'# ,< i,^-r* t p '* - ^ ->^>M <►»&« '•'̂̂t-.-jSsf 7 it0 t 10th* -'AftlQ YHB WEST ¥AN NEWSt a ' '̂' "i W l i a i r i t e i l W I w ^ ' " '■■ "'■■ * light liUNCHES - FOUNTAIN SERVICE , «*..,rtVWrjjyy «*Our^ D e lic io u s Ham bui^gerd^ Freezet«Fresh Ice Cream , ■ • ■' • "W A V E '^YOUR-«:» Saw dust"Bliwtte^^ ' fu rn a ce ' ̂ ' T h orou s^ y O iitic l^ Over b y th e h a l l F U E L & H E A T IN G m t M .H i.> w v. :: W e s t i o s i ASCOT RIDING ACADEMY 4*- ;' One Mile 'East of Lions' Gate Bridge on Marine Drive , I Well trained horses, excellent cauipment for hire ■i> ;>, Riding Lessons -- Reasonable Rates i RIDE A GOOD HORSE ON THE SAFE AUTUMN TRAILS ON THE NORTH SHORE Richard Waller, Prop. A. Phillips, Manager Mrs. Riddell of Caulfeild has [moved to Vancouver. ^ ♦ * ♦ , NEW BAND CLASS .•^«,F,»*A'.*Meuee-a«d-e«on-Meri'iUr'™E}rWrWeid€ii*'atid""daiitKt«f' 1471^Fulton Aye., left Tuesday Patty. RadcUflfe Ave., returned for Nova Scotia, and Boston. Monday night from an extended where they will spend the next motor trip to many points of in- two months. teix3st in B.O., including Banff . , and I^ke Loui^. I--* A daughter was born last * * ♦ Saturday at the Vancouver Gen- On Wednesday afternoon, at •ernl kospital to Mr. and Mrs. W. her summer home at Whytecllif, ■ H. Pearson (nee Daisy Mont- Mrs. Nelson Carson entertained gomery). at the tea hour. Presiding at .................... . . , the urns were Mrs. Albert Bossy, Miss Juha Stevenson, sister of Mrs. Guy Patrick and Mrs. Peter Miss Annette Stevenson of Caul- Bain, and a special guest was feild, passed away in hospital on Mrs. A. S. Simpson, who has re- the 11th mst. Funeral services cently returned from the East, were held m the city on Friday, . j * * * , followed by. cwmation. ' ' Engagement An interesting announcement Arthur Chapman, 1329 Fulton ig made by Rev. and Mrs. Wll- Ave., has the, R.C.A.F. jiam Stevenson Reid of the .en- and left last Friday evening for gagement of their daughter, the Brandon, Manitoba, training Alice Marguerite, to Mr. Elgin station. _ McClure Cummings, son of Mir. _ rr • , ̂ Frank J. Cummings of Prince Donald. MacKenzie, who lefî Rupert. The wedding will take last spring to take a position place quietly the early part, of with the Department of Defence, October in St. Andrew's-Wesley Ottawa, has joined the Cana- chapel. dian' Non - Permanent Active xhe bride-elect ;is a graduate , Militia and is now a member of of the University of Saskat'ohe- the Governor - General's Foot sfafA rinL Guards' band. This is another Bennett's BAKERY BrnTERCRUBT' BREAD „ S A T C U E ,R A 5 t .S B » a A i , CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. Apple, Raisin, lutd Mince meat Pies, 15c Each Scotch Meat Pies 6c each 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped. Bread 1468 Marine Dr. Phono W. 27 HoUyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT, Sopt. 10th, 20th and 2lat HARllY LAUDER "The Song oif the Road" also "SMALL TOWN BOY" SATUIUIAY EVE. AND ^MONDAY 5 .' Scjit. 21 Ht and 2J1rd' A new;band class is now in Donald Gillies of .H.M.S. ,Res-̂ ^̂ p of being organized. Any. tigouche is spending -a two parents interested are'̂ âhkOd to 1865 Clyde Ave. -He has, .had London.! some exciting experiences, being ^ West Vanopuver boy vî ho has found his training with the school band an asset, thanks to Principal J. E; Condon. Ipresent-at the-sinking-of-^l^M.S.