THB mm 'not n e w s W e r t ' V a u i c « i i i i « r 'l l i i i t ^ i i r ' ^ ' HOLLTBUKN PAVILION WEDNESDAY «nd THURSDAY. pCTOBER 30th «nd 3l«t ' Ti-kets fov the public can be obtaTned from Tradesmen in your district between Amblcside . and Horseshoe Bay, including A L L Boat W harf Owners ' I' " '■ '*Price,"J2"for JSSc-'."' ' , ' ' ' 3 A son, 3?avid:Gary, was born on Satui^ay, tho *2lst ultimo, a t Bum s Lake Hospital, to Mr. and WErs. R. H. Mould ..<nee M argaret Clements).» 0 ■ -Jli * Shower Mrs. Wilcox , has moved Irom 31st S treet to N orth Vancouver, 0 0 0 / Mr. and Mrs. G i l l e i^ have moved into a house a t b188 Ful ton Ave^ HOLLYBintN B u s in e s s C o l l e g e 14th and Marine Drive (Above McNeil's Rexall Drug Store) ̂ ̂ Telephone West 341 "awvaivv'oo-A ■. ■ . .w ■■ .v ■ w ■■ Honoring Miss Edith White, Mrs. Smith, who has been whoi^ m a rr ia ^ takes place this staying in the city fo r several evening a t St, h rancis-in-the- months, has returned and is now Wood a t 8 oelock, Miss Peggy living."at 12th and Clyde Ave. Oarty was hostess at a delight B enoeH 's BAKERY BUTTKRCRU8T BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES aScadoz. Apple, Raisin, and Mince meat Pies, 15c .Each Scotch Meat Pies 6c each 6 for 25c i Sliced Wrapped B re ^ 1468 Marino Dr, Phono iW. 27 ful linen shower last FViday a t her .home, 1 8 ^ West 10th Ave„ Vancouver. The feature of the evening was a giant three-tier wedding cake, brought in by Miss Garty and presented to the guest of honor. As the Ihtter re- 1*1 « Dr. and Mrs. E. Therrieh, 918 20th Street, have moved Into their new home a t 30th and Mathers Ave. 'iti « Miss Doris McLaren,, with her Townswomens' Guild r e g u l a r m e e t in g at Claiclum, Friday, October 4th a t '7:4B 'p'm. Speaker, Mrs. Douglas Durkin., Subject. "Iceland." TAlpnhoiie Games Week, Saturday, October 5th - Friday, October llth» Convener, Mrs. Cromar Bruce, W est '7B8-Y8 Thanksgiving Country Fair, Saturday, October ,12th I a t the Clachan, 2:30-11 p.m. ■ ^ j ... .̂ Auspi<i"'s W ar Services Group.i Convener, Mrs. H. Ostrom McLaren, West Vancouver. ' 4i « « All ladies wishing to join St. John Ambulance Home Nursing, Classes please meet a t Mrs. Preemantle's 1751 Haywood Ave,, a t 8 o'clock to-night J• THE STORE OF QUALITY • .... ,.:1578'-MARINE I)EIVE\. ' "'>1 WABASSO SHEETS and PILLOW SLIPS SHEETS Hemmed and Hemstitched Size 63 X 95. Pair ....i...:.$2.95-$3;95 Size 72'T86rPaiiF7.T.'7.T^2.73-$3;50 Size 80 X 96 and 80 X 100. Pair ......$2.95 to) $6.95 PILLOW SLIPS Hemmed and Hemstitched . ........39c -Each .to .$1:19 'Pair______ Pastel Borders-- , 42-in: P a i r ....... ......... :........:$1.19 oj. xumur. a s uie laiier re- ̂ ■mr^r moved each tier, the beautiful *;®J*®***» gifts were revealed. Miss White also won the prize for the clever ber father, Mr. A. C, guessing contest, after which a dainty supper was served. The table, covered with a rich •cloth of lace, was centred with a beautiful bowl of purple asters and lighted by tall white tapers. The guests included Mrs. Brans- by White, Mrs. B. Carty, Mrs. h u r s d ^ T, M ^re , Mrs. Reg. Pilling of ' preer--Sanders Seattle, Mrs. Rathbone, Sr., Mrs. o. « . •Gibbison, Mrs. N. Sowerby, Mrs. . Francis-in-the-Wood, (>m - E. JTames, Mrs. Bradstreet, Mrs. Jack Williamson, Miss Edith f j '̂ ber l ^ h for the White, Miss Elaine Tuer, Miss f e ? ® ® Doris Carty, Miss Sheila Powell. . West Bay, to Cpl. Leonard Freer, son of! Mr. and Mrs, Spehcer Freer of Victoria; Rev. F . A. Rairisey offic ia te . |v en in m arriage ;by her er, the bride was wearihjg a Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY Oct. 3rd JEAN ARTHUR "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (onco only nt 8 p.m.) alfto 4 'hour of short subjoota FRIDAY RVE. AND SATURDAY MAT. . Oct., 'Itlj, and Bth ElKJAK BERGEN > "Charlie McCarthy . I Detective " , ' ■ " V JllsO "I "HIDDEN GOLD" ■S « IK Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cunning ham, 18th and Esquimalt Aye., have moved to the city. - Only7_fhirty7;three-parcels went to tax sale last Monday morn ing a t the'M unicipal Hall, prac tically all of them being vacant T n 'op^yr~^his~~is~ the~"lowest" FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSPORT 5 - D a ily Y re ig h t T r ip s - S North sh o re - V ancouver PHONES: W ^ t8 5 Nortfc 1371 TRin. 0429 priri^ss gown of white m arqui sette w ith shirred bodice in rose design. Her floor-Jength veil of silkt-net-^was^held-^in^placefWiih- iium ber in the history of the a c f e e . t of seed pearls-Mid sh^ municipality, and is a very clear carried - white w n ^ io n s ,^ red indication of th e value placed by rosebuds and white heather, th e general public on property in «ro« offo«/iori W est Vancouver and their con fidence in its future.* ♦ ♦ :Mi., and ' M rs." Merecftth of Vancouver have moved house a t 1825 Duchess Ave. , SAT. EVE. AND MONDAY Oct. 5th, and 7tli» MYRNA LOY , TYRONE POWER "The Rains Came" also short aubjocta, news, etc. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Oct. 8th"_and 9th " • ----- ERROL FLYNN ------- MIRIAM HOPKINS *VirgiHjla Uity* '"You Can kee The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. EAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WiESTrY82^ The bride was attended by two sisters of the groom, Mrs, Earl L. Mortimer, as matron: of honcr, was gowned in turquoise blue sheer, , and Miss Nora Freer, as bridesmaid, wore peach net oVer taffeta. Both wore match^* ing doll hats and carried colonial ^nosegays __of jwhite a s t^ s and pink roses, Lance Cpl. Jaihes /Woife Passmore, R.C.E., was best_m an and Cpl. Douglas t Charles .Hill-Toiit, R.C.E., was usher. Mr. Greeves played the --- - * , "f J W.C.T.U. The regular meeting of th Wt37T:U. will b,e held Thursday Oct. 10th in the United Churc' Vestry a t 2 :15 p .m ., ' All members and friends ^ terested in temperance work, violin during the register sign- will be made wlecoraCTAn in-- i h g . ~ : , teTesting p^rt"of"theTn-ogramme--^-^-T:^eception-vvras-held~iit-Hie-- will bd reports from the recent ■home__ofLtheJ)nde!s_parent8,^Qx^ Convention in Vancouver. ley/-. Ave. when ' the -bride s : ________ -̂--------- r mother wearing brown sheer LO.D.E. ' . wit" contrasting accessories, ^The regular monthly meeting was assisted in receiving by the of the Duncan Lawson Chapter groom's mother, who chose royal L 0 .D :E . will be held a t the home _ blue velvet with navy acces- T-------- irr4.i. series.. J For her wedding trip to Van couver Island the bride donned a rose ensemble with wine coat (once only a t 8) alaoi 1 hour short subjects MISSION ■ t will be held in St. Anthony's Church Oct. 6th to Oct. IMh^ by Father LeGris, c, s .s .r. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everyone. E xtra Special .Fir-Slabs--and Inside Fir, mixed CQ.QQ cprd, C.Q.D. - P H O N E N o r t h 8 6 of Miss Gertrude Lawson, 17th and Esquimalt Ave., a t 1:45 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 7th. Every powerful engine, in every Pacific Stage bus, is checked every night by expert meci^ieBr Every busin-the-fleet.ia washed and thoroughly cleaned every jiight. Air. pressure in tires is checked. 