I I I f «»«»+ wmat %/m tmmm cmmm "̂ Urn* t t« t A Ew|tiiii»Jt A f . n m w . r m m b j l , "iifiiM i^ mn Fulton Avonoo SiiMlair Brnwlimt lin.iu« A 7tlKl|»jit4 itm ttitrt a«4 viiitorf aro w«l«wtki« '. ,1 ■ k,4 fyLa-,<1..-fell 3'. « i . (W/̂ ' :# K 111i;i:> 'J'i.7- i'iV ip 't»si '"■"i'ii'- t t̂taiu'j<f y,'til. i i ■fi ) '}•{'li i I / H' 3 m l - '*' ,v -̂S'3' * ;?nH: '-a-" .fc •; f l '.fltv f |--■ c.-.-A y-t̂- -•.•Ar.-'V '-0 Ih'i*' >•= 3 i» « 'J-Si-irsf,- •"ssfyi,4 ! " 1 rt "'I ii'$̂ i # l i I "a ',if ' « •ifSC> F .- - ^ri5itr---r.ii:S. i'i-M■||#lKS;ip5?v?5 IfSaKlle • Ii'>f4 33 1.Ml.? iSr'SI,tea«fs*4r 4J-^ - v ' -,fej» v'̂ l -■ 'i € -r-->. K,-'«,r ;l. i5 ut4*iii",Wf< i|.^J iM k. i m 1 9 4 0 Pompadour M F m t c a tm c 0 m ff. w* i« a A t m . .. SuttAyr. fiortlNti. : . .•... < vIOjOO'" iuiii<F««4;liim]i'>" Sdbodl^lii*'. dudinff Adult CUm n a.m. A 7iB0 p ,m ^P rm eb iag Sorvieoa. A hearty weloomo to all Im a highly vorBatilo affair, as every truly good hair fashion should be. If you con't wear it straight back there i s ' a modiHcd side pompadour that will be just the' th ing ,for you. Wo are ready to servo you with; skilled hair styling. Gwendolyn's 'Beauty Shoppe Crditors of Exclusive Pernanenta, 1046 Marine' Drive ■ West 117 : , HOLLYBURIT HALL 14th and Duchess Friday, Oct. I8(h a t 7:15 p.m. .Special Young People's Ser vice, illustrated by viowa. .S|)cuker: Mr. Dob. Baker, of Vancouver, .Sunday, Oct. 20th a t 10 am Sunday School- and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 Gospel Service. Speaker; Mr, D, K. Mac* intosh, of Vancouver. 'i'uesduy Evening, Oct. 22nd ■ a t 8 •.'._...: l^'rayer, and ministry pf the Scriptures; Speaker: Mr. Jojin Wallace. Subject; "Mornings with the Master." W EST VANCOtJVER * Ci^stian Science --..--̂ Society___ CHUBCH EDIFICE 20th and Eaqulmslt, Hollybum This Society is a Branch' of Ih e Mother Church The F irs t Church of Christ, ^...Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sundsy Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, O ctober 20th SUBJECrr: **^I)octrine of Atonement" Sunday School at 10;00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and I , meetings. ■ MELLIE HARBUSDN PIANO AND THEOEY *** 1940 Successes--B.C. MulscaL 1 First. 2 Seconds, 1 Third Toronto Conscmtory-'-i'Mrst i» -B .a Silver h ^ a lr< 3 ra d a "5rVanco»v^^ First in Grade 8, Second Grade 1, Thii^ in Graie 7, Studio: 1955 Inglewood Ave. iak- , A m o m t c E M m f r , OPENING FRIDAY, Oct. 18th M ildred's Dress Shop M Am iM m n u t v w •1G(>0 M A RIN E D RIV E Specially catering to "Miss W est V an." ' Djresses -- S portsw ear -- H osiery Popular P rices W EST T A W O U V E R - TABERNACLE M arine arid 25th St. P a s to r: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9:45. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING A .R .P . HALL DR. G. D .H . SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.S. QENirulT X-Ray Hey Block, 14th and Marine Dr. 'Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Pho THE U N ITED CHURCH 21st b id E squ im au A venue < Rev. William Vance, M inister Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7 :80 p.m. W ednesday--"Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. none West 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 3 rd . &. Inglewood Ave. Rev. F a th e r Van *j?astor Sunday Services 8:15 a.m. 10:15 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental ' Building . Hours: 9 to 0 -r- Evenings by 3 appointment. J88O^Marlno_Drlye___We0t_432 Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H ARSON B ^lO k LTD. funeral Sirertora HoUjbum Funeral Home * 18th and Marine West 134 ' North Vancouver Parlore 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 -1 'IV enty-first A nniversary Next Sunday we obsenre th e twenty - first ann iversary o f Clujrch Union in W est Vancou- ' ver. The Rev. Leslie Best, who was here tw enty-one years ago, ' Low M ass _______ __ will be the preacher a t th e m orn- H igh M ass and Sermon ing .service and his son Douglas, a.m. who was born here, will sing. R osary and Benediction -- 7 :45 On Monday evening a t 6 ;30 p.m, -th e -an n iv e rsa ry -d in n e r will b e - Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 served in th e chu rch hall. .The . p.m. R ev.'E . F... Church will be th e W eek-day Services giiest speaker and he has chosen M ass -- 8 a.m . -for-his-subjectr"T w elveo'ClocIc"-- " F rid ay s= R o sary 7 "BenedictiOn7 All members and friends .of,., ■ 7:45. by-gone days a re especially in- S atu rdays -- Confessions; 7:30 vriLrkŷ l 4*4% >Vtn1r..