West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Sep 1940, p. 4

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♦̂tefiut' ^\r.f >i-->*,4'Af-m, *(4B*>r»-*rt'Ksi-̂ f. j '*■-<>-* ->»»»f«fi'<l»»SWnW»̂S*«*»>̂sl%(iWtW%i-T9̂ ̂ **> "•<■ '1' Ited & WWU* Brmii4 New Pack 1'OMATOES-- ^ <i laricc No» 2}̂ . (itiR .,«...<..<>*«>>>r>..23c lUd & White GKBBN CUT BBANS-. Tnli tin • «»M M **'*««̂ »* *••»*«•«*• COIINKD llIiBF---Till................... I7c DdlciouB HAItTLBrr PEARS-- ilBlveM. Tail tin §UD|y|§Jbl »"«»■«• jjĵ isitjbiii* $70 ' „ F re t D«Uv« 7 a m l m • Mnathljr A m ^m t t h e f a l l sh o w (Continued irom I« t w «k) Be^pre& di h , / h , . T ,2, Mra. C* Moniot. CroKS-stjtch; 1, B. M. Mile*; k .Mrs. Brand Cut-Mra. m. mnvai Tioa, aett. Embroidered C. Monroej 2, Mrs. K T, Embroidered cloth: 2, Mrs. Brand. ^ K. Seeds. Pillow cases:^'!* Mjss^K, Seeds. Quilt: 1, .iJra. ■ article crocheted .in coiton. 1, Mrs- Free DeUrery Kellinirton; 2. Mrs. G. free weuTcxy ̂ ^ Stenhonson; 2, Purse. Any other knitted A* Cecil Nesbit. Knitted K^rmcnt. 16 and 1'IUCES GOOD FOB FBI. ami SAT.. SEPT. 20th and 21at M E A T S lie (lUAKBR OATS--Non-Premium. I0ri(:e pkl.................... 18c PUPFKIl WHEAT--(Quaker, 2 IlktH. I r. . N ... .. .. .. ».*i.«. 16c HWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUIt-- Pkt. ........'............................ *...........23c PUKE IaARD--SwfIt'H Silverleaf. Pouhd 'Carton ...7c Ri-d &: White Brand All-Purpose FLOUIt--2i-lb. hag ............... „.86c Rod & White STRAWBERRY JAM-- 4-lb. tin «■ r •« 4 *w Ft-vaaaf •*»»«»*«#•** ■•4«*«<M**** 49c West 370 BEEP PORK EAMB yEAL All Grade A & A l BcUcatesseti --- ■■■ . . '■■'■■■ ' •. ' ■' V ' 'r •'■ Service LUMBER SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS RmrlriiitiHj* (mn*i».L NO aiBSTIlWE BOOPINQ "® ;roR Q U A im ' ' " ' A fe n tiJ ' ' ■■■" " CANADA FAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST 15 th & Marine D riv e e O . LTD. Phtme West 115 Fresh, Fish DailyJi Suakiht ORANGES-- I.arKi* wize, dozen".... ..)l(>diuni Hize, dozen iianunuM > Grupea SmikiKl JUICY JtKGKJ'irS 4 - urupea - J*cara i...ooKie»: i , dai».-45. v̂ '«"v JY LEMONS--O for 15c 1. Mrs. F. T- RichardHori; 2, Mrs BLU.E-Pkt............;......5c J in m McQuaker UoughnutH: 1, , P. T. Richardson. Fruit loaf: 1, W ealthy ' ~ - .35c ..25c APPLES-by the,,box 1 .2 0M ein tosh..... 1.35 garment, 10 and over: 1, Lois Daw­ son. ' ' . C\K>Hinif WhUo loaf! ), M.b. 2, Mrs. A. Stephonsuh. Wholewheat loaf: 1, Mrs. H. Gk-od; 2. Glsby Nut loaf: L Miss K. Seeds, 2, Claire Richardson. Layer cake; 1, Claire Richardson. Gingerbread: 1, Mias K. Seeds; f2. Mrs. JJ- Gleed. Cookies: 1, Mrs.; S. Gisby. Mrs, ..................Miss K. Seeds. Pancako.s: 1, Eleanor Ger- rie; 2, Mrs. R; Jack. Scones: 1, Mrs, , V/illittin niiifi kjihhfiii fpii biscuits C L A SSIF IE D A D S Th« rate for ClassiOed, Advertlsemcnte.ig 2 cents per word, mlnlraum 25 icemts. Ex«^pt i» the case of those having regular accounts, all classl. in ^ e ^ w S t Van.. News get immediate rcsulu. ...................... GORDON ROBSON - - FOR SALE--Gurney oil range, gr(« • Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4101). ar^d, cream enamel, complete win a t West Vancouver any tune by . copper coil and fuel pump, anpointment. West 403. .......