A-Weekly &tebu8hed ov«r 16 y«m* ^ Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver-^Amblesidet Hollyburn-, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. ^ , • Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. v 5c per copy. Vol. XVi HdLLlfBtJRN P.O., w kST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTbBER 3rd. 1940 No. 25 ARMAGEDDON ThP eajfles are gathering together for Armageddon, iand •«onn v e of the British Empire with the United States will be fiirhling the whole world except China and Turkey. The out- Mk may be grim, but none the less it is better so, since ^ te r experience has taught us we can tru s t none but our- KPlves Our navy is supreme on the seas as our air force will be in fche.air before very .long, while on the land we have fl ffood fighting chance. And .when did Britons ask for more than that? The race whose fetich is duty and wh0,,cannot heln joking in the heat of conflict will never be defeated by the*^armies of such atheistic slaves as have to be driven into battle by their drug-drenched leaders.', Dunkerque, where we had n6ne to rely bn bu t ourselves, told the whole of that storv . . . .V, . . . The passing days are bringing to light the gigantic con spiracy that was, hatched hot so long ago against the demo cracies, the greatest racquet in the history of mankind with the loot of the world fo r spoils. Europe was to go together with a part of Africa to Germany, the rem ainder of4he latter ^continent to Italy, and Asia to Japan. The Americas were to be dealt with later and drastically; ; Unfortunately for the international gangsters, however, their plans-like those of other and smaller thieves have gone awry. The Japanese armies were fought to a standstill by the Chinese ju s t as the Hun, with no tra ito rs in high places to make bjs path : a ■walk-over, has been brought up on his heels all standing by that race whom he professes to despise, but has always secret- ly dreaded. Some day he and his will a t 1 as t realize Bismark's g^•eatness, who held it fundamental th a t Gernaany m ust always ̂ "have Brifain"as" her "friend: --------- -̂--------- FALL OPENING AND FLOOR SHOW AT NORTH SHORE ROLLER ARENA HOLLYBURN HALL BRITISIMSRAEL A special Young People's Sor- Miss Janet^ ' :--------- ̂ vice illustrated by views will be tlio speaker a t the i^gular meet- On the opening of this fall held at 7:16 p.m. tomorrow (BYi- iog ̂a t Dundarave, 25th and 1940-41 season the North-Shore day) in Hollyburn Hall the Marine Drive.,, on .Monday,-Oc- Roller Arena are, proud to pre- speaker being Mr, Shepherd, tober 7th, a t 8 o'clock. Subject, sent to the skating public a rink Next Sunday, .October 6th, a t "Ye are my witnesses." You will of distinction and friendliness 10 a.m. there will be Sunday enjoy hearing this vigorous with its white hardwood floor School and Young People's Bible young si>eaker. Prayer mooting which remains white and clean. Class and a t 7 :30 p.m, ,k, Gospel at 8 o'clock on Thursday, and fibre and wooden wheel skates of Service, when Mr. Ferguson of study at 2:30 p.m. - on the latest and most expensive Vancouver Heights will speak. Wednesday. To all these meet- design and the popular tunes of Tuesday a t 8 p.m^ prayer and you are cordially Invited.*** the day . through their superb m inistry of the Scriptures. Each ElectricaT Transcription system Tuesday during October, John which, especially made for en- Wallace will give addresses on joyable roller skating, is fin- "Mornings with the M aster." surpassable. MRS. DOUGLAS DU RiaN WILL ADDRESS GUILD ̂, , , Mrs. Douglas Durkin, a i*eceiit The management would like LADIES'SCOTTISH COUNTRY. speaker a t the Canadian Club, to express their, deep satisfaction and wish to sincerely, thank their many patrons who have support ed them, and also at the progress of the club and that made by DANCE SOCIETY will addi:oV the Townswomen's Guild, F m a y evening a t the A t the invitation of Clachan, 25th and̂ " W Gertrude Lawson, the ladies of Her subject will be / 'Iceland, vx the West " Vancouver Scottish New members will be welcomed, the individlual members in skat- Country-Dance Society enjoyed i v i r v A l l * /\ 'P o n ' f r C l * * I 1 ̂ ̂ l/CwA A A ' "' A .b JL A V • ' 'm. ' ' That Stalin, probably the worst and undoubtedly the brainiest of the dictators, knew all about the pact there is little-doubt^s-theredsunouqufistionJieJntejQ dejlliij;.sm eJn^ in his own good tim e and a t his own price. And ih e time is now or very shortly. W hat his price will be only he knows, but we can rest assured it will bp the limit. Already he has made some , kind of an agreement w ith Japan, or the latter would never have stripped North China of troops to send south to Indo-China together with others from the Y angtse Valley. Since they had none else to send, w ith . all the ir reserves in - Japan exhausted months- ago, it was a cu.se of ju s t th a t ' desperate remedy ijr? no"expansip9';south<"-A nd it . is. always these opportunities th a t Stalin w aits for and seizes., As to the Burma Road, the Chinese don't really need it, because, although it is not "generally known, they can a t a pinch u ^ the old road from Chungking" through "N orthern Ind ia-to ' Calcutta, along which centuries agO the Buddhist missionaries travelled to China. ' i ̂ -- .... .One cannot help teeling appalled, not . ^ much a t ^ a t lies ahead of us, as. a t the wickedness of the dictators and their associates, these rfieri who com m it.