m C - k - B « t o b l l * l i e O y ^ r ^ » . ^ » i K l i - - ~ ^ Circulating in the d is tr ic t o f West Vancouver^Ambleside^ Hollybum^ ?i.oo per yew. " QsPress Park, Caulfeifd, Whytecli/f, Mtc. Dundarave 6c per oapy. Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O.i WEST VANCOUVER; B.C.p THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1940 No. 26 t h a n k s g iv in g b a y BANB NOTES Next Monday is Thanksgiving Bay. Originally establish-, . thA early American settlers ^ a day of thanksgiving t ciorhurvested In spite of the vagmes of the climate and bands of Indiana when loss of them spelt certain ^ " ation, it has come to be kept all over the American Con- And truly we Canadians this y ^ have cause to be „eatlv thankful. First and foremost, of course, is the im- E t v of our people and land up to- the present from death S devastation by the enemy. We have now been at war kiontember, and still none of our countryside, our tomror villa:ges haVe beenVeHed or bom^di-Thanks the forces of the Empire,'including our own, Canada has tp . . f? 4-i.nao tow /utROa-wbero life still rolls along HOLLYBUBN HAI,.i:. NEW POSTAL BOXES rem S^oM thoselew still rolls along wSfullv and the civilian population d^ s not go in, dailyptjttucxu j ___j HrviK Whilga nnr Aftiintrv isS u onlfe limb. While our. countrjr is still untouched, he other side of both the oceans which wash our shores, Sio?e cities and oity sections are blotted out and death m its most horrible form, descends from the slaes on the iigljtmg San and the little child alike. Whatever the future may hold, , Td we can scarcely hope to continue to escape entirely un- Shed. we have been very fortunate iup to now. ; . Agriculturally speaking, and Canada is primarily an agricultural country, we have to. be .(thankful for one of the Greatest wheat crops that' has ever been grown in.the nrairies it is scarcely necessary to say that, with the Empire there should be a ready market for this, which by itself is a guarantee Of better business conditions generally throughout tiie countiy more particularly in the wheat grow- ' intr provinces of the west and British Columbia, Canadian manufacturing production has gone up during the year, bringing with it a decrease in the number of unem- hloyed. Naturally war contracts have had a good deal to do - f th thisITdt ohlyTh'"t t ^ -- but in the. numbers employed in their making as well as m , the absorbtion of many others into "the fighting forces, yet the improvemfent is not altogether due to these causes, ine building trades, for instance, have been particularly busy, especially on this coast.- where a very large number of new „ homes have been and ird being crated, n o^ or sifcuUtion but lor the owners theinselves. Here m West Vancouver, building permits - fof""̂ thê 4adCg,e-«>̂ ot̂ ; of .-^fi43,33&-fiaye„,.l^n issued since the beginning ofrthe ye^.. And so at this time. ef "thanksgiving we can count , o^^ selves a most fortunate-ipeople, and should verŷ very thankful," especially when we~ consider the piignt _ of oteers just as worthy and just as hardworking, as o.urselves, whose world this year has suddenly; toppled in piews their edrs. It . will be well for*us, indeed ft would be t e ̂ basest injgratitude if we did not offer up thanks to r all Qur mercies, but such prayers are not enough. In the war stricken countries multitudes of: men, women, and cniiaren, half starved, ill dad, and homeless, ̂ many of * mind and body, aite crying. to _ th e J i^ e n ^ o ^ h e J ^ _ we, the more lortunate, are in a pt^itionxo give us be instant in. extending that hdp, as we remember th at, thanks are best ex|pressed by giving to others pf the plenty which we have receiv^. . The following boys have join ed the new class being organiz ed" by the West Vancouver Band. There is still room for a few more beginners from grades 5, 6 and 7 but any wishing to join should do so immediately as practices are just starting. . Clarinets--Bill Howells, Bill Tate, Leonard Dudley, Phillip Balden, Harold Gaylor. Saxophones -- Ronni6 Wil liams, Ian McDonald. Trumpds--Gene Cyr, Wallao© Williams, Dick Horsepool, Bob Sissons. Homs--David Jones, Donald Tomey, George Parkes, Niel Blythe. . Trombones -- Simdy Fish, Bruce, Murray, Ivan Reynolds, Waring Pentland, Dick Kyle. Baritones--̂ Phillip McCarthy, Clifford Cyr. Bass--Stanley Wilson. Drums--David Svendsen. A Special young people's serj Postal boxes will be sot up vice, illustrated by views, .will this week at the following points ®be held at 7:15 p.m. to-morrOW on Marino Drive, so that collec- (FViday) ,in Hollybum Hwl, tion of letters may start next when A. Morning will bo the . Monday: 14th Street, 22nd spaeker. Next Sunday, the 18th Stî jot, 29th " Street, and 31st inst., there will be Sunday. Street. The first two boxes will School and Young People's Bible be cleared three times a day, Class at 10 a.m., and a Gospel and the other two twice a day. Service at 7:30 p.m., with Eric Hunt of Vancouver as speaker. Tuesday the 15th inst., at 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of the )hn CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Scriptures. Speaker, John Wal- The Golden Text for theK/VA aĵ v VIA J .1IU3 VlVlAUUU XwAv AUA bll%J laoe, who will take as his sub- ; Thanksgiving Service to_.be ject, " M o rn in g s with the held in all Churches of Christ, Master." " ' ... WATERWORKS' LOAN TURNED DOWN Scientist, on Monday, October 14th, will be "Rejoice* in the Lord, ye' righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness"' (Psalms 97:12). ' Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is HEIGHI HOI COME TO THE ̂ FAIR The niembers of the Towns women's Guild, WeVt Vancou ver, .invite you to t^e Clachan -on-Saturday-^afternoon-and-eveii- ing next, October 12th, to en-i joy with them the fun. and' frolic of a Thanksgiving Coun try Fair. Weather, perihitting a bonfire on the . beach will wel come you in real autunin fash ion. J'-.'.'C* DON COSSACK CHORUS CONCERT B. G. SCOTTISH COUNTRY . : DANCE SOCIETY . The amazing Don Cossack Chorus.will make a welcome re appearance . in Vancouver to open the fall-i concert, season at the Auditorium, Wednesday, , October 16th. Taking their name Jrom__the_legendary-- Cossack hero, General Platoff, this band of 27 white Russian exiles pre serve th6 spirit and customs of Mother Russia. The beautiful sacred music of the Russian Church is , combin ed with the "gay, haunting folk songs and boisterous fighting and drinking songs, to make a program of, wide' variety and universal appeal. . The presentation is climaxed oy the spectacular sword dahc-r ers who toss swords from their' uiouths as they perform the spirited and intricate steps.. In the 3900 concerts which juis great male chorus has given the fourteen years of ueir existence, th ey have-prov- n beyond a doubt, that nothing universal- in its aitpekl vigorous songs of men. tee General Platoff Don Cos- S ® are also included. in the '̂ iteactions subscription-- êlly s Musio Store; 632 SCy- ■ mour Street. ■ IA "very enjoyable social was given ' by the W Branch of the B.C. Scottish Country Dance Society on Sa^ urday night in the Legion Hall, when a pleasant evening was • spent--in--daneiiig. --Dainty freshments were served m the lowe'r hall at the interval, fol- ; lowiiig which the annual mpe^ ing and election of officers took place.. The officers for the en suing year are ,as follows: I^esi- dent, John W. Banks; S^retary, Miss Elizabeth Nairn Treasur-i er, Dr. W. H. Vass. MISS STEVENSON PASSES has joined the dnŴ ®?̂ staff as transport tee Military Camp, don Head. 5T.I. - ^ West Vancouver lost one of herJ^ioneer residents this'Week in, the person of Miss Jessie Steyehson, who passed ^way yesterday morning in one oi tne Clachan cottages. The ■ had resided years, having come icipality from her native Clyd^ , Scotland, at the tiine of the - building of the Clachan Hrte • Shells survived by two sisters, :Misl.Nellie_Steveiison^^ here:' Mrs. V. Nightingfle of Hoifnby Island, B.C., m i^ s. Funeral services w ^ ^ hefl at 1:30 p.m. to-morrow from , the Hollybum ^ " ral HoWe of Harron Bros. Ltd., the E e^ W. Vance interment will be made ii^Cap- lano View Cemetery. .For ,the of .Tai3ru ing funds for war.,work ^ervicep, the Guild wishes to make this lone big public, appeal by means of a week of Telephone Bridge or other games, t& be climaxed by the Country Faison Satur day next. ' ^ Come prepared] to buy. your Thanksgiving dinner." Fresh kill ed chickens and the freshest of eigs, fruit and. vegetables will be a very special feature. Choice, plants and flowers will also be on sale. At the Variety Booth one might even/, start some Christmas shopping. The usual booth for home made candy and still another for home cooking, where delicious Oakes,, etc., can be., bought, and pet receipes sampled and purchased. Last but not least, the Lunch Counter where .light refreshments can be had at very reasonable prices, One ckn finish up with°a favorite tea-cup reader in a nearby booth. Look for the ladies .selling raffle tickets on a large-turkey, - satin covered wool bed-quilt, permanent wave, and, a four- dollar War Savings' Certificate. Various gams will be in pro gress during the afternoon and evening, and the Guild is pleas ed to announce the young Range Rider of the Dad's Cookie pro gram will entertain at 7:30 and 9 p.m. So Heigh! Qol Coine to the Fair. , Children under. 16 not ac companied by adults will please leave by 8:30 p.m. Admission 5 cents. As a result of the application for $160,000 loan at 2 % fw - - ------- /7 «.v, waterworks having again beail the following from the Bible: turned down at ©ttawa, th« Airf whatsoeyor ye do m word eouncll appointetfcCoanomoiri or deed, do-all m the n ^ e of Richardson and Satts a commit- the Lord Jm «s, giving thanks tee to draft a le tt# te ,m n . Ian, to God rad the Father by him" Mackenzie, the B .w lto U ter In : , the Domtaion C a l^ tjto .see iM , I^sson.^rmon also In- he could secur(!r«lo«h for th e . eludes the foliowring passage municipaUty. A f® wviewlii([ from the Christian lien ee texiU the water sltuatlpn here'and tin* book "Science rad Health with tio h a th ey ^ ted . it, wouldioost Baker Eddy: "Gratitude is much the municipality $180,OOff '*W«», ® 7®^"* expression If they had^o borrow In thciohen of thanks. Action expresses iHSrket. 'Die material'tetfie'used more gratitude than speech." was already 4n stoch, rad the. york would be done byî k̂Uled ibor o t t^e G.V.W.B. % the, Municipality > and < ̂ so? n<̂ h interfere with the war effort, this because the reasons given for the refusal were . the con servation of Canada's financial resources and • the necessity of, avoiding competition with the war program re skilled labor and leg io n NOTES The Legion Branch has decid ed to make a systematic effort building materials. If still ref us- to supply local men serving m ed they might apply to the Bank the armed forces with cigarettes of Canada. „ and tobacco monthly. At the Copies of this letter were sent" last meeting $100 w^s voted'for to James Sinclair, M.P., and the this purpose and the treasurer, Hon. A. Gray, askinj their good offices on behalf of the further appplication. BRITISH-ISRAEL Mrs. Brereton will be the special sjieaker at the Thanks giving Day night, meeting of the Dundarave Branch,, M arine Drive and 25th. You are cordi-;. invited to come and hear A. R. Peacock, will'be-glad-to- receive subscriptions from any one desirous of supporting the fund. A nuniber.of Legion mem- beis have already pledged monthly donations for this i)ur- piose. The committee in charge are H. Ostrom (chairman), Rev. F. A. Ramsey and Heber Brown. This committee is at present trying to obtain a .complete list of West Vancouver men serving BreVXn.'lteguilr meeting ̂ with both Canadian aiwi Imperial as usual on Thursday evening. Army, Navy and Air Forces and and Wednesday afternoon. "BUY AN APPLE" Members of the West Van couver Kinsmen Club are sell- also with the Merchant Marine, l^ e assistance of the general- public would be appreciated in̂ completing this list and anyonq having information should for ward it either to Mr. Ostrom at The Royal Bank (West 1), or to ihg apples by *be ImKJo Iwâ ^ s . H f c Brown, 2588 Queen's residents, the Procccd£bf whi^ j 1090-L),- who has delivered on 12th, and street- S will take plare o^that day. LIBERALS J O HOLD Local residents are also ask ed to support Miss Maude Bern- ardine, West Vancouver's own, choice im the Kinsm^p Apple Queen Contest staged nightly at ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal As- "CHURCHILL DRIVE" The Council last Monday night adopted the Reeve's sug gestion that the old Keith Road from West Bay, which' will eventually be e x t e n d e d to Whytecliff, be known as "Chur chill Drive." . Queen Contest staged nightly at sociation will be^held at 8 p.m. the Orpheum Theatre, October Tuteday,'October 15th, in 4th to October 11th, to rais ̂ xTr t tt „ mu u • .<?fuhdkfor Community Service the legion Hall TOe business of the meeting will be the election of officers for the ensuing year. •y . CHORAL BOCIETT HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP The first practice of the West Vancouver Choral Society will be held-at Jb p.m7 next-Monday: -weeki-Octoberr21st imlnglewood_ High School. At the first meet- AIl members are requested to make a point of being present. - Miss Hunter apolegizes to her patrons for the inconvenience causedThy closing the store for redecorating. Business as usual on and after Saturday, October 12th. . , ing. last Monday night it w as; decided to resume practices, Leonard Wilson, organist and choirmaster of St. Michaels Church, being the conductor pn^ tern. New members will be wel- comedi, * M.ikc ^ I't rivn.i.h.inPr(j<JucI% \1/ 1̂ ' .-'V'LuH I'r'