--_ W est 242-Y. DOG SHOW VERY SUCCESSFUL ' borircr: .8. Mrs. 11. Gleed, 4, Mrs. Wil CHAMBER OF COMMERCE liam Mc^i»aker. Iluckerlield.:s Fairy SCHOOL SU PPLIES-N otions-W ool;' ENGLISH PRAM, good conditk 1. McQuakor. Bjyo .R'bbon^tea . writing Pads. $10. M379 Clyde, phone WeatSBsS : 1, E. Genie; 2, Mrs. H. Keh- h a N'DY ANN SHOP , , 2442 Marine ' DONATES TO RED CROSS light Flour: 1,' Mrs. 'j/Rk^ êrger, . „ru L • rnr Old English meal; 1, Mrs, H. Reh- "'ho diningr room of Whyteoliff berger. Jellies and Pickles Crabapple jelly: 1, Mrs. J. Gray. Blackberry: 1, Mrs, S. Gisby; 2, Mrs. W. T. Sims. Red currant: 1, Mrs; F. T. Richardson. Loganberry: 1, Mrs William McQuaker; 2. E, Ger- ■rje. Any other jelly: 1, Mrs. A. Ui<f c h S e n T n d 'th e i r pet dogs " o i W 'g b n 'o f D " Dog net g X r l i i g of. West yancoul Show at Ambleside Bark. Thero woro dogs of all breeds and s iz -. ««, from malurautes to littltf oneis ' £ " '" rnber^ ̂ ste^en^h. ' CoTiertioi ..£ picki™; i, only a foot long, and quite a . memoers r e ^ a x o g e d ; 2, Mrs. II, Rehberger, crowd occupied the football joctive.s to be prosecuted d u rn g colleption^;^>^n l)l(Mich<*rH to see the fun. Dr. the .season just started. Two k. Jack. Hom^ade wine: a, Mrs. to special committees were form- s. Gisby. Salad dressing: l,'M rs. S. S .Z in i Z d h k Z n ia " «L o»e t« inveatigate and seek Gisby; 2, Mrs. Ii. Rchbereur. do the judging, and nis gemai Municinal Council Children's Classes manner kept the dogs and even «n jjy^ the unsuccessful owners, i n ' a i:^ Gerrie; 2, Helen Jackson, Layer good teniner The feature of the lorccment ol the business.license cake: i, Helen Jackson; 2. Lois Daw- the m utt race by-law, and another to investl- son. b rop cakes: 1, Helen Jackson; 2, w i ^ h T Z Z o f a s l lv Z c u n t o i gato p o ss ib ilitie s a n d m e th o d s P a f ' B ichar^on, Cogkios; 1, HalenWith a p n z e OI a sliycr cup , lo r ^ h n a , « V p n th e Jackson; 2, Wilma Gerrie, GOOD HIGH LOT, snap, $225. Phono West 548-M. ______________ FOR RENT--^Three • roomed fumi, ed suite,' adults, $25 per mon . Phone W. 741-R. isl. lA FOR SALE -- Lovely solid vvalnû t dining tab le . and six chairs, ?4«, Wt 414-1^ ■' ■ . ' . WANTED -- Housework by day or hour, 25c hour, ironing. W. 829-L. FOR RENT--New 4 room bungaloi . Lovely location 6n Sentinel Hfl '-Lease a t .$35.00i per' month. Sharpe Realty, 1395 Marine Drive, phone W est 719. WANTED TO RENT for several months, small furnished house with furnace. No children. W. 1008. WANTED--Woollen clothes for g«. merits for bombed children, inleo patterns, ages 1-9. W. 738-L, WANTED--Work as mother's help, in week or 10 days' time. W. 708-R. WANTED TO RENT by yoim couple, modern, 5 room bungalon, unfurnished; fireplace. Box 3i West Van. News. FOR RENT--Four roomed self-con­ tained suite. West 655-R. , . FORtRENT -- Housekeeping accom­ modation a t West Bay. Box 33*., West Van. News. : m c h % g a l % m S t l n T K a d ' f o r R E N T -P arfy to run, the length of the football I t S t ' t o n e r T n d Z a S f S h Z ' ' w! ...... ̂ * ■ v773-R. GENT'S C.C M. BICYCLE, 2 yew did, hew tires, guards, saddle, etc, guaranteed, $35.00. Several recon­ ditioned roadster bikes in alj m a t $18.00. Fred*Jones