V ,• I'û ..: .1. . ; > f * ' v r " t ; v * . . -VJ?" ■ '. t : 1 --»•-<■» •■ - *<• Ji*-"' .f, l* \ '• w - * j ' •«• ^*iS *.^^y«4..f*h 4,-j .»o , . ' „ . :i""f y rr^ ^n- - - A . i f a r r c y - . S m i t h - . . . i iM « .-w « tw » f r i t |QM»Uf«rŷ 8«n4iw Maatlily Accauat PltlCEB GOOD FOR FI(I. anil SAT., SEPT, 0th and 7th M EATS W0»t wo ■' Frw ^D eU fw y' V/iV " f i Kt><t & WhiU* POHK & BEANS-- ' Ni>. 2|Ki Lurge tin Me 2 J8-»». linn ............................}....l,7c U«d & whit« BUBE PLUM JAM-- l.ib. till ....................................-- 37e lUd & WliH« Brand TENOEK PEAS --Sieve 4, tall tin ........... - ...lie Bed & WIilU* (JBKBN CUT BEANS-- tail tin ....................... .................. Beady Cut MACABONl--2 lb», ....lie K.l). Brand SWEET PRUNES-- 2*lb. carftni ............ '....... .......~...l7c ■ A uN1 ruliiiit B AI SI N S--Seedlewi/ 2 Iba........ ,......... .................... ......... *3c AI.U BItAN--KcIIoickX life. pkt. 20c (.'BEAM O' WIlBA'r--Life. pkt. 22e C O F F E I^A uiit Mary'a. Lb. ......37c B»*d & W hite'Brand SOUP--Tomato ' or Vegetable, 3 tln» .................... 25c BEEF PORK LAMB yBAL iUl Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily LIFEHUOV'SOAP--Cake .............;7c Bed & White Brand 'fOILET TISSUE -- I large rolla for ..................... 25c Suttkial OBANGES-- I.arge Hire, d i w s e i i , ...............35c Small hIzc, dozen ..........................25c California GBAi'EFBUIT--eatth ...5c Dear Sir* AH patriotism in at root l(>cal . sentiment of home which is not a small or feeble thing. \ J } ^ f been demonstrated by West Vancouver, We con justly f^ l, proud of our young men wno have joined the colors and also the local home iVent lions who are biiin' all the time,.̂ How about showing*' the same spirit in regard to oUr own l^al transportation system ? Mr. Dickinson said' at the Orange Hall meeting, that although he was opposed to the By-law, it it l>assed he would do his to make a succes-s of it. bo tne Counoil is now united. Let s give them our loyal support. We usect to have the cheapest service on the North American continent. ' If we want to get back to it we must be patriotic and support our own. -- S e rv ic e '"- PAINT N o W e s f i W E ^ ^ Q O T K ^ SASH A DOOBS "SHINGLES-'*-- ^ -- ' ^ Y W 0 9 »S . W qUAUTY ^ ^ ^ O A B B 'Ajisiitss ' ' ' . CANADA PA 0W COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 16lh Bladrthe Drivi ̂ ̂ / Fhi»i<i>_ W A-115 . C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for ClaBsificd. AdVWtisements i« 2 cents pe# word; minimum 9 ii ;n.n(^ Excent in thp case of those having regular accounts, all classi. o<uia np« navable strictly in advance. * B m e S r Classifieds in the West. Van. News g e t immediate results. GORDON BOBSON -- Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 ftt West Vancouver any timq by nnnointment. West 408. H. A; ROBERTS 1/TD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marino. Drive West 546 1UANSFORTATION I. 0. D. B. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Council on Tuoaday night , 1'he Duncan Lawson Chapter interviewed quitto h' number of 1,(J.D.E. will resume its months the representatives of b u s ly iheetings on Monday, Septem- building companies in connec- ber 9th, at 7:45 p.m., at the tion with the new buses to be home of the Regent, Mrs. W. B. purchased for the municiiial Small 2047 Fulton Avenue. All transportation system. All th e , members are requested to at- informatiort obtained has. been tend. ̂ ' tabulated and the Council. will --̂ ^ SCHOOL SUPPLIES - NoUons - Wool Knitting Needles - Writin^^ Pads. h a n d y ANN SHOP o 2442" Marine ______■ 1. EbW ARf) SEARS, Barrister. Sol- icltor,-. 14D6 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21. or W est 663-R-l. make a final decision tomorrow Olli B.C; SEA SCOUTO . night. ^ CUBS AUXIIJAKY CANADIAN LEGION W.A. The geperal meeting of the Auxiliary took place on Mon day afternoon preceded b j^ a very ^plelisant 'iuncheon. The lucky winner of the coffee par- colaler was 'Mrs. F. Rivers with ~ticket~No.