^urder on a national -scale, meanwhile calling light da:^'kness5 and darkness b8" t as an -- excuse-for--their-erim es--agaihst-mankind..--Verily, the worm n I . - i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . r . T T . 1 r t i / V T V i r . Q V Z l / 1 W l T r l ing. A ir of th is augurs well for a delightful evening of dan^ng CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW the fu ture of better-class skating a t her new home last Fridiay. , --------- and in general the maintenance Steps and figures" of half-for- The West Vancouver Amateur of friendly but disciplined con- gotten dances were recalled in Chrysanthemum Show v m be duct of patrons a t all times with preparation for a new season, held on Wednesdajyr and_piurs- ehjbymeht by all, of high stand- and refreshm ents served by the . day October 30th- and -31st in, lards of service and comfort. Executive brought the gathering Hollyburn Pavilion. Those wisn- Particulars as to special rates , to a conclusion. The first regular ing to purchase tickets can ob- ~tTriihurch^'S7"Schbol37-clubB7^Tid^~meeting-of-the--group--will--be--^tain-them-- other organizations for skating held in the Clachan on Tuesday, 'merchants between Amblesia parties can be obtained by phon- October 8th, a t 7 :30. ^ ing N orth 1736 or West'=^36. The management wish to an nounce th a t on (Saturday, Oct. 5th a t 8 p.m. they are sponsoring a floor show known , as "The Rhythm . S is te r s / '.. from, ..^the South Gate Roller Drome of Se attle whom they are pleased to have as their guests. They are sure th is show will-be very edu cational and most enjoyable to the skating public as ,a whole. They therefore in ^ te their many patrons and supporters to a t tend the fall opening session and enjoy th is graceful show a t no extra cost. and HWseshoe Bay including all boat wharf owners. The price is two for 25 cents. LEGION NOTES LEGION W.A. WAR WORK A-.V lOf the Roman eniperors was a Jbabe in evil compared with them. ' ' . ■ ' ' , ' - ■ 1. But to-day it is they and not our leaders who fea r the future, because the clock of the ir destiny is running down and the nemesis of all of them, 'time, is slowly but surely catching up with them . As our -King told us only re c e n t^ , there may be yet grimmer, days ahead of us, but we have the satisfaction of knowing th a t,'d e sp ite all our personal and national sins, we do now fight the, battle o f righ t against all evil. In th a t alone ap a rt from our superiority in resources and fighting ability, we can look, forward with confidence to final victory, for,* if otherwise, there is nothing in religion and all goodness is ju s t an jempty sha,m. - - Arrangements have been com- '^pleted for parcels of clothing^ new or in good condition for refugee children and adults to be ---T he-regular-general meeting shipped direct^to the C,^uadian of the Canadian Legion, W est Legion Headquarters Vancouver Branch, will be held England, w h ^ e they wiU be d i^ a t 8" p.m. to-morrow " (TTidayL ^ ib u ^ ^ K ) the ucedJ^ T h o s e ^ ^ in the Legion Hall. As various Canada enjoying the freedom m atters will be iip for discus- ^ud comfort of their homes sion, a full attendance of the would do well a t members is requested. tu rn their thoughts to the plight -----------------------------------------------of--the---unfortunate_v-ictims--of_ COUNCIL NOTES EDGAR GLYDE^ ^ STUDIO OF MUSIC Mr. Marsh was present a t the Council meeting re lane, behind Lots 1-9, Block 2, D.L. 1059 N ^ SW l^. • Mr. Marsh requested th a t the lane allowance be opened from Mathers Ave. south to Lot 9, as 21st S tre e t ' was only a ' half width road a t this point and the land "on the east side rose so steeply from th a t road th a t ac cess by car was practically im- - the chaos a t present existing in Flying Column Country and do their Members of the Flying Column best to alleviate the suffering, now the Legion Voluntary Anyone wishing to donate any Defense Corps, will hold their articles of. clothing kindly leave drills each Thursday evening a t them a t the office of John Law- 8 p.m. in. the Inglewood High, son, 1704 Marine Drive, West School Auditorium., All ex-ser- Vancouver, not later than Wed- vice men and any civilians wish- nesday, 16th October, as on that ing to drill with the above date the W*A. will be in the should report a t the Auditorium Legion Hall from 2 f ill . 