____J.OHN„MCNEILL_PASSES. Iliaser, and on lanother occasion Pilot-Officer F. C. Coleman, 1405 Inglewood Ave., has join ed the Accountants' Department of the R.C.A-F., leaving last -week-- f̂or--St,---Thomas,--Ont.,. wan and of Oregon State ̂ Col lege, while ^Mr. Cummings at tended- theJJniverslty of .'British Columbiaf^ , . , To mark the occasion Mrs. Reid and Miss Charlotte Reid entertained infwmally recently at the tea hour when .guests motored to the family lesidence "The, Cedars,-Lawson -Ave. • 'a n n a ' NKAGI.E' , RAY MILLANI) >*1RENE** also "VACATION DIAUY" "GUN PLAY" , rUESpAY AND WEDNESDAY Sopt.' 2'lth und 26th PAUL MUNI JANE BRYAN -MrsrJamesLoghrin entertain-- 'We Are Not Alone' ; (ut 8 p.m.) Icoming under the sudden fire of [a German land, battery. . . ■■ip Men and boys over . school age for caddies at - CAPILANO GOLPiGLUB Transportation provided, _ 1 W. 718 - _ John McNeill passed away last Saturday at his home, 1733 Duchess Avte., in his 62nd year. Surviving .iare his wife; one daughter, Peggy, at home; three brothers, Alex, Dari and Hugh; two sisters, Mra. W. Stewart rind Mrs. J. Laughlin, all of Green ock, Scotland. 'Funeral services w^i^held-at 2 :30 p:m..yesterday from; the Vancouver chapel of Harrqn Bros. Ltd., the Rev. H. -E. Horton officiating, followed i by intermerit in Ocean View Burial Park. ' . where he expects to remain for f^e tea hour Thursdriy-rit six weeks. ' her home, 1275 20th Street, in * * * ■ honor oif'her daughter, M A son was born last Satur- Jeanne Xoghrin whose day at the Royal Alexander Hos- Mr. Harold W. Akhurst, took • pital, Edmonton, to Mr.' and' pj^ce on Saturday in Canadian Mrs. Jim McDonald (nee Marg- Memorial Chapel. also- one hour of short subjects including "THE PHILLIPINES" a r e t G lo v e r) . M rs . B . N . M., B room hall a n d fa m ily , w h o re c e n tly 'a r r iv e d f ro m th e Old C o u n try , h a v e m o v ed in to a h o u se a t 2104 G or don A ve .- . ♦ ♦ * ----- - -Engagement-- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davies, Pink and white sweet .peas-- centred the tea table, <where Mrs. W. A. Akhurst, mother x>f. the groom-elect, .poured tea. Asked to serve the .25 , guests were Mrs. F. Marsh, Mrs. Ed ward Chamberlain and Mrs. Femie. - Captain Broholirie-- of - - the- Danish East Asiatic Company A tte n tiD ii B u ild e r s ! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASFH A LTIPREM IX ; ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 ■ or ALF ELLIS, W est 823-L 1366 Inglewood Ave., announce entertained at dinner Thursday the engagement of their eldest night in honor of the bridal daughter, Marguerite Constance nartv (Peggy), to Edwin W. (Ted) ̂ ' ______ ________ Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Akhurst--Loghrin .. 25.6 . . .East-^^ --Ihi-uughtyttfe: y L I F E a r u / S P A R K L E i B r i t is h ■ C o lu m b ia w a s th e wed- w il l- ta k e -p la c e -a t-S t^ S t^ ^ a in g ^ h ich ~ to o k n p la ce ~ S a t^ ^ on O c to b er 1 8 th a t 8 a t 3 :3 0 'o 'c lo ck in Can-C h u rc h p .m . * Enga^ment Mrs. 