Bicycle Shoft 1439 Marine; Res. nhone W. 712-E yiPF . WA7Ai?r> 'I ■' s held to his waiting owner. At Jumiiiated at "jsht* . , ^ the concluaion of the ahow i^ - cream was distributed to all the contestants. . ~ T lT ^X )U b w in E riB ^ ^ i« t-o f-th e ■t H , i dollars to be donated to the local Red Cross work fund to assist said organization to carry- on its most essential and valu­ able work in this community. E. E. Walker, Sales Manager, B. C. Electric Light and Power Gerrie, . Bottled Fruits and Jams* Cherries: 1, Mrs H Rehbepger; 2, Mrs, F, T, Richardson, Peaches: 1, Miss K. Seeds; 2, Mrs. J. Gray. Rasp­ berries: i; Mrs. J. Gray 2, Eleanor Gerrie. ■ Any other canned fruit; 1, Mrs. Ji. Rehberger; 2, Mrs. F. T. Richardson. Apricot jam: 1, Miss K. Seeds; 2, Mrs. J. Gray. Black cur­ rant; 1, Mrs, A. Stephenson; 2'-Mrs. F. T. Richardson. Raspberry: 1, Mrs. FOR RENT -- Bedroom and: home privileges, near bus and ferry.* Rea­ sonable. W. 497-M. Protect your home arid ' contentj, Rates less, than % of 1 per cent Percy T. Masterman, Real Estate, Notary, 2446 Marine, .West 1077 FOR DRY CEDAR KINDLING Steve Lowrie, W. 256-Y. 'S ,1 winning' owner$, the prizes be­ ing cameras, flashlights, theatre pa.sses, watches, etc.: "R usse ll P age, 6 y r a ^ D og w ith uLAHsotfi fnil 1 TTArhorf Rpiit- aild p re se n te d a m o st in s tru c t iv e R. Jack; 2, Mrs. W. T. Sims, straw- tie 11 v r ^ 2 k 0» th e su b je c t o f s t r e e t berry: -1, Miss-K. Seeds.-Any other u e , 11 y i s . , C inniey oiaina^us,- ^ TirA«ent nnd variety of jam: 1, Mrs. R. Jaek^-2, 12 y rs . :i. L a rg e s t dog-- 1. M ur- p a s t and Mis.s K. Seeds. ^ ray Thomas, 12 yrs.; 2. Norris, \%f "A-----Dcuigle, 10 yrs. 4. Smallest dbg n v ^ from intern and effect ve LEGION W.A. ffiillv o rn w iil--.! Colleen B lack lig h tin g , in side a*s w ell a s o u t- ----------- 11 yrs 5 side business premises. Mrs. . The Canadian Legion W:A FOR RENT--Self-contained bachelor suite, garage. West 759-Yl. I WANT »a 5 or 6 room house, be­ tween, Hollyburn arid Dundarave. Reasonably priced. Will- pay $500 cash and want early possession. ■' West :54'8^M. ' " H. A ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 : Marine Drive . West MS J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sd icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; W est 21, or W est 663-R-l. NEW 4 ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW with hardwood floors, Pembroke bath and shower, tiled sink, full cement basement with furnace an^ laundry tubs. Close in; good view. CHIMNEY ^W EEPING -- Sawdoil burners installed; furnace repaia G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. Norft 822. ■ . : ■ ... 'f -5| l i yrs. 5. Oldest dog-1. Joan ,■ . - Vl -.lv.... H S at' 4335fl-JiKith-.eas3z-4eEms* Guiiit^sr If r y r s r - G r m r B in g iilg D ^ rm n r c n t < y t e m e p h ^ hejd a very p c c e s s f m : q m s t l a w s o n , diur.--1 , Rnlw MurprAcrnr, Q yrs.; With several variety tums wnicu drive on Saturday evening,; Mrs. 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West O Jin f? riAn. were greatly enjoyed. Erasst ETTS. Rinnon kindT l̂endmff her --------------------------------------- FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherlani TVoot"483'; o r ~Norflt~~57' 55 m s t> .inlin nhnunell 10 vr«i^7 Dftff W ere g r e a t ly enjoyed.