West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Oct 1940, p. 3

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mnhmmm mmm tMW T O R i m i y i r A i i m w m m m & B ir n ^ m m 'n m x m m w k * M m m § m A t M AINTAINED P R I c S ^ SILK m a m m t . ■ . ^ 4 Thread Chlflfoii, . 6 Threi ̂ fviCSites.8̂ * to W tp Pair 7 Thread Service, 4*Thread^e^, 3 ThrendXfiiiron. Pair: %1 ' ' . 'LlNGERlIS . • ,Kayser' Non^Rua ^ 'Pthitcli Pimties, Briefs. Caff PaatlecISOi* Blooraeia and Vests. Each.... White and Blossom. Small, medium ' 4mdi lai^e;. ' Between ̂Safeway and Tite'n Shoe Store SAVi: TIME AND MONEY ~ SHOP HERE ers Ave^leS^on^Saft^tt family haveinff moved from 26th Street into a ŵ tfh ̂ 24^ King»s Ave. .0 •!•» * e • * i.' ' j.' ' ■ < Miss C ^ ao k and her sister of Cypress ^ occupying a w ^ J " suite m the Fortune Cup Inn.o # * ' Carl Hudson (nee F thel Lloyd) of New Westminster, YOU are Inyltefl to liispect ^ OIXR ENLARGiiD MAGAZINE plSpLAV A large variety of the Intest magazines wiU he kept on hand. Yearly Bubadriptlons for yoiir favorite reading material solicited Bon TON GONFEGlipMERY Conveniently, located two doors from Hollybtim Theatre ^ Engagement Formal announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. t . K. Bernard of 2632 Ottawa Ave.„ West T T Girls' lAuxiliary, W est Vancouver Barbarian^ Rugby* Club H allow e'en DancB --:.--̂ '■'The 'Ranch -̂-- T H U R S D A X ^ O c t b i t e r 3 1 s l ; ' * ̂ " I Admission, 75 cents each Dancing 9^1 Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and family of Gaulfeild have moved into a house a t 29lh and Math­ ers Ave. Mr. and Mrs.' Wright, 1081 , , - ...... .. ........^ ------ Clyde Ave., have moved in to ., the engagement their new home in North Lons- r f younger , daughter, dale. Kathleen, ̂ to Flying Officer t * * James Sinclair, M.P., elder son Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, who ^«d Mrs; J. G„ Sinclair of have been occupying a suite a t V^*^couyer. The wedding will the F ortune Cuprinii, have mov- quietly on November, ed into a hou^ie a t l l th and Fs- " ■planade. ' ---------r-~--*-----^ i ■ ̂ ' ̂ ^ , Shower,' ' i Mr. and Mrs. Thornton have ^ Complimenting Miss Peggy Bennett's BAKERY ............BUTTKRCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL c r e a m c a k e s 25c a doz. Apple, Raisin, and Mince- ̂ meat Pies, 15c Each Scotch Meat Pies 5c each 6 for 25c Sliced Wroppod Broad 1468 Marine Dr. Phono W. 27 w^9' , a « av#a Ai VVTJi< alCi VC v*4*J5 AfXlOO JL' moved from North VanOpuver Davies, bride-elect of Mr. Ted a*'nouse Mills, Mrs. W. W, Mills and Mi's., a t 1861 26th; Street. R. Douglas were co-hostesses a t "' * * a pi'e-nuptial shower on Wednes- • Mrs. Jam es Butterfield and day , evening, October 16th a t her son John: Sebastian have re- Mrs. M!ills' home in N orth Van- w m ed from an extended trip to couver. The gifts were presented the eastern United States and to the honoree by the .Misses • ^ e ^ g a in .residing, at their home Alice and Frances Mills. The m Caulfedd. While in Boston, evening was enjoyably spent iii Mrs. Butterfield# took a post- playing various games, graduate;course a t Emerson Col- lege. Harvard. University. ' Mill^Davles M N P .J 3 R A V B L , .N A V V Y ^J^^^ A S P H A L T P R E M IX . R O A D M A T E R m i a E .iM Q C lia> Phone North 1141 or A ljP M JlJS , Wont 883-L Mr._and-Mrs._Vernon.-MartinT „ , . „ .. who have been motoring in the ^ 1̂ ®̂ Friday in St- interior, have returned to their Stephen's Church by the Rev. F.interior, have r^u rned ta their - home in Caiilfeild. ---------- ,-- „ -- -- ,,, The wedding was solemnized a t 8 p.m. last Friday in St- W e s t V a n c o u v e r L i b e r a l A s s o c i a t i o n Adjourned ĵ m E T B 9G THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24th, W40 : Legion Hall, 8 ; p.m. Business--Election of Officers All members arje requested to attend .M rs.-A. Parson, who has been visiting, in Victoria for the past five weeks returned a t th^ end of last week, to her Home a t 2523 King^s Ave. Mabell--Morton The wedding took place on Uie evening of October i M in Cranberry United Church, PoW- eJI . River, of AnnabeJJe Spence, daughter of Mrs.cClara S. Mor­ ton, 2064 Marine < Drive, West Vancouver, and the late B. Morton, to Joseph Stephen Ma- Ramsey^ of Marguerite Con -stance (Peggy) daughteip-of Mr. and Mrs. R^: W. Davies iof 1366 Inglewood Ave.; to Edwin W alter (Ted), son of Mr. and M rs.iW . W. Mills . of 256 E ast F irs t Street, North Vancouver. The steps leading to the a lta r were graced with tall baskets 0:̂ 3 autumn-flowers, while the guest pews were marked with dahlias. Given i n ' marriage by her father,, the prettv bride was a t­ tired in a cocktail dress of dove rose crepe with vineyard wine " accessories and a corsage of white sweetheart roses. Her bridesfffaid and sister. Miss Jes HolIyburi|i Theatre n iU k S D A