■ I <i.l . *».'<W( f ^ 1 1 ' 1' , Mt - ' t1 r . i , . f ' k % 4 ' i r -f 1 ' ■ 'F J >: b R . ' hMyMi ■■ ■ 4' , ■ ' ' ' '.. ,1 it 1 .1; f..i f, ' t/' ii ' ■;r "i i 'A ' k 'i J 1 > ,1 ■ ;• ■ ■ ;1 f ' "i!' ;! ? • '-i *■ 'J* di . ,1 , 1* .7 i 1 il i; ■ It r • 4 i 1 M *'■..j ( ..",11 ' '1 "it-.\ ■ 1 J" , i '■'1 ... I fi K »? t rsftw n̂tifJŵi fe?,/al<s s #'KV '«ffVi> e«ffc\ »'t"v.'̂-?̂II» tf (t)̂ >̂/îi>mî' « < ^ r ; f ' ̂ ? i ̂ % M >̂. !1»-« •*»'X' ■S{-a<V* VS5 "! ■„.,... 8l*tl tw«i>illlliiii>» Ĥ l.1, \i^ , )V.,-J.J j*.>.*!rtfS, fĉv̂ ̂ 5'«'-7 lL,_ii. *.! J I .vr' 'f-* ,+.' iv- - i-1 > ' / Pit A_r$ rjiK ji'l r C> •! i>'-4si f t; * ' ^̂ t 1 r ̂ ^ t kW ?* tst̂ n ♦ ;#<' <e4'J¥ ' «. ;r m S i ■?:'i ;̂ %:| ^ r n -mi'̂ Ĵ '/r.v ,-jli®1 I I ' Slligsi' '-;fS| "'I li"li _ l'-4,}i .-y w l i i i f Ms ;;. ii-% K ^'h II f'5'M 100^^ W t'% ' # P "a|if'. '}\ii S .Vt#5( s > t W M S® i/'S fe wI « '3 U I iWf v̂'I III! f'd 4 » I'*! ! Vf» fVl f i : i t i ' i ■ fis* « f . -fr#x f h i w iiSiS t g'S-ii' M m miSIPS Il l ' f i i g i f e - ' tiArMi'A ' IfJ » ft ,̂ f » w s i ^»K# K=>;.'w;f, #®"'s t | 'P r t'S75v'5 ?l • Pi"-?'? Aj ' gi ■ f i |- S M IT H 'S M A R K E T P t o » W « t 4« . A . H t a n r i ^ S m i ^ H « t » - W M m F r « t l l * i l f « r f I9« rfle« ;• . M fwtJiIy A m m iM October 24th: ii>jfl TABLE.TBNMS LEAGUE SUGGESTIONS FOR FBI. and SAT., October 25tb and 26th M EATS Weit'iTO ,'" "\'lr"':":: F M Division P W L T Pts. . . . 1 1 0 0 2 .,1 1 0 0 2 .1 0 1 0 0 .2 0 2 0 0 COFFKE--Aunt Mtry**i Favmirlte niund, lb................................................................................i,$7t I'KACIIEB-- Lynn Valley, halves. 2 tins v»*fre,<e*«ae**f*.ra- > ••» *» f *n an ***«# a •***tt*i,t* U c PANCAKK FLCHJk--BurkerneW'a * 20.O*. pkjf. FANCAKB SyilUP-- Kay Ilrapd--Itoth for ,only .„„';;:29c |{lNBO'~>Kcjeular larice pkt .....'.,2Zc lied & White JFXLY FOWDBHS-- El»flit Fruit Flavours. 3 pkta. 14« JELLY IIEANH or (lUM DROFSU- Vt-lU. half . ....... V>f., "»*«*#*« ««deaaa*ti>*a* 10c FEANUTB-Fresh KoJated, lb. ....lOc FOFFlI t̂; CORN--Ib. .................... 7c Red ik White TOMATOES-- 2: No. 2»/i tins ............;.................26c Nabob DICKI) RKEIS--Tall tin 10c lU'd & White (.CARROTS and PEAS-- Tull t ill...........r..................;...... ;..iic ,BBBF ■ ' ® FORK LAMB ■ ' i^EAL ' ' AU Grade A A At Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily T e a i M , ' Jb/IAUaSI} ^M ai»I® ::.L eaf8t!. W a V ,!7 'S 6 iIe r |: C anadiens....... " :B w ik e y es; * * » l * * # * i i y # * ; » * " * * * " * L ast week's scores: Dudes 15, Sockeyes 2 ^ Second Division Free Delivery Team s; P VV L T Pts Comets .................. 2 2 0 0 4 N ifties ..........2 2 0 0 4 Grizzlies ............,....,2 1 1 0 2 Sharpshooters ....... 2 1 1 0 2 Peledins ..................2 0 2 0 0 Roamers ................2 0 2 0 0 L ast week's scores: Comets 17, Peledins 1. Nifties 16, Roamers 2. Sharpshooters 11, Grizzlies 7. Service LUMBER .