Ssyrr-T̂iiT̂ ............................ .....................y-.......... .-- ^ „ ' ■̂ -i 1 y ̂ ;( ShS * ' t'i-t » 4f "#i?5,>n- N i , ( i V Jt ,> "̂ifv.f/®' , 4 . >4 » - j-, «■'•"» 'i * W < . ) < - » * ■ k ̂ ̂ h -j J i #-M j - Vf' '̂ f'i,y*>- i'lW t̂sw -rn i„ *ê A,iÂŜ »*r)'Ŝ t i i % j - '•i -s f^««yrf/j^4,f»VS(^^,rt ̂ «'»W-- »*, M&4 •> wi-n-Vj; Sp'W ■»•#¥ ,̂ V>>̂V«'>{H k4'̂̂ ..... . ..... ̂ ŝ t - -ir ̂ -4 ; 5̂ ^ t,»!»<S«JU«}.1fl»Hf< »961)«WM«*W»«WSWI#r**iŜ »l*̂ ̂ ,»H._(>,̂ tp.«,<*wpw»i,*>«- Mmm iiMm iWWWIiillilW jKt(KicS.,"'>MrC T l 'w m ^ VAN HEWS.... P hotm JV jH|kJ|| V .̂F ' *̂PFj|J|r Wrm Ptllfiff fimic«. - UmtMf M em tt UEB ^<2M0^'H0ME NUESiKa M A S SE S Semi'Aiinaal Sale of Red and White "'"ln " ^ Hed & Whito PEAS-- Sleri 3, 14c{ 3 for ..... Siovo 4, I2c; « tj>r • Sieve 5. lie ; 6 for . TOMATOES--3 tina CANNED GOODS (new pack) M E A TS F^DeUvery > # f t *«j r It * » • » ! * * • 67c >*<#*>***«**«>i«4(*63c J7e CUT GREEN WEANS--3 tall tlna 29e SPAGUF'ni--3 tliiH for ........... 2 5 t TOMATO JUICE--Oois. Una .......6»c llole*H Hawniluii PINEAPPLE JUICE SO.oa. Una........ .......................-....3&c GRAIWRUIT JU IC ]^ ' SwdiCft̂ iĤ dp 60*oz* liiip ^ for f»<*03c SOUPS -- Vegetable--Tomato-- Celery, 3 tlna ..................... ,....";29c 12 for ....................................... *ha ' l ln 16c: 3 Una ........................ Ited & While I'EACHES--Halved. Tin...... l6o. ' 8. Una......... 48c Wlack Label nN B A PPLE-^'ruahcd- Sllced--CuiMja. Tin 15c; 3 for .,..48c SOCKEYE SALMON--No. 1 Oft 39c Went 370 / BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily ..•»' *■ SIIKEDDEU W H E A T -P k t.........;..10c f()KK & WEANS--3 Una ...........27c I'UKE LAUD--Swift'H Silverlcaf. 'I l. lb . c a r to n a ...... ;......... *.......... I®c Calling all women! I If you are wondering how you to do your "hit" »«£; gest taking a course iw Nursing. Any preparation we are able to make to lace any ehiergeney should be made now while we have the opportunity. Tomorrow or next week or next year may be too late. ■ A knowledge ol' Home Nurs ing is always uselul in every day, living but i t might also be the means of saving a hie, of prev enting a tragedy, of helping m an epideniic or emergency, ol relieving suffering, ot making a patient more comfortable, ol caring fo r a family more el- liciently. S e n h ic e i ̂ ■ - f* -., r*--; ', SA SH A DOORS THESE IS • BDILDEES* SUPPUES PLYWOODS '̂ FOROUAUIV LATH ■ : * |L .' ' ' CANADA PAnWWMPANY LTD.. CO-h d . .Phone W ^tllSWESTIBth & Marine Drive C L A S S I F I E D A D S ' ' . e r'lnnuiiiPd Advcrtteemeiita la 2 cents per word, minimum ii! X case of thoao having regular, accounts, all classl. 25 centa. Except m wo l advance. itt Weat Van. NbWs get immediate rcBulu, iivicuwy, ' rrr^ i^o n w an N -- Barrister & WANTED--Six or seven room house The Ked Cross Home Nursing I GORDON *^5Ss îH,iating8, S«jyi 4199 , east of ^th , reasonably priced Course gives you a chance to; , R^^wS^Va^ouver any time by ■ West, 648-M. ' . J'ASTKV f l o u r -- Wild Rose. JO-lb. Rugs ............... ................. ___---------- ..42c Personals Shower ' , j^ u Mis.s Irene Shirlaw eiitertain-i toms of ft gives you a , ed Just Friday evening at a mis- background and a knowledge of -- ------- -- ~ nZT cellaiieous shower'a t her home, simple procedures which should Mr. Kristensen of 1433 Jeifer- JNelson Ave., honoring, Miss inspire the coniidence needed m son Ave., is vacating Mr. Whip- Muriel atoneman, whose mar- recognizing and caring for ill- nle's house this week. ' j iage lakes place this week. The ness in the home,- ^ v,wiAAov» i^Avvo JV.V. ----- r" .i: ■ at West Vancouver any learn the art of nursing m the appointment. West 403.