5̂fi*̂§«i s«?i? iMi 4 MLIIQI O d ^ IQth lâ ft s MIT H'S-M ARK-E-T I>lM««̂ W#it*4i"*"*"A # - l l t o V ^ illlitll-v^Mi<il»«**Wiiilil# 'f r * t HtUrftjr BiirHbt *> .. litiitlil^ AccMiil LEGION . WjV. WAR WORK i t PRICES GOOD FOR FBI. and SAT ̂OCT. Uth and 12lli ■..i.-̂.v.»,.', fi. Ji iffy ■'ĵ ':i .f!if?,. Ci*.lied & Whites Brand CAUEOTS andEKAS^Tall tin >r a t urn*m^*wt>*»»**■•***•****** Uc EimI & White LOESTBR MEAT̂ > Ytn, tin ..................'........... -.... !•« Ited & White TOMATO CATSUP-- in H'Ot. Itefrixerator BoUI« ....15e Clovcriaaf CHOPPED CI*AME-- 10f'̂ *oXw tin *12a Ited & White IIAETLEIT PBAHS-- Tall tin....................... I7c Nabob IIED PHTED CHEIIUIBS-- Tall tin .................................. 17c lied & White TENDER PEAS-- Sieve 4, tall tin A............... 18c Ited & White GREEN CUT BEANS--Tall tin ................... 10c MINCEMEAT--2 Iba...................25c MARSIIMAU/)WS~ Mb. cello bajf .................. ,......22c Red & White Brand Orange Pchoe TEA--Pound ...' .......... Ited & White Seville MARMALADE-- Engliah atyle. 3̂ ose. jar 24c .W ait'870 ^ . . MimMMKf POHE ' LAMB , a^BAL AU Ofida'A A At |lkU eA iM i# it P'r^ h Fiidi Daily ■ ̂ : pletid for paitoJs of cjothingi new' or in good oondition for "refiigifeo'*chtt& ftt"^and'"'ado!ts*^:w-* be shipped direct to the Can^ dian L ^ on Headquarters in liondon, England, where fhey will be distribated to the ̂ eedy. Anyone wishing to doiiato any artteea of clothing kindly leave Proi DcUvary them at the office of John Law- son, 17d4 Marine Drive, West I V a n c o u v e r , not later than Wed- . nesday, 16th October, as on that date the W.A, will be in the Legion Hall from 2 till 5 p.m, to make the final arrangements for shipping. Further informa tion may be obtained by phon ing West 229-y.. Service.." jL lD M u E R r^ n A lit^ .SW P t DOORS SE IN O i^S PLYWOODS LATH - PAINT I g g g o g R s - s u P m E s .WALLBOAED.^iv',v.;A*:,:- Agents: CANADA PAmr WMPANY LTD. j NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY WEST VANCOUVER l u m b e r CO- LTD. 16tb & Marine Drive ' Phone West 115 ORAN.GEB--BunkisL medium size, dozen ..*......... ...25c GHAI'EPRUIT, Californiii, 4 for 19c LK.MONB, SunkiMt, 6 for ................15c TOKAY GRAPES, per lb........ 10c C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classified AdVertlaements is 2 cents per word, minimum THE NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB GORDON ROBSON - Barrister & -------- Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 The next meeting of the Club a t Wo»t V a a c o u ^ ^ t.mo by will be held Wednesday, October appomtmont, W e s t m ---------------- 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all classl- nrn navablo strictly m Sidvauce, Remember Classifieds in the West Van. News get Immediate rjisulu. WANTED--SIx or seven room house east of 25th, ..reasonably priced. W est 548-M. " . 16th, at the home of Mrs. Colin g o o d HIGH LOT, snap, $225. Phone Ai'iM.KS--McIntosh, 7, Ibtf. ....... 25c M acL ean , 889 20 th s t r e e t , W est west, 648>M. Vancouver.'The meeting will be at 2 ;46 p.mV Tea will .1̂ served./ T earoe-^W hit^e ! The quiet iv^ddliig took place at 8 p.m. last Thursday in St. FVancis - in - the - Wood Church, A n. i. «rr.fl piettHy decorated with autumn I flowers, of Edith May, younger ----- --------- - - held in honor of Miss^Joan Shef- Mr.iand Mrs. Brans- Price, wife of George R. Price of held at her home, 1450 ZlBt tVhiLi nf .Teffersori Ave., 2282 Haywood Ave., passed Birthday Party MRS. ELIZABETH M. A, PRICE PASSES FOR SALE--New attractive Stucco Bungalow, hardwood floors, Pem broke tath . tiled sink, furnace, etc. LAWSON^^WALKER & P^IDE Opp, Holly burn P.O. West 66 FIRE HAZARD Protect your homo and contents. Rates less than % of 1 per cent! Percy T. Masterman, Real Estate ' Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077. ' FOR DRY CEDAR KINDLING phone Steve Lowrie, W. 256-Y. Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Agnes' PEMBERTON.REALTYCORP. LTD, H. A. ROBERTS I/TD. Complete Realty Service " 1429 Marine Drive West 640' jr nome, i«pu dsint jjy 2353 Jefferson Aye. Street, on Pnday ovening, ̂ i ĵchard Penryn Tearoe, tober 4th. Guests included the (Established 50 yW s) 418 Howe St. TRm. 1271. j . j^ W A R D SEARS. Barrister, Sol- away suddenly in her 54th year. ri{ . J' tober 4th. Guests included the p ie40 last Tuesday. Besides her;,hu;s- Mis^s A, Brookes, J. Maclav^ lliywood Ave., and the late Mrs. band, she is survived by one D. Shaman, Mabel Tearoe. The Rev. Canon brother, Patrick O'Donoghilie of Allen, M. Huntin^ord, G. Jolm- Q The Bombay. Requiem ma son; A. Clegg, M* Lauie, M. who* was eriven awav bv celebrated at 9 a.m. bo- Local Agent, , F Bayliss (Notary Public). ! 2436 Bellevuje. West 522-R icitor, 1466 Marine Drive: Phone W est 21. or W est 558-R-l. 7̂ 'J mass was i r , AA • c. i« T bride, who-was given away by celebrated at 9 a.m. bo-day by binith. M. Dawkins, bJ Bruce, L. f^ther, was attired in a pink the Rev. Father Van at St. An- AA....., ------- . . . . ~ \u rc h , followed by in- "̂ Gapilano View Ceme- Hollyburn Funeral MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304. Royal Bank Building. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North '822. ' ANY ROLL 8 exposures Developed. __Printed,_one 6 x 7 enlwgeiaent free, 30c. Barclay's Photographers, 1518 Marine Drive. FLOOR SURFACING--4. Sutherland. West 483 or North 678. Reynolds, Hoy, Turner, Dovm- wore Talisman roses and lily. Home of Harron Bros. Ltd. were 'g o r d ON GRAY -- insurance, all oyjL_i_.A_Je|̂ her̂ qii^̂ --of--thq~valley- ,̂en-corsage.--Mrs.--in-^ohargo--of--funeral--arranger--:--^ri8ks,-one-policy,-all-locations.-SE.y.- PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West! 1 0 2 2 - L . ___________ album wig'presonted to Tliss f. j, Rathbone, the bridVs sia- ments. Sheffield by her fellow workers 4991 or W est, i065-L l.. FOR-S^ALE--English~Pramj-$15.(l West 1135-L. *1' U in the West Vancouver Tele phone office. The occasion was marked by a happy thought for the refugees, and gifts of cloth ing were brought by the guests, and a small monetary collection ter, who was matron of honor, had chosen blue and eggshell sheer with matching turban and .blue accessories, and wore pink rosebuds and blue iris en cor- TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD GENERAL HAULING}--Manure, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned., Dump truck work. West 187-R 1 WANT 1 a seven room house in irigte:::; location and wish to trade sni'all house in K itsilano. as piart pay- 'ment. Wells, West 548-M. i- i -.u V, - i . '• Tl'- ■ I ?r̂ 1' ti " K" h..-4-- It was the good fortune of Guild members to hear Mrs. sage. Mr. Walter Tearoe, brother Douglas, Durkin, guest speaker ̂ of the groom, was best ihan, at the Clachan on Friday even- was made. A happy evening was and Miss Pat Albin was in ing last. Her topic was "The spent in games mid songs, end- charge of the music. History and Customs of the Ice- ing with ^jllghtful refresh-. Over one hundred arid fifty landic People." rnenta,, complete with ^ loed g-nests attended the reception Business of the evening in- birthday cake with 21 candies, later in the Clachan, when the" eluded" fwm^ and im^omptu rendering oi happy couple received under a Mundy, Mrs". J. H. Smith, Mrs. . Happy Birthday Jto Joan. large bell of white rose petals E. Nightingale, Mrs. E. Ther- 7 --------- ---------- T-r-- pjj pjnk; roses. Assisting them --rien.-Mrs. J. Sinolair McKay re- range ana sawuust. w esc xai-r. - LIONS' GATE ' in receiving were Mrs, Bransby poi'ted from the Book Club; m o n e y t o l o a n on weii.H«-nrpS BRIDGE TICKETS White in black sheer and lace Mrs. J. D. Hobden for the Local mortgages, $500.00 up; also build- T h ree ne\ri;ype8 of commuta- with matching jacket and hat Council. ' ing loans. Quick service. C. J. lion ticket will be issued on the and corsage of Talisman roses. BiiaiiiesH o.oneliidftd with Mrs Archer Ltd.. West 225. - WESTERN WOODWOBKERS-Store and 'house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. ^€ASH FOR JU N K -- Bottles, rags, ! Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arin e - Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup- V plies. Baby Garments, Notions, China ware," Hardware. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; bricky and ' stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, . -North 811-R-2.. TO RENT--Four room modern- bun galow available Nov. 1st. Will sell LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. PAPERHANCiiNC}, Painting, Kalso- ' mining; first class work, a t reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R. miMM 4 7 'H * 1 „ -A-'V- /' '.V**? - Lions' Gate Bridge, commencing, and,Mrs. H. P . Tearoe, wearing Ostrom's detailed report of the $375.00, v ie w l o t 64 x 145 clear- RE-ROOFlNG-rGENUlNE DUROID October -10th ,- 1940i---The - new -navy- blue :crepe-wi th matching-- work being done by- guild^mem^___ed.-_Bdst-location~--- ^ ̂̂ -Shingles, --attractive,-- p̂ermanent f l types of ticket are of the punch- accessories and corsage of roses, hers in connection with the ed variety and will be as under; The toast'to the bride was "Country Fair/' ' (a) Weekly Auto Ticket proposed by Mr. P. C. Chap- .The Book Club of the Guild (limited to 24 trips)--$1.25. rrlan, and responded to by the will meet at the home of Mrs. (b) '° Auto .12-ti'ip Ticket-- 'groom. Webber, 136 27th; Strieet, next 'SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive West 719 FOR RENT-^B^-sitting room with private • washroom. Meals optional. West 734-R. Have roof measured how; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. P. V. Findlay.^ W est 494-B. $2.00. m'r The bride's table, covered Monday at 2:30'. Miss M. Bar- LOST on Marine Drive, Ladies' sard r l t h a T W o d l i X i r O o l f k f V l t i r a o w i l l ' ' k . r ' n - n i T V T i l ________ TUT A .onyx ring. Reward. Phone MArine 2431. .■3 ii !i - ' "'4?' ■ sMifte 1 d i ; ' ■;o , (c) Passenger'25-trip Ticket with a Madeira cloth, was row will review "Nemesis" by --$1.00., I \ graced by a three-tier wedding Douglas Reed. Visitors will be These tickets take the place cake embedded in pink tulle, a welcome. respectively of the existing: Ihrge white wedding bell over- ------- (a) Weekly Auto Ticket head with pink and white The Guild unit of the Red ________________________ (number of trips unlimited) -- streamers extending to the _Cross Home Nursing will re- f o r r e n t -- Attractive fnri,i«»hPAl $1*26. table corners. The tea table, cov- sumri classes beginningrWednes- ̂ Bungalow, West Bay, fireplace, FOR SALE --̂ H o t Point Electric stove; very good condition, $16. West-465-R2. ' COMPLETE NCITARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed.' Real Estate* Insurance, Rentals R. P.^ BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L * '■v? -- (b) Auto 12-trip Punch Card ered with a lace efoth, was day, October 9th at 7:45 p.m., ~$2.00.________ - __________centred with a huge,bouauet_of at the home of Mrs. A. 'Thomas, (c) Passenger 25-trip Book of 'mums and other white flowers 2748 Marine Drive. Those wish- Tickets--$1.00, It will 1 ̂seen frem the ,above plaque flanked by pink tapers. J, Fox, West 457-R£ that the change Is mainly one Presiding at the urns were Mes-. ----- --̂:-- --------'......... -- of form and the price of com- dames_Ashley . Cooper, ' W. H. The Ambleside Cribbage Club near beach, immediate possession. West 69-M3. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE-^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . - A » u I • ' 1 • J 1 . RENT--Two room 2nd floor suite-in a cutglass bowl on a glass mg to enroll should notify Mrs. home, close' to ferry. Call1̂ ----- .. 