'E. Soott, 2302 King's Ave., announces the engagement adian Memorial Chapel, when Miss Jeanne Elizabeth Loghrin became the bride of Mr. Harold Weldon (Spud) " Akhurst. The ICONOMV - S IZ I___ J! 1 ■ 1J 4- J 1,4. iv/r ; 1 bride is the daughter of Mr. andof her eldest dai^hter, M James Loghrin, 1275 20th Stoneman . Street, while the groom is the ley son of Mr. ^ d H. P. and Mrs. W. A. Ak- Vancouver. The ̂ p i^ and white gladioli form- t^ e place in the United Chu^h floral background for the ceremony, which was performed tober 5th at^3:30 p.m. ^ Harrison Villett. Mr. Loghrin gave his daughter in S7i SAIT" 0 f « t j s i a s s 2 9 * McNEIL & McCUE 14th and Marine West Vancouver Visit the Pacific Stage garagies.any night after nridnighL You'll see, the abqyb picture duplicated JMi eveiy cGoê of .oiur buses. sEvery Pacific Stage ̂ Cli|^r bas is scrubl^ outside , and .thoroughly deai^-and jyacuum i^Jnside,-"every-n igh t,-xeady '̂ go back into -service 'neactr'inoming. Buses ®^vmg the North; Shore are no exception. Ride' the sure, dean. Pacific ^ g e . way. it costs no .more. ' " . v* / Miss Ruth Blair ^ the B. C. j^arriage, and she was attended Electric Store here has return- Miss Mary MoFarlane. ed froin her annual ^mcation, • Mr. An- which she spent in the Cariboo. ̂ thony McIntyre, while Mr. Wil- Q, liam Ditrnars, Mr. William Dol- . Shower- ̂ mage, Mr. Lawrence Culter, Mr. An enjoyable miscellaneous Ted Charlton and Mr. R. McDon- shower was given on Monday ushers. Mr. Charles evening at her home, 25th and Marine Drive, by Mrs. ,L. Fre^ At the reception held in, the rmn m honor o f, Miss Eciith poya} Vancouver Yacht "Club, White, whose wedding takes ĥe bride's mother was assisted place earl̂ y next month. The ̂ receiving the guests by the m w pretty gifts were present- ĵ ^̂ ther. ed to the gU ŝt of honor in a honeymoon will be spent cake basket, and a happy even- j^gj^^. Mr. and ign spent in contests and games, Akhurst.. will reside at . Wouldn't Stump Him 'An -invitation 'to dinner had been ^sent -toca newly-settled physiqian, and in "reply.'the hostess received a letter so hopelessly scrawled that she was unable H o make out whether it was an "acceptance or otherwise. "Take it to the druggist," said 1ier husband' "Drugg'ists can always read doctors' writing, no m atter how bad it is." S h e " did so. A fter looking a t the le tter a moment, the druggist went to the rear of his store. In five minutes >he returned vrith a bottle. "There you are, ma'am," |ie said "th a t will be fifty cents." J i t l f l l ! i f H H S P.S,-7 at the bonclusion of which dainty refreshments were served.. Ih- cluded, among the-guests were Miss Edith White, Mrs. Brans- by White and her daughter, Mrs. Eathbone, Miss J. Harvie, Miss McKenzie, Mrs. E. Latham, Mrs. Carlton Court,' ister. New Westmm- Instead of something useless .givri War Savings Stamps for iprizes mext time you have a bridge. WÊ ST VANCOUVER WINS KEENLEYSIDE CUP J. Cruickshank, Mrs., G. Vance, the -------- Mrs. Harvey Wedjgy Mrs; Vera Jo? Ward, daughter of-Mr. The West Vancouver -Tennis JUid -you know that some of 'OUT war conscious youths are giving their girls War Savings Stamps instead of corsages? iFesting, Mrs. L..greemau---------- ofH2?6 EXPERT ^ W atch am i Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Burks Ltd,, ^.Montreal) . 1522 Marine^Drive three in the playoffs for the N , North; Shore chainpionship. The Clip was donated by Irvine Keen- leyside of West Vancouver four years ago, when the series was instituted. It comes, home for the first time having been won by North Vancouver each year since that time. Haywood Ave., who recently passed the Civil Service exairis, left Tuesday night for Ottawa, w te e she has been give a posi tion,in .the Civil Service. ♦ V ♦ -A. son was born, on September 16th at the North Vancouver General Hospital/ to Mr, and Mrs, N. Williamson, Jr. YERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ' ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies