t f'4:^ n 'I V it; I ' ? i ) ' ' i i : iRf*':!; 'A m b id gou make hag o f gour hair this sum m er 9 ■'■ '"■ Jftf i}"t 4i* ■» f>- -̂Ws-rfr --r<'Sr«'<yf !̂' ' •N 'f »<ŷ WMmt VAN, 0Nimt> €1101101 Cor. A Eî ttijaiUfe Aw, i REV. W. VANCJB; EJU Mlnlofor 1963 Fulton Avonoo , ^ .̂•j»,«,.JPJb|{?iî »,Wtft*^4fN «̂«»y,-iw Sundnjr S«rric«s: n«.m. A 7ti0p4n, Strangeri and Viiltora ara weleowo BAFTI8T CH0KCH ̂ -jw.-iMlttSstar-î 6'i»i'tsvk .. Ear* W, I* McKay, &»A,, BUD, »-*9- ■ 1 0 ;0 0 a.in."-Cburcb School In Sunday ScMcaa 11 a.m. A 7:80 pm,--PfoaeWnir Sorvlcea. A hearty welcome to all When your hair ia dry and poroue ~»-<lon't burifuin with it; ae special care i« novdud in preparing it for a ponhanent wave, as woli as high grudu Hoiutiuna.and export workman* Hhlp. ThoMo ultructlonH arc gruarAnteod at tho ', , Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Exclusive Permanenta, 1646 ^Marino Drive Woat 117 HOLLYBURN HAlX 14tb and Duchess Sunday, Sept. 15lh, a t 10 u.m. Sunday School and Young I'eople'H Diblf ClaBU, Sunday Evening a t 7;30 Mr. Melville of Tiangai, China, will preach tho Goapel. Tuenday. Sept. T7th, a t 8 p.m.^ Mr. John Reid"will alieak on- '*A Model Church." WEST VANCOWEB " Chriitian Science Siwiety . jgolPlCB •' 20tb' and Esiiulnialt, HoUybum ' This Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, StOantiat, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. S u n d ay , Septem ber 15(h SUBJECT: , *'S U B S T A N C K ^ Sunday School at 10:00 a.ni. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in- vited t6 attend our services and meetings. S0ZANNE BlJbCR W 0O ll SWUU..-.H > t̂eacĥ &i* fit ' PIANO and 'raE O R V A liJ' Studios E o * o ^ Studios: 1691 Haywood Ave., and University Hill * »* . Fhon© West n u ,-- ............ .... ...... ." ' ""i-rniir-iiT I ii r' :i..riii ir-in... ...;i1.....:. -.. ...... ......... ....... . Mrs. Charles B urbridge Teacher o f P ian o a n il Theory Students prepared for Exam inations and the B. C. Musical Festival, if desired. Complete sticcesscs in Toronto Conservatory .exaiiiinations for the last ten years, 90% of them being first class honors or honors. Ho*opetied Tuesday, September 3rd Studio;--2309 Marine Drive Phone West 88-M DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S,, L.D.S. D E N T I S T X-Ilay Hay Block, I4th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 0 to ,0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono W est 72 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental . Building Hours: 0 to 6«.-- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marino Drive West 482 Sunday, September; 15th 10 a .m .-- The Sunday School, n a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject, "Is Theye Any Sense , to Suffering?" '?:;U).p.m.--Evening Seryice, Subject, "Is There Any Sense 'but let UB* make every Sunday a Rally for the worship of Al mighty God. Surely our times would urge.it. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon, Ave. Sunday, Sepleinbi^ 15th , 10 a.m.-^Rally Day in Church School. W. G. Draiier will ad dress an open session. Nevy scholar.s will receive a cordial invitation. 1 1a.m.--Subject, "The Romance of the Modern S u n d a y School." ■ Story and hymn for the boys and girls. 7.30 p.m.--Subject, "A Winsome. Invitation." ,, Monday, 8 p.m, :-- Young Peo ple's Society. It will be new meniber's night and a social hour will be held. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.-- Prayer meeting. N E L L IE H A R R I S O N Spwlal Diploma PIANO AND THEORY 1919 Succeas&s--B.C. Muiscal; 1 FiMt. 2 Seconda, 1 Third Toronto Conservatory-First in B .a Silver Medal, Grade B; Vancouver First in Grade 8, Second Grade 1, Third in Grade 7. ' Studio: 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L MARGUERITE van VOOGHT HUMPHRIES L, T, C, Ml, ' "i ■ Teacher of Pianoforte and Theory , Pupils prepared for all exams and Festival. Kindergarten. Studio: 2271 iSawson Ave. ' West l)50-Y M IS S H E L E N S T A N C E , A x c .k TEACHER OP PIANO AND THEORY JAPAN RESCUE MISSION ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ] 1 i '/ ' '■ i \ -■ ■ 1 I',;! . ' • ' ̂ 1 'l ' » ' "iT, y ; - ' 'r'"' s '4 % .y : ■: ; ; i T: - •Batabliabed on North Shore 26 Yearn;, (Lady Assiatant) ^ HARRON BROS. LTD. funical BiertforB HoUybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 Woat Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver - Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Pair, 184 Sunday, September J5 th , 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a-.