̂.'i:' .Mn..SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYW OpDS -JLiAiJIL JCl " ' . THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE mhmu. FOR QUALITY ^ g g s - 8UPPUES w a ix bo abd W E >'■ ' . ,. : CANADA PAINT COMPANT LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUHB6K CO. tTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 Hunkitit ORANGES--Medium size. Dozen ............... ............. ............25c Culifornia GRAPEFRUIT-- LarKC aize, Eacjt .................. doIc'h s l i c e d p i n e a p p l e -- Hawaiian.'9*02. tin .................. .6c Shower On Wednesday, October 16th, a t 8 p.m., Miss Doris Bernard, whose marriage to Flying Of- C L A S S I F I E D A D S Tho rate for ClaBsificd, Adyertlaem ento ia 2 cen ts per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in tho case o f th o se having regu lar accounts, all classi- iieds aro payable strictly in advance. Remember Classiflods in the W est V an .'N ew s g e t im m ediate resulta. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrmter A Solicitor, 510 W. Hastingfi. Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any tim e by appointment. W est 403. ___________ APPLES FOR HALLOWE'N . isc:-------------- --------- ------------ :------- Box....;..'.$!*25 .15c ficer Jam s Sinclair, M.P. is soon good HIGH LOT, snap, $225. Phone FIRE HAZARD P rotect your hom e and contents R ates le ss than % of 1 per cent.' P ercy T. M asterm an, Real EsUtc N otary , 2446 Marino, W est 1077. ' COUNCIL NOTES ,c.il for a lane a t the back of the --------^ ' store.s in the, 2400 block of A petition was received by the Marine Drive. He waa-advisOd Council le the general nuisance that the subdivision was laid created by a multitude of dogs out iu 1909 with no provision in the 1300 block of Clyde Ave. therefor, and th a t nothing could Referred to the License and., be done unless the owners in Sanitary Inspectors. >%hat section were prepared to _ _ _ grant „ten feet on the south end Stirling,"fT^T. Richardson,*'^and of ilieir properties. ; Do- permission to hold u*fcag day in * A petition, was' received by Dorothy Burni.ston, Dorothy to take place, was guest of hon or at- a shower given by the Misses April Fi'aser and Audrey Richardson a t the latter's home. The' gifts were presented by little Fay Richardson in a con tainer formed like a student nurse. Miss. Bernard was: in training a t the St. Paul's 3cho0l of nursing'until recently. Am6ng those present were: Mesdam^s T. K. Beniard, R. A. Fraser, E. W. P a rk e r ,S - McDonald, L. Wtist 548-M. FOR SA L E --N ew attractive Stucco Bungalow, harawood floors, Pem J • broke bath, tiled sink, furnace, etc. lawson!^w alker & PRIDE ̂ 0pp. Holiyburn P.O. West 66 ■ H . A - ROBERTS LTD. Com plete R ealty Service 1429 M arine D rive .> West 646 J. ED W A R D SE A R S, Barrister, Sol- icitor. 1406 . M arine Drive; Pboae W est 21, or JVest 6B8-R-1. Thermique Steam , Perm anents; only besli 1 m aterials MARCEL SHOP used. E xpert operators. Phone W est 304. Roval Bank Building. C H IM N EY SW E E PIN G - Sawdust burners in sta lled ; furnace repairs G. M eldrum , 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. 