Establlil»»d o v « ir™ ̂ Established over 16 yean. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Ambteside, Ho0bur»^ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. . , », . Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc, . ̂ ; ̂ bu per copy, r -■ :-.. . -.' : .j..̂.-,.. 1 ' ■ ... „i, t;r t ■' ■'VSuŴ. ■ » ■ Vol. XV H O L L Y B U R N P ,0 „ W EST V A N C O U V E R , B.C., T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 17th; 1940 N o . 27 FOOD PKICES IN BRITAIN There has been no increase in food p rices in B rita in in nito of the fac t th a t m ost o f Jher food s tu ffs a re im ported and nrices wholesale, re ta il, an d com m odity-- ip practica lly every Jmintry in the world have risen since th e ou tb reak of. war. This is because m ost of h e r essen tia l foodstuffs and raw materials are now controlled by the G overnm ent. U nder th is pontrol oome bacon and ham , b u tte r and cheese, im ported fiffirs condensed milk, cereals and cereal p roducts, fish and meat canned fish, livestock, all anim al feed ing stuffs, oils and fats, potatoes, sugar, and dried fru its . The main object of th e B ritish Governmient's policy, in which they have been very successful, is th e p ro tec tion of the Boorer classes. N ot Only is food abundan t, b u t i t is obtainable at prices w ithin th e reach of all. Indeed,! la s t M arch these prices fell 3.5 p e r cent, a s com pared w ith th o se fo r th e previous su g ar and b u tte r a re 4 he only th re e a rtic les ra tio n ed due to the efficient p ro tec tion of th e tra d e ro u tes b y th e British Navy, w hich has resu lted in 99 p er cen t, of all the food supplies shipped, to. G rea t B rita in reach in g h e r shores safely. ' ■ ' All this has not and is no t being accom plished w ithou t th e ei^penditure of a good deal o f th o u g h t and m oney. T he B rit ish Government, fo r instance , is spending betw een ^3,000 and ' ' £4 000 a week to m ain ta in th e price of flour a t i ts p resen t level, while it costs them £300,000 la w eek to control th e price of meat. Similarly, £250,000 is paid by th em every week fo r the control of milk. A ltoge ther, th e G overnm ent is spending £1115,000 a week in order- th a t- th e -p ric e s -o f-e sse n tia i-fo o d - stuffs may rem ain w ith in th e purse s tr in g s of every section W E L FA R E FED ERA TION AND R E D CROSS DRIVE PUBLIC "KEEP nT* CLASS POR LADIES HERE T imiTISH-ISRAEL li E: W. J . Keenleyside, chair m an of th e P atrio tic Services Bert Robinson will be the speaker at the regu lar Monday 25th and In response to numcrouB i r ^ ........... ................. .. questh of W est V ancouver real- evening m eeting a t -- ............. Appeal fo r W est Vancouver, an- dents, a public "Keep F i t" class Marine Drive. The subject, "O ur tic ipa tes an en thusiastic and fin- fo r ladies will be es tab lish ed b y French Allies," should, be a m oat ancially successful campaign on, th e Provincial R ecreation Cen- timely one and you are invited behalf of the Vancouver W elfare trea in the C anadian le g io n H all to hear Mr. Robinson. P ray e r F ederation and the Red Cross on IBth S tree t, th is Etrlday m eeting bn T hursday a n d ' Mrs, w hen h is W est Vancouver work- n igh t, October 18, com m encing Cornish'H Bible S tudy Group on ers, some 300 strong, begin th e a t 8 o'clock. Wednesday a t 2:30 p.m.'"** local canvai^s on the m orning o f Conduoted by M iss M arjo rie October 29. . R ivers of W est V ancouver, ex- A ssisting Mr. Keenleyside will perienced Pro-Rec in s tru c tre ss , be th e follow ing cam paign oom- these F itness classes will be es- m ittee : Vice - chairm en, Jack pecially adapted to th e physical needs of m arried ladies an d those h o t dei^irous o f pahtieulh)^ ly strenuous gym nastic ' ac tieA "as w611 as: jfor th e n M HALLOWE'EN DANCE BY BARBARIANS* AUXILIARY R ichardson and Mrs. W. B. Sm all; co-Vice Chairm an, Mrs, Don McDonald secretary, M rs. E . T h errien ; treasu re r, H arold O strom ; m en 's ^cragiyly-haired