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7.80 p.m.--^̂ Evenstong and Ser-' mon. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.--single- wood W,A. . , St. Francis-in-the-Wood "" Caulfeild 3 p.m.--^EvOhsohg and Sermon. The regular monthly prayer meeting of the Japan Rescue Mission will be held D.V. Thurs- liayrSeptem bei^O flvat^^ p.mr Pupils prepared for high schools c r ^ i ts , other exams, jMidv festiyals£^ 1953 Fulton Avenue ' Phone West 244-R in the home of L. Hibberd, 1136 Jeffers^on, Ave. All friends who are interested are cordially in vited to attend. ,Mp. Carter of Wings Point is making satisiactory p ro cess towards recovery from a very serious illness. - "You Can See The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDEREBS - DRY CLEANERS® DYERS C . C . F IN N E Y . L O C A L R E P R E S E N T A T IV E Phone WEST 782 i . .1 t . ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 131Q or West 691L 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van -Castor- • BOYS AND GIRLS BRING YOUR BOG TO « Sunday Services Low Maas -- 8 :16 a.m. . High Mass and Sermoii - 10:15 -a.m.- , E xtra Special Fir Slabs'and Inside Fir, miied (Q 0(1 cord, C .O .D .^J*^ Phone north 8 6 Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 . p.m. " Catechism and Bible Class--^2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. ; Fridays-rRosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays --^GOitfessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. ^ WjfesT VANCbUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P asto r: Robert H. Birch At AMBLESIDE PARK, W est V ancouver Services; Sunday School, 9:45, Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and , 7:80 p.m. Wednesday--^Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. Evangelical; Independent. SPECIAL Sawdust ........ ;-- $8.60 por unit Dry S la b s----- ....$6,00 per cord Inoido F ir:-- from shed 00 per cord from miU ------$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark .^ .00 per coid Slabs & Edgings $8.75 per cord TW TAM 'S f u e l Phone North 620 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE VALUABLE PRIZES-- ^ FLASHLIGHTS, BASEBALL BATS, CAMERAS, THEATRE PASS, CHOCOLATiS, DOL LACROSSE STICBS, ETC„ ETC., ETC. 1Trk«« P in A r 5 ®̂ longest ta il \ 2. Dog with shortest ta il 3. Largest dog; Dr. A, C. Nash will s ta rt h is ' classes a t 7:30 p.m. next Wed nesday. Septembei- 18th, in the library of Inglewood High School I t -" C lass^ i; TUB ARTHUR NteVILLE SMITH PASSES ; A rth u r 'Neville Smith of West i l ^ passed away on Wednes day o f last week in the Van couver General Hospital. ' The1X7' 1 / TO. T wuvtsA xAvapiviu, au tj ww Q S t V a n J S B 2 V S deceased was m Ws ssth year, and is su r^ved by his wife, two 8. Dog with youngest owi 9. Dog th a t eat V2 car 1 .. Dr;'Ballard's fastest, o] ̂ . VuU grown). to ten l ^ e s t dogs. . 10. Most popular .dog i 0. Best singing dog. owner. - 7. Dog doing best tricks. 11. Dog ^ t h curliest tail. SPECMl A m ,C n O N -M « , J | . e n t r y F E E The name - DR. BALLArIyS" ofl-Biny Dr. BfUlktA roduct,;to show your loyalty to Dr. Ballard. * Here is no other fee. > b I. . ' ' Publiohed Every Thursday -14 Publisher Fa F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 65 sons, Ronald of Lafayette, Ind .; Bruce, a t home; ttvo daughters, H Dorothy; and Margaret a t home: jFuneral services were held last F riday afternoon in the city, the Rev, C. C. Owen officiating, with committal in Mountain View"" FREE ICECREAM to a ll e n t e iS j ENTBR ONE CLASS ONLY.. MUTT RACP OPEN .4% V.."'-" North Vancouver Office: '128 Lonsdale Ave. Mrs. McLeod and family of Vanbduver have taken the Cush- $1 ,0 0 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by moll „ ̂ utiawa, . '........... ;■......' ,j ' 'i ing house. Her husband is in ^ d»huuunj 44 7 EN tR Y FORM IN DR. BALLARD;S DOG S H o W , Mail to Pr. B^lard's Animal Food Product Ltd.. . r' Victoria Rd„ Vancouver, or leavi at W est Vafi NevvsJkf - ̂ . Y oil .iNCVVSAT!Name of Entrant - ............................................................... A d d r e s s , , . . . . r . - ' • a . ' ; .............................. .............................. ....................Glass No,-- ____ ............................. .i.; rfl.