...... .. MW&ii «i,f'$,!aî >j5.5> . ,- 41 . ^■.s* sr-» ^ ^ :n̂ .4;v>̂ , J,i,t %" *■ tdpuirtiw NBWS October Sith.̂ Ifyn Cm, $M # EmkM I a%«* ̂ E sr . .If. VANCm But* Mlikleler' J Awlni# P h o m W « § t M 4*U BuM§fB9^vkmt ttBM if^i$9lim t Btr$nt^rg iindl..VI«ftoirf •ttw cloew e w u U ■S'f Ififvt* 'M' K'H!?v -v' ̂'{h f£ • Si: i'l rj i ' i i i " v T ^ isr 'll':# 1̂*1111 » ra li•4 ■;p|' Sj- "̂ X finri I -■r-mci':#. ■■'M# a > v'l ^ ip r » i; i3- 41' -J'.s i i V i S , A • i i:M'0 ®lv*- ;.i'l f ) -;r '-î if' :S r l0 ^ M ' I 'f'v I ' I f t i i i ■ |::|i':ii|f ■ 1 'l>!* ', 1 '■' s. ^ ̂ i ¥ ■̂" \ tM i - '1 H-i ^ ' 4 | i < ' / i i i ; h * # t f4 o ' i fd,vis-̂ 1 S l 'M * 4 «̂ ?A' 4sIC' ^ .igtimmi » # » Bm* w, tJ m S S r f m jl» m k , ||l|lip>^^^ ||L|pp>iyj|̂ ^ 10:00 SdMMil^lti-■ ■ ̂ SwkJ8S*fc4lll Jk Ĵ4lli1le>cattBiiief JMiiiit C3iiit 11 «4a. tk 1*M SmfUm* A 'biK ttjr wtle<Mn« to ill' MtowMMMWMî ^ m 1 9 4 0 P o m p a d o u r h a h igh ly .affair, an eii:0 t y truly ^obd hair fashion should bo. I f you .can't wear it s tra igh t back thbto is a modified side pompadcnii* th at will bo Just the th ing for you. Wc are ready to servo you w ith skilled hair sty ling . Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creitori bf,< Exeluslve Pertnahoiito, 1546 Marine Drive '.-West SL DR. G. D. H. SEALk D.lJ.S;, Ii.D.S. DENTIST Ĵ -Ilay Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Offied Hours 0 to O' p.w. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 HOLLYBDHir HAlLL 14tb and D odb eii Friday, O e t 25th a t 7:15 p.m. Children's Ojpen House N ight. An invitation'has b een ,g iven to ail the parents ofUd grow n up friends of the'children, w ho at* tend our Friday N igh t Lantern Meetings,* or Sunday School, to come with them' neitt Friday a t 7:16 p.m, We hope m any will' cnepuroge the children by com* ing. The speaker, Mr. Eric Hunt. Also a "Young Pdoplp'd" has been started; the first twb m eet ings being well attended . and enjoyed, A hearty invitation is given to oil boys and girls over 12 years o f age to * co m e,n ex t Wednesday, Oct. 30th, at 7:80, p.m. Mr. Johh W ilson w ill be the guest speaker. • Sunday, CcU 27th, a t 10 a.'m, Sunday School, and Young People's.B ib le Class. * Sunday E vening at 7 :30 Gospel Service. Speaker, Mr. .Torn McLaren, 'IVcSdey EVPniifg, Oct. 29th at 8 o'clock Prayer and M inistry o f the Scriptures. TO M f-^A N C O U VEE ~ Chrisfiaii Science C EtniC H EDIFICE 26lli and Bnqaimalt, Hollybura fhJf Sodoty is a Branch of Thd Jitother Church The Fhnst Church of Christ, SSiantitt, in Boston, MsUwacbusetts Swutay Service: 11:20 a.m. Sunday, October 27th SHBIECT: **FHOBATION A F tE R DEATH'*I Sunday School at 10:00 a.tn. . Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In vited t o attend our services and meetings. ' wmIm " * If I an, call the- HALL FUiaL CO. •̂1 Penguin D airy L uach 1533 Marine Drive LIGHT LUNCHES 4 FOUNTAIN SERVICE 1% Our Delicitms Hamburgers ' Freezer-Prteah^ Ice Cream THE CANADA YEAR BOOK ' 1940 h '5 U [ ' ' ,! i : ■ ' 1 j X - i-- :--- ._______ ____________ D R M cRAB 1 d e n t i s t formerly of 705 MedicalrDontaL.. Buildina ' Hours: 0 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment 1860 Marine Drive : West 482 T ' * ri ' ' 4 :■ I '\r' ' ̂ . T #> Established on North Sheire ° 25 Years; - - (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD.-----w •*» T w wirw.,■ :. «• m^m.: v-. .funeral Birertera ' 1 ---- ' Hollybimi Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parioni 122 Weat Sixth Street. 4 Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue. East __..Phone Fair. 184 ^ NY MAKE BROWR die MUNTON -itoS MSRlNt ORIVê WIST SCO->IrtjtlKTN A.nit. «f-D.(V ' ST: STEPHEN'S c e o E c a Rev. F. A. Ramae^, Rector Sunday, October 27th " S aTin:--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.