<V̂ p d ■« ' " ' s ' ' ' ' -i' , t r, ' i > , I * f."' . ' ' i' '>'.< ^ » ■> Mg ^ '5 - , ' __̂ ̂'̂ '•s. , f t _UrT , 'i' 1.̂'...' 'r -̂i«: } EsfcablWhid o?«r,l|5 yiiw. EsfaOiHahed over 15 yeara. Circiilatmi, in the Jbistrict o f West Vanm m eprA mh/eside, H ottyhum , W ^m kl Dundarave 0 per yew. Cvpress Park. Caulfeild. W h«t,^liff w il$1.00 per yew . \t Cypress Park, Caujjfdld, Whyteclif/, Etc Sc per OOP, VoI.'XV HO^LYBURj ̂ P.Q.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.G.,; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 l« . 1940 mrnmimammmmnnmmimmmimmmmd̂ ^̂ m,,midmmmm .̂..... ....... ...•' ■ . i' . I < No. 29 greater VANCOUVER PATOl(rflC SEiRVICBS APPEa T POPPY DAY CAMPAIGN ^ : OFFICE OP THE BREVE .-tJ Between October 29th and November 8th the Vancouver Welfare Federation; which provides funds for 46 welfare agencies in Vancouver, West* Vancouver and North yancou- ver, and the Vancouver and West Vancouver Bira'nches of the Red Crosis Society will conduct a Patriotic Sehri6es Appeal to raise $690,000 for the work pf these , organizations during 1941, the net proceeds to be divided on a basis of 60% for Federation and 40%. for Red Cross. Normally, the Welfare P^ederation and the Red Cross Society would each have con ducted their own campaign, but a joint appeal was decided upon in order 'to cut down organization, costs and simplify > matters for subscribers. Here in West' Vancouver three hundred volunteers, both men and in orde of local-- ----------------------------------------------------- --- activities of the West Vancouver, Recj Cross Society. The campaign this year will finance essential contribui&ns, to the war.effort by the .Red Cross and Welfare Federation , agencies and also to maintain civilian welfare on the home defence lines. The welfare agencies have now a wartime job to do in addition to their regular work of looking after and providing for the needy and destitute, which job comes under five separate divisions, namely, the,soldier's^family, overseas children, stranded families, seamen's institutes^ and civilian protection. - Owing to this Pacific Coast being a^vital area of national defence and its exposed position, the provision of adequate ̂civilian protection has become essential. Th^ St. T ...Ik .... A A rn M M 4*>« M ,#3 ' T T '> ; %.T< V. 1 . ... V . V COMING EVENTS Wednesday, November 27th>-- Concert undei' the auspices of* the Canadian Legion and the U^gion W.A. in the Inglewood The ladies o f the Canadian October 28th. 1940 Legion W.A., West Vancouvett* Editor, West Van. News, Branch, are^holding their an- Hollyburn, B. G. nual Poppy Day Campaign from Bear Sir: ■ % . D u ^ ' l h i i period th :; "nd '«>K<»=co Will conduct a ihouse-ixi-house Red Cross during their *'Onen canvass throughout the muni- House." ------------------------ cliii, and. everyone, it is hoped, what the women of our com- will as m the past buy a poppy munity are doing for those to or wreath. The money so collect- whom we owe so much ̂ One saw PATRIOTIC SERVICES APPEAL With an ambitious quota ofov wjium we owe so mucn. une saw " quuLu ui ed will be used to help all needy bundles of socks and sweaters, realized before No- ex-servi^ men and their families helmets and surgical dressings.' ^®st Vancouver m West Vancouver only, as there layettes for hewhorn babes, and of the Patriotic Ser- John Ambulance Association and the y.O.N. have, been placed in charge of this work, the former having been commissioned 4. Ci A A A A • • ' i y t t t namong other duties to train 2,000 Air !