'E s ttb lish e a '* Circulating in the District of West Vancouver^Ambleside, Hollybum, Weston,. Dundarave ,11.00 per ywr.; , j , , . CyprCss Park, Caulfetld, Whytecliff, Etc, ' 7 ' * bc per copy. H O L L Y B U R N . P .O ., W E ST V A N C O U V E R , B.C., T H U R S D A Y , SE P T E M B E R 19th. 1940 N o . 23 OVER-COMPETITION TALENTED STUDENTS The old sttw "competition is the. life of trade'* is, like so many others, only a half truth, and half truths are * more dangerous than lies. To express the f̂ ull truth it should have read "competition is the life of trade, as over-competition is * ̂ Old Mother Nature has one supreme rule, the jungfle law, which governs both the animate and inanimate on this earth. It was and is her safety valve a ĵainst too much ease of living and therefore, a general decadence; which would in time nroduoe the extinction of all. For the same reason, if not interfered with by man, she only breeds from the fittest. But-- and here she differs from the rule of civilized man--She ha's made death the penalty of inability to facb up to the struggle for existence, thus doing away with'over-competition.- To-day in our modern civilization the penalty for failure , is ruin and a living death eked out by the charity of the stronger. And of the two, sudden death or a living death stretched out over the years, the former would seem to be the kirider fate; - The age of chivalry has been succeeded by an age of chis- elry, the latter one of the inevitable, as it is the worst feature of over-competition. We know all about it in Greater .Van couver where it flourish^ in a more virulent form than in any other part of Canada. ̂ ̂ . . . . . . . . There would appear to be two main reasons forHhis unhealthy fungus on our business life, namely, the mildness of the climate of the Pacific coast and the massing together of half the population of the proyinoe in a few square miles surrounding Burrard.Inlet. However, business!conditions could be vastly improved in Greater Vancouver, if greater care was only used in granting credits, and the municipalities had the power or used the power, should it be already theirs by laW, to restrict business licenses, as is done, we understand, in Alberta. The unduly large number of bankruptcies testifiesfto the facirthat many businesses are given credit to which they are not entitled and far too large a number are started on a shoe string in spite of the'fact, which every business man knows, that the most fruitful cause of failures is insufficient capital. A business license - should be not merely a source of revenue to a municipalityTbut also a guarantee up to a certain point that those obtaining it have sufficient capital and a rea sonable market'in'̂ SightrToir'thet^rBroodsr ""As it-'̂ is,- in.-overy. - part of Gfeater Vancouver every'line of 'business endeavour is overdone to that point, where fdw, if any, can make a rea sonable profit by'reason of that' over-competition and the universal cutting, o f prices:which Inevitably results therefrom. _ We. cannot change our mild winters, nor would we wish ^or-aa-we-GannotjpEe^^ others from coming here to enjoy its benefits. But we can and snould take such^eps a» "wiH-- imiTISH-ISEABL Mrs. W. T. 'Hamilton, Prov incial Seoi*etary of the Fedora-, tion Prayer Groups, will be speaker at the next meeting of the Dundarave Branchvon Mon day September 28rd at Marino Drive and 25th. You are very cordiallly, invlited. Other meet ings of the week include prayer meeting on Thursday "evening, and Wednesday afternoon Bible study group led by Mrs. Corn ish."'** " ASCOT RIDING ACADEMY This interesting group of stu dents, all of whom commenced their musical, education with Miss Marjorie R. McG l̂livray, associate teabher of the'J."D." A; Tripp piano School, were hi The Ascot Riding Academy, situated one mile east of Lions' Gate Bridge , on Marine Drive, ly successful in IKe recent To- announce in this issue that they ronto Conservatory examina- have well trained horses and ex- tion. Of the twelve pupils enters cellent equipment for hire. Rid- ed ^1 obtained a diploma ̂ one ing lessons arq also given, at rea- r SIX mo; LIGHTING AS AN AID TO - , BUSINESS' ...of them gaining this award after sonable rates. This is an opport- tuition. uiiity to ride â good horse on ......................the, safe autumn^ North Shore. The the Academy is I^<^^ira|fplket lighting 'defin|te- ' In an address to the West Vancouver. Chamber of Com merce on Wednesday evening, September 11th, on "Lighting ; As An Aid To Business," E. E. Walker, Light and. Power Sales Manager, B.C. Electric Railway . Company, Limited,, compliment ed the Chamber upon its pr^- tical interest in a progressive municipality and outlined' kea- .