------------ iionie* roOD HIGH LOT. snap, $225. Phone It has not been designed with k48-m. ^ --:-------- the object of preparing you to stucco BUNGALOW assume the whole responsibility^, hardwood floors, Pembroke of a patient but to familiarize shower, tiled sink, full FIRE HAZARD Protect, yourf home and content#. Bates less than % pf 1 per cent. Percy T, Masterman, R ea l Estate, Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1071 L m U basrmTnVVith furnace and l a S y tubs. Close in; good view. i S d at $3350 with easy terms. LAWSON. WALKER & Opp. Hollvburn P.O. . W.est bt> FOB DRY CEDAR KINDLING Steve Lowrie, W. 256-Y. , H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete 'Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West Bin PEMBERTON REALTY CORl^ LTD. (Established 60 yeag) 418 Howe St, TKm. iz u . Local Agent, n> \ - 'F Bayliss (Notary Public). ; 2436 Bellevue. West oZZrK J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. ^ 1 . ■ m!aRCEL sh o p -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. Nortli 822. ■ •■.' , g u e s t s inciuded: Mesdames 'The instructors are all, very Mrs. F. H. Ghbpmun, 1252 ,'Scotl', Hate, Bell, Ajollo, Cole, enthusiastic and are willing to Blanck Sj^'cet has been conffn- Cutler, Fatierson, Biiirlaw, and oo-operate in«eveiT way possible, ed to her'^bed for the past fwo. Misses F. Crewson, F. Baun- Demonstration and the prac- weeks with severe lung trouble, tiers, M. Bradshaw, B. Babepek,. tice of procedures will be stress- ' but is now slowly improving. Her ̂ F. Vickery, B. Barr, D. Perry, Discussion of methods and husband is also ilFand has,had ^1. Wallace, P'. Powell, and B. problems are invited. ■ - - -________ ---- :-- r»i?rnnATTiMr irea tm en t ^ To have a strong nation ready ANY ROLL 8 exposures Developed, f ^ e ! J?EL V̂ ed™We7t veiltorium Genera p > . ̂ whatever may come we m ust Printed, one 5 3^7 enlargement fre^ 1022-L. KEFUGEE c o m m i t t e e have a healthv nation 30c. Barclay's Photographers,. 1518 -------------------------------------- -- . ♦ ♦ V T ?u- i in W Marine Drive. ■ FOR SALE--English Pram, $15.00,------T" , , In th is Course of 8 to 10 l^c- . ---------- ----------- --------- west ii35X. Peter Wade, of-Y-orkshire, has" tures every woman isjgiveruthis GORDON gray .l"surance^aU FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland West 483 or North 678. , Vancouver. jjetty--ElliotF-of-Caulf eild-Js- another l^^l arrived to be the, gue^st of Mrs. opportunity of learning how to a^A?Uats' Exhibition now open E. 11. Jupp, 2015 Inglewood Ave. IJJ^^h^h^mV^and^^^ at the Vancouver Art GalleTy. The ruthlessness of the Nazi "enrive^^Lu?es^ how to îm- . Special ^ has struck home to proJe he'Sth in the home. . oils by Ja r^ Billaux and a fine Vancouver. Two children, would suggest, th a t you decorative figure by B. C. Bin- , Joan and James Spencer, on interest a group with whom you .4' \ S , i risks, onei policy, all locations., SE y. 499i or West 1065-Ll. FOR RENT--Four " roomed self-con tained suite. Hot water heated, electric stove. West 656-R. - > oWESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store arid house fixtures, turning, g' glazing. West 740, West 443-R. life,,■4 m hinga. There was also th is com ment on the work of George Gou- tieiie; "Apart from aesthetic merits, although it is well done, of penai'cs was torpedoed, th e r^ is~one wutercolor in the W. G. Black, former < current exhibition which has at GENERAL HAULING--Manure, Sep tic Tanks and Rockpits , installed and cleaned. Dump truck:,,work. West 187rR c a sh f o r JUNK -- Bottles, rag#, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Toois, etc.; nothing too big or too . small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91 their way to Mr. and Mrs. J. are already offiliated in the pro- Spenoer, Fulton Ave., were J®ct of taking a home'nursing ------------------- ----------------------- among those lost when the City course dr come yourself and en- BADMINTON-- F̂or rent, Dundarave " Henai'cs was torpedoed. Joy the stimulation of other en- Hall. For particulars and rates Dr W G Black fofm er^liair-' thusiastic patriots." For inform al phone- D. Morgan, - W e s t-4-o r man of the Provincial Kefugee tion or enrollment phone Miss CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- toy way; guaranteed; brick i and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. 55a-L2. tifi 'f- i -4 V i'SuML traCted much attention. It is a Committee, is now an instructor Buth Blair Sec. West Van. ]^ d picture entitled "He Profundis," a t the Military Taining CJentre, Soci^y, West 101, or Miss by George (^outiere, and is Macauley Point, Victoria. Dr. Elizabeth E. Copeland, convener symbolical of the attack on Lon- Joseph Kania i s temporary Home Nursing, West 55 don. With the bitterness ~of-" chainn"an ." , (evenings).