T E B W M T V A N N E W 3 SMITH'S MARKER i l ^ l l b u h ^ ^ i c i y i i i i i ' , M M U - w « tn « g g ^ y r ^ N E W S i -#■ #»'?■ i#* • D '- 1 •"■•' ••»5, itl-» IrĴ '• ff\ - 't "f ^ '̂ lr"'"r>.if t tember 26th. 1940. Fr«e I>«tivMr|r Sirficii MwttUajr Aeeoottt PRICES GOOD FOR FB I. Mui SAT., SEt*T. 27th and 28th M E A T S :II m* s " M i r . I i f 'I f \i , I if ■* li K«d & Wfait« Brand BHAGURITI-- With ch««ii6 and tonat4» aauc« blendad tof«thar. l6-o*. tin ........»« Nabob DICED BEEl'8--Tall tin lOe Red ^ Whitt) CAKKOT8 and DBAS-- Tall tin ................. ............ - ........ l ie B. C. W illTK TUNA rLAKES-- No. tin •!«»•(M»***'I-*****»«.**»lTc CUEAMEITEB--« o*. pkt..............8c B C. Made MILD CHEESE--Lb. 2JM: Bird'a CUSTARD I'OWDKU--Pkt. 10c Red Ik White Brand JELLY POWDERS--Eight F ruit fluvora, 3 pkta.......................... Ite Red Ik While TEA--Orange Pekoe. M e. Save the coupona for vttiuuble premiuma Weat 370 Free Delivery B E E F PORK ' l a m b S e a l A U G ra d e A & ^ l Belicatessen F resh F ish Daily Red Ik White Brand CATSUP-- New H*oz. refrigerator bo|tiea 15c (jUAPliNUTS--pkt. ..........................U c Red Ik Wliite Brand MARMALADE-- I *.*••*■*.****■**.**...̂ i C I) .1 !® (Ifg 5 '^ tl- *1 T 'Ji I :?• ' . (;!' ■ . iTl' it: : 7 p - llj ■ > ■ 4*lb* tin ,<*..̂ .'----«*"-*«*»*M»-**»«**** RED & W H ITE 1910 PUKE JAMS B.C. P'ruits Packed in K.C. Canneries BLACK CURRANT ..................... 4-lb. tin 02c RASPBElUiY ............... 4-Ib. tin 55c RED P L U M ............... ............. :........4-lb. tin 39c STRAW BERRY ..................... .'VSii...4-lb. tin 49c ParticH bridey-elect Shower ■Ivliss-Edith W hite whose m ar- riaijo to Mr. Dick T'earoe will take place on October 3rd, w as pagan . »5 the guest of honor a t a delight'- W est Vanoouver Scouts got w a i S «p lo r th ty . w inter sea- "*ii0ii%*'*work^<«t-*-* f V i t o - o y p n n g . la s t a t a bonfire on B*ast B ^ c h . M am bars o l the th ree local troops indulged in a song-song» heard a few stories, saw some s tu n ts , an d wotind up with buna and cocoa. I t was a bang-up s ta r t and a successful season and a whildwind, finish is looked for w ard to. F o r the benefit of boys ' who m ay i w ant to join any oi th e local Cub Packs or Scout Troops 'a lis t is published here w ith w ith th e ir meeting dates and officers. A sjajcial invitation is given to any. wlio may be here from the Old Country. ' 1st Troop. (St. S tephen 's)-- M ondays 7 :30 p.m., a t Parish Hall, S.M., 'E , Sewell. 1st Pack (SW S tep h en 's )--'Tuesdays 6:45 p.m., C.M., F . Parkes. ' 2nd Troop (Toe H )--T hurs days ,7:3 0p.m., Pauline Johnson annex, S.M., D. Ross. 2nd "Pack (Toe H ) -- Fridays 3:30 p.m., C.M., V. Pagan. 3rd Troop and Pack--St. P^an- cis' .School, Caulfeild; S.M., E. Lynas-G rey. . , 6th TVoop (Sea S c i^ ts )-- Fri- rdays 5:15 p.m. a t D undarave School; S.M., D. 6th Pack T uesdays 8:30 p.fn,; C.M., V, SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS U T H '*""T«CRriS NO SUBSTITUTE , for QUAUTY FA lH f « u iL D ia s < ^ l i jp m i5 ' iOOFING WALLBOAED TIf.lg "AncmtiiS'" CANADA PAINT CC^FAIIY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBffi C«- " P lioneW «116 C L A SSIFIED A D S riiiHsilicd Advertigements ig 2» cents per word, minimum 23 of t h » . h .v fa« regular d l cW l- "'̂ V m oK '*C uSa:i !a Van. Non. j;et Immeai.te rcBult., aOllBON UOB80N - Solicitor, 510 W, Hastings, Soy. 4iwy at West Vancower, any time by iiDDbintment. West 40 j;------------ good h ig h LOT, siImp. $225. Phone - West 548̂ -M. Aixir-Lf r e n t for sever^ months,' small f ^ h e c n io u s e with WANTED TO