I A - y"W!S«̂4 * S /•V "trsYif .fl̂5«-w>»«<!«f̂'s«er'Tsi«s'uj?̂ M#« «mH|« itw mm i i »fi '"'1 mJ »»#*«#'■ t̂'-mifm-̂ i:| . ^ 4 ., I I f 1 ; i i .•4KU-1•; -I t V ^ ' . 1^ i ; i . u ■' '■?r̂ rT 'Si 1 *, K •■•i:* ■■ )i;-a I .* ̂ 'jlSSi: i i ; Hi |8 i t V ~ ~ " » ' »•■ ^0mi - ^ L I ;■] mmi ■' Vi ..f ■i-'i HfSl I'M i-'lifli :c- €'-'• - , M fkih ?t-:| eh:| ■ 7t ? fc i : ; i 'Ifi-V-tIf, M C'l! s ip s f l 0 ' m 8f|M | m . t' Ms ' y nr Li \ w m r VAN. 0N1TSO CHUBCK Cm ; mwr» V . VANCil aA** M lirfter 1068 Fttlioa Ay«du« Sitadli^ 8ir«iMM{ lla .n u a7 ii( l|y K * BtnMgun aiod Viittort art wtleotaa Glamour for Grand^ mother too! BA jm sT m g i j a Hlaiatar Ear. W. a M«K«r« EA^ IU>* Samday Strrltia 10:(K) a.m:---C)»tti!eh"̂ 8clM><d la d i l d t e AAiilt. Clam ̂ n a.tn. A 7 {80 pUB.--F m s U o t A htarty wtksomt i t all Silver hair needs a simple, dignified coifTure to set off its beauty. Graying huir needs exnert care a t ■»1 eall time'4 and with Hpcclal care it can outshine any brunette/ but do not bargain with silver hair--^have the best a t . , . G w e n d o l y n ' s B e a u t y S h o p p e .Creatora of Bxduaive Pertnananta, 1646 Marine Drive Weot 117 ' HOLLYBDRR HAU 14tb and Dueheiia Friday Evening. Sept. 27th ot 7:15 ■ .Spedajl Chlldren'e Service, il lustrated by views. Speaker; Mr. A. McKerracher, of Victoria. Sunday, Sept. 2»th a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Clasa.' Sunday Evening a t 7.30 (iospol address, v SiMjaker. Mr, Beaumont. 'l uesduy. Oct. Ist at "8 p*m. .Scripture Study by Mr. John VValIttco. I W E a j y A N C O W B R Christian Science ™._Society, CRIIKCH EDIFICE 20Ui tttd BiMitilnialt* tfoliybam This Society i< A Branch of ' -liui'Mother Church, The Flmt Church of Christ, SdentUt, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday,, September 29th SUBJECT: "REAUTV^' Sunday School a t 10;00 a.m. Testimony. Meeting (Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The pablic is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ANNOUNCING ' ^ A m s i fllsiRKIIMfi " ' Saturday, d^tam liier Z 8th " WITH A N EW SM ART STOCK of Ladies' L ingerie -- Silk H osiery Sheets -- Pillow Slips ~ Towels and N otions -- Foundation G arm ents -- 1578 Marine Drive, W est V ancouver BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. D R , G, D ,M . S E A L E . . D.D.S., UD.S. DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block, 14th add Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. , , Phono West 72............. D R . M cR A E 1 D E N T I S T 'formerly of 705 Medloal-Dehtal ̂ Building |, S' 1 Hours: 9 to 6 -- Rvenlnga by appointmeut 1860 Marine Drive W.est 432 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. F a th e r Vain "■■'f' ■' :"?a0tor'vv" Sunday S e rv lc ^ . Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m.' High Mass and Serm on,-- 10:16 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. ' Catechism and,Bible Clas8---2:00 p.m. W eek-day Services , . --M ass-^-Sa^m ^ Sunday^ Sept, 29lh ^ 11 a.m .-- Subject, "The Sword of th e S p irit." 7:30 p .m ..-- Subject, "Playing Second Fiddle." The service is opened w ith a happy sing song. The Church School and A dult Bible class m eets a t 10 a.m. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. The Young People have got aw ay to a good s ta rt. ,A11 young people will receive a ■ cordial welcome. W ednesday, 7:45 p.m.--P ray er m eeting. Come and pray I Tel. W. 616 UKDER n e w MANAGEMENT . _ ' ^ wiriiinirtif-iky - ̂ uhiuki A « 4 ' *M M l w J l o r ' V J B l "■' 1512 Marine Drive ; Breakfasts, Dinners, Lunches, Teas' . Catering for Private P a rtie s" • W. Nicholson, PropV. NOTICE 5c to $ 1 .0 0 Store 16th and Marine Drive (Next to Imperiri. Batik) w ill opeo to th e puibiic SATURDAY, Sepfem lier ZSfh V..,. Batahliahod on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. fu ittra i Bictctoirs HoUybum. Funeral Home 18th and Marine .W est 184 North* Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street - Phone North 184 Vancouver Periora 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair; ;184 Fridays-- Rosary, Benedictibh 7:45. ̂Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 __ p.m. ̂ ^ RED CROSS , The w ays and m eans commit- Y e e ~ b ^ r th ;rW ^ rV w e (m Y € W EST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE M arine and 25th S t. P asto r: Robert H. B irch Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. W ednesday--^Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. ' .1' a discovery " I never realized how much the telephone meant - in our lives until w e were without one -for-a-whilc7̂ ^id-M rs.