~169._Ou_W-edne8day ■ y-M' t *1 . ' / • # W A 1 ... . ' A The regular monthly meet-' ijig of the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Sixth Wolf Cub Pack and Sea Scouts will be held at the* -^home-of_Mrs.-J-.J!J -̂Gillies,_1365_ Clyde . Ave.; at 2:30 p.m. on Tlmrsday, September 5th. i ••I r evening, September 11th, at 7:30 p.m. in the legion Hall there will be a social evening. , Military whist is being put on ^ a t the home of MrA, Rippon at 23rd and Inglewood on Septem- i r e rT .^ tR 7 a L -K li ;m .~ ir that the members will endeavor to take up tables to ensure a successful evening. WITH THE BAND CAMP , (Continued on page 1) cami) was the annual trek across •p tlio island to Pebble Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on the coast. Here everyone enjoyf ̂ e(r.fhe water. ' A "big Ore was The opening meeting for the Hbason of the West Vancouver Townswomen's Guild will be held at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), in the (jlachan, when the guest .speaker'will be Alice Hemming, recently frdm London and the author of a series of articles on "Wartime England," who has also been heard over CBR. An other speaker will be Miss Alice Weaver, who. will havd some thing to say , about Nazi Ger many, which she left just before war was declared. Wartime service reports for ~f K O ast^um w er will-be-recei V-- _̂ ed and new members ..will be welcomed., Names, however, of -those-wishing-tt)-join-should-first_ SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer GuMte. Transient and, Permanent. 8678 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners-installed; furnace repairs, . G. Meldrum, 1108 Ldnsdale. North . 822. PEMBBRTON REALTY CORP. LTD- (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, 1. v F Bayliss,(Notary Pubhc). 2436 Bellevue. West 622-R FLOOR SU B PA C IN G -J. SutKerland. W est 483 or N orth 678. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimatefi free. J.-.H. Wedley, West 1022-L. FOR REN'T--Suite semi-furnished or furnished. New hou»e. Good view. Central. W. 956-K________ . GORDON GRA Y ^ n su ra n ce , aU risks, ... one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991 or W est 92-R2. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam . Permanents; only best matermia used. Expert operators; Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 448-R. ________________________ CASH FOR JUNK - r Bottles, jrags, ixTv nrkVT o Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, -ANY-pOLL-8^expo^r^jD^^^^^ ------ TbolB," etc.; "nothing too" big-or too one 5 x 7 enlargement small. * B urrard .Tunic Co., West 91. 30c. Barclay's Photographers, 1518 , ■ Marine Drive,_____________; ■ *' CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Conn- MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING soon ablaze and pots and kettles miraculously appeared and were soon filled with hundreds of hot dogs. Oniohs were soon frying, mustard brought out, coffee boiled and then sacks of. dough-- nuts consumed. Even in the army I never saw a field kitch en run more efficiently than the way in which those 80 boys were be submitted by sponsors -to Mrs. G; F; Marsh, West 343, who is-the.iMembership Registrar. ■ The Book group will meet at 2:30 p.m.,. Monday, September 9th .at the home of Mrs. Bro derick, 1367" Haywood Avenue, when the programme for the y^ar will be discussed. . Refugee sewing group meets Wednesday evenings, at tli ̂ home of Mrs. E. Therrien; Sol diers'- Comforts--group, -Thurs day afternoons at the horiie of Mrs. W. Woodcock; and Red Cross Unit. Fiddavs at the, home. w o irH rc n T ^ T 'F o o T 'ro T .