EBt»l(H#l>?^™®X«JI Established over 16 years. Circulating in the District of West Vanccuver̂ Ambleside, HollyburnsWeston, }i.oo per year. , Cypress Park, Caulfeild,Whytecliff, Etc. ** Dundarave5c per copy. Vol. XY HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER lith . 1940 N o . 22 BUS BONDS CORRECTION The Council is now offering for sale to the residents of West Vancouver $40,000 worth of the municipality's bonds, the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the new buses authorized recently by the ratepayers fo r the increased city service. .They are cent, serial bonds in denominations of not less than $ 'W each, due over a pecriod of from one seven years, and will be purchasable a t par. Applications therefor will be received a t the Municipal Hall. These bonds offer to the purchaser tho two premier re- Quirements looked fo r by the investing public, namely, security 'and an attractive ra te of interest. The municipality's bonds have always been- regarded as one of the soundest and most desirable of any in the province,' because the sinking fund, on which their prompt paym ent a t m aturity depends, has always been up to or above requirem ents and the inunicipality's fin ances have always been maintained in good shape. There were prophets of evil during the depression who stated that* but for the annual paym ents from the B ritish Pacific Properties' deal "VV̂est Vancouver.^would have been, bankrupt like so m any other ..municipalities in British Col umbia. These paym ents beased years ago while the depres sion still continued, yet there was no bankruptcy. W est Van couver was and, is today out of .the red and its bonds are be ing met as before a t m aturity . Again, many said, as they are saying today,' th a t the reason for this desirable financial condition was th a t no money was being spent, such as. should have been expended on neces sary improvements. . , As a m atter of fact the real reason .why West Vancou ver is still solvent, when other municipalities have fallen by the way is tha t th is . Council and its predecessors " in office have always pursued the wise business policy of keeping their expenditures within the bounds of their purse strings. We, ~Whcrhave~in" the~past" had~much~experience~in~Tnunicipal7 fin- In the article In our last issue regarding Mifs. Bur^iridge resum ing her teaching we stated that 'H e r pupils have won complete successes in the Toronto Con servatory exams for the last two years, 90% being first plass hon oris or honors."'.This should have read "ten years" instead of "two years" the same i applying to her advertisement in anotheil. part of the issue. We regret the errors in question. SCHOOL OP SPEECH ARTS DOG SHOW AT AMBLESIDE PARK Mrs. Margery R. Clark, P?lllr ■ cipal of the School of Speech „ Vancouver boys and A rts announces th a t she is girld aie asked to bring their opening the School for the fall dogs to Dr. Ballard's Amateur f CORRESPONDENCE anoe in Eastern Canada, have, seen so many councils proceed on the theory tha t municipal funds were inexhaustible w ith the result that by October they had reached the limit of the ir borrowing powers, coming out a t the end of the year w ith a deficit which took years of economy to make up. If, on the -other-hand--West Vancouv^M ias-not all-the-improvements i t- should have, the onus, is on the ta ^ a y e rs , .who. ref Use to have their taxes raised. _ So long as 'th i^ cpndition exists, no coun-, cil can do anything^ T hat th e tUxes* bf the municipality will go up is certain, as th<^hW e~been g6ing""up~for~years" in'~ other municipalities, bu t th a t is not so much the fault of their councils as the rooted objection of the West generally to all improvements being placed on 'a frontage basis, such-as is in force, for instance, in O ntario .; Under this la tter system the taxpayer only pays for those im provements he asks f o r , ; 4he-general-t3x > rat^is~for all practical purposes not affect- ed, and municipalities and towns grow from the inside out in stead of being scattered all over the countryside with_a con- Trenton Ont., Sept. 4th, 1940. The Editor, W est Van. News. . t)ear S ir : Please accept my most sincere thanks, for, the assistance so gladly given by your paper in connection with National Regis- . tration. The forceful manner in which you stressed the national importance of this-measure was a major'^contribution to the suc cess of the registration.,;,. May I a t th e same time be perm itted, through "your^ Qol- ■ umns, to thank all the voluntary workers in the, West Vancouver "areaT'who-so'generbusljrgave^so and winter session a t the