m$m TBJE:,Smm3WJlVMmt..M ' 'j o s T 'A f i a i v B ® ' , . " : ' Eandkerchiefs CIU ldiM ^^M M w Iilii^^ ors;' ■ Eicfe' ,̂..i..»S.Q;..,i..'...ii..,...,,.,... ';B« Womens in whit* «n i fan<;y «at»l* #*|i..'Eidi'^i>.ui.**......i,.*..w..,'^ rhlldren*» Lisle A i^le S ^ l« In - p ib e'hit^ lOso Fhi^„ sSe«*6 to SVt. Pel** *.................... Women's Ankle Socks, pure wool, ^Iw'sT; (» 9« . pair .49e Plain white, with lace edge. Ea. 15c Pure linen, fancy corners. Each 19c 1578 MAHINE--Between Safeway add TiteV Shoe Store DO YOUE SH O PPIN G H EH B V A p leasan t afte rnoon^tea w as Mr, and Palm er have held a t the home of M iss E s th e r moved from RadchlTe Ave. and H arrop la s t Saturday* O ctober a re now resid ing , in the city. 12th. by th e ladies of th e W est / *: * V ancouver Bowling Club to hon- M ajor P . A. Curry, O.B.E., or M rs. D. Godlonton,, w ho is General M anager of the B ritish ie»ving W est V ancouver to ta k e Pacifio P ro p erties Ltd., has ores- . uP iHisidenco in Chilliwack, and ented th e m unicipality w ith th e M rs. F. Miles who is going t o V isito rs' Book of the G uest Cot- ^^ve in town. Mrs. Miles poured ChrysanthciMUtti Show Wednesdiay and Thurs. - 30th k 31st Oct. in HOLLYBURN PAVILION on 17th Street Saturday, all day, October 10th, aome.members of the .Club will, sell tickets in store next door to Christensen's Jewelry Store One for 15 cents-- Two for 25 cents Family Books of Tickets, 10 in number, $1.00 tage on E yrem ount Drive, a t th e which w as served by Mes- th e tim e of Their M ajesties' dam es Jay and H oram . Those visit, th e sam e containing, th e p resen t were th e Misses E* H ar- s igna tu res . .of th e K ing and '̂°P M illard and . Mes- Queen. The Reeve has had th e dam es Godlonton, Miles, E atock , book placed in a glass case sur- HarVey-Smith, S. Taylor, M ayer, m ounted by a little Union Jack L ester Taylor, Bufton^ Frost» in th e Council Cham ber w ith a Payne. J-i'- G ray, M acLcan, P a r t- photograph above it of T heir ridge, Perkins, Steele, JAy, M ajesties leaving the north end W hittaker, .Powell, C raw ford , 0 f th e Lions' G ate Bridge fo r th e and H oram . M rs. H oram pres- c ity a t th e conclusion of th e ir ept^d th e guests of honor w ith. .Vi. . ' i . ' ' .1̂1* ' mL* 1* .' 1*1. * . i 2 1 m j>svisit. ........ . also M rs. Elsie Dress and 61ft Shttp 2466 Marine Drive READYJTOiWEAR WOMEN'S AND CHiliLDBEN'S DRESSES, , NOTIONS, ETC. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS City Prices. ' . ' Mrs. E. G. McFai-lane, Proprietress • B U I L D E R S ' S U P P L I E S * • Cement B rick * Navvy Jack , ' L im e Sand D rain Tiles Crushed Rock Concrete T E A R O E " & S O N S 1427 Marine Drive1 • ■ . ..' ' .... W est 84 Mfs. George Gemmill 1512 Es- quim alt Ave., re tu rned on F ri day from a th re e m pnths' v isit to rela tives in Denver, Colorado. lit % Ik H. Fi B reckehridge, a form er W est BAy residen t, who has been aw ay all sum m er " in E aste rn Canada, has re tu rn ed and is now living in th e city . Sub-L ieutenaiit R. W. Timb- rell, D.S.C., R.C.N., is one of th e officers yof a new Canadian w ar- ship, m anned by the survivors of H.M.C.S. F ra se r, which, lac- cording to London England, des-^; Lemon a corsage. The occasion m arked th e bli'thday of Miles. Ik,.. ,»k,, ,»k-.'