% v4- <»-i >%'!«.« 4* d. ̂ avited fo make i t a po in t to g e t together again on th is occasion. Everyone is welcome. to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST! "DOCTRINE 0 F ATONE M EN T" will be the sub ject of th e Lesson - S e m o n in all Churches of C hrist, Scientist, on Sunday. fe___ The Golden T ex t is : "W alk in _ INYM AKE BROWN & MUNTON 'iMt MARINX DRIVK Atnniioni A.R.T. of B.O, 11 a.m.--Subject, "More Than Conquerors." ' ■ ."Continuing th e " s to ry " of P il g rim 's P rogress fo r the young love, as C hrist also h a th loved worshippers. , us,' and h a th " given h im self fo r 7:30 p.m.-- Subject, "Some Peril- us an offering and a sacrifice to God fo r a sw eetsm elling savour" - The church school and adu lt (Ephesians 5 :2 ), Bible class m eet a t TO o'clock. Am ong the c ita tions which MondAjfe^T^he:^^ -- eomprise-%he--Lesson-Serm on--is- The m onthly .dinner m eeting of the Cham ber • of Commerce held a t the Highlands Cafe la s t week was well attended and ,an intere.'^ting evening spent by all present. Numerous committee re ports were received and^ discuss ed a t length, particiiliirJy th e fire equipm ent report and bjisi- . ness licences. In th e . la tter, re port it was pointed out th a t over .$7000.00 was collected for th e • curren t ^year's licence fees w ith only one. per' cent, s t i l l , unpaid. The m a tte r of b e tte r s tre e t , lighting in the business area w as also reported upon an'd laid ,on the table fo r fu tu re discussion and possible action thereon. • T he m eeting alsdt decided to give all.'the~"encbuKagement pos sible to the- local - football club and asked the membfjrs to assist., -financially--w hen-the officials-of-- the club approached! Jy iem fo r assistance during p re s e n t. m onth, so th a t the boys may be properly equipped and prepared to carry th e W est Vancouver colors w ith credit to th e M uni cipality and them selves. J . R. Stead of th e C.P.R. (Ocean Traffic departm ent) was a guest and en tertained th e members w ith some splendid scenic moving pictures' of .Brit+ ish Columbia and o th e r parts, which were much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. W aram ■ served the ir usual ta s ty dinner quite in'-keep ing with ■ the repu ta tion they have gained since com ing to W est Vancouver. Classes in A.R.P. work under th e auspices of th e I.O.D.E. will be held ev e ry Monday evenini? a t 8 p.m. in th e British Israel Hall, 120.12th E ast, North v T epuver. P hone W est 10.66-Ll, R E F U G E E c o m m i t t e e . The R efugee Cpmmittee will , m eet a t th e hom e of Mrs. R. Fid. des, 1346 Gordon Ave., on next M onday afternoon , October 21st a t 2 p.m. ' Mr. D unlop . of Gleneagles has moved, to V ancouver. • CARD OF THANKS I -wish to express my deepest thanks and ; appreciation, to all our friends,, for- their spiritual and temporal offerings, and for their truly'wonderful sympathy and help during my recent' bereavement. ' , ______ - GEORGE , R. PRICE. VERNON FEED STORE A; C. 8RARLB Phone West 9- --*__ Fertilisers of All Kinds^ ADCO Wood̂ Coal, Bnllders* Supplies •w ithdraw th e ir m eeting wi o rder th a t they m ay a tten d th e Young People's Rally in ^K errisdale^B ap tist-G hrurch i-- Tuesday, 10 a.m. -- The ladies m eet a t the church to do Red Cross work. __ W ednesday,, 7:45 p.m -- P ray er m eeting. ' ST. ST E PH E N 'S CHURCH Rev. F . A . Ram sey, R ector Sunday, October 20th 8 a.m<-- ^Holy Communion. 11 a.m .--M atins and Sermon! 7 :30 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser- Tke News mon. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. -- W. A. S tudy Group, I SL Francis-in-the-Wood ^ u l f e i ld 3 p^m.