warn "I " ̂I I ,, i-l> X •pw mUfl* - A * /fSa,̂ 5 _Oetober 8rt. lain iM' ^ y m , y n n m p <g«|Cji^ 'CSm̂*' il» l 'ii""Efi»fcW lllm ' Z %Wf, W* VJkMCA Mlilirt^ 1053 Fulton Avonuo '"'" "-'■ *"Ffc0tto" W m U i-R SmtdBy StfrtialNis 11 B̂ m # 1*tiliuii* Strinifftri nnd Vtfitors nr# w#1imiiiimi Glamour for G r a n d m o t h e r too l M m s T caw tcH Minister * H#r# W# Iht iUtX.My$ B«A*» IStlX ^ SuJi4nf Serf*###, , , 10:00 i;»».^hurch Scliool i»- ' .^adtaf AAnlt €w ^ 11 BMs A 7f«0 i«u*-Friiws^ S«mc«i. A hearty weleom# to *U Hilver hair needs u flimpl#, dIgniOod coiffure to set off it» beauty, * Graying hair/̂ ncods export card ot all timo:« and with spocial caro it can outshino ' any brunotto« but do not bargain with.allvcr hair-r--huve the, boat at . . . . ' HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Duchesi I'ridoy Oct. 4th at 7:15 P'ln .Special Young Peopjo'a Scr- ............... views.vice, illustrated by y.-. ' Sixjaker: Mr. Shepherd. Hunday, Oct, 0th, at 10 #.*». .Sunday School and Young People's Bible ClttBS. Sunday Evening at 7.30 GoHpel service. ' Speaker; Mr. Ferguson of Vancouver Heights. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators o f . Exclusive Permanents, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 'I'uesday Evening at 8 p.m, J'rayer and Ministry of the Scriptures. , ' I'lael: Tuesday during Octobcri? Mr. John Wallace will give ad- (IresKOH,, upon, "Mornings with the Muster." WESf ta n c o u v eb Chriiffan Science l„..;^Sociej7.._,_ CaUECIl EDIFICE 30th and ENi«in*al|. fleUyhum This Society i« a panch of Th# Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts . Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. S unday^ October 0 th SUBJBCTi' ^ "UNREALITY" Sunday School at ,10;00 '̂ •**\* Testimony Meeting Wednesday ' . at 6:13 p.m. The public is cordially in v i t e to attend our services and meetings. NELLIE HAJIEIS,C>M PIANO AN» TOBOEY 1940 Successea-B.C. Mulacal. 1 First. 2 Seconds, I Third Toronto Conservatory».~"First Silver.JM^aL^Gra^.Sy. Vanĉ QYsr' ' First in Grade 8, Second Grade 1, Third In Grade 7. ' Studios 1965 Inglewood Avfe. West lQ5fi*i. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Announce the opening of dancing classes by Juno Roper's B .€ . School of Dancing Kindergarten Classed After'schodl Glasses for all Ages Telephone Miss Marjorie R.'McGlllivr^y -.2667 Haywood Ave. . West 516 D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST . x-iut Hoy Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. hlvenings by appointment. Pholone West 72 DR. MgRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medlcal*Wntal Building Hours: 0 to 0---- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 482 Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral iirectora Hollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine -West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ------ Phone-North-184------- Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Aye. Rev. Father Van ?astor Sunday Services Low MaB8 -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sennon ■ a.m. Rbsary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible Class---2:00 p.m. ■ Week-day Services Maas -- 8 a.m. hVidays--Rosary, Benediction ' 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 ------ t o ^ O i p n ; -------------- -̂----- WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine'^and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 £*id. and , 7 :80 p.m. W ednesday-rPrayer and Fellowr. ship,-7:30. ^ JLUvilUM L ' I vAmi X AfiSr STUDIO OF MUSIC Instruction In Violin, Viola, Violoncello and all Theoretical Subjects , ■ STAFF: Edgar 0. Glyde, L.T.CL., L.Mus. T.C,L., L.R.A:M. Elfredtt SewelL L.T.C.L., L.R.A-M., Violin Dorothy Murrell, A.T.C.L., Violoncello STUDIOS; Vancouver: Studio 4, Alma Academy, 3679 Brodaway West; BAy, 3541 West Vancouver: T063 Ducheisis Avenue CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ib'ti5 7:45 ' "UNREALITY" will be-the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ' The Golden Text is: "Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in "heaven above, and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Cement Navvy Jack .1 Brick Lime Drain Tiles ConcreteCrushed Rock , TEAROE -& SO N S 1427 Marine Drive West 84 ...... .............. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.̂ Coltman upon th ^ e a r th beneath: there a n d ■ daughter were visitors to is nohe'else" "(Defit. 4:39)7 " . Mr. and Mrs. 07B. Condit during Among the citations which M ^ Coltman'e vacation frora tho comprise the Lesson-Sermon is B.C.E., Vancouver. • _____ the following from the BT6T^ THE UNITED CHURCH l^lst and Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, October 6tR 10. a.m.---The Sunday School. 11 a.m.--^Morning Worship. This is Communion Sunday.. Let every member be present. New members received. 7_:3.0_p.m.~Evening_ Service... ' . Subject, "The City of God." "There is no fear in love; but Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Condit and perfect love casteth out fear; family hWe moved from Pritch- bcause fear hath torment. ' He* ard, B. C., to Mr. Lenen's house, that feareth is not made per- 1450 Inglewood Ave. feet in love (1 4 :18). ̂ WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Rang# Repairs,Farnace and ̂ '̂ Sawdusti Bnimers Phone Weati 39 The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following,. passage from the Christian Science tex t book, / 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "The-understand ing, even "in" a degree, of the WELFARE AND RED CROSS DRIVE ^ 1 4 iNY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON----- 1B4# MARIN# DRIV# WKST S80 -- ! Alrt'd'om A.It.T. of B.C. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay '1344 "Gordon Ave. Again Vancouver leads the way in business-like-community g iv in g !-----■------ .- ------ -1------ divine All-power destroys fear, x^W ith the announcement by and plants the feet in the true the Greater Vancouver War path,--the path which leads to Chest th a t the Vancouver Wel- J t e hmise iMTitr-wUlrmTtr^M 'fare Federation and th e Van- couver* ̂and West Vaiicouver'eternal in the heavens'.' 11 a.m.--Subject, "Victory Over VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBAKLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, , Builders* Supplies Beginning the story of Pil- -- grim 's-ferogress-fpr-the-young- worshippers. 7:30 p.m.--Subject, "What is a ph ris tian?" The Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. Reception to new members. The j ^ m rcK School and Adult Bibld meets a t 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.--Yoiing People's Society. All young people are cordially invited. Wednesday, 7:45 p^m.--Prayer meeting. "Watch and pray th a t ye enter not into tempta tion." branches of the Canadian Red Cross had . agreed to hold drive; LIFE am/ SPARKLE SAIT" BCOMOJMT »#««• ••••• 53» im * SIZI mWNSJKOMEN'S-G.UILD„.l naa ■ agrreu i» nwu a ' ' ' ' jo in t^ n ve under its sup^- The_Jownswomen's Guild_ is--J2? i ^ , M s relieved of the additional co^sstarting off its^ winter w ar ser- money of two vices with a Telephone Games major financial appeals. Thus, Week, starting . Saturday, Oc- although many small branches tober 5th and ending Saturday, of fhe Red Cross throughout-the M cN E lL & McCUE 14th and Marine --West-Vancouver- KINSMENCLUB '^October 12th, with a Thanks giving Country F air a t the Clachan, Dundarave. ,■ Hostesses, willing, to arrange p'arties for bridge or other games in their own homes during the week, please phongi.naihes of players to either of the following ladies: Mrs. Ci'oraar >Bruce, West province are now welTunder way with their