.' The homcNof Mr. and M rs. F . A. Miles a t 2970 M athers Ave., has been purchased th ro u g h th e Sharpe R e a lty ' by C aptain and Mrs. C. a . Hudson of Caulfejld. Ik Ik ♦ F. M utrie o f V ancouver hqs ren ted a house a t 1109 Clyde Av^. ' • ' ; ' Mr. and M rs. W. P . Collins have moved from "The G ables," W est Bay, in to a house, a t 1391 -Tuer "You Can See The^ D ifference" NELSONS LAUN<DR1ES LTD. LAUNDBEERS -.D R Y C L EA N ER S - DYERS C.C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 ' patches, Im s-sailed fo r du ties R yerson U nited Church iii th e overseas. ShTe is a veteran of p a t- se ttin g fo r th e m ar- rols around N arvik, w here she ^iage a t 8:30 p.m. S a tu rd ay of o p e r a t ^ ^ e r S and Witt of jyfr. and M rs. Douglas J . T uer, th e M editerranean and bom® an i^ M r. R obert H am ilton Le- fleets. I t w as L ie u te n a ^ Timb- son o f|the la te Mr. and re ll 's appoin tm ent to th is ship Mrs. H. H. L e f t i of 22nd and MAN NEARLY DROWNS ion w ith whom been fishing. F reeland had w hich p reven ted his, re tu rn in g jy^arine u riv e , wesi: Vancouver, h e re oh leave, w here tYvic recep- E . D. B raden, D.D., officiat- tio n s had been a rran g ed " in his ed ' honor.. - G iven in m arriage by h e r __. . . ■ T -Au fa th e r, th e b ride was gowned in M rs. A nnie M aepherson L eith , p jak chiffon ta ffe ta so ftly sh irr- m o th er of M rs. A lan Gill o f 1618 ed w ith full bishop^s sleeves and and gar- First aid efforts of Sergean t F reeland was . uncons'oious F u lton A v e .,.p assed aw ay la s t iiJ^tchingTrewn^^^ -Charles Hailstone- and- Constable- - tho u g h -b rea th in g w hen Cameron- "T hursday a t h e r residence-in th e - Scots~ h a t o s tf ich-tippe"dT̂^̂ ^̂ %̂̂^̂ ̂ George M. Finlayson of W est pulled him back, in to th e boat. city . F uneraL serv ices w ere held carried a bouquet of B utterfly Vancouver police, and pronip t ' S ergean t H ailstone and Con- in 'th e city, a t 1 p.m. S a tu rd ay action of a friend, saved, th e life s tab le F inlayson arrived w ith in- with" com m ittal in F o re s t Law n of George Freeland .of Vancou- ha,Iator equipm ent and.: adrninis- M emorial P ark , ver,'on Thanksgiving Day. "terOd oxygen fo r some t i^ e . T h^ deceased, w h o -w a s 70 Freeland fell from a row boat T hey continued i adm in istering y ea rs old, is survived by an o th er Mo toejwater a t H orseshoe Bay ox y gen w hen he was b rough t to .^daughter,_ A nnie, a t hom e, and and was rescued by Colin G. V andouver G eneral -Hospital in th re e grandchildren. Cameron, Vancouver, a compan- an; am bulance. * ♦ ♦ - -I .1-- -------- r-- Showier roses, w hite hea ther deniaSi M rs. G erald P o rte r of V ictoria w as m atron o f honor in a heaven blue crepe, gown w ith basque! ^ibodice-^ajadZ^atching- -sh irred- crbwfil^iss coronet. H er colonial bouquet was of pastel baby c b ry s antherhuTTis. M r. H e rb e rt: Miss A gnes Colpitts. an d M rs. F ish e r was best m an .*nd ushers A. Hawkes were co-hostesses w ere Mr. V icto r Sm ithson and October 2nd a t the^^home of th e Mr. R obert W hite, lajjter 21st and Nelson Ave., a t A t th e reception in th e home a miscellaneous show er dn*hon- of th e b ride 's p a re n ts , ' the o r of Miss Peggy D avies, a bride's m other, who ohose^ a bfide-elect o f th is m onth . J h e . Wedgwood blue bolero frock and '2 f t s were presented in a b e ^ hat,, w as assisted in receiving by " tifu lly decorated con ta in er rep- the groom 's sister^ Mrs- Victor resen ting a w atering ban.. The Sm ithson, whose fensemble was invited gqosts w ere M esdam es of tu rquo ise blue. T'. K err, S7 Colpitts, H aw kes, A vineyard red ensemble trim - C .W intle, D. E scott, A. L ear, H . med w ith opossum was worn by W illiam sonj-R .-Sharpe, -T.--E n g -- ^the-bride-w hen-s he-le£t-f oii-h er_ lish and th e Misses D oro thy w edding trip . Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, E laine K issick, F re d a Lem on will reside a t 1135 W est Rush, Agnes Gray, Oliye Mac- Tw elfth . I ^ y , P a t Humphriesŷ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ L^^^ B Bennett-« BAKERY B U rrERCRtlST , BRKAD S A T O E D A l r ^ S P E G I A i ; " CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. Apple, RaiHin, and M ince m eat Pies, IBc Each Scotch M eat P ies 5c each 6 fo r 25c Sliced WrnpDod Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phono W. 27 Hollyburn Theatre TmiRSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUUDAV MAT. Dot. ITtli, 18th and l!Hh /f* SinULKY TEMPLE f .lOlINNY RUSSELL "THE BLUE BIRD'^ (in toehnicoloi'/ also nows, cartoon, etc.' SATURDAY. EVE. AND MONDAY , , Oclohor llM.li and 21st MELVYN DOUGLAS .lOAN BLONDELL "The Amazing Mr. Williams^ also carefully selected ..short .subjects TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY October 22nd and 23rd CAROLE LOMBARD - BltlAN -AHERNE- "VIGIL IN ----- THE NIGHT" (Oiico only 'at 8) ■; i Also one hour of short subjects- Extra Special F ir S labs and In side F ir, mixedside F ir, mixed iiO f}(l cord, C.O.D. Ph o n e -N qrth ^ 8 6 SPECIAL .$3.60 per unit ̂ $5.00 per cord Sawdust ....... . Dry Slabs .... . Inside F ir from she'd ....... $6.00 per cord from mill ....... $5.50 per cord Slabs with _ Bark $4.60. per-cord rSlabs-&-Edfi:ing8 $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 ICO N O M Y ' 8 IZ I S A i r » 8 7 f W aterm an, Jessie D avies, H elen Colpitts, Evelyn C o lp itts and A gnes Colpitts. ST . JO H N AM BULANCE N U R S IN G DIVISION This is a ,picture you can see any night at Pacffic garagejwiien every bus in the fleet gets a. manicure and a facial. Powerful cleaners suck out eveiy bit of dust. Window ledges are wiped clean. Sidfe windows are washed.: Floors are scrubbed. The first m eeting o f S t. Jo h n A m bulance,' N ursing D ivision, will be held a t 8 .p-m.,. T uesday, October 22nd, in th e Legion Hall. All lady members a re req u ested to be there. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD » fehower " Mrs. F . G. Corbett,. Mrs, J . M itchell and M rs. N. Gentleman en te rta in ed a t a post nuptial show er - honoring Miss - P eggy Davies, bride-elect of th is month, a t th e hom e of th e la tte r a t 252 . E a s t 10th S tree t, N orth V aifcou-, v er on W ednesday evening, Oc tober 9 th . The ^ f t s were pres en ted by Miss Allison 'G entle m an, The g uests included Mes- . dam es W. W. Mills, R. W. Dav- ̂ ies, A. C orbett, Sr,, G. Mills, A ./ Boulier. R. Cooke, ,W. Edgar, A. M athew s, H. Jones, F . G. C o r-, bett, W. Gentlem an, J . M itchell, and th e 53* 29* McNEIL & McCUE > 14th hnd M arine W est V ancouver J VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 89 SCOUT N EW S Gleanwog exteriors .̂ are polished. And "̂ next The regular weekly .m eeting fo r R efugee'Sew ing G roup will *«„**^ _̂___ _____ be held a t the home^of ;M r^ E . Jyjj xilstein and Allison i^ n tle - T hernen , 30th and M athers^ m an. A gentle rem inder^ to alj par- M isses Bernice W ard, 6n ts who have boys belonging to ' Jessie^ D avies. A nnie DahJ,\Eve- e i th e r th e 1st. Troop-^or th e 1st. P i^ k , th a t th e annual com m it-, moming, ,you ride to work in a clean, f ^ h , airy Ave., Tuesday a t '7 :30 . has. Take advantage of these premiums. It costs no more to ride the Pacific Stage way. M ( i n c s T i s i s P. S . - 9 EXPERT W atch and Caiock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTBWSON . (formerly w ith.Birks Ltd., Motttreal)^ 1522 Marino Drive PRE-SCHOOL STUDY GROUP tee m eeting is "being held in the P a rish Hall (S t. S tephen 's) on M onday evening n ex t a t 8 :30. A le tte r has . been sen t to allT he firs t m eeting of th e M others ' . P r^ School S tudy m o th e r^ and dads, bu t they a re GrouT) will be he d next T hurs- v... 7 , . . - a f 2 :4 5 p.m: ■ ^ a t-W e n d y "House,-2397" BeJlevue-rV ® ad^this,Jet-thenLjput-a^m ark_ Ave. In te re s ted , m others w eL dn th e calendar. Come on along I come. . , . an d le t's g e t acquainted. . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ ' ' • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . _ "