S ' S U P P L I E S a Cement . Brick Navvy Jack : , ; Lime Sand Drain Tile^ Crushed Rock ' . Concrete . TEAROE & S O N S 1427 Marine Drive West 84 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F, A. Ramsey, Rector iVidays--Rosary, Benediction . 7:46. Saturdays -r- Confessions; 7:30 to '8 :80 p.m. DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental -- ------Building----------------- Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by I860 appointment. Marine Drive W est 482 Friday--All Saints Day, 10:16, JloJy_Communion. r CHURCHES OF CHRIST s c ie n t is t Sunday 8 a.m. -7- Holy Com- ̂"EVERLASTING PUNISH- munipn. • .. . MENT" will be the subject of the 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and LesBOn-Sermon in all Churches -Evensong and Ser- Establlshed on N orth Shore 25 Yeara _ ^ (Lady Assiatant)HARRON BROS. LTD. faneral Binctara Hollybum Funeral Home ^ I8 th and Marine . ' West 184 North Vancouver Parlora'^ 122 West Sixth Street ' Phono North 134 ■'Vauwfirvjir"Partorar Sermon. 7:30 p.m ^ o n . . , St. Prancis-invthe^bod Caulfeild iS, p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. the 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. 11 a.m.--Su^jfiot/ "Under Fig Treer" Th eLord's Supper will be ad ministered. 7 :30 p.m. -- Subject, "Building Sky-ward." The service opens with a brfght srng"song7 of. Christ, Scientist, • on Sunday. the Golden Text is : "Right eousness keepeth him that is up right in the w ay: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner" (Pro verbs 13:6). "Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following*,from the Bible. "The wicked !wprketh a deceit ful work: but to' hint th a t soweth righteousness shall be a sure re ward" (Proverbs 11:18). ^ ̂ The Lesson-Sermon also in- - eludes the follovving .-passage from the Christian Science^text- 3bQok,~Science^-and--H€alth~w-ith--- Auspices Canadian Legion W.A., W est Vancouver Branch NOVEMBER 2nd in aid of all needy ex-service men and their families in West Vanoouver ' ' ~ ; Please buy a Poppy "or W reath from th e canvassers T A G D ^ , S A T U R D A Y , N o v e m b e r 9 t h ON INY MAKE BROWN A MUNTON '184> M A RIN I O R IV I W IS T 188î lftnlicm A.n.T. of B.O, mu u u 1.- 1 i. X Key to t̂ he Scriptures", by Mary Baker Eddy: "We should relieve 10 0 clock. There are classes our minds "from the depre^ing_ for all ^ es, taught by faith- thought that we have t^ans- ^xui^teacners..-^-- --------- - ™ gressed"amiaterikMa"w~and must"- Monday, 8 jxm. Young People s of necessity pay the penalty. Let reassure ourselves with the ^ held. Love. God n'ever punishes Wednesday .7 .45 p.m. Prayer ^jojng' right, for honest 4-i .ff 4.U labor, or for deeds of kindness, irS jL ™ 'houfh they , ejyose him to fatigue, cold jheat^ contagion.' . YOUR * i i \r ̂ ̂ ' 'if -"m..... l i , ff. tW VERNON FEED STORE A . C, SB AR LB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, C oal,, Builders* Supplies Women's Mission Circle will be held in the church, Tuesday, No vember 5th, a t 2:30 p.m. A very cwdial invitation is extended to all the women of the church and congregation. KINSMEN CLUB With the announcement, of T,^, « ii- approach, of the annual Red Cross Unit meets m the christma<? Spnl Gamnaio-n -m n ■ Palmer, chaim an of the Christchurch each Tuesday from 10 a m. until 4 p.m. T-- m . l i 'K ; *̂5̂ ltd 'I®imp. S P E C I A L Sawdust ...... 1:...33.60 per unit Dry S la b s ........ »A6.00 per cord Xn^de F ir:-- from abed ........30.(10 per cord from mill ....... |5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark 34,00 per cord Stabs A Edgings fS.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620' WEST VANCOUVERTabernacle Marine and 25th St. .P a s to r: Robert H. Birch Services:. Sunday School, 9:45. Sundi^ Services -- 11 a.m. and : 7.:8() p.m. Wednesday--rPrayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. mas Seal Committee of the Kins men Club of West Vancouver, under whose direction the cam paign is being conducted in this community, assisted by the B. C. Tuberculosis "Sboiety, explained today the meaning of the Christ mas Seal. "Christmas ^ a l s have been identified with anti-tuberculosis work in British Columbia since Ganeater Vancouver W e l f ^ Federation" must maintain their urgent work in w ar as in peace-- ed Cross have a tremendous task in war-torn n g ^ d . WE are the ones th a t can make this possible, by giving every penny w e , can spare, giving It gladly and cheerfuUy fo r these great causes: . ■ ' \ i* kAt I ; M ; ® ' ' CARD OP THANKS Mr. A. R. .Garthorne wishes to thank his many friends for all their .sympathy and help during his i^en t sudden bereavement, also for the beautiful Rbral tributes. 1926, when they were first sold," he said. "Each year a new-de- i l * « " f « V:! West Van Nd:»9 t̂Q federal liberalwr w AWt&LVO , ACia'W' AnJlMITAr n»i Po^^bah^Bvery Thursday ASSN. ANNUAL ELECTION f 4%'? | | | | ' fester 1/> \ji. '>■ ? ■'Jt'j/ft' 'I' i f * i l p i l " ■< lt'=' " W Publisher ' P, P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office; . 1704 M arine Drive Phone West 55 5K1 E rnest Holmes was re-elected president of Vancouver North Federal Liberal Association a t the aDRDRl" meeting in K.P. Hall, Monday night. - 7 Other-officers a re : F irs t vice-^ president, H arry Goss, Burnaby; seodnd vice -. president, John sign Avith a distinctly Christmas motif is prepared and makes a most attractive ' addition to a greeting card or letter. On this seal is the distinctive emblem of the tiiberculo^sis movement the internationally known double- barred cross. "The money from the "sale of the seals is used entirely in this province to h^lp discover and diagnose tuberculosis ' and to educate the public., in the need .unceasing' fight against- the White Plague." - PATRIOTIC SERviicEs Ap p e a l Combined Campaign R E D C R O S S W E L F A R E F E D E R A T IO N North VanMuver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. At the home of Mr.s R TTn<»f "4'® * *'- '^ " ®"*' B»"ny Doon, D u i l d ^ v f a Clayton Stew art, W est Vancou- to ssy good bye to Mrs. V. Hast- # u W l - c M W f e f . y 11.00 a by carrier: 12.00 a year by m ail ver . >Tieasurer, E. S. Gamage, .West Vauepuver; auditors, Chas. Stewart,..N orth Vancouver, and Charles Pathergill, Burnaby. mgs of Bellevw Ave., Dundar- •ave, on her leaving West Van couver to makb her home per manently in, Victoria, B.C. A tten tib n B i|iltiers! O / SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK? ASPHALT PREMLX. Phone North 1141R O ^ m a t e r i a l s l i m i t e dor A LP ELLIS, West S 2 ^ m