MM wiiiwww i S I g ^ ' ' l ^ : man t a n . im ira D c e it b c b "'""̂CSir.'iMi ̂*# 'fiKiitoalt "'A^ RBV. W. VAKCEl Mf«liR«r l(R»d Fttitoii Aveoittt Sttodsir Smrrtemi U«.ni. A 7:t0|».iit. Stittnprrt Audi Vii|tori ata wtlMm# BAPTIST C aU E C » MiAluter Kef. W, Ia. 'M«Kaf» MJLt BH . IOjOO ganday S«nrietti , . < iu(»#«A«(3lttii»̂ JSeboi^g. As«i eiadinir Adult CIami IJ «.m. A 7;80 p.m.--PwAcWmr Bm^ieet. , A hearty welcome to aU H IG H HAIijl fo r H IG H H A T S i /*Am* Foil hutH demand a "to-the-front" hairdo. .Some version of the over- iHjiruilintf pompadour muet be worn to be in kcopiittf, with a '*buck on the head*' hat. We Ktyle your hair to auit your hat. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Bxcluelve Permaiienta, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 i HOLLYBURII HALL 14th and Duchess H iiday, Sepl. 22nd a t 10 a.m. iiKiay School ' and Youpg JN.'OpTl'̂ Ĥ Hible ClasH. Sunday Evening at 7:30 .fiUBpel Service. Speaker. Mr. John Wallace. Tuenduy, Sept. 24th a t 8 p.m. M inistry.of the Scriptures. Speaker, Mr. John Reid. WEST VANCOUVER SC10HC6' ' S o c ie t y 26th and BAqaimali, Hollybnra Thla Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irs t Church of Christ, SeientiAt, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, September 22nd SUBJECT: ^MATTER" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday r ' a t »:15 p.m. The public is--oordiolly in vited to attend our \wrvices and meetinirs. I I E I X I E H l i t R l S O M p ia n o a n d t u e o r y AT.CJi;- SpecUl Diplofc. 1040 Succeasee-B.C, Mulscal, 1 Plmt. 2 Seconds, 1 Third studio; m s Inglewood Ave.______________ ' , ' West 105H, "You Can Seje Th« Difference" NELSONS L M im m im lUTD. LAUNDERBRS . DEY c l e a n e r s . DYERS C . a F I N N E Y . L O C A L R E P R E S E N T A T I V E Phone TOSJST 782 i BAPTIST CHURCH Revw W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. D R. G. D . H. S E A L E D.D.B., li.D.S. DENTIST . „ X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. 'Offico 'Hours 9 to*6 , ' Evenings by appointment, lono West 72 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Itev. WilHajî Vance, Minister ■t DR. l^cRAE D E N T I S T iorm erly of 705 Medlcnl-Dentai Building . Hours; 0 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment.________ ___sJL 1860 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday, September 22nd Rally Day 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Servi..e. This is our Church and Sun day School Rally Day. The Child ren are requested to assemble at 10:45 a.m. and join in the church service at, 11. , Y oung r people rally at the e.V-enijig_sery|ce., Sunday/ September 22nd 11 a.m. Subject, "The Invisible Commander." Story for the boys and girls. 7:80 p.m. Subjeidt, "A Good Sportsman." The service be gins with a bright sing song. The Church School and Adult Bible , Class meets at 10 o'clock. There are closes for all ages, taught by faithful ef ficient teachers. ■ Boys and girls' who have recently, mov ed into the community will re ceive a cordial welcome. i Monday, 8 p.m. Young People's Soodety. Kent's Island night. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. Prayer meeting. ST. PATIHCaJi SCHOOL ' i l u D ISiJN ■ ; ■ 1 ■'tit ̂ ..... :i ..... , ■ ■ , . ■ ■ ■ . ■ Announce the ' opening of dancing classes by jfune Roper's B.'C. School of Dancing I Kindergarten - Classes ' After-school Classes for all Ages, Telephone Miss Marjorie R. McGillivray 2667 Haywood Ave. West 516 West Vancouver Welfare Association mPLOYMENT KEGlSTRAtlON FOR Domestic help, women or girls to care for. children, practical nurses, men and boys for odd jobs, etc. Those wishing such employment or wishing to employ such help ,, please phone WEST 690 , ', . Miss Speck of 2505 Bellevue Mrifei. J. H. Senklef is spendinj Ave.,. is a'patient in the North ".a week as the guest of Mrs. J Vancouver General