w itches, black cats- with gleam ing eyes, gob lins, and all th a t goes to m ake up the Mage,props o f Hallowe'en Eve will be in evidence a t The group leader, V;agile m em bers o f th e f a i r sex Ranch, Thursday, October 31st iromen's group^triwho might^be in te rested in v a ri- when tho GirlM A uxiliary to th eJack G ilm ore; women _ _ , . . ..leaders, M rs. H arold Ostrom and ous form s of dancing an d pos- West Vancouver B arbarian Rug- M rs. W ilfred M unton. sibly in some lig h t jpparatu^ by Club en terta ins a t a Hol- of the community. T he re su lt is th a t " th e ^ lb . loaf ds sold to the j)pn,sumer at; e ig h t pence instead o f te n pence h a lfpenny, which vvould be the" m a rk e t p rice w ifh o u rc o n tro l. The re ta il price of milk is seven pence a q u art, in s tead of e ig h t pence, and meat is tw o pence a pound cheaper th a n would be th e case w ithout'contro l. ' The above, how ever, does no t explain en tire ly th e p resen t abundance of cheap food in E ngland. F o r w ith^ the e x p e rt ad^ vice of business m en dealing ord inarily in th e se food stuffs, many of whom gave th e ir services free, th e B ritish G ovem - ment placed a n u m b er <rf fob(|,^eontraets in . th e B ritish Do minions and Colonies on th e ou tbreak o f w ar. W heat, fo r example was purchased at,J?he Jow est p rice fo r 300 years , th e w^ole exportable b u tte r s i i^ lu s o f New Zealand and A u stra lia was bought up as; w as one fu ll y ea r's cJrop o f W est Ind ian sugar in advance a t p re-w ar prices. T hus la rg e surp luses of_ C am paign headquarters have "w ork." I \ lowe'en Dance. f been estab lished a t th e Red Though som ew hat financially The club is now an nctiv ĵi ̂un Cfoss offices, 1944 M arine D rive, curtailed th is w in te r seaspn* tho of the Red Cross, and it a l^ f and local cam paign plans call fo r m ajo rity of th e Pro-Rec Centres does refugee work a t its week- a com plete door-tO-door solioita- th roughou t th e c ity an d the ly meetings. Proceeds from th is tion th roug h o u t a te rrito ry th a t Provinoe as a whole are* ex- affair will be donated to th e :^ rien c ih g a g re a te r influx fund for buying sU pplie^foF health-seeking memberŝ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ *̂ 't̂ ^̂ work. ' v , ever before, and i t is expected Miss D orothy Dpyaston is th a t -the- same.: w ill-hold - t r u e in generaLconvener,-^ assisted--by th e case of th e new W est V an. Miss Jeftn F o rsy th and o ther classes. ' , Foi:m er Pro-ReC^ thdsA in terested in thA^ P ro - Rec F itn ess m ovement,, w hich is gradually being c o p i^ across the Dom inion, a re inv it- ex tends from W hytecliffe to th e N o rth V ancouver boundary line. F rom th e n e t proceeds of th is -cam paign--thC -rWest - V ancouver sugar, butter, oils,, tea , m eat, and tinned foods have been ac cumulating in -G reat_B rita in , w h e re they _ ^ e s to red all over the country, and th e B ritish public are now assu red of p len ti ful supplies of s tap le food s tu ffs a t prices w ith in th e reach of all. 1 ' ' , ' : - -was-bombed-tind-shelled-for- the recent civil w ar in Spain by. the sam e k ind , of .G erm an aeroplanes-and gun^as-a i^e -now -battering_at-theJiub_of_our Red Cross Society will receive 5 % of th e airiouht allocated to Red Cross, in keeping w ith th e ag reem en t m ade by th e V an couver and W est V ancouver B ranches and th e W elfare F ed e ra tio n w ith th e G reater V an- , couver W ar C hest.'B y th e te rm s 'ed to listen to a special m essage of' th is ag reem en t: net-p roceeds- > from C hieT Fro-R ec .instructress, will be divided on a percen tage H ild a K e a t l e y who will be heard basis, 60% to th e W elfare Fed- over CJOR (600 ke.) a t ' 10:30 e ra tio n and 40% to th e tw o p ar- th is Satu rday m orn ing d u rin g tio ipating Red Cross branches, th e series of "Pro-Recs on P ar- Total o b jec tiv eo f .the jo in t d rive--ade'-'-b ro a d cas ts conducted by members' o f th e club. -There will be novelties and refreshm ents will be served. LEGIOIS NOTES is $690,000. -- The various -services rendered th is com m unity th ro u g h th e W est V ancouver W elfare A s sociation ,especially th e fine p ro f-fam ily -' '" a th le teBasil Robinson, noted and Rhodes Scholar. Added in form ation dii any phase o f the Pro-Rec program , m ay be obtained w ithout oblig- _atd:lie- P ro-Rec- headqnartr A general m eeting of th e Cans adian Legion, W est V ancouver B ranch will be held a t 8 p.m. to n ig h t (Thursday) in th e Legion H all."A full a ttendance o f . th e mem bership is asked for. Empire.