-T-Evensong and Sermon. th e following from th e Bible :- "Npw_ I beseech _you, b rethren , by the nante of our Lord Jesus "Christ, th a t ye all :s p e a lr^ h e ~ sam e thing, and th e re be ntr* divisions among you; b iit th a t ye be perfectly joined together ip th e same mind and in th e . sam e judgm ent" .(1 Cor. 1:10). . The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science te x t book,- "Science and H ealth with Key to the S crip tu res" by Mary B aker Eddy : "A tonem ent is the exemplification of m an's unity _wlth. God,-Whereby m an reflects- divine Truth, L ife, and Love. Jesus of N azareth ta u g h t and dem onstrated ni^in's oneness' w ith the F a th e r ,and fo r th is we owe him endless hom age." ' "Darling, I 've bought you a s i m.p 1 y marvelous w ashing- machine. You ju s t press a hut- Tni'i nvn,-l 4-1-k/̂ J! ;ton and the work's done. "S/rUh-hum--and who's going to pr^ss the bu tton?" Are you the new life guard? Why, yes, who are you? , Oh, ju s t the gal who's about to drown. Ladies... k e i^ F if in th e local P R O -R E G CENTRE A ctiv ities to su it all ages ____ ' Legion H a l l : ( fS th Street) Yriday^ 8 p.in. ST A R T ,T H IS W EEK L Mrs. S m y th e : "I always feel b e tte r a f te r a good hard ci*y." Mrs. S m ith : "So do I. I t sort ofr gets th in g s out of your system ;" D l^ T H OF W ILLIAM N. R E A M . SCOTTISH tO U N T R Y DANCE SOCIETY . The members and friends of th e W est Vancouver B ranch of the Scottish C ountry Dance So-W illiam N eadham Ream died enjoyed a p leasan t evening f ^ f«w i « ^^" cing, on Saturday , October Mrs. S m ythe: "No, i t doesn't sS -v iv ed 'b v ^ b is w ife W iidH'ed Miss Law son enter- gOt any th ing ou t of m y system Tnnn on b u t it does l e t th ings out^^^^^^ ̂ & r o S f v ' S v 17th Street. D ain ty refresh-- hiin'hnnri " . ^ ?P C liuich m ents were served, and A H ar- D on behalf of the tn q Kev. N. D. H. ^ n n o n t h of- m em bers extended, th an k s to fioiating, fo llo w ^ by co n m itta l -M iss La\vson fo r h e r kind hos m F o re s t Law n M em orial P ark . p ita lity . ' ' ' ^ ® husband." ̂ ̂ THB' W e st Van N e w s PnbUabied -Hrary Thursday Publiaher v . > F. P. LOVEGROVE Pliime West 363 Bnoineoa a n d . Editorial Office: 1704'Mariae Drtve Phone West 65 The regular bi-m onthly m eet- be-held in . the. LegionMi*, and Mrs. Clandy have nur- chased thh Palmer house on Had- Hail,'satu7daT'OctobCT*^2^'at chffe Ave.„ and are now occupy.. 8:15';p.m. AnV c * S i n g CORPORATION OF TH E D ISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER VOTERS ̂ LKT^ 1 9 4 1 included"!'e S e T T o y o t e " ?^ * Preparation.- See-.that your name is or Poll Tax, Holders must.afile a declaration Form<? T n 4 Notary Public or- the undersigned). J^ormg'may be obtained a t the Municipal Hall. ̂ . documeifts^^D°^f-ifr^T^^^®^S^ Deeds or' Agreements, m ust register their thev wSl rin^'m Office. Vancokver, B. C., otherwise c'aS„rvote"°on ? am e '? ;„p S !y ? Agreement m r e s i s t e d Deed Holder only'^v^t'f^dnfv^niTfV.^ ef which is on the voters' l is t shall vote the^CIork^ ryf authorized agent, -whose au thority 'sh " ' - P /ov incrand agent* shaU .b e a - resident of th< Such atrent qhnii f ^ I age/o f iT-w^nty-one years year until- hi«t ^ for. th e 'corporation from year tiyear untp ins appointment as ap-Ptif ic. 1-vear unHl- ^ i<ne'corporation iromnotice of' the e S a W " eanceHed ana the. Qerk has men+^^Aw^ on 31st October, 1940. and the.Eequire- ----- '̂oir-That Date!^--Above-M ust be-Gomplied with before 5:00 p.m,. Hollybum, B. C.,- 10/10/40. R. A. HARRISON, A cting ' Municipal Clerk. mg.^same. to join, will be welcome. N o r th V a n co u v e r O ffice: its Loxuidale AvaJ* ILOO^a yiear by'conrlar; 62.00 a year Bamid Lmndiy Ltd. , UNDENOMINATIONAL SERVICE : 'I w e I l ; l c i i o w n ' - ^ ' a t 7 p.m; Sunday, Oct. 20th FAAULYUUNDRT in the Dixie, Cottage a t Horseshoe Bay ' . ^Speaker: Mr. Alexander Scott Everybody welcome '-",1- Pbone N w th 1310 o r W<st.691L 7... :....................... ""t--. s i i S A N D , g r a v e l ; n a v v y J A ( a s p h a l t P R E M I X . : . Phone M A T E R I A M M M i mo r« i i i4l ALFiSLLlSgWest