Hospital: L. Davidson at Caulfeild. Strangers and Yisitora f wel come. ' f l I i k - i i i <1 p I iBatabllshed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funrrsi BfrrttorB HoUybnm Funeral Home 18th and Marine W est 184 North Vancouver Parlora 122 West SUth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlora 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST r l ' ' >•£ V' ' Burrard Laundry Ltd. ^ e l l know n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono North 131Q or West 691L ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. ' Rev. Father Van 7astor . Sunday Services Low Mass -- iS:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 . a.m. I Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism.and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. ---- :------ Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. 'Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 |j3(L.pjn. ______ _ "MATTER" will be the sub- . , ject of the~Lesson-Sermon in all of August numbered 14. V.p.N. The Victorian O rder o f Nurses. West Vancouver Branch. Baby Conference will be held Thursday afternoon, September 26th, from 2 to 4, in St. Steph en's Hall.. The attendance for the month H. de RlMANOCZY -JTEACHEE-OP-VIOLIN- ^ ' ' Ui * I ' • Beginners , a Specialty Apfiointments Wesft 1023 Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ' .The Golden Text is: "Little children/ keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermbh is the following from the Bible: DEATH OF WILUAM FERGUSON B.„ William Blakely Ferguson of Fisherman's Gove passed yaway last Ssfturday in Ins 46th .year.,, Survmng are his wife;; onesson/p Tf we live in the Spirit, let us Alan, at honie;-his-mother,.Mrs. also walk in the" Spirit'̂ (G a l.-Fred- Adams, .in-Trenton, Ont. ; - 5:25). one brother. Dr. Charles Adams, The Lesson-Sermon also iii- Mayd Clinic, Rochester, N̂.Y. eludes the following passage. Funeral services were held at 1 from the Christian Science text- P*̂ * Monday in the city, the book, "Science and Health with P- D. Braden' officiating. Key to the Scriptures" by Mary followed by cremation. Z B i t e jE d d r T - ^ F a i f a a M,-^ ^ ....... ; WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works =.Farnace ̂ -and Ranger Repairs, Sawdust Burners - -Phone-West 89 - -- SOLID MAHOGANY or Walnut rDtOHCOM. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE_„ ~M^ine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil' the lust of4;he flesh.' Soon- , er or later we shall learn that the fetters of- man's-finite_cap- I.O.D.E. '■f ■"•Vr'45- E xtra Special F it Slabs and Inside Fir, mixed c o AH cord, p. P H O N E N o r t h 8 6 11m ON INY MAKf BROWN & MUNTON laea marins orivk wkst see MnultCni A.H.T. «f B.C. Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -^11 a.m. and 7:80,p.m. Wednesday-- P̂rayer and Fellow-, ship, 7:30. Rev, Stanley Smith of the Japan Rescue Mission w il l preach next Sunday morning: Evangelical. Independent. The Duncan Lawson Chapter ., J. • , , .L, L0.D.E._ met for the first time acity are forged by the illusion af^r the summer holidays at that he Kves' in body instead of the home of the regent, Mrs' in Soul, in matter instead of in Small, bn Monday evening, ,Sep- Spirit." MRS. EATIf ERINE BEEDHAM PASSES ' In the person of Mrs. Eath- tember 9th. There was ,a very good attendance.. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, and ,the treasurer'ŝ report was given. Hospital committee reported on re-decorating hospital room and ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector erine Beedham thei-e passed Mrs. Froud ,gave'.an accoimrof .away from our midst one who, the boat trip up the North Arm -here, put on for the.ShaughhessyNos- 4 (lUlliS 8 ± •'W&j SPECIAL Sawdust -- -- .|3.60 per unit D ry -S lab s-------- $&.00 per cord Inside Jf'lr;-- from s h ^ ..... :.|6.00 per cord 'from mill .