* But life , in th e S panish capital w ent o n 'm u c h th e same, ju s t as in London to-day, and, w hen su rren d er cam e, i t came as a re su lt of th a t age-old nem esis o f . th e besieged, starvation. • < . .. . , ■ - • There w ilP be sta rv a ltio n . th is" w in te r in G erm any and Italy, and in all th e coun tries ovenrun by them , b u t no t in Great Britain, and th e re will be a ^ h o r ta g e of .war m ateria ls in thosd" countries before sp rin g "oonies, b u t n o t in G reat Britain. In th e fistic a ren a i t is th e blows on th e body and not on th ^ face, w hich rea lly hurt- _ ^ u r faces a re bleeding, b u t the blows w hich a re being daily ^ a l t to th e G erm an h e a rt and stomach by oju* N avy an d /A ir .Force will in th e long run bring the Hun down c rash in g fo r . th e count. carried; out by a p art-tim e w ork- ers, 789 W- Render (TRin. 3467). CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW . e r --from-T^the--Fam ily W elfare-- -----x vtjttdtwt V t -------------------- ̂ ot.- - mi - B ureau, and th e excellent ser- HOLLY BU RN HALL A C hrysanthem um Show will ^ vice provided th ro u g h , th e Vic- , ' --------- be held on W ednesday and to rian ' O rder o f N urses, will be A .special Y oung People's ;Ser- , T hursday, O ctober 30th and* supported th rough th e com ing vice illustra ted by views will be S l s t r in the H ollyburn Pavilion o ----held- at, 7:15 n.m . to-morrow hv fVie Wp<if Vflnronver C hrv-P a trio tic ' Services Appeal, th e local W elfare A ssociation receiv ing its g ran t d irectly a s a m em ber agency of th e V ancouver W elfare Federation. ' COUNCIL NOTES r e d * CROSS NO TES of th e hosp ital supplies, and Mrk. B ruce Sharpe, th e k n itted usual -- am id g arm en ts on display,! while and p a in te r 's T hursday and F riday , th e surg i- ca i; supplies dem onstra tion wiU ^ W alter E. G ilbert w ro te th e Council re Lot 10, Block 17, Cap. E sts . ̂ ' • T he w rite r w as advised th a t th e m a tte r has been review ed b y th e Council and th a t th e le tte r held- a t 7:15 p.m . to-morrow^^ by th e West V ancouver Chry- (F rid ay ), a t H ollyburn Hall, the santhem um Club. s p e a k e r ' being Bob Baker of All day on S atu rday of th is Vancouver. N ex t Sunday, th e week, the 19th in stan t, some 20 th ihst., th e re will be Sunday m em bers of th e clubi will sell School and Y oung People's Bible tic k e ts in the sto re nex t door to C lass a t 10 a.m-, a n d ja t 7:30 C hristenson 's Jew elry S tore a t p.m . a Gospel Service, when D. X522 Marine D rive-- one tick e t R. M acintosh o f Vancouver will fo r 15 cents, tw o tickets fo r 25 be th e speaker. N ex t Tuesday a t cen ts, family book of ten tickets, 8 - p.m . p ray er and m in is try -o f _ _$i,00. ^_____ - __- • th e Scrip tures w ith John Wal-^ lace speaking on th e subject, 'M ornings w ith th e M aster." M ILDRED'S DRESS SHOP OPENS H ER EBusiness as paint brushes. benches. *̂v,***«**....--.___ It's autumn house - cleaning be looked a f te r by M iss M ary Ju ly 16th be confirmed, a s th e time at the h ead q u arte rs o f th e C arm ichael and S a tu rd ay and question pne fo r th e ow ner to th e M onday will be devoted to a dis- M arine Drive, passed away sud- to th e Imperial Bank! T here you Canadian Red Cross, in p rep ara - p lay of refugee g arm en ts in The denly yesterday a t 6:30 a.m. a t . will be met w ith friendly cour .^on for "Open H ouse," n ex t charge of M rs. R obert W eir. ^ - - - - . -x . teginning O ctober 22. T he / Mrs. J . H. Redden and Mrs. A* f f Bi-Y boys are busy w ith th e re - A ngus M cA lister a re official in- K, D,L. 775 Ept. did n o t w i ^ to :u€onmfinn. i -i i. ■ ___ - iTito the oronosed : afiTTCê ^̂^ MRS. ARTHUR GARTHORNE ^ "Mildred" inv ites your inspec- PA SSES ~ tiofi and approval of h e r new M rk A rth u r G arthorne, 2217 shop a t 1660 M arine, nex t door as well a s p re- d irec t th e packing operations. Srln J for th e d isp lays.w hich , M rs. M. Phillips will look a f te r Va/ k th e w ork ing r e ^ s tr a t io n of visitors- rouhne of the h ead q u arte rs . . " - r - - -------------------- h. k week ev e ry th in g will POLICE COURT NOTES bright 4nd sh u n h g ah d ;?ead y ' ' pared to construct a 6-inch sew er from the sciatic ta n k down 17th S tree t to low tide m ark h e r residence, aged 70 years, te sy a t all tim es and special The deceased, who had liveo 'here o rders will be given prom pt and 27 years , is survived by her hus- personal a tten tion . "M ildred" band and ~one~ b ro th e r--in--O n r--w ish es" t e r b f i n ^ t c r "Mis&~West ta rio . F uneral services will be V an" up-to-the-m inute sty les in held a t 2 p.m. to-m orrow from popu lar prices ran g in g from th e H ollybiim F u n era l Home o f $2.95 to $8.95. Stock dresses H arron Bros. L td . w ith in te r- ra n g in g s. from sizes 12 to 38 i.- 1 4. 1*̂ Capiiano View Ceme- en tire ly -a t his own The Rev. ,Wm. Vafnee and th en convey the en tire p ro jec t D ingle will of-tnn,Ai„ a n a reaa y , J®"'® interested- v isit--_ A 4- f.via Wpqt VflTirouver Police' over to th e M unicipality. ̂ ficiateC ourt on W ^ n e sd a y m o rriin g o f T^e-proposaLwas-left-with-^t^^^ ; (special orders being taken fo r half-size dresses. She also stocks a sp o rt line including sk ir ts , b louses novelty sw eaters ski- ^ft^^^noon- A ta ll ,w h ite " la s t week tw o city au to is ts and .se t-up b y one local m o to ris t w ere fined inem hers m ark s th e $7.50 apiece fo r exceeding th e engineer w ith pow er . to ac t. Councillor Ray d issen ting unless, the^ Provincial H ealth A u tho ri- jack e ts , etc. a S g * S i n X e = tie s he f irs t eousulted.. win'k"',* branches-of the .work th e B r ^ c h 7 io i> p 7 ra tin g a t a speed exceed- biavi of th e *vari6us .d i^ imir th ir ty m iles an hour. 2*2nd and M arine Drive. A nother V ancouver m o to ris t w as assess ed : f 5!00 fo r d riv ing th ro u g h a s to p sign, w hile a fine o f $10.00 was imposed on a city au to ist UNDENOM INATIONAL SERVICE plays. y a n o u s dis- W R ""d Wednesday, Mrs. d ^ e n n d f f m e n t - in r th e -•■nomas will Ka in Afifnen-A, ing th ir ty ^ , M agistra te Gordon Robson re- m am s will b e in c h a rg e slaugh ter case. An undenom inational relig ious service will be held-in th e "D ixie C ottage" a t ' Horseshoe. B ay on Sunday evening," O ctober 20th , a t 7 p-m. Speaker, A lexander Scott. Everybody xvelcome. E L S IE DRESS & G IFT SHOP A s ah opening a ttra c tio n she The E lsie D ress and Gift Shop is , in troducing a new line of has opened in one--of--the h osie ry in a 4- th read chiffon sto res a t 2466 M arine Drive w ith ' w e ig h t in the la te s t shades, corn- fu ll lines of ready - to - w ear . b in ing luxury w ith durab ility . , w om en's and ch ild ren's dresses, - 'T h is m arvelous P enm an hose of notions, ete., all a t city p r ic e s ., re g u la r $100 value to sell a t 79c. R epairs an"d a lte ra tio n s are also ; So drop m - a t "M ildred's." 'I f done on th e prem ises. Mrs- E . G. = you d o n 't see it, ask ' "M ildred;" M cFarlane the p roprie tress, who \ .... ..........................-- has been in busitiess in the c ity , J P irs t M otorist! "I love th e ^ ___ ■ - _ * ________ 1_____ _ 4 f 1 . . . ____' a £ •fo r a* num ber o f y e a r s solicits beauties.of the countryside.^ th e p a t ro n ^ e of W est Vancou- Second Motorist: "So do I. ver residents. , Sometimes I give 'em a lift.'^