5 p.m. next Thursday at 8 p.m. The Edgar Clyde Studio of Music, whose city studio is located at Studio 4, Alma Acad- POLICE COURT NOTES A t the W est Vancouver Police Court on Wednesday .morning, the 25th ultimo, a Vancouver man was fined $50.or ii ̂ default 30 days in Oakalla for iponsum- ___ . ___ ing liquor in a public Two emy, 3679 West Broadway, have ^nd one local autoist plead- now opened a branch studio here, ed guilty to driving a t 6'xcessive m iius oich;k. tu dcc ix xie yvuum at 1063 Duchess Ave. Instruction deed the necessary. land to the is given in wiolin, viola, violon- each fined $7.50, while anotn Municipality to perm it a full cello and^all theoretiOal subjects. W est Vancouver motorist, wno j-^ad to be constructed, thestaflf being composed o f,the .Pleaded guilty to th e ^ ^ m ^ ^ ^ following personnel: E dgar C. fence drew a fine of $10. /n r e e .ex vv«o ----------- xxxx- provided th a t he makes satis- possible. He was informed th a t factory private contracts with it is a policy .of the Council not the other parties. to open lanes. The m atter was referrred to a committee consisting of Coun cillor Richardson and the Reeve to approach the owner of the acreage on the west side of 21st in this block to see if he would The Council requested the Chief of Police to make an in vestigation into fair weights and measures re fuel deliveries and to bring in a report. to make the final arrangements for shipping. F urther inform ^ tion may be obtained by phon ing West 229-Y. LA^T RITES FOR MRS. KATE GIBSON L ast rites for Mrs. Kate Gib son of 590 17th Street, who died Sunday a t her home, were held yesterday a t 1:30 p.m. a t Harrori Bros, chapel, Vancouver, w ith Rev. W. Arnold Bennett of- jugar u. uxcw « xxxx̂ « * ^ Anderson ot Pied Piper . ---------- , -------T.G.L., o t t e , Exterm inating and Fum igating L.R.A.M.; Elfreda Sowell, L.T. . guilty .Co. came before the Council re Glyde, LiT.C.L., L.Mus. ijiiireoa oeweii, ij.x. . .Uo. came neio " L.R.A.M., violin; and Doro- limit while driving garbage dump. . ^ thy Murrell, A.T.C.LV, violoncello, school zone a t 22nd btreet ne g Anderson expressm him- full particulars can be obtained ..each fined $7.50. self as being entirely satisfied by phoning BAy. 3541 or calling at canr-iinV * with the work he had done in rt the studio, 1063 Duchess Ave. ? ' CHORAL b u c m i x ridding the garbage dump of L. C. Reid, 72 Mountain Diyir xvey; vy.:.f>i:iiuiu;i ĉxxxx sion, St. John Ambulance Brig- filiating. Interm ent was made in ade" Overseas, wrote the Goun- oceaii View Burial Park. --------- . cil, confirming th a t their orr Mrs. Gibson had lived for fif- Mr Anderson of Pied Piper ganization will rnaintain F irst y^ars in West Vancouver ' ■ ' -- • Aid Work on Hollyburn R^dge where her husband is manager during th e winter season 1940- th e repair department of the A :B.. C. Telephone. Company. --------- ' . Besides her husband, A. F. The m atter of bush on "west Gibson she is survived by a soil. 1941. side 22nd S treet between Argyle Harold, of California; two sis- and Bellevue Avenues was re- ters, Florence of California and NOTICE -------- - ra ts but he reported th a t on in- ferred to therEngm eer for mam- Rosalie of Cumberland, B.C., ;a general meeting ot tne yegf'i^ation he found two serious t®»ance attention. , and a brother, Thomas,-of Se-. W est Vancouver Choral Socie y ^ j-ats on nrivate urou- ' -------- attle.T.. --------- . R n r r i ^ e x t M o n - sourc^^ Miss McCallum has taken over adjacent to the dupip. He le Cypress P a rk ; Tea Rooms f e v , f o r V e of wisWa to be a llo w ^ con- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ .......................... „ Rooms during h er oym- nieeting. . ------ ------ ̂ obtaining a contract to rid their to the chairman of the Board of tion m eeting a t the D.V.A. Hall the hope ------------------------- ,, .oremises of rats., Works and Engineer with power a t 1400 Block Clyde Ave,, a t 8 '> t they wiU extend the samO A. B e d to d wrote t^^ 'T w L asked to continue his to act a fte r ounefi re bush 14th and Ingle- ^ n e w flavine ------- -- +1ip Fneineer with a fu rther period of two m onths against - revenue .time. some Engineer witn month the house. Engineer's reports were dealt w it hby the Council as follows: Miscellaneous items filed. Soldier ^ ttle m e n t house, 1300 20th Street. DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION Special notice is given to all That the .m atter be referred members to attend a reorganiza- t ♦ .n 1.1. . r>_^4. 4-i,« rtT r.A Tioll Will extena tne same ;„F. A. peaoara wx^tc wx^. - fo contimiP his to act a f te r having obtained p.m. Tuesday, October 8th. McCallum, who. Council re bush 14th and Ingle- He sked^to contone ms ^ to be .Vital questions^ regarding th e ^3T>ress Park, .wood Ave. ' ^ " ... r f u r t L r p e r i^ (rf charged against-revenue from .orgamzation are to be discussed Having reaidPii .tTioi-x. . 'Referred to the Engineer with -the house. . a t th is meeting. Turn out,-boys. power to act, V;: - V