studio. Dog Show to bo held a t 2 p.m. ^2365 Bellevue Ave. Mrs. Clark on Saturday of this week, the is a gold medallist and M istress 14th instant at Ambleside Park, of Elocution a t the Theological Eleven classes with valuable College, U.B.C. The courses of prizes consisting of flashlights, study include correct speaking, baseball bats, lacrosse sticks, which includes breathing, dO- cameras, dolls, theatre passes, portment, enunciation, pronunci- etc. The si)ecial attraction will ation, and corrective speech for be a mutt race for all contest- those suffering from Impedi- ants. For full particulars of ments in their speech. Children entries and classes, etc., kindly are prepared-for the exams of refer to the advertisement in Trinity College,^ London, Eng land. In the beginners' classes in dramatics Miss Merrily W ebster will assist. Any desiring fu rther this issue. HOLLYBURN HALL information are asked to kindly < Sunday i School and Young phone W est 468-R, People's Bible Class will be held ------------------:------ at 10 a.m. next Sunday, Septem- CAN. LEGION W.A. ber 15th, in Hollyburn Hall, and a t the 7:80 p.m. service on,that day Mr. Melville of 'I'langsfci)-Don't forget t h e m ilitary ««.r whist drive to be held a t thO China will preach the GpsUelf.l, home of Mrs. Rippon, 23rd and On Tuesday, the 17th in s t ? J ^ ^ Inglewood Ave., on Saturday 8 p.m., John Reid will speak on evening, September 14th. ^Pro- " A Model Church." ceeds will be used for •soldiers ------------------ ---------- ^ comforts. RED CROSS UNIT PRESENTATION--TO TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD much of their time to this task. I have heard nothing but ̂ praise fo r the speed and ef ficiency with which registration was conducted, and have receiv- ed -a- letter--from--the-M inister- congratu lating . ine bn the ef- N. NEWMAN' Mrs. Nightingale,. President of the Unit, entertained the fectiyeness pf th^^j organi;pa^^ ̂ in Vancouver North.' -- I ~am " especialIy"T)leased . by this, since I was unavoidably ab sent from the riding during the_ time of' registration. ' I therefore wish to convey .my personal appreciation to everyone who helped make the St. Stephen's Church choir members last Friday a t a social after the practice on Wednsday after the regular meeting a t the evening, the 4th instant, held a home'of Mrs. H. Ostrom, 17th -rsocial -in-the-parish-halLto-w eL- and - -Esquimalt - Ave., during come their new conductor, Mr., which she read a very interest- Keefer . of Vancouver. Mr. New-i . W papor on the activities of man; the re tiring conductoiv whlb ' th e "Red Cross throughout the has left to take charge of St. Empire during the last three Helen's Church choir in the city, months as contained in a radio was presented by the choir with broadcast. At the social contests a desk lamp and a morocco and music were eh joy edj each leather tobacco pouch and pipe, member making her contribution after which refreshm ents were to the entertainment, after •which dainty-'i'efreshments -wereserved. / sequent undue expenditure for services. The Council whoyhave Issued these bonds a t th e -ra te - registration so successful _in W est Vancouver. -^-Ypurs sincerely. TABLE TENNIS served. Mrs. Nightingale on be half of the Unit presented Mrs. Ostrom with a lovely g ift in ap- JAMES'-SINCLATRt-- ---- A meeting-of--the^Wesf-Van---preciation-of--her--kindness^in payers' solidly expressed m andate are now giving them an op portunity to become directly interested, as they are already indirectly , concerned by virtue, of being ratepayers, in th e ir own bus system. Such an investm ent should make them the more anxious to give th e ir whole-hearted support tojtheir^pym, buses .' We say "wholerhearted support" advisedly becauserif that mandate is not to implemented, the sooner it is known the better. '̂ FOr the $40,000 is only the beg inn ing-o t. exr penditures which will be; necessary to making the bus service across the bridge a success. As we stated in a previous edit- onal, the whole success of the extended service depends on its rweiving the full support of the travelling public. And our citizens could not give a better earnest th a t they intend to implement their own m andate than by investing any spare tunds they may have in the bonds which are now being offered ;them-by-thelCouhdil: MISS D. COWLEY TO TEACH SINGING Mfss D ̂ Cowley, teacher of singing, announces in th is issue th a t she has vacancies for a few pupils. _ Her studm is, a t 2312 "Marine Drive, where anv in ter ested' are asked to kindly cal]. couver ^able^Tennis Associa- loaning her home for their i:ioh""to~arrange--for