1 . T T. --- ---------- HA- C------Mr. Spence. West 8iS GORDON ROBSON -- iBarrister & ' Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est Vancouver any time by appointndent. W est 403. - r l J i i f ' I 'mS§m ssiii-i W:. %rl i lS i s /Si , M k JS' ' ' l i i'Vi : m slliii? M ' h'% ̂ M ' '.a "r '4 i i - -mss ' rauLition tickets remains un- Gray, Tom Hopwood, all of Van- will commence the season at " " K w J- 1 . U M Richa^ Tearqe, Mrs. Carley's Tea R6om on Fri-Weekly ticket holders will in while Mesdames R. Tidermgton day evening iutui e be requii^d; for purposes arid F, Bradstreet and the Misses ' - *-- ■ of I'ecord and in the interests of Joy Tearoe, Phyllis Whittleton, safety, always to come to a full Marjory Whittleton, P e g g y stop at the toll booths. The Garty, Doris Carty, Carman method of punching tickets that Johnston, Edith Gray, Dorothy IS to be adopted is designed to Halstead, Edith Daniel, Marjory cause the minimum of delay to Daniel, Josephine Ketchum, Lou traffic and eveiy assurance is Williamson, acted as serviteurs. felt that no ti-ouble will arise in The happy.couple left later for once the patrons Victoria, where the honeymoon an dtoll collectors become fam- was spent, the bride wearing a ih^ with the system. It may be brown fur swagger coat over her pointed ouf t̂hat the punches and wedding ensemble. On their re- -tick^ts-to-be-used-are^imHarfo- t ur n th^v^U-reside-Ar-1545--I ROOM AND BOARD available near, bus and ferry. West 1075-L. FOR REINT--Furnished home, mod ern, Ferguson's Island, Pisher- ■ man's Cove, Whyteeliff 546. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc i CO spraying, first class work, mat-7 erialsrguaranteed. Terms arranged.^ P. Gaines, W. 974-L. FOUND--Caulfmld, black and white North Shore Roller Arena fPrmger spaniel. Phone Whyteeliff 506. ̂ . HOLLYBURN RIDGE Log Cabins to ren t or purchase. New ski grounds. Phone SE ymour 7949. LADY WILL SHARE HOME or rent some rooms. W 627-L. LOST--Esquimalt o^ 14th, cheap brooch with blue stone. Keepsake..̂ ' Reward. Phone West 55. ■: ■ III' m ■ w 9 i m i f l/ Si* S i those inroperation on a well Duchess Ave. known toll bridge where a far ̂ ̂ ^ ^ heavier volume of traffic is handle without the slightest delay. Relationships between th e public using the Lions' Gate Bridge and the management of the bridge have always been of the most cordial and it is con REGULAR. SESSIONS; Monday tp Friday, Children (a fte r school) 3-5:30, 15c Saturday. Matinee I 2-4:30' (all school students) 15c Matinee Every. Day- special , for Adult beginners -- 2-4430r-25c-=------------ FOR SALE--Reaf buyj waterfront, 8 room modem home, 2 fireplaces landscaped gardex.. W. 148-M3.-. " C()^MFORTABLE ROOM -- Private ome, Altemont, 1 block city bus, l*osrd optional. W. 1137-Ll FOR SALE AU enamel McClary "Jubilee" range with burner and copper eoil.s, installed; like new. West 183-M. There*U be iaii eration in the future will assure timiance of this happy (*o-op- the sheets of the new tickets. Saturday Mornings Children under. 15 years 10-12, 10c Monday to Friday, Adults . evenings 8-10:30, 35c - Saturday Night Sessions 8 -lt, 40c Spectator^ all Sessions. 10c A ftem ^n Sessions are specially for Beginners mid Ladies' afternoon parties 135 W. 1st S t, North Vancouver Phone North. 1735 owned low milpcxm* i FOR SALE. -- In good condition, nickel plated Fawcett circulating heater, $20, W. H31-L. S ; w * im T ' ""j"* " " wl>ole_ o r part time. W. 1128-L. FOR SALE -- Pro Trumpet (silver plated) and case. Good condition. Snap; $1^ W est 8S5-M". 15. acre 7 cottage, furnished hvesteck.. Taxes $4.70; $2,850. W.* FOR, S A L E ^ Chesterfield chairs, brown stamped velvet^^Uton car pet, good conditiono. W est 448^L., e x c h a n g e Duchess, ^ T r ^ T \ ~ Z "Pedittee" W ois^Y ® c ^ g e . EXCHANGE--Nfew Portable Under wood . t 3T)ewriter for electric se ing machine. W. 332-M -- '"^®Ll. furnished suite, must be ^ r m . Phone W. 650-L, TO RENT--A nicely furnished rw», .ground floor; board optional. i Clyde A ve,. . ..