--...66.60 per coni Slaba with .Bark 84.00 per cord 'Blahs ;4k Edgings $8.76 per cord PBITAM'S FUEL Phone JNorth $20 Sunday, September 22nd a.m,-- Ĥoly (Communion. 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon. .7:30 :p;m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Tuesday, 2:30 -- W.A. study meeting. ' St. Francisdn-the-Wood Cauif^d 9.-45-a.m.-- Ĥoly Communion. during a Short ̂ s id e n c e ___ , ^_____ xius had Income deeply endeared to pital^men. The Book Exiianffe a wide circle of .friends. Ample reported a very busv week A was a?mRted and The- ever.»P- : pealing chirn ; of. the Dun-; can ? ^ I' ̂ ! I . „ .-i. 1 design an«" T ru ly , '"B eautiful th e l iy r e b a c k -e h a irs . lend g race snd «• f lh em en t. . B o th th e ta b le and ® b u ilt o f -so lid m a h o g a n y , ^reeded evidence of this was the large attendance at the funeral held fipm St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Monday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Beedham was the widow of the late Dr. Henry W. Beedham, a London physician. She came to West Vancouver five, years and in spite of limitations of health and age, at once devoted herself to a ministry for others, which in extent and accomplish- > - * THE W est F an News TVTf4i¥T*iPf' T fip A T ment eclipses the achievementsNOIHH SHOK^ of many a younger worker. Mrs. COUNCIL OF WOMEN Beedham was b e s t k n o w n ̂ through her\ Women's Bible The regular monthly meetmg hour held eveiy Thursday at of the above Council will be held 2:30 p.m. at her home 'Teace in St. Stephen's Church Hall on Haven," 2196 Argyle Ave Mrs. G' .Gray reported .on the motor mechanics classes. Mrs. Ley land reported that an. aver age attendance of 25 was pres ent at the Red Cross/TJiiit. Mrs. Forrester reported on the refu gee committee. Mrs. G. Gray's recreation committee sent maga- zines and,games to.-the6th'FieId «.L. Engineers, also the Sea men s Institute. Old leather will still be received by the I.O.D.E. tips,- -drawer; and ,double-hinge top. chair seats are covered in- silk and all are finished in the new xeddu • brown mahogany and can be used - in' ̂ any modern home. Out'price has not, . gone up.Priced at ....... ___ Liberal Trade-In -Allowance P H O N E 3 5 5 4 minn'E-'l fl|"Wi:ST A ag: j»E NPrER One Block Up -TRIn From Spencer's H arvey f. Riacli--' I • rtl » IM n I ̂ F ■̂ \ . rn IF I hnishin<; ■'Vancoa'ver's ' Friendly Furniture Store .Fnbllahed JS m y Tfauraday Monday afternoon, September Through her wise counsel and 23rd, at :2 p.m, -Mrs. P. J. Rols- - sj-mp^y ̂ hiTy"bbth ton, president of the Provincial young and old, found new peace 'lip: la lil; If' K' rrT"̂ 1 ' IIi- 'l'J i < ut J' f.. K it"i: At ]' ' i If Is ') ■ N, Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 368 _ SiiaiiKtas and EditoriaT Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 Gouncil of Women, will be' the guest speaker. A largei turnout of delegates is requested, - ' W VESPERGROUP and hope in Christ who was the secret of her own life. The Bible Hour will be car- ^ on by her sisters, the Misses Brook7= ne^" ^ursday, being a .memorial R E V O L U T IO N A R Y c e m e n t PAriMTS North Shore Agents TEARQE & S O N S Easy to apply Variety of Colors .this effectivftand'economical Interior -Wall Finish for---------- oldeoruiew -plaster. W EST 4 North Vancouver Office: 128..Lonsdale Ava. r.OO a year by carrier: ' l l , hy 'nSfi The regular monthly meeting meeting. of the /Vesper Group of the --̂i_____ _ United Church will be "held at Mr, and Mr«' xxr ; 8 p .n i. T u e s d a y S e p te m b e r 2 4 th w h o ^ a t th e - h o m e o f M iss A n n e D e - E a s t e r n ' ^ S ^ e n t e f f i d S - MOTOR TRAWmiRT -CO- OPENS NEW OFFICE ' ( at North. Vancouver ' ' ' ' Also Agents for CP.R. JS ^ess Ca 1528M vS. ^ Vancouver North 1371 W20 B ro^Street, Victona Agents Garden 7023 COVER THE NORTH îSHORE ■Vv-