the forth- meetings, while the la tter also coming season will be hefd at 8 presented Mrs. Nightingale and p.m. next Monday, September Mrs. Brooks the sewing con- 16th. All th o ^ ' interested are vener, with g ifts in appreciation asked to please communicate. of their efforts. A pleasing gest- with Jimmy Baxter a t West ure was the presentation to each 156-Y- or H arry Wells at West member present of a sachet of "548-M. --------------------------------^ lavender and a boutonniere made --------------I;-------- by Mrs. Nightingale and Mrs. TELEPHONE^ PARTY - . A. E. Young. Anyone, whether _ MISS NASH TO TEACH PIANO ANlil THEORY Miss Gertrude Nash, associate Mrs. George Bennett has re- home in Moose pw, Saskatchewan, after spend- as the guest of her Latham, of 25th and Marine Drive. H'. Richmond, Standard Bank Building, who resides a t 6th and Duchess Ave., was appointed Cro;wn Prosecutor a t the meet ing of the West Vancouver Polifee Commission on Monday. of the KenhSK Ross Pianoforte School of Music, has opened her studio a t 1891 Marine Drive for the teaching of piano and theory. Any desiring fu rth e r In formation are asked to kindly phone her at West 300 o r call a t the studio. . The West Vancouver Tele phone operators are giving a "Friday 13th" Party tomorrow atiGliff-Hous€,-Why-tecliff-Park,__Ostrom a member of the Guild d r not, will be welcomed to the Unit, which meets every Friday a t 2 p.m. a t the home of Jk^s. the proceeds "of ̂ h ic h will go to the W est Vancouver Red Cross. Supper a t -7 :30 p.m., followed by dancing and games. Tickets $1.00 each. , . UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. Ths August meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church . was held on Tuesday, 20th ult., a t the home of Mrs. Hadwin. Ex trac ts from the Missionary CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER BRITISH-ISRAEL FREE DEMONS'TRATION DANCE LESSON Monthly July number, reporting work- in Africa, Japan and Can- The Corporation of the District; of West Vancouver offers lor sale a t p a r the. .following Bus Purchase Debentures guaranteed by the Municinalitv and bearing interest a t 5% : $ 5,000.00 5.200.00 5.400.00 5.700.00 6,000.00. 6.200.00 6,500.00 due.u Sept. 1st U it it 44 it' it it ti Hi 1941 1942 1943 1944- 1945 1946 1947 $40,000.00 . Sinn AA®®® issued$100.00 each. . . ^ in denominations of not less than^ R..A; HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. Regular Monday e v e n i n g meetings will be resumed a t 25th and Marine Drive. Mr. Ba*ereton of N orth Vancouver will be the speaker oh Sept, 16th. We would like to see all old friends. Everyone is very cordi ally invited. , - BUILDING PERMI'ra, $10L610 The Municipal Hall last month issued i 36-buildmg iierm its for a total of $101,610, .m ade up as follows: 27 dwellings, $99,175; 4 garages, $460; additions, $775; 2 alterations, $1,200. This com pares favorably with A ugust of lasVyear, when $79,950 worth of permits were taken out. 'The value of the perm its fo r th is year up to 31st A ugust was $570,709, which wps $55,769 liigher than the figures fo r the same period in 1989, Betty Cavendish, well known ada, provided an interesting dis-' , dance teacher, is opening the course, and Mrs. J; Hobden was fifth season of the West Van- in charge of the Christian Stew- couver branch of her school with ardship programme, a free demonstration lesson a f The September meeting w ill ' 4 . p.m. next Wednesday in be .held on Tuesday 17th inst. the Legion Hall. Prospective when the regular meetings will pupils and parents, especial- be resumed, and it is hoped that ly are invited as well as all there will be a good attendance form er students, .all types of of:m em bers and friends in the dancing being included . in the congregation. courses offered. A specia] . in- --------------- -------- ducement for early registi;ation R. Dawson, 2408 Bellevue is the 10% discount on fall term Ave., has returned from the fees if paid on or before Oct. 1st. Vancouver General Hospital and For information .phone West is showing marked improvement 308-R2. - • a f te r his recent illness. > j'-- ' ♦ V- / Of in terest to many in . West Mrs, R. Dawson, 2408 'Belle-- Vancouver, is the announcement vue Ave', has returned home of the birth of a son on Septem- a fte r visiting with M r^^Patter- ber 9th to Mr..-and Mrs. A. J, son Pout of Vancouver for the Barker (nee Eleanor Barclay); past week. Mr. and Mrs. Barker, though , , . * ♦ * ^ now living in the city were ' T. A. Brazil of the West Bay residents fo r many , years of Store ig confined to his home West Vancouver, ^ through sickness.