'WheeT.nuts are gone over one by one. Every possible precaution is taken to ensure perfect -performance arid perfect passenger safety and' comfort.; . That's 4:he'Way we translate rfie meaning of "sem(»/fjftidc in. sure, safe, spotless relaxation A ^adfic Stage way._It costs nojnore.______ N c i r i f S T i m P.8<S Miss Meigan Thomas of Youbou, C. M. J. HAINES PASSES -LLOY-D-R. SCRIBNER PASSES trimmed-Yvith foxr - Acoessories ------- - were honey-beige. Cpl. and Mrs. Lloyd Rowe Scribner, 1471 iFVeer v^iir reside in Victoria. ' Fulton Ave., passed a ^ last ' Out-of-town guests were Miss MondayJn-his-17th_y^.^Hesides._JN(«*a rPYeer and MrsrF.~G7"Rear- his wife, he is survived by two of Revelstoke, Mr. and Mrs. G. daughters, Mrs. I^w is -Simons, M. Mortimer ^ Drumheller, and Burlington, Washington; -Mrs. P. A. Meuse, here; one brother, H. E. Scribner of California; nine grandchildren :arid two ______ great - grandchildren. P rivate ° Funeral services for Charles funeral services WOTe held a t 10 Mgyeus John Haines, 69, of 2577 a.m . Tuesday from the HoH:^um Nelson Ave., who died in St, Funeral Homo qf Harron :Bros. pauP,s Hospital Thursday, were Ltd., followed by cremation. city today. Interment --------- ' was in Forest Lawn Memorial BUILDING PERMITS, $72,627 p^rif. _ ' Mr. Haines was bofn in Eng- Thirty-one pennits totalling d^nd anld came to B. C. 30 years )$72,627 were issued by ^ttie ago. He was employed for 25 Municipal Hall I^st m onth, th is j^g^rs w ith the C.P.R. a t North being $33,777 in excess.of fh e ;Bend, retiring four years ago. Surviving are two sons, SP E aA L, i ̂' I, Sawdust ............... $3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ........... $5.00 per cord Inside F ir;-- ::----- . - from shed ....... $6.00 per cord from mill ....... $5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord --------PKITAM ^S-FUEL---------- -----------^Phone North 620 ----- figures for ^p tem b er of last surviving are two Huxiis, year. Particulars a re and Stephen, in Daw- 9.1 idiwp.lliTifirs. $69,840.4 ifarages. gon* two daughters, Irene m New York and.Lillian a t hom e;' a brother, Thomas, and a sister,: Mrs. Ida Cox, both in London, and two grandchildren in New York. ' ■ ^ - ,21 dwellings, $69,840 ,-'4^garages, $375; 5 additions, $1,500; 1 -alteration, $912. Building permits .issued for this year up to 30th September reached the large to tal , of $643*- 336. • ■___ i_-_ N orth Shore R o ller A rena REGULAR SESSIONS: Monday to Friday, ChUdren (afte r school) 3-5:30, 15c Saturday Matinee 2-4:30 (all school students) 15c IVlatince Every Day special for Adult beginhers ? .2-4:30, 25c Saturday Mornings Children under' 15 years 10-12, 10c Monday to Friday, Adults 'oVdnings 8-10:30, 35c Saturday Night Sessions 8-11, 40c Spectators, all Sessions, 10c Afterttoon. Sessions are specially for Beginners and Ladies' afternoon parties 135 iW. 1st St-, North Vancouver P ltrae North 1735 ^ journey. ,biy: He who stops a t every" stone n ev ^ ^ feed ^your gets to his journey's end. Benjamin EXPERT W atch a i^ Clock e e p a i e i n g T. CHBISTBNSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1622 Marine Drfiire Franklin. •A. R. P • Classes in A.R.P. work, spon sored by the LO.D.E. will short ly be held In North Vancouver for girls and women in North and. W est Vancouver. Will any one interested please phone W, 1065-Ll. , D. V-A. (1921) SPECIAL MEETING for reorganization 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 8 th in the D.V.A. Hall 1400 Block Clyde Ave.