---Matins a:nd Sernlpn. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- • „mon. . - ...... Monday -- St. Simon and St. Jude,10 :15, Holy Conlmunion. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild if;'45 a.ni.-^HoIy Communion. TUB UNITED CHURCH 2l8t and Esquimau Avenue Key, William Vance, Ministw Sunday, Oefober 27th . 10. a.m.--Tile .^Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject, "World Fellowship, Is it only a Dream or Is it a Divine Comthissiori?" ^ 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service, Subjeot, "Play Safe vs. Take a Risk." Young People's Hour of song feHowebip-4ollewing-- WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 26th St. n Paator: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9:46. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC \ CHURCH . r*i 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low M ass-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ■ ' ipt Rosary and Beneai^^tion -- 7 :45 .1------ -- .....................................--------------------------:------------------------ Catechism dnd Bible ClaSs^2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass:-- 8 a.m. Fridays-4Rosary, Benediction 7:45. 1 Saturdays Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. The publication of the 1940 edition of the Canada Year Book, published by authoriza tion of the Hon, James A. Mac- . Kinnon ,Minister of Trade and Commerce, is announced by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics!. The Canada Year Book is the offiical; statistical annual of the country and contains a thor oughly up-to-date account of the 'natural resources of the Domin ion and their development, the history of the country, its in stitutions, its demography, the different branches of production, trade, transportation, finance, education, etc.--in brief, a coni- prehensive study within the- liniits of a single volume? of the social and economic condition of the Dominion. This new edition h a s , been thoroughly revised throughout and includes in all its chapters the latest- informa- tio"n~avairable up to the date of going to press. There are special articles on Forestry and ̂Mines attd Minerals' along • with the Special War Chronology, also chapters on power development, agriculture transportation and cowimpnica- tions, labour'and'wages, curren cy arid bankirig, education, and constitution and • government. Persons requiring the Year Book may obtain i t from the King's Printer. Ottawa-, .as long , as the supply lasts, a t the pride of $L5G, which covers;merely the cost of paper, printing, and'bind ing. By a special concession, a limited'.number of paper-bound copies have been set. aside for ministers of religion,, bona fide students and school teachers, who may obtain, copies a t the nominal price of 50̂ cents each. Papa glared sterhly a t his jroung hopeful: "Another bite like that, young man," he said, "and you'll leave the table." Soniiy--looked--up?v^Another- biteTike tha t," he. agreed, "and ITl be finished." -!■ )- evening servicer VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Phona-Wcat 9 Pertilbjsers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders*-Supplies-- HAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER 11 a.m.--^The 18th anniversary of the church will be observed. Pastor will speak on the sub ject, "Another Mile-stone." 7 :30 p.m;--The Rey. John Scott of the Chilliwack Baptist Church will preach. The church school and adult Bible class will meet a t 10 , o'clock. "" ________ ' Tuesday, . 8 p.m.-~Anniversary , entortainm ent arid social hour. Wednesday. 7:45 p.m.-- Prayer -meeting. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Offers w ill bo received by the undersigne<l up to noon on November 4tli, 1940, for U>e purchase o f Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, N V iS W ^ D.L. 1069, with improvements thereon. Hurhest or any offer n o t necessarily accepted. R, A; H ARRISON,' -- A cting Municipal Clerk. Hollyburn, B. C,, -- October--28rdr-1040.----------- --------------^ m m r : v l ^ : ■ i'rMBiiM ■■ m i f f - News Pabliaheci Every Thuraday ' _ Pubiiaher F. F, LOVEGHOVE ■ ̂Plione West 363 "PFohatiOh Aftoi- Death" will be thu" sublet of the LeSson-Ser- mon in all Churches of Christ. SoienttSt, On Sunday. The Golden Toî t is: **Let us not he weai^ in well doingi fov in duô sosioft we shall reap, if we t o m ittrt!!; (0«a«ans e<9). Aniong the citations whidh concise the Jtosott^ermon is "theTOWWifig from the Bible: "Hunthle younseives . therefore^ und€af the Mighty hand of God. that he may egalt you in due time" (1 Peter 6:6). The' IieSSon^erniOn also in cludes the foliowing-^passage from the Christian Sciefldejfcext- trook "Science and Health with~ STUMPING THE EXPERTS t ON WELFARE-RED CROSS On Thursday a t Le^on-Hall a large gathering o f women work ers took part,in one of a series of Welfare-Red Cross quizzes that have featured meetings of women oanvassers in Greater Vancouver. Here, as in similar meetings held in the city, five oUtstandingt women were the "experts" whom i f was impos sible to "stumppi." Mrs. A. Z. de Long, chairman of thO first Van couver Welfare J^deratipn drive .ansWered"the-qUestion"-of-"What* is the Wartime Job of Social Agencies," by a moving recital of how the Family Welfare Bur eau was looking afte r 600 soldiers' families. Mrs. J. A. Campbell, an e^-chairman of the Residential Division, told of the work of the Vancouver Day Nursing Association; Mrs. Hen ry F. Angus explained the war time service of the Co-ordinat- iftg Council, while^Mrs. W. But- tor told of a special"'committee responsible" fori" the Christmas cheer fund. Activities of the Y. WiG.A7T particulariy" regarding" recreational angles for t h e troops were outlined by Mrs. Goodwin Johnston of Caulfeild. The educational value of this meeting to every West Vancou ver woman enlisted in the Pat riotic Services Appeal was keen- , ly felt by the large group who attended.,and the grateful ap preciation of t h i s district's women workers was s t r e s s e d to the quiz panel by the cam paign's women's chairman. B O Y ^ b a n d AUXILIARY West Vancouver Boys* Band Auxiliary will hold a special , meeting a t the home of Mrs. Gpimon, 2095 Gordon Ave., on Wednesday, .^October SOth--atr- plans will be Î he fall bazaar, which November 7th in the Legion Hall; All mem- * ® askod to Attend and re turn all work completed. __ • THE NEED IS WORTHY I t is the duty of every patriotic citizen to give to those who are .in need. I t ihay be a crippled community lieighbor or a homeless and wounded overseas refhgee, but - give to your utmost. . Oct. 2 9 SERVICES A P M ^ ■ ; r -" - . , r',--- k • ■ Combining the l l th Annual Campaign of the Vancouver Welfare Federation w ith 'the National ppeal, Canadian Red Cross Society in Vancou- ver City and West Vancouver. Business and EdltoriaT'Offiee: ̂ 1704 Marine' Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 128 Umsdale Are. Vl.OO a Vearby o ^ e r : |2:00 a yfear , by maB Key tO tSie Scriptfe by Mary Baker Eddy; "Christians must take up arms against error at home aiidAbifPad. They must gtaptilO With sift in themselves and in bthem, and continue this waifArb until- they' have finished theh^ cacfl'ile;" 'f / , . 1512 MaHne Prive E^akfasts, Dinners, - Luncl^, Teas Catering fpr Private Parties ---NELLIE: HARRISON Special.DipIoma PIANO AND THEORY 1 First. 2 Seconds, 1 Third Grade 5; Vancouver, G an; See Tlu* Difference" fELSOira LAUNDRIES LTl LAUNDEREIte - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C; C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phwie WlgST 782 " ̂