contribution to the > national Red Cross appeal, Van couver, West Vancouver and Vic toria will not seek Red Cross "subscriptions until this-month. ' Meanwhile, plans for Greater Vancouver's joint, drive are be- A n applo a day -Keeps th e doctor away, B ut a KiitiSmen apple -Helps the Kinsmen way. Support Kinsmen Charities. Buy apples and help the kiddies. Remember - to do your bit Oct- 12th. By popular vote, applaud M aude, Berhardine, "Miss West758-Y8.Mrs.D. JiIcTayish,A?est '"f rapidly completed through 1005, Mrs. J. H. Smith, West the various organized dm - Vancouver Apple ^ueen. y.4 'ftsw;, m. 'ft, 4" W A N T E D Men and boys over school age for caddies a t CAPILANO GOLF CLUB Ti'anspbrtation provided W. 718 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A, Ramsey, Rector ' u.- s," r >4 "u" d !itV im .. •3 l i i l i i s t zrvAi ..THE W est Van News Pabliahed Every Thursday ■ Harvest Festival-- 8 a.m.--^Holy Communion* 11 a7m.--^Holy Communion and Bermon. 7:30 .p.m'.-r-Evensong and Ser mon. Monday, 8 p.m.--^Church Com- ̂ m ittee. ' * Tuesday, 2:30--W .A.- St. Francis-in-jthe-Wood CaulDeiid 3 ;p.m.---Evensong and Sermon. 99-Y' Mrs! F. F. Lovegrove, ' sioM under the g ^ e ra lo am p a im . FoJlowing. preliminary eljmit- West 36S, Mrs. D. W. Graham, Senator A. D ations, M ip Maude Bemardme, West 473-R. ' ' ̂ has been set 16, a recent student of wUl be entered'ta"t h f draw^uR c h S t which will take plaoe - a t the Chest, representing 25 local or- test, staged nightly at the Clachan on Saturday evening, ^amzatmns, was organized im- Orpheum ,-Theatre, Oct. 4th to Mrs. H. Ostrom is ^general after-the outbreak of llfia, to. ra ise 'fu n d s for Corn- convener for the Country Fair co-ordinate wartime m uiiity . Ser\dce work, assisted byconveners of various ^o/^fyr^aising activities through: ' This w orthy endeavor, spon- stalls. Variety Booth, Mrs. L ^ut this community and ju s t re- sored, by the. Kinsmen Club, war- B. Beall and Mrs.'W. K. Wood- ^ 'e c a m e incorporated ran ts your whole-hearted sup- cock ; Lunoh Counter Mrs. H. 9 - Societies' Act. port. Come .and support your Gj Barker and Mrs. Wy Thomp- chairman is W alter M. Car- local, contestant. mm I Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE . Phone West 363 BROWNIES . .. The F irs t West Vancouver Brownie Pack will hold its t o t meeting of the seasorr a t the United Churoh'Hall on Thurs- dayi October 10th, a t the usual time. son; Candy, Mrs. R ush; Hoine ^ i --------- -------- t Cooking, Mrs. Ford; Raffles chairman., .of The'salmon fishery is by faj Mrs. R. B. C. Mundy; .P ro - Vancouver branch i>f the most .important from the duce and Vegetables Mrs. A. E. 9f®ss, is a membe:^of dollar return-, standpoint among and,Flowers, Mrs! ^ Canadian fisheries. Market^ D .McTavjsh; Decorations, Mrs. ^ ".i^Jc^Pahty -of W est Tancou- value of salmon-in 1939 wasaij j also t o n asked to ap- proximately , m 409 ,300 , or 33-1 point an additional member to per eent!^of §ie total marketed tnis central organization. " . ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ Business and-Editorial Office: t 1704 Marine Drive ____ Phone W est 56 North Vanconver Office: '5 M - ' 123 :Lonadale Ave. # 1 : ■ 1 11.00 a y«ar by carrier: $2.00 a year r, 7,'il' J by mail Bananl.Laundry Ltd. i * \ wellknown FAMILY LAUNDRY )Plimie North 1310 or W ##i 601L T. P. Tuimer; Games, Mrs. A. Parsons; Tea-cup reading, a r ranged by Mrs; S. Pritchard. The Guild refugee sewing group will meet a t the home of Mrs. E,-|~Therrien,. - 30th and Mathers Ave., on Tuesday next a t 8 o'clock. 'Value fo r kinds of fish. Dick Parker 6f Toronto is the house guest of hig brother and mster-in-law, Mr7 and Mrs. Jack barker, 761 20th Street. A tten tlo n B im ita rs! SAND, grave;l ,' n a v v y jack, a s p h a l t b r e m ix . Phone Ndrtb 1141 ROAD MATERIAUB i.«MiTBm or ALP ELLIS, W e st^ ^