Y . li'RIDAY A ND SATUR DA Y MAT. Oct. 2 lth , 25th and 20th PEN N Y SINGLETON . Arthur lake ^̂ Blondie Brings Up Baby" t> also "STAGE COACH WAR" SATURDAY EVE. A ND .. MONDAY October 20th and 28th LINDA D A R N E L i; JAM ES ELLISON A N N SOUTHERN 'Hotel for Women' also cartoon, nows and selected short subjects TUESDAY A N D W ED N E SD A Y October 29th and 30th BA SIL llA T H B O N E BORIS K A R LbEF •C' -■ 'Tower of London' (A t 8 p.m .) . also one hour of short subjects Extra Special Fir Slabs .and Iniside Fir, mixed a Q HH cord, C .O .D .W '^ P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 AVell-lmiQLWtt: FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or WeUt 691L only son of Mr. and Mrs. J . -- G. Mabell 2213 W est 8th Ave Davies*, wore a short dress of Vancouver. Rev.,F.'Chilton of- turquoise blue with wine acces-LEGION W.A. ^Women's -Auxfliai^wilUbe held--the groomsman"was7Mr~̂ Edwar7J~̂ ^̂ -*®'̂ ^̂ ®*̂ Y"®̂ *̂ ®'̂ ®®" »̂™'"̂®̂'~T.,r.T,„v Tivr- --J Ti/r„i ed as best man, the ushers be--OH3Monday afternoon, October Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Mabell are 28th, a t -2:15. All members are living a t Wildwood, Powell asked, to attend as important River, isbiisiness^ is to be discussed^ "Nr ing Mr. Bob. Douglas and Mr. Tommy Briggs. A reception was held later a t the hom e'of the bride's parents, when the happy couple received under a bower, decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, be­ ing assisted . by t h e . . bride's m other in a black crepe dress Shqi^er -Miss Betty Hobden was host­ ess a t a handkerchief shower last Saturday afternoon, a t her home, 2522. Nelson, Ave., honor- ing Miss Kathleen Bernard, the ^ bride-elect of F lying Officer with French embroidered jack e t Jam es Sinclair, M.P. The gifts corsage of pink carnations, were ,presented in a basket dec- wpnnnnr orated in, the color scheme of . yellow and green with: a corsage attached to the handle. The artistic tea table, cov^ed with a lace cloth and (centred with yellow chrysanthemums and yel-' low tapers, was presided over by Mrs. T..K. Bernard And Mrs. W. -- " "'t-* ------ ' • I-- ' Munton, the serviteurs beings the which were a miniature Misses Diana MacDonald, Bren- fiToom. On going away da Wicking, and M arjory O'Don­ nell. The guests included Mes- dames;T. K. Bernard, W. Mun­ ton, A. T. Cushing, T. J . -Brown, and J. D. Hobden, and the Misses Kathleen Bernard, Florence Meroer, Joan Parker, J o a n Thompson, Marjory O'Donnell, Jean Cushing, Joan Sparrow, SPECIAL Sawdust ........... $8.60 per unit • ' • = --Bry^Slnba .„:„„....$B:O0 per cord . Jnsidfi-Ein.* ■ ■ ■ ■ u- 1 from shed .......$6.00 per cord from mill........$6i60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edfirings $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL ' Phone North 620 •; 4aê«. and the groom's mother wearing, a blue crepe dress with corsage . of red, carnations. The bride's t a b l e was decorated with yellow and white 'mums flank­ ed by white tapers, a small tabl6 being centred with the three-tiered wedding cake on a (beautiful lace cloth, on each Loneliness goes out when the telephone comes in ^ / J L A V < t ^ € A A A \ A . V . /A A the bride donned a Russian lupin fu r coat over her \(^edding en-; semble. The happy coupl^^ilT take up residence in North . Van­ couver. KINSMElJf CLUB _ ------- - The Kinsmen Club wishito ex- M artha von Zuben, D iana Mac- pres8 appreciation to the citizens Donald, Shirley Painium^Audrey of W est Vancouver fo r their , Richardson, Dorothy Chappell, hearty co-operation and support April F ra ^ r , Betty Gray, Bren- on Apple Day, especially those da Wicking, Sheila;Edwards and who gave so generously their Betty Hob|len. ̂ ^ time and accommodation. No more lonely days for Mrs. Natwing--she has a "telephone in her home now. Even though she can't go out very often, she can call her friends and her friends can call her. "Those daily chats over the wire make life really worth living," says Mrs. N atw ing. "I never feel all alone any more." Loneliness goes out when the telephone comes in. \ AH in all, the venture was The Council r e f e r r ^ the m at- most successful, showing a net te r of the flooded ditch in the .profit of approximately f 270.00, 3000-bI<^k--on -Procter-^Ave.^to of which a portion has been vob̂ . the Engineer with power to act. ed to the local Red Cross, the- balance going to West Vanoou- BXPEBT W atch and EEPAIEINO T. CHEISTBNJ30N (formerly with.. Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Mariiia;BtlT« ver Kinsmen service work. I^ED ^ROSS NOTES BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. The Engineer reported to the Glenarbour Unit will meet Council th a t Cypress Creek had next Monday a t 1 p.m. a t t h e ' , recently overflowed its bank;s home of Mrs. Hyndman, West, close to Ross .Crescent for the Bay. first tim e since 1921. 151