^ Erasst E7~S. Rippon k in d ly lend ing h e r ---------------------------------------------------- b e Z S r - - T ^ o m Z " W n m n - p r b s id e d - - a r ih e T . ia n o ^ g T O i j r b M n r ^ lo r - th e - o c o a a b T iT - P ™ B ^ ^ ^ ^uoiiig oesL LUCKS 1. ivormaii / , . , . .. en- tv/Tvo w .. .(Established 50 years) wi?crr»» PAINTING AND DECORATING J ~Estind®tesnfre€r^rH7Wedley,-iyff^ (Established 50 years) 418 Howe S t TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public), 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R J t<") t-.:'>f cioing oesL iriCKs -- 1, iN orm an -------- • ' Z, t r ^ v/v.v>«oiv/+i. Bender, 14 vrs. ■ 2. Don Fearn- added to the evening s en- Mrs. H. Fletcher was the gen- sido, 13 yLs.'S. Dog with young- joyment with several pipo ^los eral convener, with Mesdames D. esL owner_1. David Mai'tin. 2 f®*̂ community singing. Rev.. w . Graham, A. Gleam, J. Duck- yrs. : 2, David Edwai'ds 7 yrs. J* Dingle, was a guest along worth, A. R. Campbell, GeSo. ~fl~Dog"that~can-eat~l^ .̂ can-of-- -withJMrs JD_ingle-.̂ .nd_in a very Childs, L. Diggon and W. Green Dr.-Ballard's fastest___(opeii__to a<̂ ffress at the close ex- assisting. The proceeds will be ten largest dogs) _ 1. Gwen pfdssed pleasure for the invita- handed over ' for the service Fearnsido 7 vrs.: 2. Billv Tate tion to attend. Several prospec- men's comforts; A. J, Glehm 11 yrs. 10. Most jpopular dog five new members were also was in charge of the whist, any ROLL 8 exuosures Deveioned and owner--1. Douglas Brooks, welcomed by the piesident. Ladies and gentlemen taking Printed, one 5 x T̂ erilargement free -7 yrs.; 2. Patty Cowper, 10 yrs. ' 'I -- ----------- ;---- tt u evening were: 30c. Barclay's Photographers, 1518 . i .M 2 Mrs. A,_Parson and son Hugh Mr. and Mrs. E.'S. Rippon, Mr. Marine Drive. WESTERN WOODWORKBRS-St« and house fixttures, turning, g ' glazingl W est 740, West 443-R MARCEL SHOP-- Thermique Steam _ i2 Permanents; i :Oidy beat material n_ used. Expert operators^ Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ra ' Sacks,. Metals, Furniture, Stova Tools, etc.: nothing(^too big orj* -small. -B urrard Jurik Co.̂ -Weat il CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old try way; guaranteed; brick stone repairs. Palmer, Capll8â j North 811-R-2. 0 iui 4 11 I * ;r-]S. a t M other.(to teacher): "Would you .say that my son is really trying?" Teacher: "Yes; very." Mrs. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. D. An­ derson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gleam, Mr. and' Mrs. J. Parker, Only a foolish person is sensitive . Mr. and Mrs. . W. Green, Mr. GRAY -- Insurance, all one policy, all locations. SE y. - West.l066-Ll. LAWN M O W ^ S SHARPENia) Special machine; repairs, pw . West. Vancouver Machine Shop, w Marine. \ ' __ POLICE COURT no tes PAPERHANGING. Painting, Ka mining; first class work, atjr^» - able rates. H. , Gaines, West 962-fr| to the ridicule of a fool. ■' "4IfnS J ' I t l i l t ■ til* w. m - I MRS. COLIN M aAEAN, Sopi:ano TEACHER OF SINGING x»x̂ . anu luis. vv. urcen, ivir. At the* Police Court on Wed- RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUBOÎ and Mrs. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. nesday morning, the ilth inst., Shingtes, attractive, perm"3 C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletch- a number "of motorists, the roof measured now; free« i Conductor Junior Choir & Glee Club . Open Oct, 1st Studio 889'20th Street 1.̂ . v,-wiv, xTxi. aiiu xTxxa. xx. x?ieLcn- a number "of motorists, the •'*«ve ruox iueasuxcu «vyi ---gn 4̂ ' niajority of them from the city, * p®v®Pi?dlfy wSt 49̂ and Mrs. J Frost, Capt. and were charged with driving in -- ■-- ^ ------ --- ■-- Mrs. H. J. Ware Mr. and Mrs. J. excess of the speed limit, seven COMPLETE NOTARIAL SBBVIC»| Goldney, Mesdames A. R. D. of them being fined $7.50-apiece Allvforms of documents drawn nomnLoii T 131 CI1-- A.._.n-- tt ̂ ' exccuted., lutsauames a . n. u. OI mem Deing lined $7.50 apiece.C-,ampbelI, L. Diggon, E. Shar- Another Vancouver, motoristman iVT Tf ToL-zir. r< .. -j? otn ji. West 462-Y ' KJ110.X- xxiixrtxicx vailCOUVI .?• ̂ of $10 on the same Childs, J. Duckwm-th F. Rivers, charge. A charge of dangerous . i ' Barnete, driving preferred against a local f ®̂®Ment was dismissed/on his " D^Vest, R. Doherty, B. Black, being given .the benefit 'bf th e. % ' ± - the case otanother ■ >:■! yr: ' f V 1 l i I I! I SUZANNE BLACKWOOD teacher oif ' ; PIANO and; THB;0RY Studios Rc-opened September t̂h Studios: 1591 Haywood Ave., and University Hill Phone W est.744-L tX&CCUbOU. . „ _j-lj Real Estate, Insurance, . R .,P . BLOWER & CO. L-m . 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancon ®| Phones: W est,21, 204-M, n while the case of, another WEST VANCOUVER MBSSBNjjJ SERVICE--Parcels, Baggagjy , transfer work, prompt service. 706. over for one week for -- trate's decision. The driver of a. car involved ̂ traffic aewdent on Mr̂ Fisherman's GoveM̂ s. J. Goldney. After the pres- appeared in nmirf. « nVioi-jv« i ' t r 'll.;; -4' / Wifi ' Mw h Ip ■SM'/illill 'WW~' -- 1^93^farinedD riv< Lunches--25c and 35c. J FuU^ Course Dinners--50c Afternoon Tfeas Tea Cake, Muffins or Crumpets mad Tea--20c'. Our Own Pastry a n d ; Delicatessen We are Agents for PACIFIC STPAGE L IN E S ^ / For Information and Rates, phone W. 983 -1 won by Mr. , in a fatal teafflc" acradrat"M 4th August at Ff appeared in ' Cou of manslaughter laid over to Sepi ^ T h r e e m u t w i s l to minor ■ infra Motor Vehicles TVTîc. '"m each fined $2.50.Mrs. T. Turner accompanied GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor, 510 W . Hastings. Sey-^ a t W est Vancouver any time appointment. West 403. ----------------------- PAINTING PAPERHANGlNft ap p ea red m C o u r t o n a c h a rg e co sprayiiig; first class work, . Pt^^zes, d a in ty re - o f m an s lau g h te r,!'th e c a se b e in g . erials guaranteed. Terms arr i re sh m e n ts w e re se rv ed . ThA IniH avav +« dr.^1 i oxi. ^ f . Gaines, W. 974-L a n EncrlsTiri" onri 4-1,^ ®<>tonsts pleaded g ^ ii ty GOOD HIGH 64 FOOT bOT,^^J M i l s ..... a n E n ila n d " t h r S o n M to P ^ a d e d g u ilty g o o d HIGH 64 FOOT LOT, /x.:Mrs.:'^T.:"T(l on.the piano; a week and'a h a lT w " * isn't as amdous to he right s e ^ t e n c e ^ ^ M BENT--Large two he .s to have o tte rs think he is. to ^ p i ^ b l ? '??"?!= ^ " "1 ^as Lpply..;2463 Bellevue Avê