furnace. No chil<|ren tinue to m ark -th e . social calen-^- iui su i^n se shower a t h e r , r Hj d CROSS HOME dar with varied- in terests. L as t 2353 Jellerson Ave., last.Alues- ̂ NURSING CLASSES evening Mrs. Clarence Sorensen day cvem ng . The M issps Phyllis -- ------- and Miss Peggy S tearm an and M arjone W hittieton co- rp|̂ ;g Home N ursing classes entertained a t a D utch supper a t hostesses lo r the a tta ir had uU3er th e auspices of the FOR RENT--Self-contained bachelor suite, garage. West 769-Yl. NEW 4 ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW ^ i t h ' hardwood floors, Pembroke, bath and shower, tiled sink, full cement basement with furnace, and laundry tubs. Close in; good view. Priced at $3350 with easy'terras. . LAWSON, WALKER & ' 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 56 FIRE HAZARD Protect your home and contents. Rates less than Mi of 1 per cent, Percy T. Masterman, Real Estate, Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077. FOR DRY CEDAR KINDLING phone Steve Lowrie, W. 266-Y.______ _ H. A. ROBERTS LTD. , Complete Realty Service 1429| Marine Drive West 646 PEMBERTOiN REALTY c6 llP . LTD. ___ __________ ________ ______________ _____ X'___ the* home of "the form er on Sin- tustetully decorated a ch a ir lo r Vancouver Branch of the '*'̂ **̂ * clair Ave,, honoring Miss Helen the l^ride-elect in pink and w hite Red Cross Society w ill___f . Bayliss__(Notary_ Public). M aguire, w ho w ill become th e Btreamers descending" _ tro in a eaj.jy jii October. 2486 Bellevue. West 522-'R bride of Lieut, William Wilson large white bell. The g if ts were Tho classes are ooen to** all on Saturday. Covers were laid presented by Wendy women. A nominal fee covers aii " pg-2len?s^^only^*be™^^^^^ -for--fourteen-;--M-iss--Petite--Rob---and--Louise.-MQlhannR>JtLj:rom,„a--expenses--including--the_^anuaL-------ta-- --/.rbArofnrn-:--̂BHnna ei'ts was Tuesday evening's host- large basket covered w ith dusty- course includes lectures on esH for Miss M aguire. pink rose petals. * - th e signs of sickness, care of the * ♦ ♦ Miss E d ith Daniels won the patien t, feeding the sick, balanc- prixe fo r the clever con test a f te r ^d diets and diet planning, care which a dainty buffet supper of m a te rn ity patients, in fan t Mrs. Logan who has, been spending the season a t her sum - m er home in Caulfeild, has re- was served. The table, decorated tu rned to Vancouver ifor th e w inter. ___ ___ _ FHone:- West 304" Royal Bank Building. ANY ROLL 8 exposures Developed, Printed, one 5 x 7 enlargement free, 30c. Barclay's Photographers, 1518 Marine Drive. . GORDON (GRAY -- Insurance aU risks, one policy, all locations, SE.y. ̂ 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. l l >. iL i care, em ergencies in th e home, with pink and w h ite ' s tream ers, 'P rac tica l dem onstrations of w as centred w ith a low bowl of procedures are given in the piiik ju lianne rosebuds and blue eiassroom on M arine and 27th hydrangea, and lighted^ b y tail s tre e t. M embers share in prac- f o r RENT-^^^ur roomed self-con- biue tapers. ■ tice and discussion. The classes . tained suite?