-Dibb-^ ling./ " W h a t A pleasure it is to be able to call our Friends and to have them call us ! " And w hat a relief to know °that I can telephone to the store instead of making the trip my self when the weather is bad I " Then, too, the telephone is important from a protection standpoint. In case of fire or sudden illness, a telephone call ..may be the means of saving life or property." ST. STEPH EN 'S CHURCH Rev. P . A. Ram sey, Rector --Sunday. Sept.-29 th 8 , a.m .-- Holy" Communion. 11. a;m.--^Matins and Sermon. 7 :30 p.m.-- E.vensong and Ser- Cross feel th a t, the com m unity | !. would like to know the resu lts of several of th e ir sum m er fund ra ising .ac tiv ities . * T hrough th e generous giving of his th ea tre and showing of fiiie films Mr^-Fletcher has. en riched th e m ateria l fund by $689.46 up to and including- Septem ber 28th, and th is activ i ty is still going on .-T his-m eansl. no t 6nly th ea tre and films b u t a g rea t deal of tim e and person -^ all work o n the p a r t of both M r. -and-M psr-K leteh^-i-3 NELLIE HARRISON 3 peetr*„. PIANO AND THEORY, . . . . , 1940 Successes--B;C. Muiscal. 1 First. 2 Seconds, 1 Third Toronto Conservatory--First in B.C. Silver Medal, Grade 6; Vancouver -First-in-Grade-8i-Secondt-Grade~l,--Third--in-Grade--7,- Studio: 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN Announce the opening of dancing classes by June Roper^s B. C. School of D ancing Kindergarten Classes ̂ . After-school Classes for all Ages 'Telephone- Miss Marjorie- R.- McGillivray 2667 Haywood Ave. W est 516 -O ctober-6 th^H anvestJL estivaL _ S t. Francis-in-the-W ood . Caulfeild 9 :45 a.m .-- M atins and Sermon. tion of the society is due Mr; and 'M rs. F le tcher fo r th e ir splendid help. A lso th e fine -^imonHDerby^put-Hon--for--th e NORTH SHORE LOCAL. Mr. p id M rs. V . S ., Waranh T590 M arine D rive, spent the week-end on ,;a, v is it, to their M rs. F. J , R o lston ,, P residen t d au g h te r in N anaim o. of_£he--Pro-vincial-- GounciL_of_________. ---------------- V • M aterial-F-und-by-Dan-SewelLof__Women,_ « w r v nrnnnr^i. R E F U G E E COMMITTEE T H E UNITED CHURCH '21st and E squim au Avenue -Rev. W illiam T^ance,M inister BRITISH tOLUMB̂ iV TELEPHONE CO. iffi ?*' U"" 'L 1V,' '.iv?" X . t«'J ' "A ' -j-i 'C,(-̂ ̂ i » .M -V '• < , ' y'THB ' . r ------ West Van 0>iews Pablkdied Every Thursday ■■ii' % ■ -iV' i ' ' ; v:j --------- Publisher F . P . LOVEGROVE Phone W est ^63 ̂ B oi^esa and Editorial Office:. ITOI* Marine Drive Phone W est 55 Sunday, Sept. 29th i0 ia .m .--The Sunday Sehool. Be reg u la r and be prompt., 11. aon.^--^Morning W orship. Subject, "I f I .had been there ." T:80 p.m.-- ^Evening Sei'vice. Sub jec t "Religious Fi'eedom." Come, jo in us in worship. A t th e reg u la r m onthly meetnr. ing o f'th e W.M.S. of the United C hurch w hich w as hefd on Tues day, 17th inst., a t 2 :15 p.m., th e Rev. W. Vance gave an in te re s tin g ta lk on the Stewai'd- ship 'O f Life, R eports also were ..brought from th e W.M.S. rally held 'on Septem ber 11th in St. A ndrew 's - Wesley Church and plans w ere m ade fo r the Thank- offering m eeting n ex t m onth. . A rrangem en ts h a v e " b e e n m ade by th e W om en's Associa- liion fo r a fa ll te a to be held in. th e C hurch H all oii Tuesday, O ctober 1 st a t 2 :30 o'clock. The speaker fo r th e afternoon will be M r s . H arold Hemming; of "London. E ngland, and M rs. ^ n - ald R o ss will be th e soloist, f f i s . F . J . P ate rson is convening the^ afternoon tea ̂and M rs. M. E. R ush is convener fo r th e borne cooking stall. A h ea rty ipvita- f ion is extended lo-^all._____ H orseshoe Bay. This was ru n from the end o f Ju ly 'till th e end of A ugust and netted th e fund $100. The ^ a l n e t w as only ju s t over $70 b u t Mr. Se well augm ented th is to m ake the-even $100.