-sons-'Why"4he ,̂ns|aachants along -Marine Drive, between 12th Street and 20th Street should install a better street lighting system. He stated that an example of good lighting had been placed at door in the form of the ly establishes • a. comm^ial a , Phillips ak'Sanait*..,? advertising value __________ ■ 4 .... f-centre. Also its . and bearing on, safety,, cpnveh ience and comfort of the entire HOLLYBURN HALt^ly Bcho population is gaining recogni tion. Cities are now spending vast sums each year enhahcu^g the appearance of their prop erty. :. I Reference was made to im- There will be' Sunday School and Young. People's BiMj^Class at 10 a.m. next'Sunday;:4dptem*- ber 22nd în Hollybiirn Hall, and at 7:30 p.m. the same day a Gospel Service, when the speak er will be John Wallace. Tues- ' proved street lighting installa- day, the 24th inst., at 8 p.m. tions of local interest, viz,, the ministry of the Scriptures, John village of Mission-and rĵ iĵ nt. Reid being the speaker. ' Improvements., -om -lO ■Street between' Georgia' 'knd Hastings Streets in the City of Vancouver. The approximate cost of an ST. PATRICIA- SCHOOL DANCE CLASSES ensure reasonable protection for those engaged in. business. BOB TIMBRELL TO SPEND LEAVE HERE MRS. MACLEAN TO RESUME TEACHING Parkway approach to and across the First Narrows Bridge and that an ideal street lighting sys- tem may be defined as a system which provides sufficient illum- ________________ - - St. Patricia School and Kin- installation of twenty-six mer- dergarten, 2667 Haywood Ave., cury^ncandescent lighting fix- announce in this issue the open- tures, attached to steel poles, to Jng of dancing classes by - June W e r e e t e d - T i r i j l ^ ^ -- R -o p er^ -B v O -S ch o o L o f-D a iid n g ,- isting wooden ones removing al- also kindergarten classes and most all the wires from Marine after-school classes for all ages. Drive was furnished. Worked out Parents interested are asked to Sub:Lieutenant--R.^W.. Timb- rell, D.S.C., R.C.N., recently dec orated by the King is on his way home to spend his leave with his mother, Mrs.- ■ E. H. Jupp, 2015 Inglewood Aye. A niovement Js_on foot V to*" give fuin a civic reception'in Vancou ver, but Reeve Leyland, who hag only come back this morning from the U.B.C.M. Convention |n the Interior informed us, that ne could not say just what would M done here until he had con- :F^^"with other members of the Council. --Mrs. Colin MacLean is opening her studio on October 1st. Any desirous of private study are ask ed. to phone the studio before that date to make arrangements. Mrs. MacLean, founder, ^ d director of the children's choir, starts- her twelfth - season ^on Saturday, September 28tb. iThe Glee Club for' 'teen-age girls starts at IQ o'clock and the Jun ior Choir for girls from 8 years at̂ 10:30 o'clock in the United Church Hall. Any girl who likes tossing will be welcome in these groups. Terms on request. Pupils prepared for festivals. The WhytecHfif Red Cross M • residence of #rs. -^istram at "fThe Rock," morning at 9:30. w members will be welcome. , Mrs. A. .Martin of Edmonton left on Sunday after spending a month with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and MrA Colin MacLean of 889 20th Street. ination to enable pedestrians or -drivers to see objects - in the , street as readily by night as by day and one in which the light ing equipment is. unobstrusive. The Bridge had increased their competition ' by placing West Vancouver within fifteen min- " utes™ of-the- City of-Vancouver- store centre, but they could com pete and benefit if they made their commercial centre attrac tive with better store and street lighting. A AvelWighted business artery would provide a "White Way" at night which would stimulate sales, as everyone likes to travel the bright streets and business follows, the crowd. on fh ^ asis of 6;240"ftrof front age, it came to approximately $14.25 per annum for a-twenty- five foot store, the capital cost deferred' over a period of ten years amounting to. $7.50 per annum and the operating cost to $6.75. per annum, making a low average cost of only ap proximately $1.20 per monthper twenty-five foot store. kindly call or phone Miss Mc- Gillivray at West 516. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE At, a meeting of the West Vancouver Table Tennis,League held last Monday, the following pffleers were elected for the 'coming"Teasoh;~ PfesidentT H.' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF ' WEST VANCOUVER The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver offers or sale at par the following .'Bus Purchase Debentures $ 5,000.00 due Sept. 1st 1941 5,200.00 , t i 1942 5,400.00 f ti.,':; 1943 5,700.00 i£ 44 1944 6,000.00 4i 1945 6,200.00 < ■ . ' £4 1946 - 6,500.00 €4 1947 $40,000.00 $100^0 |̂|ch ̂ issued iii denominations of not less than A. HARRISON, ̂ ̂ , Acting Municipal Clerk. follows the When the shopping public is at tracted with better street light ing it noticeably improves the sales and profits of stores, thea tres and restaurants. Enhanced property and real estajte values result through better street lighting. It brings buyers not only fronj the immediate vicinity but from- miles away. Tourists âre more tempted to stop in a business section -with well-light-' ed streets than in one with poorly lighted streets. - ' Better street lighting makes it safer foî lives ,and property. It pays in the redjiction in acci dents, reduction in crime and. it is a protection for property, for Police and Fire Departments are aided by street lighting. Every strqet light is an added police-' man. Also night, traffic hazards are from six to ten- times those of fhe daytime. Pride in a .community is sus tained with up-to-daterimprove- ments and there is pleasure in accomplishment. It is their home and anything that is worth do ing is worth doing well, especial ly when the individual cost is so low. * LEGION JNOTES_ Wells; Vice-President, J. Con- doii; Secretary, J. Baxter; Treasurer, L. Lefeaux ̂A tourna ment committee was also or ganized comprising J. Lidster, E. Fulqher and B. 'toffqrd^ A general meeting will be _ held !on Friday, 20t_h inst., at 8 p.m. All ex-service men are cordially invited to come along and join the ever increasing membership. ; The members of the West Vancouver .Company of the "Flying Column", how the'West Vancouver Defence Company af filiated w ith the Canadian Lqgion Civilian Defence Corps, are hereby advised that drills., will be held ealph Thursday even ing at 7:30 o'clock, commencing the 19th inst. rubber soled, shoes to be worn during drills. Any civilian ineligSble to join any other military unit is in vited to join the above. It was decided to again have ̂two divisions in order to en courage hew players to break into the game. There .is still, room for a few more teams in the second division, and as the season commences October 8th, all entries for new teams should be phoned in to Harry Wells, W. 548-M, or Jimmy Baxter, W. 156-Y, before September 28th. Mr̂ . Lynian Jones, 22nd and Marine Drive is progressing fav orably following a successful operation on an ear at the North Vancouver General Hospital on Tuesday of last week. He is a , wise man who never argues with people of whom he is fond. One way help people is. ,tp re frain fronx giving them advice; WELFARE ASSOCIATION EMPLOYMENT DEPT. One of the many useful de partments ,qf services -to the public performed by the West Vancouver Welfare Association has been to find employment for persons and also to find suitable help for would be employers. It i» now felt that the time is ripe to set up a registration of those seeking work and also anyone wishing to employ persons. Any one wishing to take advantage of this registration service, for which there is no charge, can do so by telephonmg West 690. The registration, will include domestic help, ranging from mother's help to housekeepers, live in or put; women or girls to care for children evenings; practical nurses; men and boys for window cleaning ̂ gardening and-ether-chores.