'I'he Council granted t h e Legion W.A., West Vancouver, GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, a ll risks, one policy, all locations. SE y . 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. FLOOR S U R F A C IN G -J . Sutherland. W est 483 or N orth 578. P'und o n . Ixir. jymriectipn_jyK __tlieJC.ounoRjceJhe_change_inAhe__GhauDell -Sheila-EdWards--Win- Saturday, 9th Novem- rates on the Lions' Gate Bridge. S n , i^U y ^ o b d en , PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) ■ 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative PA IN T IN G A N D DECORATING - ■ E stim ates free .. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. x^ucai xwci,xcoc«w»o.vv>. . W E ST E R N W OODW ORKERS--Store PrrBaylissr (N otary - P u b lic )-------------- and -house-,fixturesp-tum ing^ 1 . -Pwo--residents--at^ 27th and _Muririe..Driy_e,jLW))o^ir_e„build^ boats, were granted permission by the Council for temporary The Cle '̂k was in s tru c te d ^ pass, jagger, Elaine ICsWck, Peggy the information 6n to the Bridge M:arshall, Marjory O'Donnell, Companyr -advising - them - th a t joan - Parkef;;^:S}iirly Parnum, otheii.- similar_cDmplaints_ -had.-r_Marian Prebbler Claire Richard- been received, also to suggest qqjj ̂ p^y Richardson, Joan,Spar- 2436 Bellevue Ave. W est 622-R g laz in g . W est 740, W est 443-R. FOR RENT-7J-.2 roomed unfurnished " suite in new house, 2 blocks from . . ferry. View. Mr. Spence^ W. 829-L, shelters, therefor up to 1st April 1941. that thej commutation tickets sold for $2.00 . should include more than twelve tickets. The Council authorized the offering for sale of lots in tl)e new subdivision comprising the SWVi D.L. 1051. . NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN row, Mary . Thomson, Joan Thompson, . Brenda Wicking, April Phaser and Audrey Rich ardson." W ANTED-- Day work. 30 cents hour i and carfare. Good, a t cooking and baking. N orth 1683-M. ' CASH FO R JU N K -- Bottles, rags, .S a c k s ,..M eta ls ,-F u r n itu re , -Stoves,- Tools, etc .; h othm g too big dr too -sm a ll.' Burrard Junk Co.t West 91; OFFICE or CLERICAL WORK desir ed b y . com petent stenographer, mornings. W. 398-R. CH IM NEY SW E E PIN G -- Old Coun try w ay;- guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palm er, Capilano, N orth 811-R -2. The regular meeting o f the .North Shore Local Council of Women will be held in theH. H. Smithson again applied to the Council for a lane in .the Neighbourhood House, 116 East 1100 block between Duchess and Esquimalt Avenues. The Coiiii- cil confirmed their previous de cision that^no funds wei^ avail able for this purpose. F irst Street, North Vancouver, next Monday afternoon, Octol^er 28th, at 2 o'clock. Rev, J. Dinnage Hobden will tw h o u ^ f -d e ^ a te s - is - re q u e s t- JK f Shower Miss Ethel Roberts was host ess a t a delightful miscellaneous shower Monday evening a t -H unter's Coffee S h o p 2423 Marine Drive, honoring Miss Hattie Yoimg, whose wedding* takes place next month to Mr. Charles James Durway of Spo- k p