-T ia n r ty - 25th and Palmerston, $250. West 548-M. -■ ' & J^iy__way;,_.guaranteed;--brick--and- istone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-B-2. ROOM AND BOARd available near • bus and ferry. West 1075rL. WANTED--4 room house with base- -- ment," by O c tr ls t or' sooner,- $20.00r Close to ferry. Box 10, West Van. News. LAWN MOWERS S H A R P E N ^ - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 . Marine. WANTED OCT 1st--FurnisheA suit^ or 3 rooms; with private -hath; PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso. mining; first class work, a t reason- r able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-B. and entrance,. Close in, and garage, essential. Phone West 234-R. SMALL FURNISHED SUITE wanted middle o f September by lady. Rent ' 'reasonable. W. 857-L.» w a n t e d LISTINGS"of housesrWe: have several, clients we have, not - been able to su it .. -LAWSONv WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Mf^rine Drive West 55 ̂ lU* Proposed Amendment to the - ' --af̂ tming--By-1 aWr :-- ---------= Notice is hereby given that purau- fed in the open. - During, the -entire_eight- days I nevOr heard an ^argument of any kind and not an 'accident to mar the holiday, tiomehowi l , it. • y I t / ant to the provisions of the Town Planning Act a meeting of the Coun cil of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver will bo held in the (>)uncU Chamber a t the Municipal Hall, 17th Street and.Esquimalt Ave nue, on MpndayT September 9th, 1940, - commencing 'iit-T:00", p.m-. to-consider proposed amendments to Zoning By law No. 478, as set out in , the copy of the proposed Amendment By-law No. 877, quoted below.,. . West Vancouver "Zoning .Byrlaw No. 478, 1931.::. Amendment By-law No. 877, 1940. . WHEIU5AS . aftcFTconsidering the reeominOndatlohs of ThC' West Van couver Town Planning Commission it appears advisable -and expedient to. amend "Zoning By-law No.' 478,"1931," as follows; . - NOW;THEREB'ORE the Reo,vo and Council of the Corporation of the. District of W'est Vancouver in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS I"OL- LOWS; ,1. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "West" Vancouver 'Zon ing By-law No". 478, 1931' Amendment By-la\V No. 877, 1940." 2. The following lot to be rezoned permitting the erection of a tole^ phono E;ichance Building thereon: Lot 1. Block "B", D.L. 776 E p t PASSED by the Council on the 29th clay, of August, 1940. . RECONSIDERED and FINALLY ADOPTED by, tho CJouncil, SIGNED by the Reov^ and Clerk, and SEAlr- -ED with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation all on the ^day . of ' . 1940. ■suppose from long experience" in handling, boys, Mr. O>ndon seems to be always in the right pla(^ at the right time.< : Mr. Inkster of the High School staff proved a .ver̂ y able assist- anU this year' and" helped -in-or--- ganizihg games, keeping an eye on swimmers and in many other ways. -Mr. JJelamoiit-tookehai'ge Of the practices and organized sing songs at night. The rest of the time he could always be found on thfe tennis courts. As if the- bpys were, not enough to look after^ ( i^ n girls were, taken along this year and seemed to enjoy every minute of camp. ; Mrs. 'Delamont, Mrs.' Inkster, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Whiteside accompanied the boys .to camp and were always ready "to administer first aid̂ help at the meals and generally added a little home touch to the camp. --G. C. M. of'Mrs. H. Ostrom. Seven names- have already -been banded-Jin - for_the ,_next course in Red (IJross Home Nurs- jng.__pthers wishing to enroll should' notify Mrsr-dJFoxr-T FOUNl)--PfH ty yOuhg-CM, iblack and ® gray striped, part-Pprsiap. Owner or home.'W. 266-M. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, . attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti- mates. R. B. Khripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. W est 494-R. The Guild's. Unit of the Red Cross will resume weekly meet ings after the . summer holidays. A busines§-m^ting will be held Friday, September 6th, at 2 p.m. at the home;of Mrs. Ostrom, T707- Esquimalt-"A;veT-7Ail"ifiem ̂ bers of the unit are requested to be present. * ' HOLIDAYS OVEI^-Schools started. West Vancouyefr-NigKt"PatrbirTSf-1 ficient and' courteous: service; Thone ----- ^ " GOOD UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW LOT --Cleared lots in this district are held a t $700 up.. Owner says sell, $450. C. J. Archer^^td., .Phone West 225. -COMjPLETE-NpTARlAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. . Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals B ..P . BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Dr., W est Vancouver Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L FOR BENT--2 room suite in private home, fuunished jorJunfurnished, - WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER excellent view., W. 448-L.* SERVIC]E^Pai!cels, Baggage, light transfer worki prompt se^ce..West_ 700. P.S. We regret that owing to the copy being mislaid the above m'ticle did not.appear in our last issue.---Editor. .SITUATION WANTED -- Capable.' trustworthy geu«ral. care of invalid, or' undertake.1 full charge • if neces- sary7~BoxJL27-W^FVan; News. VACATION TIM E^M ake use of the W est Van. ̂ Night PatroL. Courieous and efficient "service. Phone West 726-B;^JJ; ' WANTED--Girl for housework for one week, September- 14th to 21st. West 890-R, . -WANTED----- ^Help' from^O 'to -1 ~ for" light housework. 6 days a week. $7.50. W. 448-R.' F IR E HAZARD Protects . your --honiie "ai^ contents. _ Rates^iess A h a n - o f -l_per_cent Percy TKM asterinan. Beal Estate,-- Notary, 2446 Marine, West 1077 FOR RENT -- Four room furnished house, large living room, fireplace, pianp, view, $27.50. W, 377rL. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor. 510 W /H astings, Sey. 4199 a t W estV ancouver; any time r by appointment;-W est 403. FOR RENT--Partly furnished ;-loveIy new 4 room bungalow, on Sentinel Hill, $40 month: SHARPE RjBALTY.CO. 1395 Marine Drive West FOR 'R E N T ;^ FVimjshed four - room ; , -house, lovely view, fireploce, sawdust :biumer,'$80. . West-311M3- 719 : 'Help to make West Vancouver 100% War Savings conscious. AUTOMATIC COAL3URNER FOR RENT--Cosy "3 room suite with . fireplace. W, 686-R.- rgc ' Reeve. i i S ti® Acting, Clerk. - 1 hereby certify the above to be a true copy of "Zoning By-law No. 478, 1981, Amendment By-law No. 877, 1940. ' ^ -- R, A.-HARRISON, , Acting Municipal Clerk. RENT--N'ew r4 room ^mOdem bungalow. Adults, References. 1181 Esplanade. ^ FOR SALEJ^Iô in. 4 room house at a very low price and easy terns. LAWSON, W A l ^ R & PRIDE 0pp., Hollybunr'P.O. West 66 WANTED TO RENT--3 to 4 room Mttage, Duhdarave. dr Ambleside. _ Box -14, West Van. News. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, stuc- ' cb spraying;-first class work, mat- e r i^ s guaranteed. Terms arranged. F . Gaines^ W. 97^-L. EXCHANGE LARGE HOUSE West " for smaller in W est Van or Marpole"-district7~West 769-Yl FURNISHED ROOM, hot and cold water, $15;Q0: Especially good radio for sale.i Weht-916. 1702 Marine jj£: ̂ " n tin r SAIT" : IC O IIO M T ^ 9 t« .. . . t i . BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. ; 1483 Marine West 41 SECOND-HAND BICYCLES--A large selection of reconditioned bicycles g>r cash o r-te rm s-a t-P rb d Jones .Bicycle Shop, 1439 M arine' Resi- dence nhone W. YIS -̂M. . , . RANTED --^l3apable housekeeper, ' family of 2 adults. W. 32-R. ' V J ̂ . l i t : ■1' 'I All persons who deem themselves afiected by the proposed amendments will be afforded an opportunity to be ' heard by the 0 ) u h ^ on any m atters relating .thereto,. „■ DatcA a t West Vancouver, B. C,, ' this 29th day of August, 1940. R, A. HARRISON, Acting Municipal Clerk. 2 9 * -M cC U E 14tli and -Bbrine < ^West yancouver' SKATING AT THE ROLLERpROAIE Week NigHb; 8 to 11 10c 9̂ r hour Saturday, 2 sessions- 25c p e r; session the King Mill, coal from Evans, (Coleman & ■Lvans. Steve Lowrie. West 256-Y. FOR SALE--Large, fire guard, carnet 6x9 rug. 1368 Marh^e Drive, West Vancouver. ® A' '■< -J*-. Amos Carson sez it pays to keep on rootin' even if your nose'does git dirty. He. learned thet from a hog " Men an(i boys"over school . agerfor.r^fiies at cW il a Ko 6 6 l f club IV an sp O E te tio ^ provided J ' . ^ 8 ' Msaafet', 1.,