'mmMwM sA.w'%-f7* MM MiMH 10th, 1 ^ 0 . S • t i i e " S T O i^ ; • oGOSSARD** i^ iJN D A IIQ N GARMENTS - fit t in g s JBY_BXPER1ENCKD.-C0RSEXIEB - B^astk Coroelette--ii2«i.Siniplicity*̂ A |»opular K iT size^ 32*39.'PaIr ....$5,60 r'ombliiiation Corsalette-- Sixes 3r,.39. Pair .............. .$5.00 Sisas S. M. h, Pftir"ia.w.w;^iife$2^5:: ilcM»k Around Girdle-- Sisiss ,26-81. Pair .....................:$2.95 : Front Lace Corsets-- Siim«2&42«4Pair< 1578^»«AIUNB BErVE V F e s t ¥ a i i E O U ^ e v v4 L i | i e f f a l JAL8 8 n . ANN0AL MEETING TUESDAY,; Oc'fdlier,' YStht^ ae • 8 p .n i., ; in liEGlON HALL Business :-E L E C T IO N < O F OFFICERS. ' ' 'p ' ■ ' , .All npiembers are requested to attend. W E S T V A N CO U V ER KINSMEN CLUB ■'.w Have your Coiffure made charming for THANKSGIVING>at' S B e < i€ 4 ^ ' 1370 Marine Drive 'A cross frohi Safeway'* Phone W est 331 EEK ENG SNAPS ^ LaSalle d e la t o r Heater, large, s iz e ...... :.................... ..;$25.00 EnteiT)rise Priiice Range, waterfront............................. !'22.50 Regal Open Face Heateir, new condition. Snap.............. : 14.50 T ^eatty Washer, late model, porcelain tu b .............49.50 Beatty Washer, wood tub,'agitator , type ....................... 29.50 Pi'emier Junior. Vacuum^ ...... ,10.00 HOLLTBURN FURNITURE 1476 Marine Drive .. _____ _______ . , _ .VVest 711 ___ ' fTou Can See vThe Difference" l NELSONS XAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY ^CLEANERS - DYERS C.C. FINNEY:;LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 ' St. John Ambulance Home Nura- son Ave., returned, Mondayrfrom ing' Class please call at Mrs, a business trip of several weeks' Freemantle^s,' 1751 Hay wood duration* in - Alberta. Ave., Saturday mght, October. ♦ * * 12th, at 8 p.m, , . A son," WUUam Bryce, was '* * * ' born on 3rd October jn the :Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Vass, of North Vancouver General>Hos- :the Hjollyburn Block, 16th and pital to Flying Officer and Mrs. ' Marine Drive; have moved tem- B. R. Cozens, 324G Marine Drive, porarily into a house at 8888 ' . * .* Radcliffe Ave. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Jackson, * * * 2160 Argyle Ave., have as their ' Captain and Mrs. W. J. Kane house guests Mrs. Jack Jahreii, have returned to their home at of Calgary and Miss Shirley G. 1258 Marine Drive after an ex- Williams of Edmonton, daugh- tended motor trip in the Pacific ter and granddaughter o'f Mrs. States, during which they visit- Jackson, ed the 'Sari ̂ Francisco Exhibition, ♦ ♦ * and'the* Shasta Dam. They also Association bronze .imedals oeniiett s BAKERY BUTTERCUU8T m tB A P SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. Apple, Raisin, and Mince meat Pies, 15c Each Scotch Meat Pies 5c each " 6 fo r'25c . ' Sliced Wrapped Bread ^1468 Marine Dr. t%one W. 27, Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. pet. 10th, nth And iath October 1 2 th . 'H elp K insm en C harities visited relatives in Yosemite have rrieeri awarded at the. B.C. Park. - ' * * Artists' Exhlbit^n to the fol- * * lowing: Miss A. l^y for TOM WALLS 'Strange Boarders' "WINGS OF YOUTH" Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Tea- her pastel work/ "Rocky. Moun- roe have returned from' their tain Sjtudy"; Mrs. Irene Hoffar honeymoon and are now occupy- Reid ^ r h ^ black and whiff ing;a house a t . 1545 Duchess ,drawing^"̂ e . Valley," also an Ave. , " ■ honorable mention to Miss Lor- *|i ̂ ' raine E; Hodge for her oil "Hap- :Mrs; Montgomery has moved piness." from Ambleside into a house at , i ,.2842 King's Ave. A son,'Michael Ernest, -was * born to'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie'E. ' Miss J e a n Stanton, 25th Grant (nee Mary E. Oliyer),'last 'Street ,is progressing favorably , Thursday at the Varioouver.Geii- in. the North ̂ Vancouver General ,eral Hospital. Hospital, where she recently , * # ♦ .underwent an .operation. j, ' Mr. and Mrs. Hyndmari ihaye * ♦ I rerited Captain Snoddy's house 'i Miss Madge Speck,j25th and at West Bay. -Bellevue Ave.,;; is making good ̂ ̂ / , , ■ ~ ■ ' ; progress , in the Nbrth Vancou- Last week-end W. M. -Davies, ver-General Hospital, where rshe who took up goli^only.. a_:Week is a-patient. ' before, got as. big a thrill as'he ♦ ♦ ♦ is ever likely to get out of'the Mrs. Hanbury of Vancouver game, by sinkii^ his ^ ^9^ has...mbvM'̂ tb"'"a ■ house""W^ SATURDAY EVE., AND MONDAY Ottobiu* 12th and 14th - CONRAD VEIDT « **U.