^^fek water ,heated, The guests included M rs . ' are under supervision of gradu- electric stove. W e ^ 655-R. . p i■I Bransby White, Mrs. H. P . Tea^ a te huf'ses, arid th e lectures are rote M rs. E. Jam es, Mrs. L. Free- given liy them as well a s a diet- r A Slipper will be given at 6;30 p.m. W ednesday, (October 2nd, by the. members of the Women's Guild in the Church H alf of St. Francis-in-the-W ood, Caulfeild, _ a f te r which Mr. and Mrs. Don m an, Mrs. Fred Johnston, M rs. itian and public health n u r s e ^ Monday wifi give some very in- W, Daniels, Mrs. N. Williamson, An exam ination m ay be taken Tefesling 'iribfures of"BrC; ™" '̂~"BT.7"'~M rsritIr^6ramxe; Mrs. F^ a t the conclusion of th e course. * * . * B radstree t, Mrs. J , Williamson, The course has been carefully Mrs. W. F . Morse and her . M rs. C. Rathbone, Mrs. R. Tid- planned to cover all th e various ch ild ren Joan and John, h ave ering ton . Mi's. L. B urgess. Mrs, a sp ec ts of home n u rsin g and has FOR SALE--6 hole Fawcett grand range with sawdust burner. Reason able. W .569-L . , J. ED Wa r d s e a r s , Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 663-R-l. GHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale.' North 822. ___________ FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. W est 488 or North 678. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estim ates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. ________ - WESTERN WOODWORKERSrrStore and house, fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, --̂ SucksrHVIetal^Pumiturer-Stovea- Topls, etc.; nothing too big or tod small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R:2. ____________ LAWN IK iW B R S SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts W est Vancouver-Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ; . ______________^ PAPERHANGING, Painting. Kalso- mining;v;j5tgt eiasa work. at_reason-- able rates. H. .Gaines, West 962-R. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent -FOR--SALE--Lady-'s--Muskrat--coat;.......Have^nofTBeasured now; free estl excellent condition. Reasonable; also mates. R. B. Cripps, Wes|; 88-R. drop-side couch as ndw. W. 365-R. p . y , P in^ay , W est 494-R. {i P V*?|' . f "hf '5> ' been tiie guests of the form er's A. Proudlock, Mrs. R. Hunne- been found to be m ost practical sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Cromar ford , M rs. C. Macintosh, Mrs. in every day living as well as Bruce, 3553 Marine I)rive, fol- L illian Tearoe, Mrs. N. Sowerby; emergencies. I t is^ hoped es- lowing her return from Prince th e M isses Joy Tearoe^ E d ith pecially th a t young women and Rupert. Word was received .this Daniels, M argaret Jo h n s to n ,, m others of young children will _week of the siife arrival in Eng- P eggy C arty , Dorothy H alstead, take advantage of th is opport- land of her husband, Captain W, Carm en Johnston, Louise W il-■ .unity. To enroll please communi- F . Morse. liam son arid Wendy Rathbone. cate w ith Miss R u th B lair, Sec- --------------- . ♦ ♦ * ̂ re ta ry of the Vfest Vancouver M rs. A. Hampson, 19th and Branch Canadian Red Cross So- Fulton Ave.,' has re tu rned from ciety, phone W est 101; or Mips spending a holiday a t Sechelt, E lizabeth Copeland, convener of B^C. _ Home N ursing, phone W est 55 evenings. ' \ ~ . , ;f:J r ^ 'Hfpr- •?'1 'p ' 5T-£| .Jlf, '1fV-'flfefll'S 111' . r I V1 ̂ ?;l Mistn i k ; k'iH'i ■■ A Is r m V f ' ' Ol m m i l There \vere 68,958 fishermen in Canada during the year of •1939. Of th is num ber 55,201 were employedJn the sa fisheries, and 13,757 were employed in the inland fisheries. In addition, ,14,- 818 persons were employed ~in fish canninglind ou rin g establish- m ents. C apital investm ent in th e fish eries o f B ritish Columbia in 1939 I t is necessary for him who would recorded._a .total value, of $22!1. reach, his journey's end sometime to 477,826, „ go round about. FOR RENT--Comfortable furnished -- room;--housekeeping--privilegeSjr-$15- month. W. 411-M. ________ <- FOR SALE--Ladies' Bicycle, $15.00; also boy's $10. W. 1128-L._______ FOR SALE--^Moffat electric range; good condition;; $15. W. 66. FOR QUICK SALE--'Cast iron heater. Sanitary couch,. 2 kitchen tables, 4 kitchen chairs, 1 dresser, 2 dining chairs. West 154-Lj_____ ^______• IVANTED--Help, for general house- work. W. 882-L._______ . . SIX ROOM HOUSE with creek run ning through property, close to ferry, $1,600, easy terms. Call Mr, Tatlow a t MAririe 2431 or West 548-M. A. E.-AUSTIN-& GO; LTD. ■ 833. West Hastings • St. itf? l i m i ¥ J I : 3[pi 3' t ■> I a H i . / i' few # j . iM̂fl - West Vaiieouvier Bonds! Support your ow n M u n icip ality! Purchase. 5 per «»nt. . Bus Bonds in denom in ations u s lo w as $ 1 0 0 .0 0 . to m ature in one to seven years. W hile th e local in terest in th is J ssu e h a s jbeeh very gratifying* c itizen s are now given a fu rth er op p ortu n ity to in vest in th e ir ow n T ransportatio it'System . Bonds are O d atah teed 'b y th e M unicipality - -and are offered a t par. A pplications for p u rch a se sh ou ld b e m ad e im m ed iate ly . . . to th e JUuhlclp&l. H a ll. The Modern Wiay A young lady-from Boston was ex plaining- "Take an egg," she said, "and make a perforation in the base with some suitable pointed, instrument, and a corresponding one in the apex. Then, by applying the lip s 'to one aperture and forcibly exhaling the breath; dis- charge the shell of^ its contents." "Well, well," said an old lady who was listening, "it b ^ t s all how folks do things nowadajjts. When I was a girl, we just made a hole in each end and blew." CGMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES ■"̂ ^•^Aii'^orms'nofTiocuments-drawn-aiKi- ■ " 6X6CUt6d* Real Estate,. Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., W est Vancouver Phones: W est 2L 204-M, 913-L WJBsir VANCOUVER MESSENG® SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, hgnt transfer, work, prompt service. West - 700. __________ ■ " GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. Wes t 403._________ PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc co spraying, first class work, mat- erials guaranteed. Terms arranged. F . Gaines, W. 974-L.___________ HOLLYBURN RIDGE Log Cabins to ren t or purchase. Neff ski grounds. Phone SEymour <94̂ FOR RENT-^Large two room suite, __good view, "Block from waterfront- Sliding Scale An optician- was teaching business . technique to his son. "Son," he said, "after you have fit ted glasses to a customer, arid he asks what the charge is, you say: " *The charge is ten dollars.' . "Then you watch close to see if he jumps a little. Tf he doesn't > junjp you My: . . ' '" That's for the frames; the lenses will cost, another ten dollars.* "Then you stop again, fo r ju st a second, to see if he jumps. H hfe does- n t jump that time, you say --- real quick-- Apply 2463 Bellevue Ave. TO LET--̂ Seven-roomed home, fur nished or unfurnished, phone own- er, W est 292-L, 1487 Gordon LOST-rSaturday, baby's pinl^ bonnet, Matheis; l^th ̂ or Fulton. Phone W. 2 8 7 - Y . ________-- HANDY ANN SHOP--2442 Marini Clearance Sale of Summer Sox an Tiger Wool. See Window Display FOR RENT--Suite, modern, centr^Jy located. Vacant Oct. 1st. Kindly e * quire before & p.in., 1733 Esquim Ave, * - FOR Re n t --3 room furnished suite; adults; $25 month. W. 741-R. _ -- BADMINTON--For rent, Dundarave Hall. F or particulars, and rates phone D. Morgan, West . 4 553rL2.- , _________ _ FOR RENT--Modern 5 rooms, W a^' front; For- Sale, modern 8 ro W aterfront. Wes t 148-M3. _J----- r6 0 m ;a n d .BOAKD i» w " business. Avei person. 1901 " 'Each.' " GENERAL HAULING--ManurjJePj tic Tanks ,and Rockpits ms and cleaned: W est 187-R Dump truck work