-Glasses are held a t Tiaemaeker , of GreatJtViir.fame,___ F ô infoi:ma.tion, . regarding--2748 Marine Drive. LAWN" MOWERS- SHARPENED^ Special machine; repairs, , parto I WANT a seTen room house in high "® location and wish to trade small _Jnarm e. ------------------ house in K^tsilarto as. part (Pay ment. Wells, West 6^-M. . " PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining: first' class? work, at reason' nble rates: H. Gaines, West 962-K. '~r m'J' i l f r thi^ lofaLpainter drive.^ homo refugee work please phone Mrs .. the significance of recent events f , A. W ^ker, W. 487-L, or Mrs. R. Fiddes. W. 193-R.with intense passion. Qn a Jong journey even a straw is heavy. FOR SALE--Genuine Georgian G i l t ---------------------------------- . Oyer Mantle Mirror, emb'ossed in._jgE_R0OFINGr-6ENUINE /hUROE gold leaf, inside beading of black Shingles, attractiv|e, permaiiP"* JSave r̂oof-measured^now^JMe-fi'-wood^-in-good-condltionj,_Size_4fi_in,_ X 25 in.,^^60. W. 196-M2. . Faf -Vj ̂vL ? i i ! FOR SALE -- Lovely English Pram and baby's bed, like new, $19. W,̂ 745-R. * ' mates.' .R'. B. Cripps, West 88-R F. V. Findlay. West 494-R. FOR RENT OR SALE--Modern five and eight room house, ;waterfront. W. 148-M3. _____pD--Capable woman for gen eral housework for one month from Oct. 7th. W. 686-R. -COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICK] AJl forms of documents •drawn " 0XGCl>liyGil Real Estate* Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones; West 21, 204-M, 913-L WANTED-^apanese' girl to' assist with housework and children, three afternoons and evenings a week. W. 430-L2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGffi SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, transfer work, prompt service. 700. - - - TOt RENT--ComfortableiTwarmT^bed^-: V Vy-hi-kVM. » ------ - --.w.- --,Sitting room in private home, nice view. W. 734-R. GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor. 610 W. Hastings. Sey.4199 _ at_Wfist_ VancotJver_Any "H appointment. West 403. ANYONE interested in forming a be ginner's bridge club phone W. ' 411-M. LADIES' SUIT, size 36' to 38, like ' new, bargain $5. Box 20, West Van. News. , j PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stw- co spraying, first class won:, ma • ' erials guaranteed. Terms arrang? | P. Gain^ W. 974-L. ' HOLLYBURN RIDGE Log Cabins to rent or purchase. W ski grounds. Phone SE ymour '> m ^ S r 4% t t . .jrM i, :f;4l sSore R O iL p i ARENA Corner 1st aad/Rf^sets Ave., North Vancouver For health fu l enjoym ent ro lle r ing Is now the rage. Fines d ea r AIATILDA-^I hear the Dun can j Lawson Chapter is holding a Village Fair at the Legion Hall Monday afternoon. November 18th, and in the evening a Bam Dance at the Hanch on Marine Drive.-- Henrietta.. . POH RENT--New 4 room bungalow-, Lovely view- location on Sen , Hill. $35.00 per month on lease. , . SHARPE REALTY .j ' 1395 Marine Drive Phone fo r r e n t -- Garage. $2.50. 1184 Duchess Ave. W. 185-R. WANTED TO, RENT--Furnish ̂»f partly furnished house, 2 Adults. Permanent. Box ^ j Van. News. ■'.tAsFCf'if J # ' # ■ 1 1 1 ' FOR SALE--Walnut Bedroom Suite, FOUND -- Near Inglewood ScJjA Comptete with coil springs, nearly pretty 'tabby kitten; home wanteu* F all Season O pening SATURDAY, Oct. S tli, 8 p.m . new. West 1015i Phone ,W._.1096-R1. s te f i^ a p le Hardwood Floors e and Woo^'^Vfeoel Skates. Latest-Popular-Tunes tiirough . ~ ; electrical transcription system. N O T IC E, 1 ̂ - ■ V; # - ' Mis ̂ Cash-wishes- to thank » FLOOR SHOW iported D irect from the p Hc for their patronage of the Cypress Park Tea Rooms and trusts they will exteml the same support to the new o^er. Miss McCallum. FOR SALE--English Pram. Gwd dition, $12.00. Phone W. 6 5 ^ ^ FOR : SALE--New Underwood Porf'l able .typewriter, <>*k se i^ ^ ^ walnut drop-leaf table,.bicycle^push-cart_and_o:g|^_^_ heater. 2435 Marine Dnve. i V 332-M.;V r J---- ^ , (JOOD ciOAL RANGE $325^ (j.E. 'Console Radio, $40.00. Ifififi .Tefferson. HANDY ANN Garments* [ANDY ANN " gap." Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroide ̂ plies, Baby Garment-?* Chinaware, Hardware. : I