*Boat 2 9 " also ■ •HOLLYWOOD RECREATIONS" "MONTMARTRE MADNESS" MATINEE MONDAY IF RAINS IT rUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , October 15th . and 10th IRENE' DUNNE CARY GRANT "My Favorite" W ife" Marine Drive- at West Bay. is a 250 yard blind hole, known , as "Denty Den," the green ly- The float at Dundarave Pier iiiF 1*̂ ̂ hollow at the low^ end has; been', taken round to Fish- of the old orchard. I^o'Carey -(once-only--at-8:15 )- . ulso "LA CONGA NIGHTS" erman's Cove for the winter. FoUey-f^toneman .' At ,the UnitedTfihurch. in West tVancouver on, October 6th, Rev. W. Vance .united in. marriage ■ Muriel Stoneman, eldest .daugh- . ter of MrsTi E. Scott, 2392, King's Ave., West Vancouver, and Mr. was coaching the beginner' and feels that he must be quite a teacher. W . M. Davies was so overcome with his unexpected success that he called it a day. Engagement , . -Mr. and-Mrs. John Cathcart- _______ * ______ Young, 1466. Marine Drive, a n -, ; RobertVHowardJFolley^ ̂only son pounce, the engagement of thdr of , jar.;.and Mrs. H. P; FoUey, only daughter. Hamet Cathcart, ,1895 West 12th, Vancouver. The to Charles , James.ronly son of . . 1 •___1- 1___ Mv nrifl Mva P.hnrlp.q .Tonn D nr- E xtra Special Fir Slabs and liis i^e Fir) mixed eQ 0 0 cord, C:O.D. = P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 - . bride,, given in marriage by her and Mrs. Charles John Dur- stepfather, Mr. E. Scott, ..was way . of .Spokane, ̂ Ŵ^̂^ attired in a-navy . tailored • suit wedding will take place ;with navy accessories, and wore quietly on Saturday, November -a ..corsage of pink , looses7 and̂ ̂ l :30-p;m;,-m-St. Steph swansonia. Miss, Irene: Shirlaw was senior bridesmaid and . wore a navy pin striped- dress,, navy accessories'and her . corsage was - of . gardenias. Miss . Beryl , Scott, .sister -of the bride, was the jun- • ior bridesmaid and wore a . blue t velvet -princess jdres ̂ i-with a en's Church. Miss Young is well known for hef ̂ work - in radio dramatics while'her fiance is a graduate of - Washington State' College. SPEUAL Sawdust ............. ..$3i60,per unit Dry Slabs ......... „$6.00 per cord Inside-Fir;-- . - from- Bhed-........$0.^00 per-cord- from mill ..... ..$5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark, $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 ' Sulley--Bennet A t ! a quiet̂ ^̂^̂ ŵ at the peek-a-boo hat of the same.mat- city Home of her mother, on -erial̂ trimmed - with-pink and JE îday aftemoon, ̂PVances Mary, blue' flowers and carried a col- .daughter of Mrs. Bennet and the lonial bouquet composed of .pink (-latei F. A. Bennet of Vancouver gladioli and w hitean d blue .and Victoria..became the bride :daisies.-Miss Helen.Vance play- -pf Mr. W. Kenneth Easton Sul- -^ed-the-weddirig-music.-^------------ 4 ey^only--son-of-Mrs.-SuUey^f_ i -- The reception* was .' held at .-Caulfeild and the late William .the home of_the bride'& parents. Sulley. Autumn leaves and flow- 'Mrs. Scott in a navy;dress with ers formed a, colorful setting for navy accessories-was-assisted in the ceremony, at which- Rev. :received by the groom's mother George Wilson officiated. Mrs.-H. P. Folley, -who wore The. bride wore a tailored a- rose dr ŝs with liavy . acces- model frock of ciel blue silk and sories. wool, crepe, with, matching felt The happy couple left by car ohat -with an /outstanding ĉ uill, for the ihî erior where t^ ' moon will' be si^nt'.JUpon' tHeir ' return ̂they will :̂ reside in . Van couver. She* wore a, cojrsage of Talisman iCOS€S« Following the cq rem p n y , ,whi6h was. witnessed only by .the immediate families, the Ens'ai?eiiieiit ■" ̂bridal, party attended the after- Mr and Mrs Walter Halstead five gathering at'which Mr. arid . 18iL In^wood.Afe.v.'apnounce ' ^ w S d in T Wp fiy r?® IriPr^l^rothv^' to motor the bride donned a full- length c6at of .black wool and-a ̂ scarf of silver _fox€S over wedding ensemble. Most invitatioos come by :_teIephone.^ . , Nowadays most invitations ' come by telephone, , , People without telephones - often miss many pleasant social : .affairs, because others, easier' t to reach,.are asked instead. . Loneliness goes out w hen the . telephone comes in. ward William Tearoe; son of M r r H '^ r 4 'e a ro ^ l6 4 0 '-H a y w o o ^ Ave., and the late. Mrs. Tearoe. \The . wedding will 1;ake. .place at ■?St. Stephen's Church on Novemr tber 7th 1940 aL8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Sulley will re side in the city. JAPAN RESCUE MISSION . . ? 1 t f . r Ci, t' r 4 1 ' EXPERT W atch ' and^^\€loclc repairing T. CHRISTBNfiipN (formerly with .-Birlcs-Ltd., . Montand) . 1522 Marine' D rive. • ' The*, regular monthly prayer meeting, on behalf of the Japan Rescue .Mission, will be held (P.V.) Thursday, October 17th. at 8 p.m.. in the home of L. Hib- berd, ̂1136 Jefferson Ave. All interested friends are cordially nivited to attend. , » BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. ' 'T h er way some girls is dressin' these . days it will soon be hoop skirts, bustles, sun bonnets, er nothing. . )■ V 7.