e , Washington. The FOR, SA LE --̂ Im m ediately. All' en amel Im perial Burner oil- range, piano, cKesterfield suite, Connor" electric washer, cabinet radio, beds, etc. W. 857-L. LAW N M O W ERS SHARPENED - Special m achine; repairs, parts ' W est V ancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. . YOUNG GIRL desires position, cap able, experienced, w ith good - refer ences. Phone W. 131-L. PA PE R H A N G IN G . Painting, Kalso. m ining; first c lass work, at reason able rates; H . G aines,'W est 962-R. many J l r J t .-0 piMvpplicsd-4b-Dio-Cou n̂-- edv ROOM A ND BOARD for one or two business ladies; quiet hom e. W. 633-L. R E -R O O F IN G -^ E N U IN E DUROIB Shingles, a ttractive, permanent. H ave roof. m easured now; free esti m ates! R . B . Cripps, W est 88-R. ^ F . V. F ind lay . W est 494-R .. basket of yellow and blue crepe ■paper trimmed with pink and FOUR ROOM COTTAGE on nice ----large-iofe-wit-h--f-ruit-t-reesTretcr-Good- X g M P 1 3 ir B N O TA RIA L SERVICES A lK fon n s_o f documents drawn and cl¥EN*S GOWN SHOPPE 1730 61 .'VRINE DRIVE „ W EST 562 ANNIVERSARY SALE ̂ AU M erchandise D R ESSEl^ MILLINERY, SK IR TS, BLOUSES -j to sell at reduced prices ' COME i N f . Tliere may be just the dress or hat you need. THANK YOU 'Teliow 'rpsesrB 'fbnzrcK r^ mums were cheeen for the floral decorations o f the table, at which a sit-down supper was en joyed., Concluding a pleasant evening, the guests spent some time hemming dusters to add to the guest of honor's other use ful gifts. The guests w ere: Mes- dames J. C. Young, M. Fippen, T. Minnell, B. White, Gwen Parker, A. J. Gleam, V. Denton, K, Jillings, and the Misses Hat- hic-h location. $1,600 on _.terms.,,A.., E. Austin & Co. Ltd.; M A rine 2431. PRE-CHRISTM AS SPECIAL-- 6-5x7 Portraits ready to fram e, -one col ored, $2.50. Barclay's Photograph ers, 1518 Marine. W. 710. executed; "Real:"E state;"T nsurancer"Rentals R , P . BLOW ER & CO. LTD. 1405 M arine D r., W est Vancouver P hones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L STROMBERG-CARLSON 10-tube all \vave console, iperfect tone, beau-" tifu l cabinet, new tubes. C ost $245. Bargain, $85. W. 435-Y. W EST V AN C O U VER MESSENGER SEBVIG E-- ^Parcels, Baggage, hght̂ tran sfer w ork, prom pt service. West 700. ^ FOR SALE---M offat, electric range garbag^burner attached; good ■ condition, $ 2 0 ^ . 725-L3. GORDON R O BSO N -- Barrister & Solicitor^ 510 W . H astings, Sey. 4199 a t W est V ancouver any time by appointm ent. W est 403. tie Youiig, Joan Dickinson Eve- W hite m etal bracelet, valued 1 ^ Colpitts. J o y and Jacqueline - ¥ keepsake^R ew ard. w. 169-Rl. Olympic AtUetic Club Nforth Vancouver Zemal, Ethel Robei*ts. A.Y.P.A. NOTES 6E N E R A L HAULING;--̂ Manure, sep^ tic tanks and rock p its, installed and , cleaned, Dump truck work. "West 187-R. P A IN T IN G , PAFBRHANGING, stne CO spraying, first' class work, mat eria ls guaranteed; Term s arranged. F . Gaines, W . 