----------------------- Derby prizes w ere as fo llow s: 1st prize, la rgest fish, $50 Radio _gave-a_very-- cpnipre!^ hensive account of th e 47th An nual M eeting o f ■ th e N ational Council held in Toronto, in.. June St. S tephen 's HaU ' on Monday afternoon, ^ a i .S p e n c e r , N atio n -^ -Bice, from a -R e a rd ^ t ,; s t r e s s e d \u p 6 n m A lready fourteen-children ha arrived from overseas, and Mrs. Donald ' M cTavish, 16th and , Ot taw a, h as 'received' a cable say- m em bers "To .keep the^'Trend of Life Flowing. N orm ally," and donated by M ayor JSum e of New < urged them to buy Canadian and W estm in^er, 10 Ibs; 8 ozs., won B ritish made goods., M rs. Wal- by A rt Thompson, V anw uyer. i^ce Campbell of th e Red Cross 2nd prize, 7 lbs. 9 .ozs.,, $10, F ish- reported on th e m oney received m g Basket donated by^ Cunning- fo r am bulances and donations of quan titie s of b lan k e ts O ther w on oy isercy n ia tte rs discussed w ere D aylight rived in C an ad a an d are expect ed in W est V ancouver'th is week. The tailor was' try ing to .persuade a -clieiit to settle his, account. "Ivnder- stand, sir, th a t you have recently come into quite a large amount i of money. Couldn't , you. now manage to pay VX 11/JLOiljnLCl.O WLllCJW estm iiisfer. W on by" B e tty niaftprc 'Yes," replied the other; "but I Porteous,!^yancouyer., 3rd prize, gavine- l O D F Brnnhiir J^*®'?^tward show..I don'twant it to 7 lbs. I ozs., $7 .50 L eath er ■ J® that my newly.acquired wealth 'Shaviiig C ase ,, donated by D a n . C ^ e t T rain ing in has caused a departure from myLeague and _ _ _ _ „ MpK p, , .! . n ■ w . , t - Wnn h „ schools; Salvation A rm y needs, former staple haWte." S e m . 'n refugee problem. ----------------------------- F red Foiem an. A represen tative from th e Gov- L argest aggrega te w eight o f em m en t spoke in th e in te rest of fish :1 s t prize, $25 W ris t W atch, W ar Savings Certificates, Mrs. donated by Shores, Jew elers, Rolston said. Vancouver 22H lb s , won by M rs, Woodcock 'm ade an ap- F ran k M lo rn . 2nd pnze , $7.00 peal fo r 'an y -woollen m aterial or F is ^ n g and Rm I, donated p a rts of blankets to be made by Oscar Swanson, New W est- into helm ets. W 1 , QUAINT GIFTS & ANTIQUES 2435 Marine Drive Old F ash ioned Home Made Canily, . 20c box TeL W ^ t 332-M m inster. 9% lbs. Won by Thos. The T ag Day arran g ed by the H o ^ a r t i r 3rd p rize $7.00 P a ir Council fo r th e A ir Supremacy of Shoes; donated by Jam ieson DriVe netted "$181?44.^^ Ltd., Vancouver. 9 lbs. Won by cil was well represen ted a t the M iss H. Becker, N orth Vanebu- official opening of th e N eighbor. House in N orth Vancouver E n try draw p rizes: 1st prize, on Septem ber 13th. an d ,fe lt it a $10, donated by D an . Sewell, privilege to be there . Horseshoe Bay. W on by Miss .. The Refugee C o m m itt^ re- Jean Mahood,:: Vancouver. 2nd Ported b n the successful te a held prize. Perm anent Wave, donated a t th e home o f M rs. A. E. Young by .-Mrs. B randt, V ancouver,-and_ that-to date fou rteen cbild-- Block. Won by M rs. W. Forbes,^' Nortli Vancouver Office: 123 Loaodale Av«. fl.OO a year by carrier: 12.00 a year by mail WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE ; MR. F. S. JOYCE . VVeteran Missionary, will speak. Sunday, Sept. 29tb, a t 7:30 p.m. .Pastor: Robert,R . Birch, B JL . V ---------, w ere now happily .settled in Vancouver-- 3rd prize,'-5-lbs7-of- W est Vancouver from Overseas" Tea, donated by Dickson's L t d . , --------- MISSION " • will b e 'h e ld in S t. A nthony's . Church O ct;i6 ih to Oct. 13th ' by F ath er LeG ris, c.s.s r A cordial inv itation is . tended to everyone. MMOL. •_________ ' • ' Vancouver. Won by Chong-Kee, C/o Slade & S tew art, . M r. Sewell,' w ho did all th e planning and w ork 'connected w ith th is ac tiv ity certain ly made a splendid show ing and th e society m uch appreciates his km dness and auccessful„eff'orts. Wou Can See The D ifference" n e l so n s l a u n d r ie s Lt d . LA UNDERERS - DRY CLEA N ERS - D Y E l ^ C . a F I N N E Y . L O C A L R E P R E S E iN T A T I V E Phone WEST . 782?