«Si»iiysŜ »̂i-'̂ l!;*S®lifeaufe*(W£tWĥ ""i •;■■■,J J t-»̂ , ,finv,vl5 ,. «*-. --„«ŷ ,N,̂ .T,vV.Wt»'W'-'̂ '̂ -J'̂ *"'»<!i*5!'f"S>»«-'*r"»".--»-'-' <«• ■■ wiEsr r m ^ m m m m v i ^ <Sor» Jtlti 4c Efqtttiiudt'Airttf -' nm , w. vm cE, b^ iM ^ r ' 1968 Fulton* Avtutt* StuMUty S«rvleMi UiMiiu'A«7lKlpw Birmgtatg cskI Vliltorii «t« w tSm im The 1 9 4 0 Pompadour B h fttB t c m c K U0 f, m. L tm e h Bitiitilsy' SiVfioii ̂ ̂ ' ~ :llOm ̂ 1 WtmMf 10:00 'elndlsS' A4olfc__ 11 ft.tn;'A 1 tW p :u p -^ "iM M n g Sernsiitek A btaiiy wokoMt to «U In u highly vor«tttilo ttffttlr, iti ovory truly Kood hair iaithion ahould bo* If you con'l wour it alroigHt back thoro ia tt modified aide pompadour that will bo JuHt the thing for you* . Wo aro ready to ^orvo you with Hkilled hair Htyllug, Gwendolyn's I. Beauty Shol^pe Creatora of Baclihfive I*ormaii«iiU« 1646 Marine Driv« HOLLYBDKIf HiUX i4ib and Dnehoia Friday, Oct, 11th a t 7:15 p.m. Special Young Pooplo'a Ser-' vice, llluatratod bĵ vlowa. Speaker ;Mr. A*- Morning. Sunday, Oct. 18th a t 10 a.m. Sundoy School -and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening a t 7:30 GosiMjh Service. Speaker. Mr. Eric Hunt, of Vancouver. Tuesday Evening, Oct* 16th a tS Prayer, nr,d Ministry of the Scriptures, Speaker: Mr* John Wallace. Subject; 'Mornings with the Mustori" WEST VANCOUVEE Science (Society 'c i» r B i) ' i« fe K ' ~ ' m k * ^ ^ 'muirnBlU Hallfbum This Society is a Branch of^ Tho Mother Church Th« F i m Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, } jllassachusetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, October 13th,' SUBJECT: ♦̂Are Sin, Disease, and . i Death Keal?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Mooting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. Monday, October 14th Thanksgiving: Service The public ia cordially in- vlted to attend our aervices and meetinge, > IHunter's Miss Hunter apologize to her patrons for the inconvenience "'IfeABŝ dl by'dosinic the <«<*?»§ • B usiness as usual on and a fter Sat., Oct. 12th " r r - NELLIE HARRISONVJJ-"m"î ^̂ PIANO;AND THEORY 1940 Succeflsea--B.C.iMuiscal, 1 F irst, 2 Seconds, 1 Third Toronto Conservatory--First In. B.O. Silver Medal, Grade 5; (Vancouver, First in Grade 8, Second-Grade l,^Third In Grade 7. Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avd.____________ _̂______ West lOSC-L West 117 DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. - /DENVIST X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr*, OfTico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by,appointment. , Phone West 72 - V ? DR. McRAE D E N T I S T foriherly^ of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 0 ~ Evenings by appointment. 1$60„ Marine Drive Weet 432 ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ?a8tor Sunday Services Lo)v Mass --f 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon a.m. . Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class~2:00 p .m .,, Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. WEST. VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor 1: Robert H. Birch, Services: Sunday School, 9:46. Sunday Services -- 11 t.m, and .7:30 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. k \ Ramsey, Rector ed gAr .:;g l t i»e STUDIO OF MUSIC InairucUon in Violin, Viola, Violoncello, and all Theoretical Subjecta II , STAFF: , Edgar C. Glyde, L.T.CL.,. L.Mus. T.C,L., L.RA.M, Elfrcda SewelL X.T.C.L., L.R.AM., Violin Dorothy Murrell, A.T.G.L., Violoncello ' STUDIOS; , Vancouver: Studio 4, Alma Academy,'3679 Brodaway West! BAy. .'{511 M ' i ' "'U' West Vancouver: 1063 Duchess Avenue *T-r DEATH OF ROBERT DINtiLE 10:15 13ih 8 a.m.-~Holy Communion. 11 a.m.---Matins and Sermon. 7 :30 ;p and 'Ser- ■■■i\i;?CIaulfeild' i- 9:45 a.m.-^Harvest Thanksgiv ing- Service------------,---------- Fridays--Rosary, Benediction Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.:--Ingle- 7:45.' wood W.A. meeting.. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 ------------- :--------- ----̂ t̂o-84S0-p.m,-:--- ^ ^ -------- M alyem 'Cafe 1512 Marine/ Drive > Breakfasts, / Dinhers, ,«. Lunches, Teas i .Catering for, Private Parties :' W. Nicholson, Prop'r. Tel. W. 616 HIGH SCHOOL TO LAUNCH WAR SAVINGS CAMPAIGN Eatablished on North Shore 25 Year* (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. . .LTD. funeral iir^ to c s HoUyburn Funoiml-Heiiie 18th and Ararine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors _ J 2 2 W est. Sixth: S treet _ Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone P'alr, 134 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Itev. William Vance, Minister EAPTIST-eHURCH- Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. H arv e s t Thanksgiving Show it with Rowers, fruits, vegetables, and praise. 10 aiih.--The Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Dr. J. G. Brown ̂Prin cipal of Union College, will be 7:80 p.m.--Rev. A. C. Bingham, Thanksgiving and ■ Home Services. 11 a.m.-- Pastor's s u b j e c t , "Thanksgiving in Wartime." , Continuing the story of Pil grim's Progress for the young worshipers. the special preacher this " morning. 7 7:80 , p.m.--Special Thanksgiv- Baptist ' t' Cl" ^ ■̂1 l-k ON NY HAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1841 ManiNt omvK waar soo , , A.n.T.'ftf a(X , of the Grandyi^w Church will preach. The choir will render special music bo^ morning and even- *' '.ing." • • "/ ■ 7 7 The Church Schobl and Adult Bible Class meets at 10 ofelock. jn g music by the choir and obngregation. Sermon, "All His Benefits." . ' 7Make Thanksgiving more than -a ' holiday_____ '-- -̂ ^®-Church_HalLwas_well filled - Monday--The^young-people will oit-Tuesday ,_October-lst,-for-the--... -4iold ̂ ioU*egular-meet-ing,--but- sponsored by the are .meeting at the church at W.A. The. speaker for the after- ' 10 a.m. to go on a hike, noon was Mrs. Harold .Hemming, Wednesday, * 7:46 .p.m. - who charmed her listeners with . Mission Circle will ' an informal talk on wartime con- IT 1 * ■ '̂'iA -1 f ! ' '■iVp 'ASii; . -itv! h i W w V e r n o n PEED STORE A. C. SBARLB ^Phohe West 9 Fertilixers of AU Kinds, ADCO^ Wood, Cpalr~ Builders' Supplies '4 Ip'"1 I I 1 t I f II' ' $ Ia a » i iM h ' " I i "P h: ■it ! The News ditions in Britain and of her life in Germany and France. Sev eral pleasing vocal selections "were rendered by Mrs. Donald' ]JR^s. The-October meeting of the 'Wi'M.S. will be held on Tues- 'day'lSth inst.; at 2:15 p.m, and, bbing the Autumn Thankoffer ing, a good attendance is'hoped "̂ r^Mrsr-H, "T, Radcliffr~ leader of the ̂kindergarten class at First United Church will be the guest, speaker, and her address will - be -followed by -tea and a ^social' half hour with music. * Members > of the Vesper Group And' other young people interest- ediare welcome. The Mission Circle* will hold an open meeting. Mrs. C. / M.' Staines will address the meet ing. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Robert Dingle, 16th Street, West Vancouver, member of jthe staff of. The Daily Province, eld- est' son-of Mr. .and Mrs.-^R îG. » Dingle, of New Westminster-and grandson of the Rev. John Dingle, Vicar o f ' . Lanchester,, CJounty Durham, . . passed-'away i early ^esday morning after an emergency operation, leaving to mourn his loss his wife and; in fant son, George, and a brother, That . .each pupil purchase Jeffery, in England, a sister,- $l;50-worth;-rof--War-Saving-s- Peggy and «brother, Edwin in Stamps by, Christmais will be the New-Westminster. ..The funeral , first objective of a peppy War took place torday at , 8:30 . Saving's Campaign to be launch- f i M ~ H n o i x ~ T 1 'lT r r i i r y ^ a th = -- b d 7 ^ n " W e^t7 :V am R > T w ei^^ edral, *NewT' Westminster, .the. School ̂next* week.'Bob Shackle- Rev, Canon d'Easum, assisted by ton, chairman of the student's the Rev. J. P. Dingle , officiating, -war saving's oommittee, made] Interment -will take place in the this-announcement recently. The old Masonic . Cemetery,,-.New committee, formed by the Stu- Westiffinster. dents' Association comprises ----------------------- . Bob. Shackleton, Gordon Bradley REFUGEE COMMITTEE: and. Eric Broderick. .-James R. Her Majesty the Queen has Mitchell, principal, ̂ Miss K. graciously loaned the.Princesses' .Brelsford, Miss J. Paradis, and dolls to the NationaL Refugee "E. I. Lane form a special staff _ Committee-for__.benefit exhibit. -Committee- ̂ working with the The dolls will be sent on aLrans- students. Canada tour starting ot .Ottawa A booth, constructed by the ..in. October. Particularsjjregard-__Art_andJPractical, Arts' depart- , ing-an-exhibition.in Vancouver .ments, will ..be erected in the will be announced later. main hall.'Pupils^will buy War . ..The committee is .sorry to Savings!-Stamps', at the booth, hear that Martin Rice, young which will , be looked after by -guest o f 'Mrs: D.TMcTavishT is; students from* the school's ser- -iaid-up with a^spfained.foot. ~viCe"clubs7"~Graphsrm"the"form -The meeting of the Refugee of battleships, one for each class, Committee has been postponed will be blacked ih^The class first until Monday, October 21st. to reach: its quota will receive a For information phone Mrs; reward. - l F. A. Walker, W. 487-L, ,or Mrs. --- ■■ 7------- --̂ R. Fiddes, W. 193-R. Mr.-and-Mrs. .McGowan and , , *~77i7 -- r -- , family, who?have-been in-the Mr. and Mrs. Beach, 14th and north for some-time, have re- F ulton Ave. have moYed to the turned to: their. :home. at 2248 Marine Drive.. " ■W&W5' *5!' BADMINTON Racquets, Shuttlecocks Reatrings and Supplies Specif Club Prices FRED JONES BICYCLE SHOP 1439 Marine "ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND _ DEATH REAL?" will be * the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in , alTChurches oLGhrist, Scientist, -on Sundays -- - The Golden Text is : "He that is our God is- the God of sal vation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death" (Psalms 68:20). ' Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is .tjie following from the Bible. "And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive"; (Matthew.. 2X :22) . The. Lesson-Sermon Mso in- the following -passage A' I )*< U #L^|s ' 17̂ 7' t x f U ki" THE W est Van News *Fubl|ihed ETaryPYharaday ^ Publiaher P, P. LOVEGROVE PhonelFest 363 -Bttshkeas and ^lutorlal Office: .̂«1704 Marine -Drire ^Pho]le West 65 RED^CROSS HOME NURSING CLASSES . Classes will commence Tues- day/evening,:at 8 ,p,m,, October eludes _______„ under Mrs. J. W. Lang, from the Christian S & n ce 'tS - Wedpsday afternoon, 2 p.m., book, "Science and, Health with Octeber' 16th, under Mrs. B. A. Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Jay,.:and Wednesday evening, 8 Baker Eddy: *.*The prayer that p.m;, for members of Towns- reforms the sinner : and heals women's Guild, under Mrs, D.' H. ' the sick i? an'absolute: faith that C l^ es held weekly all things are possible! to God,-- at 2748-MariiierBr3ve:Ad[l^omen 7^--spiritual^uniderstam^ing of To enroll please Him, an unselfed lovA"are welcome. I»hone!Miss Ruth -Blair W*. 161, d t Miss Elizabeth E. Copeland, WfBB, evenings. POLICE COURT NOTES .' TT' 7 :-7:A 7 " ' ' CORPORATION ̂OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER YOTERS* LIST, 1 9 4 1 f course of preparation. See th a t your name is 1 mcluaed if entitled to vote. . ̂ , Holders m ust'file a declaration before a Notary :Public.. or.>.*thei. undersigned), i^orms may be obtained a t the Municipal,/H all.' of unregistered Deeds or 'Agreements m ust register their tbpV Office, Vancouver, B. C., otherwise 'cannni"vnfi^rtti Agreement is rxegistered ; Deed Holdercannot vote on same property, on tbe voters' list shall vote S e ^ P W ^ whose-authority .shall be filed with P rov iu r?«S j ogent sha ll.be a: resident of the - s S ^^0 cfull.age of^Twfety-one years. VM? vote for-the/corporation from year to S e of the c S " t S a " ' " " ellod.'^-d the Clerk has October;. 19'40 - and the -Eequire- ?n D a tS ^ Complied with before 5:00 p.m. , HoUyburn,. B. C., 10/10/40. R: A. h a r E i ^ n , Acting M unicipal' Clerk. North Vancouver Office: - 123 Lonsdale. Ave. I1.(K) a srear by canieT: $2.00 a year by man Bisnrd Laiodry Ltd. wellJkhown FAMILYJAUNDRY Plume Norib 1310 or Wtei^691L ___ At the Police CoiirL on W<̂ d- nesday of last week two bity motorists pleaded guilty to driv- mg-at excessive'Speed and were fined $7.50 each, two others drawing, the::vsaihe fines for , g lid in g on i the Lions* Gate « ^ Vancouver man was for an infraction of the , Motor Vehicles' Act, A ttention B iiilil^ s! s a n d , g r a v e l ,-N A V V Y j a c k , ASPHALT; rREW UX; ; . Ph w m a t e r ia l s jy o iiT E b P h .« , N o r tt U 4 1 ,, . . -o, A U - E U 2 S rW e s t8 2 S i m ii