974-L. DANCE to 5'piece orchestra EVERY iv in lA Y Among those attending the ^^ovincial Coiiference of the A. Y.P.A. a t Chilliwack during the lhanksgiving week-end were two from West Vancouver: Miss Lucy Smith, P residen t'o f the Vancouver North Deanery Coun- ml, . a n d Vincent Bracewell, -President of S t.' Stephen's branch, of the A.Y.P.A. ROOAI A N D BOARD :available ■ near bus and ferry. W est 1075-L. H O LLY B U R N RIDGE L og C abins to ren t or purchase. New . sk i grounds. P hone SE ymour 7949. CONVALESCENTS, a n d guests. W est 819-L. p a y i n g BOY'S B IC Y C L E --Good as new, f v a g es 9 , to 13,'$18.00. Good stock of - -new and rdbonditioned bicycles at Fred Jones." B icycle & Sport Shop, 1439 M arine. R es, phone W. 712-E W ANTED-- W atchm an for Siallow- e'en night. Returned veteran pre- ^ rred w ith police experience. Apply Robinson's store, 24th and Marine. F O R B A L E --9 h en s, 4 R.LR., 5 White L eghorns A ll U niversity strain, so cents each. P hone W est'l68-Jl. FOR SA L E --C.C.M. Bicycle, $22.. cash . W . 835-M. Snap, Commencing Friday ̂ Oct. 25th. 9 p.m, to 1a.m . Admissiott SOc. : D A N c E To Seeburg Symphonola EVERY VFEEK rahHT r •< J T ^ ■'W-. ,■ ■ ■ • 1 • ' • • .. yifSr *,v.i .',1 ■;,!>-̂ - 'ji*'. . .v, . -"T.. r. ^ Special Acconiinadatioii North Shore Roller Arena ̂ r e g u l a r SE SSIO N S: Monday to Friday, Children (a fter school) 3-5:30, 15c - 9 4 Saturday M atinee *-4:30 (all school'students) 15c Matinee Every D ay special for A dult beginners . 2-4:30, 25c M ornings -- Ltnldren-under-15"years~ 10-12, 10c H ANDY A N N SHOP, 2442 M a r in e - Jirew orks, Ankle Sox, W ool, Em- broidery Supplies, B aby Garments, N otions, China ware HarrfxgflrA: FO R R E N T r-4 ^roomed house, fur nished, 2366.. M arine Drive. Phone W est 689-M. . an«l G^TLJ^MAN w ish e s unfurnished bed sittin g room, garage'preferred, {iear Ambleside. Phone W est 710 before 6 p.m. " "FOR RENT --- Suite, 3 rooms large* sleep ing porch, private batn, unfurnished. P hone W est 412-L--- EN TIR E F U R N IT U R E o f exquisite home a t bargain prices. 3895 Ma rine. I?hone W est 308-L3. f o r R EN T-- F iv e room waterfront, house,, saw d u st burner, fireplace, wired" fo r ran ge, vacant Novemner . 1st. W est 86-R 3. . _______- Alonday to P p d ay , Adults evenings 8-10:30, 35c Saturday N ig h t Sessions 8.11, 40c j-' ■ ' Spectators, all. Sessions. 10c A fte m w n Sessions are specially for. Beginners and Ladies' afternoon parties 135 W. 1st S t . N orth Vancouver , , Phone N orth 1735. FOR BUSH AND M ILt WOOD D'RY KINDLING and- ^OPSOIL . S. LOWRIE Phone West 256-Y.; WANTED---4i:apsd)l€L'girl for w ork by th e "hour. Phone 689-M. ' - house West W A N T E I ^ B y y o u n g ' man steadily em ployed, room and board reliab le fa m ily . B ox 30, West Van. N ew s; '* ■ ______ --- W A N TED --̂ B y responsible . ,. p osition , housekeeping- W est 149u 44 (at roadside spring) Is th is cup san itary? " D A IN T Y T E A S , including R eading.'̂ " 25 cents. "The Arabl^ dene," 1368' M arine, Wednesday, Native: "It..must be. .Every- body has used it for the last two bpST-iMale 'tabby white breast ca F rid ay ;a fternoons..