^id Wardens for '"Greater"Vancouverr~It"is"calculateli"that"it'will~bosrthe wel- ... . . -- . vnijr, ao wreie myeties lor neW'DOrn Dabes* and A-«bnuuc oer- Vancouver, clothes for evacuee chlldi^n, In Appeal is stepping out en- A ll. the canvassers are giving these offerings one felf the thusiastically in a community- their services fr^ , and all pop- , pressions of prayers for gallant which began October soldiers, sailors and airmen and ' the Vetwaft Sh^ Victoria, tears for the heartaches of, dis- It is probable that tĥ e need-will tressed, wounded and homeless, be greater this y^ar than in the Let us thank .God for womSn past, and so a generous response who with loving hands ^ v e of to this appeal is asked for, their talents and labour ^ a t We to re- who live In this .glorious nart of and Jack Richardson, co-vioe turn .their boxes V.to the commit- the Empire may be ever mindful Chairmen. In charge of the divi- tee on 8th November.___________ pf the sacrifice andxoiirage With are, >w>men's groUp lead- ̂ --------- I which men and women across th e» w ;il sea,s are fighting our battles thajt Mrs, Wilfrid Munton and mens Under the campaign chairman- ship of E.: W. I. Keenleysiderad- vance preparations have been completed with the aid of Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. Don MpDon- -fare agencies-probably^ $50,000-to maintain these war seryicesi during 1941. ' ̂ ' time of the world's agony it seems to.be scarcely' necessary to 'urg§ upon our resijdents to give unselfishly and to the limit of their financial, resources ̂ in the matter of this appeal. The mere,fact that |the Vancouver .Welfare Federa tion and the Red Crbss .Society are in charge is qn absolute guarantee that all money subscribed will go to the objects named and that fhere^wiU be no^wsgte^ while, the necessity ' for it IS written deep in the, neart a lp mrnd̂ of every man add ' woman in Greater Vancouver. ̂ • LEGION NOTES ocftsj aic our ua^ues inap ' : t , ----- we'm ay live in freedom and 'In sroup. Jack Gijmore. pea^~w itlT iirthe worl^ 7̂̂ ̂ SimilairtbrGreater~Vancouver, In the next few days we shall Vancouver has taken on a■fc** : .AAVfA V- X w TV • \AC%Jr O ' V V ^ j d l l n J A ' ' - - , . - ^ v« * w a a m * have an opportunity of showing Cross and Welfare our practical appreciation of the drive this year. 'J. R. Mitchell, work which these Red Of das P** ŝident of the West Vancou- r!rnG(o/iiai.a ova muA uha.- iL V6r Branch of the Red.Gross, has THE SINKING OF , : V 7 H.M.C.S. MARGAREE V , ^ , Crusaders are doing. The Flag is ' The Annual Remembrance flying at the top of the masthead expressed his confidence that Day Supper put on by the Ladies' and we owe it to them and fo campaign's objective will be Auxiliary of the West Vancou- ourselves to see that it remains reached, yer branch of- the Canadian there. The extensive work of the Leg^<m, will - b̂ ^̂ ̂ Nothing that'w e can dp-or '^*»ed Cross in West Vancouver; Legion Hall on Mormay jevening, that we can give .will ever repay has been done in- units, twenty- November 3 t h , at aFp.m. sharp, in full our debt of gratitude. But three in all with" three high Admission by ticket only. pur Red,̂ Cross donations', given school groups. Red Cross head- Members of Post No. 60 ̂are with a thankful heart, be it the ' quarters at 1944 Marine DriveHALLOWEEN DANCE BY v.* » iviax'uie x/nve BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY requested to be on hand at,regu-. widow's mite or ̂ a good sized' have been generously loaned to " ]ar meeting Thursday, ,Novem-_ cheque,., will show these The committee in charge of ber 7th. Important b u sin ess.___ fuJ^.omen„that-we-want-lhem^uration-of-the-dr-tvfe to '̂carry On."--------- for supper wiin&ris- sued at that' time uo members in Yours " sincerely, ' " JrBrLEYLAND7 The sympathy of 'the; whole ...... ........ community will go e h t io Mr. thef-HnHowe"p <jHayw,ood„AYi^,_wJiose-.son^-.Rugljy..-0iub woUld'iike"to™par=-- -- -------------- . it---------- - First Ulass" Stoker Wallace^ Hi ticularly emi l̂uasize! that theyi BAND AUXILIARY Murray, was lost in the sinking have arranged fo r a special bus" SALE OF WORK &, TEA to l^ v e The Rancli West Thursday, November 7th is was also .aboard the lea ser ^ahcouver after 1 a.m. This will t h f date set for the West Van- "Reevi^ The West Vancouver Welfare Association is headed by Presi- dent G. M. Gemmill. A full-time BRITISH-ISRAEL wW oiî 7 " 'n~. .k set tor x n em est van- John Graham of White Rbck iriTYiciatl 1? enable, all those attending to couver Baiid Auxiliary sAle of will be speaker at ,the Dundar-7 , .An appeal to paltriotm wav tiii'Aiwvi, ̂ stay? to the end and still be able v̂ rork and tea. Mrs. W. B^ Small, Branch next Monday, Noi« zens of West Vancouver is the wirougn a Hole in the ves- to reach their homes. Uancinfir +i,a m n t n «,in vAmhoi* 4fii of ok+u T\yrn,.iv.r. present joint drive. During the yrOTNThurFeTMisiTEti^^ part-time welfare worker. Miss Bessie Snider, carry on a wdl- rounded welfare programme in this community. ; - An appeal to paltriotic citSr twpnhr+«TA was ̂only tnere win oe novelties ana re- pQ̂ j. ĵ-g; Mrs. R. J, Patter- Salute the Flag" or "The Faith mg November 8, the public will ?? age, join- ft-eshments. Adnnssior^ 75 cents, Mrs. R. Bloxham, Mrs. M. ^nd the Flag." This extremely be given an opportunity7tb ex- twn o Fraser about Proceeds to the fund tor buying bright, Mrs.~J- Gondonr^Mrs. E. interesting address is well worth pi*ess their sympathy for those wu years ago. ' . , ^supplies for war work, ; W. Parker. ■ hearing. A cordial invitation is in need by practical subscrip-- R. W., Timb-' ; , . ) ------------ -̂----------- Mrs. J. A. Dickson * (late extended to all. Prayer meeting tions in the Patriotic Services P̂T f '+7 of the'of- . Two old maids were in an in-' Hudson's Bay Co. reader) will en Thursday evening, and Bible Appeal. ' w 7 sane-asylum for-years, always be on hand to tell fortunes in ' los survive the knitting and knitting. - > the tea leaves.] k ■ .tu BUI Vive wie Kiiittiiig aiiu jKiuLuiig. ' > tne tea leavua. ss 01 his ship. His.mbther, M rs.. . "Gess," .. sighed" Mayme one There will be a musical pro- Study on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.*** THE BEAVERETTE CLUB p TT _ " '̂***̂* ■'■■'■xo xiiunicx, xvxxa.. vxesa, .. isigiicu xvxaj'iuc iiiere Will uc a xiiusiuai pru- him ̂ letter, from day "I wish*s^ome tall, handsome gram during the afternoon. . a day or two ago written man would wind _his arms Come and spend a pleasant hournrpviA "ww.ag.tr vvxxtwjii man would wind _nis arms uome ana spexiu a pieasanx nuur [ hp C.4 1 1 which around me and squ€€z"i me until and also help send Christmas 7 wk nfi very: happy Tgasped." - ' "------ ... .... i fippvD̂ J commander and of- "Now you're talking sense," bac n Smee 'then she said ,Jayne. . "You'll be oiit of «as not heard from him. ' , , here in a few'days." W.V. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING The members of the Beaver- ,ette Club wish to express sincere --- - V . . -- „ jappreciation to all those who treats to our 28 ex-band boys in At the well-attended meeting have . so kindly donated used M l M- CORPORATION 6 F THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER C O U R T O F I t E V l S l O N O F V O T E R S * L K T , 1 9 4 1 hereby ,given that a Court of Revision of the iha t ni 4 at the.M iihicij^rHall, 17th and SsquL; davAf o^W esf :'Vancduver. B.C., on Friday, the 15th PurnAL^J®^^^» at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the year correcting-and revisingiithe Voters' List for the .y p a v iQ /i-i , ' ' ' • - "" ' s iM iu x't J v x s i n g M n e v o l c i b xxxbx x vx wx^ nanifrnf-ih^?-^ deterniihe-any- apiMication to strike out the k . . . j namfl-'A4i- - w^wxiuxjie-any; appncation lu nxc: on nr f person, which has been improperly placed there- om'itted such-list the name'of any person improperly ■ ---- / ' " ■ s i /'* t 2?̂ * 31st "'̂ s t Vancouver, B.C., this aay of October, 1940. ' R.Ta . HARRISON# I Acting-Municipal Clerk. -------- , . . . -------- - 7 , ; r _ ------- . o \ j xv ix iu i,y u u x m i / c u u b c u the services home and overseas, of the West Vancouver Liberal cibthing ,tc., to the Club, which Home cooking, fancy work. Association held in the Legion was formed* last month for the plants, aprops, and candies, will Hall last Thursday the officers purpose of drawing the girls to- be. on sale. 7" for the. year were . unanimously gether to do work-for the refu- Prizes for lucky numbers in electejj as follows: Hon. Presi-, gees of Great Britain. They are raffle will be on display in the dent, Hbn. William "Lyon' Me- pleased to say they have already B. C. Electric show rooms. Kenzie King; Hon. Vice-Presi- sent off three large bundles of t Pattul lo and .clothing to the headquarters of HOLLYBURN H .^ L . James Sinclair, M.P.; President, the Business Girls' Doner Club, F. A. Walker; Vice-Presidents, Vancouver, who are then send- There will be a Young Peo- Arthur Wright and John Law^ ing tĥ em direct to Great Brit- ple's Service illustrated by Ian- son; Secretary, P. T. Master- ain. Already thanks has been term views at 7 :16 p.m. tomor- man; Treasurer, Mrs. Mac- received Jrpip_ Englaridlforlt^^^^ row (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall; Aulay; Auditors, E; Gamage and help they are tryihg to send. Sunday School and Young Peo- B. Gardner; Executive, Mr. and They are in extreme need of pie's Bible Class will be held at Mrs. Sewell, C. Reid, Councillor - more materials, and ask for 10 a.m. next Sunday,. November J. E. Sears, E. W. Wyndham,^ help in order that they may help 3rd, and at 7.30 p.ih. that day VF. Wright, Jb. Nyland, F .' those across the.seas by giving Evangelist ^Y^Hiam Wilson of Johnston, G. S. Mead, A. Ellis,, any old woollen! suits, coats Alberta will sp6ak at. the Gpspel H. Cpllona, A . . E. Trafford;; dresses, etc. Magazines used Service. Tuesday at- 8 p.m. Councillor K. A. Ray, G. Childs,' blankets, pillows, anything of prayer; meeting and ministry of W. Tearoe, H. Foote, Mr. and ui^ will be sent and received the Soriptures with William Wi- Mrs. Kissc.ek, Mr. Cook, Mrs. with thanks overseas. 7 son as speaker. . . ̂ F r ^ r .^ ̂ They will be.happy to wel- . ------T"' TT-- . . rhirty-five delegates were ap*: come any new members Anvonp Ladies who are , interested m pointed to the annual meeting of wishing further informafinu J %, X ̂ ■ a General Motors . mechanics, the Federal Liberal Association, pl^gg'^ppi^* c lass-are asked to ̂phone W. and to the Provincial Liberal As- Miss B. f Hall, 1595 i S S 1065-Ll as soon as possible. sociation. . * Ave. West 738-L. ' .K T' S&'M?